A API scanner written in GOLANG to scan files recursively and look for API keys and IDs.


   _____  ____    ______ _____ _   _ _____             _____ _____  _____ 
  / ____|/ __ \  |  ____|_   _| \ | |  __ \      /\   |  __ \_   _|/ ____|
 | |  __| |  | | | |__    | | |  \| | |  | |    /  \  | |__) || | | (___  
 | | |_ | |  | | |  __|   | | | . ` | |  | |   / /\ \ |  ___/ | |  \___ \ 
 | |__| | |__| | | |     _| |_| |\  | |__| |  / ____ \| |    _| |_ ____) |
  \_____|\____/  |_|    |_____|_| \_|_____/  /_/    \_\_|   |_____|_____/ 

This tool is build to find APIs. Just go recursively go around files and read them and scan for API keys with regex. This tool is still in the developement phase. There is posibility of false positive. Please do contribute.


  • To install gofindapis...
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/d3m0n-r00t/gofindapis/master/install.sh > ~/install-gofindapis.sh && chmod +x ~/install-gofindapis.sh
gofindapis <path_to_scan>
  • To add gofindapis as pre-commit hook.
cd git-project
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/d3m0n-r00t/gofindapis/master/pre-commit > .git/hooks/pre-commit

The .goignore file

Any files can be avoided from being scanned by gofindapis by the use of a .goignore file. Just add the file in the git directory and the files in the file wont be scanned. For example to avoid scanning .git folder and its files add the following in .goignore.



  • Find a way to add this tool as git pre-commit hook check. --- DONE
  • Optimization. --- DONE
  • Build the script and make it a binary so that we can run it from anywhere. --- DONE
  • Find a general way to give root path of the git project in pre-commit script in .git/hooks/pre-commit. --- DONE
  • Find more regex and reduce false positives.
Sreekanth Sasi
CyberSecurity enthusiast, Certified Ethical Hacker, Developer, pythonist.
Sreekanth Sasi
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