Simple, useful and opinionated config loader.


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Simple, useful and opinionated config loader.


There are many solutions regarding configuration loading in Go. I was looking for a simple loader that will as much as possible and be easy to use and understand. The goal was to load config from 4 places: defaults (in the code), files, environment variables, command-line flags. This library works with all of this sources.


  • Simple API.
  • Clean and tested code.
  • Automatic fields mapping.
  • Supports different sources:
    • defaults in the code
    • files (JSON, YAML, TOML, DotENV, HCL)
    • environment variables
    • command-line flags
  • Dependency-free (file parsers are optional).
  • Ability to walk over configuration fields.


Go version 1.14+

go get


type MyConfig struct {
	Port int `default:"1111" usage:"just give a number"`
	Auth struct {
		User string `default:"def-user"`
		Pass string `default:"def-pass"`
	Pass string `default:"" env:"SECRET" flag:"sec_ret"`

var cfg MyConfig
loader := aconfig.LoaderFor(&cfg, aconfig.Config{
	// feel free to skip some steps :)
	// SkipDefaults: true,
	// SkipFiles:    true,
	// SkipEnv:      true,
	// SkipFlags:    true,
	EnvPrefix:       "APP",
	FlagPrefix:      "app",
	Files:           []string{"/var/opt/myapp/config.json", "ouch.yaml"},
	FileDecoders: map[string]aconfig.FileDecoder{
		// from `aconfigyaml` submodule
		// see submodules in repo for more formats
		".yaml": aconfigyaml.New(),

// IMPORTANT: define your own flags with `flagSet`
flagSet := loader.Flags()

if err := loader.Load(); err != nil {

// configuration fields will be loaded from (in order):
// 1. defaults set in structure tags (see MyConfig defenition)
// 2. loaded from files `file.json` if not `ouch.yaml` will be used
// 3. from corresponding environment variables with the prefix `APP_`
// 4. command-line flags with the prefix `app.` if they are 

Also see examples: examples_test.go.

Integration with spf13/cobra playground.


See these docs.


MIT License.

  • docs: fix README typo

    docs: fix README typo

    Hi there 👋

    Great library, I like you style! I've written a similar one (although it's limited to environment variables), maybe we could share some inspiration.

    Would you like some assistance with any of the open issues? I'd be happy to help!

  • Затруднение при запуске тестов из-под VSCode

    Затруднение при запуске тестов из-под VSCode

    Добрый день. Очень нравиться этот пакет, но возникли сложности. При попытке использовать библиотеку при запуске тестов выходит ошибка о неизвестном(not defined) флаге. запуск осуществляется через VSCode контекстным пунктом или "run test" или "debug test" Вывод:

    Running tool: C:\Go\bin\go.exe test -timeout 30s -run ^TestAliasType_send$ package
    flag provided but not defined: -test.testlogfile

    Далее идет вывод использования программы как будто указан неверный флаг или указан "-help" И возвращается ошибка с текстом: flag provided but not defined: -test.testlogfile параметр в конфиге AllowUnknownFlags: true, стоит, версия v0.14.1 Я что-то делаю не так?

  • If FileFlag set and not use, aconfig override Files with empty string

    If FileFlag set and not use, aconfig override Files with empty string

    Config example:

    		SkipFiles:          false,
    		SkipFlags:          false,
    		FailOnFileNotFound: true,
    		MergeFiles:         false,
    		FileFlag:           "cfg",
    		Files:              []string{"conf/settings.yaml"},

    if run binary without -cfg flag, Files become []string{""}

  • Only pre-set file extensions are supported

    Only pre-set file extensions are supported

    This does not work:

    aconfig.LoaderFor(dest, aconfig.Config{
    	Files:            files,
    	FileDecoders: map[string]aconfig.FileDecoder{
    		".yaml": aconfigyaml.New(),
    		".yml":  aconfigyaml.New(),

    .yml files cannot be loaded and fail with cannot load config: unknown field in file error, because the struct tags are only auto-generated for the pre-set formats. The file format is then recognized via filepath.Ext, which is yml and not yaml.

    IMHO the "format" should be returned by the file decoder, maybe as another interface method. I can try to prepare a PR if you'd like to go that way.

    EDIT: example of how it might look like without breaking backwards compatibility:

  • Fix deep file parsing not working when flag delimiter is set

    Fix deep file parsing not working when flag delimiter is set

    File parsing with nested structure doesn't work currently when a different flag delimiter than default "." is set. So I tried to fix that here.

    Couldn't run the full test suite on my machine, so I am not 100% sure that this change doesn't break anything else.

  • Update


    Improve grammar and flow of text

    Improve readability of example

    Bump required Go version to match

  • Description of configs

    Description of configs


    Having an option to generate default flags is really nice! but it's not that useful if I cannot write help for this. So for example:

    ❯❯❯ ./samplego --help
    Usage: string
        	 (default "3s")
      -myauth.multiple string
      -myauth.mypass string
        	 (default "def-pass")
      -myauth.myuser string
        	 (default "def-user")
      -port string

    I want to communicate to a user what are those properties.


    Ideally, I'd like to put a comment like this

    type MyAuth struct {
    	// user that will use the server
    	MyUser string `yaml:"myUser" default:"def-user"`

    but I don't think it's technically possible to then use it in the code (unless some generator that will parse it?)

    so the other option would be to introduce a tag for it.

    type MyAuth struct {
    	MyUser string `yaml:"myUser" default:"def-user" description:"user that will user server"`

    This way I could even reuse it and autogenerate generate configuration for yaml and envvars

  • yaml decorder can't open file in embed file system

    yaml decorder can't open file in embed file system

    in the aconfigyaml package, DecodeFile func use os.Open to open file, when in embed file system, it can't find file then throw an err: "no such file or directory"。 but when using default json decorder, jsonDecoder has a fsys field, which can open file in embed file system.

    hope you can fix this bug in aconfigyaml package.

  • Panic on parsing YAML configuration with empty lists

    Panic on parsing YAML configuration with empty lists


    I encounter panic when a list in the YAML configuration is empty:

    package config_test
    import (
    type (
    	ResourcesConfiguration struct {
    		ResourcesA []ResourceA `yaml:"resources_a"`
    		ResourcesB []ResourceB `yaml:"resources_b"`
    	ResourceA struct {
    		Field string `yaml:"field"`
    	ResourceB struct {
    		Field int `yaml:"field"`
    func TestLoadResources(t *testing.T) {
    	resourcesConfiguration := new(ResourcesConfiguration)
    	resourcesLoader := aconfig.LoaderFor(resourcesConfiguration,
    			SkipFlags:          true,
    			Files:              []string{"asset_resources.yaml"},
    			FailOnFileNotFound: true,
    			FileDecoders: map[string]aconfig.FileDecoder{
    				".yaml": aconfigyaml.New(),
    	if err := resourcesLoader.Load(); err != nil {
    		t.Errorf("failed to load resources configurations [err=%s]", err)
    	t.Logf("%v", *resourcesConfiguration)

    Test file: asset_resources.yaml



    === RUN   TestLoadResources
    --- FAIL: TestLoadResources (0.00s)
    panic: <nil> <nil> [recovered]
    	panic: <nil> <nil>
    goroutine 20 [running]:
    testing.tRunner.func1.2({0x1147b60, 0xc00009e680})
    	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1209 +0x24e
    	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1212 +0x218
    panic({0x1147b60, 0xc00009e680})
    	/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:1038 +0x215*Loader).setFieldData(0x11496c0, 0xc0000ce210, {0x0, 0x0})
    	/Users/user/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/reflection.go:187 +0x9a5*Loader).loadFile(0xc000102000, {0x116b3c9, 0x14})
    	/Users/user/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/aconfig.go:330 +0x2f1*Loader).loadFiles(0xc000102000)
    	/Users/user/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/aconfig.go:290 +0xea*Loader).loadSources(0xc000102000)
    	/Users/user/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/aconfig.go:235 +0x7f*Loader).loadConfig(0xc000102000)
    	/Users/user/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/aconfig.go:211 +0x65*Loader).Load(0x1000000)
    	/Users/user/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/aconfig.go:201 +0x76
    	/Users/user/go/src/ +0x176
    testing.tRunner(0xc000083860, 0x11741d0)
    	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1259 +0x102
    created by testing.(*T).Run
    	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1306 +0x35a


    === RUN   TestLoadResources
        load_resources_test.go:38: {[] []}
    --- PASS: TestLoadResources (0.00s)


  • Support for AllowUnknownFlags

    Support for AllowUnknownFlags


    I've been using aconfig for a while now and I love it! Thank you for all the hard work. 😊👍

    I'm trying to load the same flags using different structs in two places in my program and it always complains about the flag not being defined. I've tried using AllowUnknownFlags without success.

    The gist of it is I create a struct with the field A and load it during the initialization of the program, then later on I load a struct with the field B. I then start the program like this: go run main.go --a foo --b bar

    When loading the first struct with only A, it says -b is not defined.

    Any ideas? I'm on the phone now, but can paste a test I built to debug tomorrow if you'd like.

    Thank you again!

  • Panic on map of slices

    Panic on map of slices

    Given the following code:

    var cfg struct {
    	Params url.Values
    os.Setenv("PARAMS", "foo:bar")
    err := aconfig.LoaderFor(&cfg, aconfig.Config{}).Load()

    I would expect:

    • either cfg.Params = url.Values{"foo": {"bar"}}
    • or err != nil

    Instead, the program panics with the following traceback:

    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x48 pc=0x4e0fe7]
    goroutine 1 [running]:*Loader).setFieldData(0xc0000a2f70, 0xc0000ca160, 0x4f38c0, 0xc00009e710, 0x0, 0x0)
    	/home/vasiliy/.cache/gopath/pkg/mod/[email protected]/reflection.go:178 +0x847*Loader).setMap(0xc0000a2f70, 0xc0000ca000, 0xc0000b60b0, 0x7, 0x7, 0xc0000b607a)
    	/home/vasiliy/.cache/gopath/pkg/mod/[email protected]/reflection.go:304 +0x439*Loader).setFieldData(0xc0000a2f70, 0xc0000ca000, 0x4f38c0, 0xc00009e6b0, 0xc0000cc098, 0x539b01)
    	/home/vasiliy/.cache/gopath/pkg/mod/[email protected]/reflection.go:199 +0xbfe*Loader).setField(0xc0000a2f70, 0xc0000ca000, 0xc0000b607a, 0x6, 0xc0000a0240, 0xc00009ace0, 0xc0000b607a, 0x6)
    	/home/vasiliy/.cache/gopath/pkg/mod/[email protected]/aconfig.go:433 +0x97*Loader).loadEnvironment(0xc0000a2f70, 0x0, 0x0)
    	/home/vasiliy/.cache/gopath/pkg/mod/[email protected]/aconfig.go:364 +0x165*Loader).loadSources(0xc0000a2f70, 0xc00009e1f0, 0x0)
    	/home/vasiliy/.cache/gopath/pkg/mod/[email protected]/aconfig.go:230 +0xf0*Loader).loadConfig(0xc0000a2f70, 0x0, 0xc0000ba020)
    	/home/vasiliy/.cache/gopath/pkg/mod/[email protected]/aconfig.go:201 +0x4e*Loader).Load(0xc0000a2f70, 0xc0000ba018, 0x0)
    	/home/vasiliy/.cache/gopath/pkg/mod/[email protected]/aconfig.go:191 +0x2f
    	/home/vasiliy/tmp/toy/toy.go:16 +0xc9
    exit status 2

    If the panic is intended behavior, it should be documented.

  • flagSet type is always string

    flagSet type is always string

    I find this module a great alternative to viper when using Cobra, but miss the help output that identifies the type of the flag. Right now, all flags return as string

    type Config struct {
    	Home     string `env:"HOME" required:"true" usage:"Set home"`
    	Port     int64  `default:"1111" usage:"Set int"`
    	WantBool bool   `usage:"Set bool" flag:"wantbool"`
      -h, --help              help for cli
          --home string       Set home
          --port string       Set int (default "1111")
          --wantbool string   Set bool
      -h, --help          help for cli
          --home string   Set home
          --port int      Set int (default 1111)
          --wantbool      Set bool

    In the new-parser branch, parser.go 144 where it says TODO, is this where you'd expect to do something like:?

    switch field.value.Type().Kind() {
    	case reflect.Bool:
    		boolVal, _ := strconv.ParseBool(field.Tag("default"))
    		l.flagSet.Bool(flagName, boolVal, field.Tag("usage"))

    It's something I'd like to do but am not sure if you'll be merging new-parser in to main.

  • feature: show environment variable names in usage

    feature: show environment variable names in usage

    It would be handy to have some way to print environment variable names either in the -h usage or from some other help flag. This would help make it more obvious to someone running an application configured by aconfig what their config options are.

  • Feature Request: support any type that implements Setter (or any other similar) interface

    Feature Request: support any type that implements Setter (or any other similar) interface

    Hello, thank you for a great library!

    Sometimes there is a need to pass as an ENV variable, not a single value, but a whole struct to override all the fields inside the struct at once. This might probably be needed in highly configurable applications, where the number of exposed config params is big enough. To solve this issue generically, the lib can give developers the ability to set a custom Unmarshaler/Setter for a type.

    A typical interface to support this feature might look like this:

    type Setter interface {
    	SetValue(string) error

    Examples from other libs:


    Also, please add a section with information about supported data types/struct tags. Like in the:

  • YAML arrays can not be mapped to []string

    YAML arrays can not be mapped to []string


      - Writer
      - Writer
      - Reader
      - Writer
      - Reader


    type TestConfig struct {
    	ReadRoles  []Role `yaml:"ReadRoles"`
    	WriteRoles []Role `yaml:"WriteRoles"`
    	ListRoles  []Role `yaml:"ListRoles"`
    type Role string


        suite.go:63: test panicked: string Writer
            goroutine 26 [running]:
            	/usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0x7a
            	/Users/sivanov/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/suite/suite.go:63 +0x54
            panic({0x255a9c0, 0xc000088130})
            	/usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/runtime/panic.go:844 +0x25a
  {0x255a9c0, 0xc000191a50})
            	/Users/sivanov/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/reflection.go:389 +0x36e

    seems that array is just unexpected here: image

  • Panic when parse toml slice

    Panic when parse toml slice


    func main() {
    	type MyConfig struct {
    		Slice []struct {
    			A int
    		} `json:"slice" toml:"slice"`
    	var cfg MyConfig
    	loader := aconfig.LoaderFor(&cfg, aconfig.Config{
    		// feel free to skip some steps :)
    		// SkipDefaults: true,
    		// SkipFiles:    true,
    		// SkipEnv:      true,
    		// SkipFlags:    true,
    		EnvPrefix:  "APP",
    		FlagPrefix: "app",
    		Files:      []string{"config.toml"},
    		FileDecoders: map[string]aconfig.FileDecoder{
    			// from `aconfigyaml` submodule
    			// see submodules in repo for more formats
    			".toml": aconfigtoml.New(),
    	if err := loader.Load(); err != nil {
    	fmt.Printf("%+v\n", cfg)

    config.toml file:

    A = 5


    panic: []map[string]interface {} [map[A:5]][email protected]/reflection.go:190 
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