A plugin for argo which behaves like I'd like


An ArgoCD plugin to perform various manipulations in a sensible order to ultimately output YAML for Argo CD to put into your cluster. If you use it as the reader in a unix pipe, it will instead read from stdin. It will still under some circumstances taint the current directory with files so expects to be run in a directory it can mess up.


  • Allows for better GitOps with one argo application per real application.
    • Process a helm chart through kustomize more easily.
    • Trivially add some extra resources to a helm chart by popping them in a directory alongside your main one.
    • Chain additional ArgoCD plugins. For example, you can use argo-vault-replacer to pull secrets from Hashicorp Vault as a plugin to this one to combine secrets and helm/kustomize more easily.
  • DRY (Don't repeat yourself) more
    • Allows ArgoCD to kustomize per application.
    • Combines particularly well with application sets to allow broadly similar things to be partially modified by the application.


  • Helm is no longer special, and is just a templating tool. This is the case for any use of modified helm charts in ArgoCD. We cannot run hooks or anything any more. You don't get Helm specific support in ArgoCD.

Installing as an ArgoCD Plugin

You can use our Kustomization example to install ArgoCD and to bootstrap the installation of the plugin at the same time. However the steps below will detail what is required should you wish to do things more manually.

General configuration

Lovely is designed for minimal configuration and to do the right thing. The following environment variables can be used to change some behaviour:

  • LOVELY_PLUGINS: Set to a comma separated list of binaries to run, in the same way as argocd expects plugins. stdin->plugin->stdout processing yaml. Each plugin is executed with bash -c , so you can pass parameters as hoped for.
  • LOVELY_KUSTOMIZE_PATH: Set to a path or binary name to use for kustomize.
  • LOVELY_HELM_PATH: Set to a path or binary name to use for helm.

Helm variation

  • LOVELY_HELM_VALUES: to some yaml you'd like overlayed on any values.yaml files used by helm. This will override any settings in values.yaml that already exist. You cannot use this to append to existing yaml lists.


  • LOVELY_KUSTOMIZE_EXTRAS: to some yaml you'd like overlayed on any kustomization.yaml files used by kustomize. This will override any settings in kustomization.yaml that already exist. You cannot use this to append to existing yaml lists.

What can I do with it?

Have a look at the test suite for a lot of examples of how you can use this to make nice git repos for your applications.

What doesn't it do?

This is not a templating tool, there are plenty of choices out there to that stuff. It just brings together external tools.

  • exit status 1: Error: no cached repository for helm-manager

    exit status 1: Error: no cached repository for helm-manager

    how i fix this error ?

    rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Manifest generation error (cached): `argocd-lovely-plugin` failed exit status 1: 2022/11/25 12:36:32 exit status 1: Error: no cached repository for helm-manager-daf1ee1308783e5bff6495f156b188a0ededf4f6125cc2a5c95c7274583672ee found. (try 'helm repo update'): open /tmp/.helm/cache/repository/helm-manager-daf1ee1308783e5bff6495f156b188a0ededf4f6125cc2a5c95c7274583672ee-index.yaml: no such file or directory
  • lovely plugin does not support ../ in kustomization.yaml

    lovely plugin does not support ../ in kustomization.yaml

    everything seems to be in working order when kustomization.yaml does not reference ../ but as soon as you include a base in the parent directory (at the same level at the directory polled by lovely plugin) everything breaks because lovely plugin does not copy all the resources like argocd kustomization support does. (kustomization including parent directory content for base works in native argocd)

  • add extra environment var for helm template params

    add extra environment var for helm template params

    Created this pr because i have some helm charts with conditions based on k8 version with this change i can add the param --kube-version to the helm tempalte command using an new optional environment variable

    example export LOVELY_HELM_TEMPLATE_PARAMS="--kube-version 1.21"

  • Lovely throws an error when kustomize includes a base or directory up in tree

    Lovely throws an error when kustomize includes a base or directory up in tree

    Given a simple kustomization like

    apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
    kind: Kustomization
    - ../../../../base/namespaces

    and ArgoCD Application without lovely plugin, it works as expected, base is included and deployed properly.

    However, when lovely plugin is included in the same Application:

    apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
    kind: Application
        path: k8s/[omitted]/overlays/_cluster/namespaces
          name: argocd-lovely-plugin

    an error is thrown:

    rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Manifest generation error (cached):
     `argocd-lovely-plugin` failed exit status 1: 2022/10/13 15:19:41 
    Error: accumulating resources: accumulation 
    err='accumulating resources from '../../../../base/namespaces': 
    evalsymlink failure on '/base/namespaces' : 
    lstat /base: no such file or directory': 
    evalsymlink failure on '/base/namespaces' : 
    lstat /base: no such file or directory

    Does lovely plugin support inclusion of base?

    ArgoCD version: 2.4.12 Lovely version: 0.6.4 Kustomize version: 4.4.1

  • Question: InitContainer runAsNonRoot user?

    Question: InitContainer runAsNonRoot user?

    Hey, first of all I want to say thank you for this cool project.

    Our OPA-Gatekeeper does not allow containers running as root user. The InitContainer argocd-lovely-plugin:0.4.1 is running as root user. I tried to create my own Dockerfile, but always getting the following InitContainer error as soon as I deploy with ArgoCD:

    mv: can't remove 'argocd-lovely-plugin': Permission denied

    With the Dockerfile, I tried to create my own user and change the owner of the /argocd-lovely-plugin file:

    FROM ghcr.io/crumbhole/argocd-lovely-plugin:0.4.1
    USER root
    # Create a group and user
    RUN addgroup -S app -g 1000 && adduser -S app -u 1000 -G app \
     && chown -R 1000:1000 /argocd-lovely-plugin
    # Tell docker that all future commands should run as the appuser user
    USER 1000
    # the following commands are only for traceability
    RUN id
    RUN ls -l /
    RUN ls -ln /argocd-lovely-plugin
    RUN rm -rf /argocd-lovely-plugin

    If I build the image and try to remove (rm) the "argocd-lovely-plugin" file, then I have the same problem:

    Step 1/7 : FROM ghcr.io/crumbhole/argocd-lovely-plugin:0.4.1
     ---> 3256ecbe39ac
    Step 2/7 : USER root
     ---> Running in cd434b201efe
    Removing intermediate container cd434b201efe
     ---> c196c3018099
    Step 3/7 : RUN addgroup -S app -g 1000 && adduser -S app -u 1000 -G app  && chown -R 1000:1000 /argocd-lovely-plugin
     ---> Running in c4d323e9e69c
    Removing intermediate container c4d323e9e69c
     ---> 56dd65b7905e
    Step 4/7 : USER 1000
     ---> Running in 8e9f994b894c
    Removing intermediate container 8e9f994b894c
     ---> 114c8b9d36d9
    Step 5/7 : RUN ls -l /
     ---> Running in 2866727819fe
    total 14532
    -rwxr-xr-x    1 app      app       14822201 Jul  5 10:44 argocd-lovely-plugin
    drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 May 23 16:51 bin
    drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root           320 Jul 22 23:20 dev
    drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          4096 Jul 22 23:20 etc
    drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          4096 Jul 22 23:20 home
    drwxr-xr-x    7 root     root          4096 May 23 16:51 lib
    drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root          4096 May 23 16:51 media
    drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 May 23 16:51 mnt
    drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 May 23 16:51 opt
    dr-xr-xr-x  167 root     root             0 Jul 22 23:20 proc
    drwx------    2 root     root          4096 May 23 16:51 root
    drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 May 23 16:51 run
    drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 May 23 16:51 sbin
    drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 May 23 16:51 srv
    dr-xr-xr-x   13 root     root             0 Jul 22 23:20 sys
    drwxrwxrwt    2 root     root          4096 May 23 16:51 tmp
    drwxr-xr-x    7 root     root          4096 May 23 16:51 usr
    drwxr-xr-x   12 root     root          4096 May 23 16:51 var
    Removing intermediate container 2866727819fe
     ---> 6f09a2a7cb8c
    Step 6/7 : RUN ls -ln /argocd-lovely-plugin
     ---> Running in e17004972a4b
    -rwxr-xr-x    1 1000     1000      14822201 Jul  5 10:44 /argocd-lovely-plugin
    Removing intermediate container e17004972a4b
     ---> 25de8bbf2028
    Step 7/7 : RUN rm -rf /argocd-lovely-plugin
     ---> Running in 8f9d8cfb7001
    rm: can't remove '/argocd-lovely-plugin': Permission denied
    The command '/bin/sh -c rm -rf /argocd-lovely-plugin' returned a non-zero code: 1

    Adjusting the file permissions (e.g. 777) leads to the same behavior.

    Do you have any idea what I'm doing wrong or is there a plan on the roadmap for a container that is "runAsNonRoot" compatible?

  • BUG: Alphabetical order breaks rendering

    BUG: Alphabetical order breaks rendering

    Using the latest stable version of argocd-lovely-plugin.

    WIth a repo structure like the following: my-cluster (folder):

    • chart (folder containing a Chart.yaml and values.yaml)
    • d.yaml
    • e.yaml
    • kustomization.yaml

    This works without issue.

    However, if you have a repo like this:

    my-cluster (folder):

    • chart (folder containing a Chart.yaml and values.yaml)
    • b.yaml
    • e.yaml
    • kustomization.yaml

    It will ONLY render the b and e and it won't render the helm chart.

  • Update wangyoucao577/go-release-action action to v1.33

    Update wangyoucao577/go-release-action action to v1.33

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | wangyoucao577/go-release-action | action | minor | v1.32 -> v1.33 |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/wangyoucao577/go-release-action/compare/v1.32...v1.33


    📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

  • Additional Kustomize Args

    Additional Kustomize Args

    Curious how you'd recommend adding additional args to kustomize such as --load-restrictor LoadRestrictionsNone? Attempting to install a chart from local, and can't get it to work unless the /chart is inside the kustomize directory. I see --helm-enabled is set here, and we're given the option to provide a path to a different kustomize binary. Would it be possible to use another plugin instead of pointing to a binary? Already have a kustomize plugin with the necessary options set. Otherwise maybe some way to use the argo-cm kustomize.buildOptions?

  • Weirdness in preprocessors

    Weirdness in preprocessors

    I'm using sed command in ARGOCD_ENV_LOVELY_PREPROCESSORS, as in one of the examples to replace contents of values.yaml.

    Seems if sed returns error code due to eg. file not existing, lovely-plugin does not catch it, and happily just continues processing.

    Instead, we should return error to argocd.

    EDIT: seems my ENV variable name was wrong, LOVELY_PREPROCESSORS does work, however I still can't make it to find proper file. Following Application definition works, and replaces correctly:

        path: deploy/magento
          - name: LOVELY_PREPROCESSORS
            value: sed -i 's/<<environment>>/dev-lovely/g' values.yaml
          name: argocd-lovely-plugin

    But if I try to target a directory above it, in order to include plain yaml files in another directory, I this fails:

        path: deploy
          - name: LOVELY_PREPROCESSORS
            value: sed -i 's/<<environment>>/dev-lovely/g' magento/values.yaml
          name: argocd-lovely-plugin
  • characters dropped after $

    characters dropped after $

    when using kustomize_patch as per below, anything attached to $ disappears from the render, there doesnt appear to be an escape key either to stop this from happening.

      name: argocd-lovely-plugin
          value: |-
            - op: replace
              path: /patches/0/patch
              value: |-
                - op: add
                  path: /data/agent3.yaml
                  value: $value

    So in the above example the entire "$value" will disappear and leave it empty.

    My use case is patching in configs for an prometheus that includes scraping configs that require variables such as "$1:$2" which are dropped and rendered as ":"

  • api and kube versions from argocd build env vars

    api and kube versions from argocd build env vars

    PR to add api versions and cluster versions to the helm template command there both available in the build environment variables

    KUBE_VERSION = the version of kubernetes cluster KUBE_API_VERSIONS = the version of kubernetes APIs (csv formated string)


    tested it in argocd and this works , i'm getting the correct cluster version and created a configmap with all api versions issue: https://github.com/crumbhole/argocd-lovely-plugin/issues/57

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: lovely-test
      namespace: lovely-test
      apiVersions.txt: |
        {{ .Capabilities.APIVersions }}
  • Multiple charts in the same application could be handled better.

    Multiple charts in the same application could be handled better.

    Because both charts are rendered with the same name (ARGOCD_APP_NAME), there are issues in most cases.

    Provide a way to override this on a per chart basis. Can we do something automatically perhaps, like postpend the directory name?

  • Dependency Dashboard

    Dependency Dashboard

    This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

    ⚠ Dependency Lookup Warnings ⚠

    • Renovate failed to look up the following dependencies: nonexistent.

    Files affected: test_errors/nonexistent_chart/Chart.yaml

    This repository currently has no open or pending branches.

    Detected dependencies

    • golang 1.19.3
    • alpine 3.17.0
    • actions/checkout v3
    • beaujr/gogitops-action v0.2
    • actions/checkout v3
    • actions/setup-go v3
    • actions/checkout v3
    • docker/setup-qemu-action v2
    • docker/setup-buildx-action v2
    • docker/login-action v2
    • docker/build-push-action v3
    • actions/checkout v3
    • github/codeql-action v2
    • github/codeql-action v2
    • github/codeql-action v2
    • actions/checkout v3
    • beaujr/gogitops-action v0.2
    • actions/checkout v3
    • actions/setup-go v3
    • actions/checkout v3
    • AbsaOSS/k3d-action v2
    • actions/checkout v3
    • docker/setup-qemu-action v2
    • docker/setup-buildx-action v2
    • docker/build-push-action v3
    • actions/checkout v3
    • wangyoucao577/go-release-action v1.33
    • actions/checkout v3
    • little-core-labs/get-git-tag v3.0.2
    • docker/setup-qemu-action v2
    • docker/setup-buildx-action v2
    • docker/login-action v2
    • docker/build-push-action v3
    • go 1.19
    • github.com/evanphx/json-patch v5.6.0+incompatible
    • github.com/otiai10/copy v1.9.0
    • gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.1
    • sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api v0.12.1
    • sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml v0.13.10
    • sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.3.0
    • hello-world 0.1.0
    • hello-world 0.1.0
    • hello-world 0.1.0
    • nonexistent 0.1.0

    • [ ] Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository
  • Feeding sensitive values to Helm over standard input

    Feeding sensitive values to Helm over standard input


    I want to feed Helm with decrypted secrets, ideally without storing them to disk. My secrets are stored encrypted in the Git repository with SOPS. As a plain shell command it would look like this: sops --decrypt secrets.enc.yaml | helm template $name . -f -.

    This would automatically pick up the values.yaml file in the directory but it would also pass the decrypted values in secrets.enc.yaml via stdin to helm, effectively merging the values together. Obviously the SOPS binary, configuration and keys would need to be in-place but that is not a concern for the plugin.

    The problem

    It seems that I cannot specify additional values files on disk for the Helm processor, let alone pass something to Helm via stdin. I need something to happen before the Helm command kicks off that generates values, which are then fed via stdin to Helm.


    I've looked at the options at my disposal.


    As far as I can see, this can only modify files on disk for further processing. My use-case is to not decrypt the secrets to disk. So the idea of a prepocessor is what I'm looking for, but it needs to be able to 'feed' the Helm command via stdin.


    I do not know upfront what the contents of my secrets will be. Also, I'd rather not put it in ENV variables for additional security.


    Plugins seem to run after Helm/Kustomize which makes them useless for my use-case. All the magic is happening within the Helm chart. I don't want to patch/correct it afterwards. I don't want to dig into the Helm chart and see how they use the secret values to implement them on my own later in the 'pipeline'.

    Since plugins implement the idea of Linux pipe, this is exactly what I need, only I need it to run before Helm kicks off. Passing the output of the previous plugins to Helm.

    Next steps

    Maybe I've overlooked/missed options that can work for my use case. Otherwise I'd be happy to collaborate on a design and help implement the code (I'm proficient in Go) if the added value is sufficient. I understand that we should probably design for the generic case, SOPS is just my implementation but others should be free to use whatever they want.

  • Feedback about lovely plugin trial

    Feedback about lovely plugin trial

    Dear all, I am working in MonoRepo<=>Multi-k8s-clusters environment. Here is my inventory repository structure my GitlabCI pipeline is browsing to build deployment manifests to be scrapped by Argo App. Capture d’écran du 2022-07-11 10-40-19

    I had in mind to move the process of my GitlabCI pipeline into Lovely plugin. Here are the main caveats I do experience

    Vault interop

    Vault Replacer plugin is configured as a plugin to lovely by the means of env variable ARGOCD_ENV_LOVELY_PLUGINS. As a result, Vault Replacer is gonna run in preprocessing step in order to resolve secret in these cases:

    Deploy a helm chart in accordance with its values. One of the values will be taken from Hashicorp Vault.
    Deploy a separate kubernetes secret, with the value being taken from Hashicorp Vault.
    Deploy a kubernetes configmap using Kustomize. Some of the data within the configmap will be taken from Hashicorp Vault.

    Vault Replacer does only support Kubernetes Auth method. This method is not supported by my central Vault server. As a workaround, I successfully interop lovely plugin with ArgoCD Vault plugin with approle authentication. ArgoCD Vault plugin takes the PATH of the yaml files to resolve and sends the result as the aggregate standard output i.e. we should iterate each yaml file to keep the directory tree like Vault Replacer which performs this process in the box. Vault plugin cannot do it out of the box along preprocessing step by the means of the basic ArgoCD configManagementPlugins syntax.

    As a consequence, I trigger Vault Plugin once Lovely Plugin is processed. Hence, we support only here above use cases #2 and #3.

    Overlays support

    As detailed in ArgoCD Lovely plugin help page, overlays mechanisms are not supported:

    • neither from an Helm value file perspective : --values (or -f) to specify a YAML file with overrides. This can be specified multiple times and the rightmost file will take precedence,
    • nor from a Kustomize perspective.

    However, application sets should be investigated furthermore to mitigate/tackle this caveat.

    Environment variables

    ArgoCD Lovely plugin does not support environnement variables. Helm value file or manifest file must be fully resolved prior to be processed. Also ArgoCD Lovely plugin does not enhance Kustomize processing which does build the manifests from files exclusively, and no information would come from runtime. In essence, no information can be loaded from the command-line arguments or environment variables during the manifest build phase.

    This caveat could however be solved by the means of a preprocessor plugin which would browse the working application directory and envsubst the yaml files.

    Thanks & Best Regards. Richard

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