A fast script language for Go

The Tengo Language

GoDoc test Go Report Card

Tengo is a small, dynamic, fast, secure script language for Go.

Tengo is fast and secure because it's compiled/executed as bytecode on stack-based VM that's written in native Go.

/* The Tengo Language */
fmt := import("fmt")

each := func(seq, fn) {
    for x in seq { fn(x) }

sum := func(init, seq) {
    each(seq, func(x) { init += x })
    return init

fmt.println(sum(0, [1, 2, 3]))   // "6"
fmt.println(sum("", [1, 2, 3]))  // "123"

Test this Tengo code in the Tengo Playground



fib(35) fibt(35) Language (Type)
Tengo 2,931ms 4ms Tengo (VM)
go-lua 4,824ms 4ms Lua (VM)
GopherLua 5,365ms 4ms Lua (VM)
goja 5,533ms 5ms JavaScript (VM)
starlark-go 11,495ms 5ms Starlark (Interpreter)
Yaegi 15,645ms 12ms Yaegi (Interpreter)
gpython 16,322ms 5ms Python (Interpreter)
otto 73,093ms 10ms JavaScript (Interpreter)
Anko 79,809ms 8ms Anko (Interpreter)
- - - -
Go 53ms 3ms Go (Native)
Lua 1,612ms 3ms Lua (Native)
Python 2,632ms 23ms Python 2 (Native)

* fib(35): Fibonacci(35)
* fibt(35): tail-call version of Fibonacci(35)
* Go does not read the source code from file, while all other cases do
* See here for commands/codes used

Quick Start

go get github.com/d5/tengo/v2

A simple Go example code that compiles/runs Tengo script code with some input/output values:

package main

import (


func main() {
	// Tengo script code
	src := `
each := func(seq, fn) {
    for x in seq { fn(x) }

sum := 0
mul := 1
each([a, b, c, d], func(x) {
	sum += x
	mul *= x

	// create a new Script instance
	script := tengo.NewScript([]byte(src))

	// set values
	_ = script.Add("a", 1)
	_ = script.Add("b", 9)
	_ = script.Add("c", 8)
	_ = script.Add("d", 4)

	// run the script
	compiled, err := script.RunContext(context.Background())
	if err != nil {

	// retrieve values
	sum := compiled.Get("sum")
	mul := compiled.Get("mul")
	fmt.Println(sum, mul) // "22 288"


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  • new spread feature

    new spread feature

    #265 Docs are still missing but I will add later. Note: After Ellipsis space is allowed in this implementation not to break compatibility. Note: Any expression is allowed after ellipsis but it can return an error at parser level but I want to hear your ideas.

  •  please support range syntax

    please support range syntax

    array define : [1,2,3,4,5] range define: [1..5]

    This syntax is useful in an inline environment to effectively shorten script lengths.

    Some language support it like kotlin, groovy...etc

  • Can tengo module support changing script suffix?

    Can tengo module support changing script suffix?

    vm.Compile() Error {"error": "[uno.mshk]Compile Error: module file read error: open due.tengo: no such file or directory\n\tat (main):1:8"}

    vm.Compile() Error {"error": "[due.mshk]Compile Error: module file read error: open tre.tengo: no such file or directory\n\tat (main):1:8"}

  • Spread last call argument

    Spread last call argument

    • After feedback from #297 (spread in arrays, maps, call args), I removed spread for array and map, only last call argument can be spread.
    • Ellipsis must come after the argument, not before (like Go).
    • Only last argument can be spread (like Go).
    • Call Args and function params match is not mandatory, OpCall takes whatever in the stack after spread and use it as before, no major OpCall changes.
    • Docs are missing, will be added after PR approval.
    • Cost of this is not calculated in terms of performance. Simple benchmarks #265 show +~1% delta.
    • Major version change is not required.
    • This is a draft PR.
  • enable relative imports

    enable relative imports

    After considering what could be effective, I came up with this implementation. Docs and some tests are missing and will be added if it is accepted. It closes #280 . Implementation is based on @d5 comment Notes:

    • checkCyclicImport call removed which was called before compileModule in Compiler for file imports. It is already called in compileModule.
    • I added testdata folder and bunch of tengo scripts under cmd/tengo for testing relative imports with CI (testdata folder may be moved to lib root folder).
    • At Go side, user can set import dir to search importable tengo files which is updated for each module compiler based on file's dir.
    • Absolute paths are used to ensure detecting cyclic imports.
    • Physical file modules can be a symbolic link, they are resolved as well but following symbolic links is limited to max 2 levels (who needs more?).
    • Tengo CLI compiles and runs both compiled and module files without any problem.
    • I have only Linux machine, I dont know if this implementation works well on windows/mac (TODO).

    Comments please @d5 @geseq

  • Enable relative imports

    Enable relative imports

    Importing a module tre.tengo

    fun := func(a) {
      return a
    tre := {
      fun: fun
    export tre

    in another tengo script due.tengo (both files are in the same folder)

    tre := import(`tre`)
    funcy := func(a) {
      return tre.fun(a)
    due := {
      funcy: funcy
    export due

    throws an error, when tengo is invoked as CLI from another directory, e.g. the parent folder :

    Compile Error: module file read error: open tre.tengo: no such file or directory at due.tengo:2:8

    It works fine however when tengo is invoked from within the folder. This leads me to suspect the import is done relative to the working directory. Relative imports feel more intuitive though, or am I wrong. Is there already a way to import relative to another file?

  • builtin delete for maps and arrays

    builtin delete for maps and arrays

    builtin delete is ready. It works like Go's delete for maps but also works for array types. delete function returns only undefined value or raises runtime error. It mutates given map or array. doc and tests are added.

  • Symbol Table and Closure

    Symbol Table and Closure


    I encountered following behavior at v2.6

    f := undefined
    if true {
        a := 10
        f = func() {
            a = 20
    b := 5
    fmt := import("fmt")





    Symbol table is forked before If statement and symbols next index is reset to the state before forking after If statement finished in compiler, because of that variable a and variable b has same symbol index and captured variable in f refers to wrong variable. What do you think?

  • Function re-assignment in another function causes SIGSEGV in Tengo VM

    Function re-assignment in another function causes SIGSEGV in Tengo VM

    The following Tengo code:

    func1 := func(a, b) {
        return a * b
    func2 := func() {
        test := test(1, 2)

    While completely bonkers (re-assigning a function), produces a SIGSEGV, which should not happen.

    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x28 pc=0x52eb39]
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    	/home/runner/work/tengo/tengo/vm.go:542 +0x2ac9
    github.com/d5/tengo/v2.(*VM).Run(0xc000180000, 0xc000180000, 0x400)
    	/home/runner/work/tengo/tengo/vm.go:77 +0xcf
    main.CompileAndRun(0xc0001026f0, 0xc000152000, 0x5e, 0x25e, 0xc0001163d0, 0xc, 0x0, 0xc000104120)
    	/home/runner/work/tengo/tengo/cmd/tengo/main.go:144 +0x1d0
    	/home/runner/work/tengo/tengo/cmd/tengo/main.go:83 +0x420

    I stumbled upon this by happenstance as a result of a typo in my code.

  • Add shebang support (#!)

    Add shebang support (#!)

    To use tengo as scripting language in the terminal, support for shebang (#!) would be beneficial.

    Additional question, what is the proposed file extension for tengo files?

  • spread syntax

    spread syntax

    Spread Syntax

    Now that the language has variadic functions, it would make sense to add something like Go's spread operator (...) to allow using the contents of arrays as variadic arguments.

    However, Tengo uses a stack-based vm. Implementing a spread-like operator would create a re-usable mechanism for "exploding" arrays onto the stack. We can take advantage of this by allowing "exploding" in array literals and at other positions in a function call besides the last.

    I've got most of an implementation complete in the explosions branch of my fork. For syntax and uses, see below.


    Array Literals


    x := [1, 2, 3, 4]
    x = [x[:2]..., "hi", x[2:]...] // [1, 2, "hi", 4, 5]
    x = [x[:2]..., x[3:]...] // [1, 2, 4, 5]


    a := [1, 2]
    b := [3, 4]
    c := [5, 6]
    d := [a..., b..., c...] // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

    mix & match:

    a := [2, 3]
    b := [5, 6]
    c := [1, a..., 4, b...] // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

    explode custom Iterable implementations:

    iter := make_go_channel_iterator()
    list := [iter...] // [ (all values from the iterator) ]

    explode any value of an explodable type (including literals):

    x := [[1, 2]..., 3, [4, 5, 6]...] // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

    Function Calls

    our example funcs:

    variadic_fn := func(a, b, c, ...args) { /* ... */ }
    normal_fn := func(a, b, c, d) { /* ... */ } 

    variadic function calls:

    variadic_fn(1, 2, 3) // a=1 b=2 c=3 args=[]
    variadic_fn(1, 2, 3, [4, 5]...) // a=1 b=2 c=3 args=[4, 5]
    variadic_fn(1, [2, 3]..., [4, 5]..., 6) // a=1 b=2 c=3 args=[4, 5, 6]

    normal function calls:

    normal_fn(1, 2, 3) // illegal, missing arguments
    normal_fn(1, 2, 3, [4, 5]...) // illegal, total # of arguments > # of function parameters
    normal_fn(1, [2, 3]..., [4]...) // a=1 b=2 c=3 d=4
    normal_fn([1, 2, 3, 4]...) // a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4


    apply := func(fn, ...applied) {
        return func(...args) {
            return fn(applied..., args...)
    apply(normal_fn, 1, 2)(3, 4) // a=1 b=2 c=3 d=4
  • Sorting


    I would like sort an array of objects based on a supplied function. Something like sort.Slice()

    sorting := import("sorting") myList := [{x:1}, {x:2},{x:3}] sorting.sort( myList, func( i, j ){ return myList[i].x < myList[j].x }

    The problem is, you can run a CompiledFunc for your UserFunc.

    My workaround was to pass the name of a field to the UserFunc...

    sorting.sort( myList, "x")

  • Better support for TZ locations in the times module

    Better support for TZ locations in the times module

    I've added a location parameter to times.date to allow for creating a timestamp in a specific location. The call now works the same as the equivalent Go function. This parameter is optional so as not to break existing code.

    Along with this I've also added times.in_location(t time, l string), which works similar to func (t Time) In(loc *Location) Time

  • Add Encode/Decode to Compiled object

    Add Encode/Decode to Compiled object


    Compared to other scripting solutions for golang, tengo has a capability to execute bytecode. However:

    1. Currently, Encode/Decode is implemented only in Bytecode and global variables are not saved. In order to run a script, it needs to be compiled first.
    2. Because of (1), it's not possible to deliver/embed compiled script with host application, if it contains global variable(s).
  • Faster binary operations

    Faster binary operations

    Improves BinaryOp performance significantly


    Result:  9227465
    Go:      42.388955ms
    Parser:  36.718µs
    Compile: 109.024µs
    VM:      2.787647146s
    fibonacci(35) (tail-call #1)
    Result:  9227465
    Go:      42.789713ms
    Parser:  21.297µs
    Compile: 70.948µs
    VM:      2.894222823s
    fibonacci(35) (tail-call #2)
    Result:  9227465
    Go:      256ns
    Parser:  17.864µs
    Compile: 60.804µs
    VM:      14.668µs 


    Result:  9227465
    Go:      41.610339ms
    Parser:  33.751µs
    Compile: 98.728µs
    VM:      2.252044656s
    fibonacci(35) (tail-call #1)
    Result:  9227465
    Go:      41.661108ms
    Parser:  18.044µs
    Compile: 59.931µs
    VM:      2.700379139s
    fibonacci(35) (tail-call #2)
    Result:  9227465
    Go:      240ns
    Parser:  22.475µs
    Compile: 70.738µs
    VM:      22.121µs
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