A Framework for Building High Value Public Blockchains

Cosmos SDK


The Cosmos SDK is a framework for building blockchain applications. Tendermint Core (BFT Consensus) and the Cosmos SDK are written in the Golang programming language. Cosmos SDK is used to build Gaia, the first implementation of the Cosmos Hub.

WARNING: The Cosmos SDK has mostly stabilized, but we are still making some breaking changes.

Note: Requires Go 1.17+

Quick Start

To learn how the Cosmos SDK works from a high-level perspective, see the Cosmos SDK High-Level Intro.

If you want to get started quickly and learn how to build on top of Cosmos SDK, visit Cosmos SDK Tutorials. You can also fork the tutorial's repository to get started building your own Cosmos SDK application.

For more information, see the Cosmos SDK Documentation.


See CONTRIBUTING.md for details how to contribute and participate in our dev calls. If you want to follow the updates or learn more about the latest design then join our Discord.

Tools and Frameworks

The Cosmos ecosystem is vast. We will only make a few notable mentions here.

  • Tools: notable frameworks and modules.
  • CosmJS: the Swiss Army knife to power JavaScript based client solutions.

Cosmos Hub Mainnet

The Cosmos Hub application, gaia, has moved to its own cosmos/gaia repository. Go there to join the Cosmos Hub mainnet and more.

Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC)

The IBC module for the Cosmos SDK has moved to its own cosmos/ibc-go repository. Go there to build and integrate with the IBC module.


Starport is the all-in-one platform to build, launch, and maintain any crypto application on a sovereign and secured blockchain. If you are building a new app or a new module, use Starport to get started and speed up development.


This Cosmos SDK project is not related to the React-Cosmos project (yet). Many thanks to Evan Coury and Ovidiu (@skidding) for this Github organization name. As per our agreement, this disambiguation notice will stay here.

  • Add hooks to allow app modules to add things to state-sync

    Add hooks to allow app modules to add things to state-sync


    Please provide a way for app modules (like Agoric's x/swingset) to add additional state to the snapshots generated by the state-sync mechanism for the new clients to download.

    @erikgrinaker said on Discord:

    Currently the Cosmos SDK automatically dumps IAVL data from the rootmulti store, there aren't any hooks to extend this - but feel free to open a feature request for it, although it'll likely need some design work.

    Problem Definition

    For the https://agoric.com chain, we maintain some crucial (and large) state outside of the IAVL tree. We'd like our x/swingset module to be able to save external state to snapshots so that when the snapshot is downloaded by clients doing state-sync, they will be able to use our external state to catch up to the external state of the chain as well.

    We use the Cosmos SDK as I/O from our deterministic Javascript world. So, if a new validator is going to skip past (many) blocks while using state-sync, that validator also needs to download enough information to allow it to skip past evaluating all the blocks to update the JS heap.

    The feature will accommodate chains that have state outside of the IAVL tree.

    There will be greater complexity to include this feature, but it will make state-sync more general.


    Somehow provide a callback so that app modules can choose to publish additional state to the snapshots. Also, allow the module to decide how to interpret that downloaded state during state-sync. I don't have suggestions for how to accomplish this and am leaning on the Cosmos SDK team to decide the best course of action.

    On Discord, @zmanian said:

    I suspect the Agoric heap state will be large enough that it should be sent as multiple chunks

    and @erikgrinaker replied:

    That shouldn't really be a problem, we currently just chunk a byte stream of serialized data items. It shouldn't be too hard to extend this with additional item types, but needs some sort of API to register schemas and (de)serializers and such. I suppose in the most naïve case the API could just export a binary reader/writer, although that might prevent us from implementing any sort of incremental chunk verification scheme later.

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  • Protobuf Transaction Signing

    Protobuf Transaction Signing

    Problem Definition

    The Cosmos SDK has historically used Amino JSON for signing of transactions whereas Amino binary is used for encoding. During the SDK's migration to protobuf, we had made the preliminary decision to use a canonical protobuf JSON encoding for signing as described in https://github.com/regen-network/canonical-proto3.

    As a consequence of #6030, the Cosmos SDK is moving in the direction of using protobuf's Any type for the transaction encoding and signing format. In this discussion, a number of participants have asked that we revisit the transaction signing discussion. The options that have been discussed/are available for consideration are outlined below.

    It should be noted that it is theoretically possible to support more than one of the following options via an enum flag on the signature. Whether that should or should not be done is a related question.


    Feel free to suggest updates to these alternatives in the comments

    (1) Protobuf canonical JSON

    The official proto3 spec defines a canonical mapping to JSON. This is not really deterministic, however, so we define a canonical encoding on top of that using https://gibson042.github.io/canonicaljson-spec/.


    • By including field names, JSON is more self-describing than proto and is somewhat human-readable
    • Can prevent certain user errors made when manually copying proto definitions or if proto definitions are changed between versions (shouldn't be done)
    • Relatively easy migration for existing signing tools like the Ledger app
    • Causes transaction verifiers to reject unknown fields which is generally correct


    • Converting to another format for signing may introduce transaction malleability vulnerabilities - i.e when different encoding representations map to a single signing representation. This is known to exist, at least for Timestamp, although that malleability is likely un-exploitable.
    • Requires clients to have proto JSON and canonical JSON in addition to protobuf. There are very few implementations of canonical JSON (only go as far as we know) and some protobuf implementations don't implement proto JSON correctly (none of the Rust ones do for example)
    • Doesn't bech32 encode addresses, pubkeys, etc. like Amino JSON
    • By default, encodes fields in lowerCamelCase, i.e. some_field becomes someField
    • Special treatment for well known types (e.g. Timestamp, Any, Duration, Struct) not necessarily supported well in existing libraries.
    • And kind of renaming in field names leads to breaking changes of the message

    (2) Protobuf canonical binary

    This involves re-encoding the protobuf used for transaction encoding canonically for signing - meaning that fields must be ordered and defaults omitted. This is how Weave does signing.


    • Simpler for clients to implement, most protobuf implementations serialize things canonically
    • Canonicalization could prevent a certain small class of user errors (if the wrong protobuf definition was used to encode a message)
    • Renaming fields is a non-breaking change (as long as semantics don't change)
    • Causes transaction verifiers to reject unknown fields which is generally correct


    • Introduces a subtle transaction malleability vulnerability if modules attempt to use proto2 semantics - i.e. interpret null/omitted differently from default/zero
    • Not all protobuf implementations serialize things canonically and may require an additional canonicalization layer
    • Doesn't prevent user errors made to reordering fields when copying or modifying proto files (like JSON does), but this should be much less of an issue using Any (because the full type URL is included and oneof's are not copied manually) and breaking change checkers like Buf/Prototool
    • Hard to implement in the Ledger app for many/arbitrary message types

    (3) Protobuf binary as encoded in transaction

    This simply uses the protobuf encoding as broadcast in the transaction. This becomes a little easier for both signature creation and verification because of Any (although it could be done without Any too). Because Any wraps the raw bytes of the sdk.Msg, it is pretty easy to use these same exact bytes for signing and verification and only require that SignDoc itself is encoded canonically, rather than every Msg 


    • Simpler for clients to implement than even (2). All implementations should pretty much just work
    • Is not vulnerable to proto2 semantics transaction malleability as (2)


    • Same as (2) in not preventing user errors related to manually copying or tampering with proto definitions, although less of an issue with Any
    • Does not cause transaction verifiers to reject unknown fields (unlike 1, 2 & 4) which may lead to unexpected behavior for comments

    (4) Amino JSON

    This is how tx's are signed currently. The reason this is under consideration is because breaking Amino JSON signing would break many clients especially the ledger app. Transactions could still be encoded with protobuf and the /tx/encode endpoint could accept Amino JSON and return protobuf rather than amino binary for tx broadcasting - some upfront work would be required to enable this but it is possible


    • Doesn't break existing clients right away
    • Doesn't introduce new transaction malleability issues that weren't already there
    • Bech32 encodes addresses, pubkeys, etc. for better readability than (1)
    • Causes transaction verifiers to reject unknown fields which is generally correct


    • Delays the deployment of protobuf signing, although Amino JSON signing could be enabled via a flag on Signature so maybe this is a non-issue
    • Requires an additional layer on top of protobuf with information that isn't conveyed by the protobuf schema and so far lacks extensive library support

    (5) Custom Proto JSON

    Extend (1) to support custom encoding of certain types like bech32 addresses


    • The same benefits as Amino JSON for signing with embedded devices but derived from .proto files, i.e. human readable bech32 addresses and keys
    • An easier migration path than (1)
    • Does not try to re-use an encoding that was never designed to be deterministic (multiple signing algorithms?)


    • Requires a possibly even more complex custom JSON layer on top of protobuf plus extensions to protobuf field to indicate custom formatting like bech32
    • Every signature verifier (on and off-chain) needs to maintain support all options (forever)

    Related Question: Should we allow multiple signing algorithms?

    Theoretically we can allow clients to use multiple signing algorithms and indicate which one they used as an enum flag on the Signature struct.


    • allows clients to sign with the method they feel are able to use and feel most secure with
    • allows Amino JSON compatibility without delaying protobuf signing support


    • increases the number of vulnerability paths that need auditing
    • increases maintenance requirements for supporting multiple paths* leaves too much responsibility to clients rather than making an opinionated, well-informed decision

    For Admin Use

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  • ADR036: Arbitrary signature

    ADR036: Arbitrary signature


    ADR for arbitrary message signature to allow cosmos-sdk users to create and verify messags, where by message we intend arbitrary bytes (json files, text, etc).

    Tentative implementation: https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/pull/7896

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  • refactor!: Kerying migration

    refactor!: Kerying migration


    This is draft PR closes: #7108

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  • What to do about IAVL?

    What to do about IAVL?

    This is linked to meta-issue #7096.


    This issue discusses potential approaches to the ongoing maintenance or replacement of IAVL.

    Problem Description

    It our understanding that IAVL has effectively become an orphaned project within the Cosmos ecosystem. I don't have a good understanding of all of the issues related to IAVL, but welcome those with more context to share. /cc @ethanfrey @erikgrinaker @alexanderbez


    Overhaul IAVL

    A complete overhaul has been proposed as one solution. I don't have the context fully for why this is needed, but would appreciate those who do to share those details here.

    Replace IAVL

    Replacing IAVL with a more mature alternative has been proposed as well. I'll just list out the alternatives that have been mentioned here:

    • https://github.com/oasisprotocol/oasis-core/tree/master/go/storage/mkvs
      • @zmanian said: "It appears to support the same core features including state sync. I suspect it's of higher engineering quality and has a maintainer."
    • https://github.com/lazyledger/smt
      • https://twitter.com/musalbas/status/1294624434226167810?s=21
      • has no GC/pruning
      • /cc @hxrts @marbar3778 @liamsi
    • https://github.com/yihuang/libra-jellyfish-merkle
      • /cc @hxrts
      • https://github.com/crypto-com/chain/blob/6d22c38c62778a60a77324e86d12a000171fb3b0/architecture-docs/adr-003.md
  • ADR 033: Inter-Module Communication

    ADR 033: Inter-Module Communication

    ref: #7093 #7421

    This ADR introduces a system for permissioned inter-module communication leveraging the protobuf Query and Msg service definitions defined in ADR 021 and ADR 031 which provides:

    • stable module interfaces to eventually replace the keeper paradigm based on protobuf
    • stronger inter-module object capabilities guarantees
    • module accounts and sub-account authorization (#4657)

    It is intended serve as a foundational piece in the roadmap towards Cosmos SDK v1.0.

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  • docs: ADR-043 Base NFT Module

    docs: ADR-043 Base NFT Module


    replace: #9284 ref: #9174 #9065

    This ADR defines a generic NFT module of x/nft ~~which supports NFTs as a proto.Any and contains BaseNFT as the default implementation.~~, which supports storing NFT by id and owner, and contains the data field as proto.Any to extend the usage scenarios of NFTs.

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  • Write back account changes after tracking delegation/undelegation for vesting accounts

    Write back account changes after tracking delegation/undelegation for vesting accounts


    Before this PR, delegation and undelegation calculations made during accounting operations for vesting accounts were made correct but not written back to the account store.

    This PR fixes that behavior.

    closes: #8601 closes: #8812

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  • feat:  Retroactive prune very old blocks from store

    feat: Retroactive prune very old blocks from store


    Validators using the default pruning config may end up with many old blocks due to pruning-keep-every = "500"

    This is a proof of concept showing how a gradual pruning of much older state can be removed without needing to unsafe-reset-all


    Is there any danger to pruning older blocks that are no longer necessary for a "pure" validator? (no API role)

    Is extending PruningOptions to include new options from app.toml desirable?

    What is the right way to log from store/rootmulti/store.go?

    Are we able to somehow see the [state-sync] snapshot-interval / snapshot-keep-recent variables from store/rootmulti/store.go to avoid removing required blocks?

    Is there any extensive testing that is desired when implementing this change? At the core it only adds additional heights to be pruned which is not a very special operation.

    Since each chain uses a different cosmos-sdk version, is there a proper release/v0.##.x branch(es) to target first/later?

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  • feat: file watcher for cosmovisor

    feat: file watcher for cosmovisor

    Adding upgrade file watcher for cosmovisor.

    Currently the comswisor upgrade mechanism relays on parsing log messages. This is not reliable:

    • depends on the log level output (x/upgrade uses INFO)
    • can be hacked by accidentally logging user user content
    • can be broken by using upgrade name which will break the regex pattern.

    closes: #7703 closes: #8523 closes: #8651 closes: #8793 closes: #8964

    Depends on:

    • #9652

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  • perf: optimize iteration on nested cache context

    perf: optimize iteration on nested cache context


    Closes: #10310 Solution:

    • only call skipUntilExistsOrInvalid at construction and end of Next, cache the valid status
    • use tidwall btree directly instead of memdb.

    run benchmark: go test -run=^$ -bench=. -benchmem ./store/cachekv/benchmark_test.go -count=10. benchstat compare result:

    $ benchstat before.txt after.txt
    name                   old time/op    new time/op    delta
    DeepContextStack1-12     11.2µs ±12%     5.7µs ± 1%   -48.57%  (p=0.000 n=10+8)
    DeepContextStack3-12     32.2µs ±16%     7.1µs ± 2%   -77.99%  (p=0.000 n=9+9)
    DeepContextStack10-12     244ms ±17%       0ms ±10%   -99.99%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    DeepContextStack13-12     16.5s ± 1%      0.0s ± 1%  -100.00%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    name                   old alloc/op   new alloc/op   delta
    DeepContextStack1-12     3.94kB ± 0%    3.03kB ± 0%   -23.12%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    DeepContextStack3-12     6.33kB ± 0%    3.59kB ± 0%   -43.24%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    DeepContextStack10-12    15.1kB ± 1%     5.6kB ± 0%   -63.27%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    DeepContextStack13-12    20.8kB ± 0%     6.4kB ± 0%   -69.20%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    name                   old allocs/op  new allocs/op  delta
    DeepContextStack1-12       50.0 ± 0%      42.0 ± 0%   -16.00%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    DeepContextStack3-12       74.0 ± 0%      50.0 ± 0%   -32.43%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    DeepContextStack10-12       172 ± 2%        78 ± 0%   -54.62%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    DeepContextStack13-12       272 ± 0%        90 ± 0%   -66.91%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)

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  • [question] token distribution per tokenomics

    [question] token distribution per tokenomics

    how to distribute inflated tokens per tokenomics?

    If i understand it correctly, the distribution module distributes the newly minted tokens only to validators and community pool. Could you clarify if multiple additional pools and their accounts can be configured for token distribution after minting?

  • feat(collections): implement pagination

    feat(collections): implement pagination


    Implements pagination logic for a collection.

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  • fix: add block height to prepareProposal context

    fix: add block height to prepareProposal context


    Ref: #14446 Audit: #13951

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  • refactor: add title and summary to groups proposal

    refactor: add title and summary to groups proposal


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  • refactor: migrate calls from alias file to appropriate store/types

    refactor: migrate calls from alias file to appropriate store/types


    Closes: #14406

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    • [ ] confirmed the correct type prefix in the PR title
    • [ ] confirmed ! in the type prefix if API or client breaking change
    • [ ] confirmed all author checklist items have been addressed
    • [ ] reviewed state machine logic
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    • [ ] reviewed documentation is accurate
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    • [ ] manually tested (if applicable)
  • Design issue: Bank sent to a fresh address should not initialize a base account

    Design issue: Bank sent to a fresh address should not initialize a base account

    It is becoming more and more common for Cosmos chains to use Module and vesting accounts but sending funds to a fresh Cosmos address automatically initializes the account as a BaseAccount.

    We should modify the auth module with a protoaccount type that can receive funds and then be migrated to an actual account type on initialization.

a Golang sdk for working with DeFi protocols, and ethereum compatible blockchains
a Golang sdk for working with DeFi protocols, and ethereum compatible blockchains

A golang sdk for working with DeFi protocols and general utilities for working with ethereum-compatible blockchains. packages bclient bindings cli con

Dec 15, 2022
Avalanche: a network composed of multiple blockchains

Coreth and the C-Chain Avalanche is a network composed of multiple blockchains.

Dec 14, 2022
A Verifyable Chain Relay for Proof of Stake Blockchains

A Verifyable Chain Relay for Proof of Stake Blockchains This repository contains

Nov 11, 2022
A collection about awesome blockchains
A collection about awesome blockchains

A collection about awesome blockchains - open distributed public databases w/ crypto hashes incl. git ;-). Blockchains are the new tulips :tulip::tulip::tulip:. Distributed is the new centralized.

Jan 2, 2023
A naive and simple implementation of blockchains.

naivechain A naive and simple implementation of blockchains. Build And Run Download and compile go get -v github.com/kofj/naivechain Start First Node

Dec 5, 2022
Signing, Keystore and RLP encoding utilities for EVM / Ethereum / secp256k1 based blockchains

Signing, Keystore and RLP encoding utilities for EVM / Ethereum / secp256k1 based blockchains. Written in Go with an enterprise friendly Apache 2.0 license, and a runtime JSON/RPC proxy server. Part of the Hyperledger FireFly project

Aug 9, 2022
The Cosmos-SDK is a framework for building blockchain applications in Golang.
The Cosmos-SDK is a framework for building blockchain applications in Golang.

The Cosmos-SDK is a framework for building blockchain applications in Golang. It is being used to build Gaia, the first implementation of the Cosmos Hub.

Nov 26, 2021
Jan 7, 2023
generate a chia address by public key, chia公钥生成地址

chia-address-generator This repo is a hack way to generate an address from publicKey. So it's not a good enough way to use it in prod, use it just for

Mar 9, 2022
Public key derivator for ECDSA (without knowledge of the private key)

A proof of concept of a public key derivation for ECDSA (without knowledge of the private key) It is a demonstration of how to implement a simple key

Nov 9, 2022
Xk6-crypto-x509 - A k6 extension to encrypt data with a PEM Public Key

xk6-crypto-x509 A k6 extension to encrypt data with a PEM Public Key This is a k

Jan 5, 2022
A public facing version of the Chicago data microservices repo.

chicago-data | full stack reporting solution Project Overview This repo houses microservices dedicated to ingesting and preparing open Chicago dataset

Jun 22, 2022
Kiteco-public - Primary Kite repo — private bits replaced with XXXXXXX

This is a public version of the main Kite repo The main Kite repo (originally kiteco/kiteco) was intended for private use. It has been lightly adapted

Dec 30, 2022
A Gomora template for building dApps and web3-powered API and smart contract listeners

Gomora dApp A Gomora template for building dApps and web3-powered API and smart contract listeners Local Development Setup the .env file first cp .env

Feb 15, 2022
Fairly general building blocks used in Arista Go code and open-sourced for the benefit of all.

Arista Go library areflect Helper functions to work with the reflect package. Contains ForceExport(), which bypasses the check in reflect.Value that p

Dec 14, 2022
ChainMaker, a blockchain platform for building secure

ChainMaker, a blockchain platform for building secure, trustworthy value-exchange networks to power the new global digital economy. ChainMaker aim

Nov 15, 2022
Use the HashPassword function to generate a hashed value for the provided password

hasher Use the 'HashPassword' function to generate a hashed value for the provided password. h, err := hasher.HashPassword("password") // h == XohImNo

Nov 1, 2021
Evmos is a scalable, high-throughput Proof-of-Stake blockchain that is fully compatible and interoperable with Ethereum.

Evmos Evmos is a scalable, high-throughput Proof-of-Stake blockchain that is fully compatible and interoperable with Ethereum. It's built using the Co

Dec 31, 2022