Sabakan is a versatile network boot server designed for large on-premise data centers.

GitHub release main Go Reference Go Report Card


sabakan architecture

Sabakan is a versatile network boot server designed for large on-premise data centers. Currently, it is made only for Flatcar Container Linux.

Project Status: GA (General Availability)


  • High availability

    High availability of sabakan is just as easy as running multiple sabakan servers.

    Sabakan data are stored and shared in etcd. For example, DHCP lease information are shared between sabakan instances to avoid conflicts.

  • Machine inventory with IPAM (IP address management)

    Sabakan keeps an inventory of machines in a data center. Their IP addresses are automatically assigned by sabakan.

  • DHCP service

    Sabakan provides DHCP service that supports UEFI HTTP Boot and iPXE HTTP Boot. It also supports DHCP relay request to make DHCP service highly available.

  • HTTP service (network file server)

    Sabakan provides HTTP service for network boot clients. Users can upload any kind of files other than OS images to sabakan. Clients can download them to initialize the system after boot.

  • Template system for Ignition

    Ignition is a boot provisioning system for Flatcar Container Linux. Ignition configuration is not friendly for operators as it is written in a plain JSON.

    Sabakan provides a friendly and super versatile template system for Ignition configurations. For each client machine, sabakan renders Ignition configuration from templates.

  • Life-cycle management

    Machines in the inventory has a life-cycle status. The status can be changed through REST API. Users can build an automatic status controller to mark machines as unhealthy, unreachable, retiring, or retired.

  • Disk encryption support

    To help implementing full disk encryption on client machines, sabakan accepts and stores encrypted disk encryption keys. The key can be downloaded in the next boot to decrypt disks.

    sabakan-cryptsetup is a tool for clients to encrypt disks; the tool generates a disk encryption key, encrypts it, and sends the encrypted key to sabakan. In the next boot, it downloads the encrypted key from sabakan, decrypts it, then uses it to decrypt disks.

  • Audit logs

    To track problems and life-cycle events, sabakan keeps operation logs within its etcd storage.


This repository contains these programs:

  • sabakan: the network service to manage servers.
  • sabactl: CLI tool for sabakan.
  • sabakan-cryptsetup: a utility to encrypt a block device using dm-crypt.

To see their usage, run them with -h option.


docs directory contains tutorials and specifications.

Read getting started first.


mtest/ directory contains a set of utilities to setup sabakan on Ubuntu virtual machines.

testadata/ directory contains a sample Ignition template.

An example of production usage can be found in The repository bootstraps a full data center system using etcd, vault, sabakan, and many other tools.


Run sabakan with docker

# create directory to store OS images
$ sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/sabakan

# -advertise-url is the canonical URL of this sabakan.
$ docker run -d --read-only --cap-drop ALL --cap-add NET_BIND_SERVICE \
    --network host --name sabakan \
    --mount type=bind,source=/var/lib/sabakan,target=/var/lib/sabakan \ \
    -etcd-endpoints, \


Sabakan is licensed under MIT license.

Docker images

Docker images are available on

Cybozu Go
Go products from Cybozu
Cybozu Go
  • nilerr: internal error: nil Pkg importing

    nilerr: internal error: nil Pkg importing "" from ""


    Caught such an error:

    $ make test -z "$(gofmt -s -l . | grep -v '^vendor' | tee /dev/stderr)" test -z "$(golint $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/) | grep -v '/mtest/.*: should not use dot imports' | tee /dev/stderr)" test -z "$(nilerr ./... 2>&1 | tee /dev/stderr)" nilerr: internal error: nil Pkg importing "" from "" make: *** [Makefile:26: test] Error 1

    $ go version go version go1.15.2 gollvm LLVM 12.0.0git linux/amd64

    $ go env GO111MODULE="" GOARCH="amd64" GOBIN="" GOCACHE="/home/oceanfish81/.cache/go-build" GOENV="/home/oceanfish81/.config/go/env" GOEXE="" GOFLAGS="" GOHOSTARCH="amd64" GOHOSTOS="linux" GOINSECURE="" GOMODCACHE="/home/oceanfish81/go/pkg/mod" GONOPROXY="" GONOSUMDB="" GOOS="linux" GOPATH="/home/oceanfish81/go" GOPRIVATE="" GOPROXY=",direct" GOROOT="/home/oceanfish81/gollvm_dist" GOSUMDB="" GOTMPDIR="" GOTOOLDIR="/home/oceanfish81/gollvm_dist/tools" GCCGO="/home/oceanfish81/gollvm_dist/bin/llvm-goc" AR="ar" CC="/usr/bin/clang" CXX="/usr/bin/clang++" CGO_ENABLED="1" GOMOD="/home/oceanfish81/sabakan/go.mod" CGO_CFLAGS="-g -O2" CGO_CPPFLAGS="" CGO_CXXFLAGS="-g -O2" CGO_FFLAGS="-g -O2" CGO_LDFLAGS="-g -O2" PKG_CONFIG="pkg-config" GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fno-caret-diagnostics -Qunused-arguments -fmessage-length=0 -fdebug-prefix-map=/tmp/go-build032338975=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches -funwind-tables"

    CC @tenntenn

  • Add kernel parameters support

    Add kernel parameters support

    ハードコードされているiPXE scriptのKernel parameterを変更できるようにしました。

    • sabakanにkernel paramsを登録・取得するためのAPIを追加
    • etcdにkernel paramsを登録・取得するための処理を追加
    • etcdにkernel paramsのデータスキーマを仕様を決定
    • sabactlにkernel paramsを登録・取得するコマンドを追加
    • iPXEブート時に登録されたkernel paramsを含めてiPXE scriptの生成
  • Fix remaining deleted image bug

    Fix remaining deleted image bug

    When deleting an image by sabactl images delete, the images are remaining on the local disk.

    $ sabactl images upload 100.000 kernel initrd
    $ sabactl images delete 100.000
    $ sabactl images index
        "id": "1745.5.0",
        "date": "2018-07-17T22:02:03.097669114Z",
        "urls": [
        "exists": true
    $ sudo ls /var/lib/sabakan/images/coreos/
    100.000  1745.5.0
  • Add /api/v1/machines

    Add /api/v1/machines

    Add POST,PUT,GET /api/v1/machines

    • index.go: Indexing structure for search by GET.
    • query.go: Query collection using etcd and index.
    • Add EtcdWatcher() which execute goroutine to watch etcd. When KV is updated, It will update index.
  • sabactl remote-config

    sabactl remote-config

    This changes implements sub-commands of sabactl as the following:

    $ sabactl remote-config get
    $ sabactl remote-config set -f <config.json>

    Remote config is described in JSON:

      "node-ipv4-offset": "",
      "node-rack-shift": 5,
      "bmc-ipv4-offset": "",
      "bmc-rack-shift": 2,
      "node-ip-per-node": 3,
      "bmc-ip-per-node": 1
  • Examples set auto fields but those values are overridden by sabakan

    Examples set auto fields but those values are overridden by sabakan

    Describe the bug

    The examples at:

    Set auto fields like bmc.ipv4 but those are overridden by sabakan, so I think those fields should be removed from the examples.

    Also the documentation should explicitly mention that auto fields are overridden and must not be set by the user. I think the Values for auto fields are filled by sabakan at registration. phrase is not explicit enough, because its ambiguous whether they can/should be set afterwards.

  • Error: Bad Request: invalid request: labels contain invalid character

    Error: Bad Request: invalid request: labels contain invalid character

    Describe the bug

    While trying to follow the Getting Started / Register Machines procedure at, it fails with:

    Error: Bad Request: invalid request: labels contain invalid character

    This is due to the space character in the labels.product machine definition:

        "labels": {
          "product": "Dell R640"

    I think the code or documentation should be updated to prevent this error.

    PS: there's a space at too

  • Update for etcd 3.4.16

    Update for etcd 3.4.16

    • Update for etcd 3.4.16 Use etcdutil v1.4.0. Import etcd 3.4.16 using corresponding commit hash. Import from "". CI downloads etcd images from instead of, because it removes unnecessary dependency.

    • Update packages Update imported packages except for the following ones:

      • v0.35 -> v2.10.1 (I suspect some reason not to upgrade it)
      • (No release is provided and the latest commit fails at its CI)

    Signed-off-by: Daichi Sakaue [email protected]

  • Upgrade CT version

    Upgrade CT version

    Fix CT version. Because It was downgraded by the following PRs.

    Signed-off-by: Masayuki Ishii [email protected]

  • [sabakan-cryptsetup] support multiple ciphers

    [sabakan-cryptsetup] support multiple ciphers

    This PR revamps sabakan-cryptsetup to:

    • Auto detect physical disks to be encrypted,
    • Document formal specifications, and
    • Support cipher and key size selection

    Additionally, this PR adds a new API at /api/v1/cryptsetup to download sabakan-cryptsetup. The location of sabakan-cryptsetup is specified by SABAKAN_CRYPTSETUP environment variable.

    If SABAKAN_CRYPTSETUP is not set, sabakan looks for sabakan-cryptsetup in the same directory where sabakan exists.

  • Revamp Ignition template

    Revamp Ignition template

    This PR revamps ignition template implementations.

    Changes in REST APIs and command-line usage break backward-compatibility. Changes in template syntax do not break backward-compatibility. Template data in etcd are converted automatically. The etcd schema version is bumped to 3.

    One most notable change is that sabakan can now handle multiple Ignition specification versions. To define an ignition template for spec version 2.3.0, specify version in template YAML as follows:

    version: 2.3
    passwd: passwd.yml
      - /etc/hostname
  • Support Ignition v3

    Support Ignition v3


    From the Flatcar Container Linux, Ignition v3 is supported.


    Describe how to address the issue.


    • [ ] Finish implentation of the issue
    • [ ] Test all functions
    • [ ] Have enough logs to trace activities
    • [ ] Notify developers of necessary actions
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