🛠 A Go SDK for building applications on top of Uniswap V3

Uniswap V3 SDK

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🛠 A Go SDK for building applications on top of Uniswap V3


go get github.com/daoleno/uniswapv3-sdk


The following example shows how to create a pool, and get the inputAmount

DAI outputAmount := core.FromRawAmount(DAI.Currency, big.NewInt(98)) inputAmount, _, err := pool.GetInputAmount(outputAmount, nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(inputAmount.ToSignificant(4)) } ">
package main

import (

	core "github.com/daoleno/uniswap-sdk-core/entities"

var (
	USDC     = core.NewToken(1, common.HexToAddress("0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48"), 6, "USDC", "USD Coin")
	DAI      = core.NewToken(1, common.HexToAddress("0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F"), 18, "DAI", "Dai Stablecoin")
	OneEther = big.NewInt(1e18)

func main() {
	// create demo ticks
	ticks := []entities.Tick{
			Index:          entities.NearestUsableTick(utils.MinTick, constants.TickSpaces[constants.FeeLow]),
			LiquidityNet:   OneEther,
			LiquidityGross: OneEther,
			Index:          entities.NearestUsableTick(utils.MaxTick, constants.TickSpaces[constants.FeeLow]),
			LiquidityNet:   new(big.Int).Mul(OneEther, constants.NegativeOne),
			LiquidityGross: OneEther,

	// create tick data provider
	p, err := entities.NewTickListDataProvider(ticks, constants.TickSpaces[constants.FeeLow])
	if err != nil {

	// new pool
	pool, err := entities.NewPool(USDC, DAI, constants.FeeLow, utils.EncodeSqrtRatioX96(constants.One, constants.One), OneEther, 0, p)
	if err != nil {

	// USDC -> DAI
	outputAmount := core.FromRawAmount(DAI.Currency, big.NewInt(98))
	inputAmount, _, err := pool.GetInputAmount(outputAmount, nil)
	if err != nil {

More Examples

software engineer
  • SwapCallParameters function problem

    SwapCallParameters function problem

    Hi, I have a problem for swapping tokens this is my code

    import (
    	coreEntities "github.com/daoleno/uniswap-sdk-core/entities"
    var ETHRPC = "https://kovan.infura.io/v3/{{id}}"
    func main() {
    	client, err := ethclient.Dial(ETHRPC)
    	if err != nil {
    	wallet := helper.InitWallet({prv_key})
    	if wallet == nil {
    		log.Fatal("init wallet failed")
    	usdt := coreEntities.NewToken(42, common.HexToAddress("0x07de306ff27a2b630b1141956844eb1552b956b5"), 6, "USDT", "Tether USD")
    	weth := coreEntities.NewToken(42, common.HexToAddress("0xd0a1e359811322d97991e03f863a0c30c2cf029c"), 18, "WETH", "Wrapped Ether")
    	pool, err := helper.ConstructV3Pool(client, usdt, weth, uint64(constants.FeeMedium))
    	if err != nil {
    	slippageTolerance := coreEntities.NewPercent(big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(1000))
    	//after 5 minutes
    	d := time.Now().Add(time.Minute * time.Duration(15)).Unix()
    	deadline := big.NewInt(d)
    	// single trade input
    	// single-hop exact input
    	r, err := entities.NewRoute([]*entities.Pool{pool}, usdt, weth)
    	if err != nil {
    	swapValue := helper.FloatStringToBigInt("2", 6)
    	trade, err := entities.FromRoute(r, coreEntities.FromRawAmount(usdt, swapValue), coreEntities.ExactInput)
    	if err != nil {
    	log.Printf("%v %v\n", trade.Swaps[0].InputAmount.Quotient(), trade.Swaps[0].OutputAmount.Wrapped().Quotient())
    	params, err := periphery.SwapCallParameters([]*entities.Trade{trade}, &periphery.SwapOptions{
    		SlippageTolerance: slippageTolerance,
    		Recipient:         wallet.PublicKey,
    		Deadline:          deadline,
    	if err != nil {
    	to := common.HexToAddress("0x68b3465833fb72a70ecdf485e0e4c7bd8665fc45")
    	tx, err := helper.TryTX(client, to,
    		big.NewInt(0), params.Calldata, wallet)
    	if err != nil {

    and it returns me The execution failed due to an exception. this error. so I searched about this error and understood that one of the main reasons is corrupted input data so instead of using SwapCallParameters I swapped with uniswap web application and extracted its input data https://kovan.etherscan.io/tx/0xd9ba16700e54348c0e9648e4eeec7160ec523a92bff8baca237687ea86a5300c and used it in code and it generate this transaction successfully https://kovan.etherscan.io/tx/0x360d93ba9ba7f39acf5ae7931528e4ecb8666fc6fe1b4213e513abea826571af so I think maybe there is a problem with this function but I can't debug it i appreciate any help

  • Output amount is not calculated correctly in some cases

    Output amount is not calculated correctly in some cases

    Hi guys, first of all, thank you for the great library and the effort to maintain it!


    in some cases pool.GetOutputAmount() (and Pool.swap() ) is not calculating output amount correctly with ExactInput option

    Suspected case:

    when current tick of the pool is negative

    How to reproduce:

    try to form a swap tx for UNI/WETH/30 pool with exact input WETH amount (0.1 in my case). Current tick for the pool is something close to -55200. Check the value returned from pool.GetOutputAmount() (called from FromRoute(...,coreEntities.ExactInput) ) .

  • Implement atomic swaps

    Implement atomic swaps

  • Token has no field or method Currency

    Token has no field or method Currency

    github.com/daoleno/uniswapv3-sdk v0.3.0

    DAI.Currency undefined (type *"github.com/daoleno/uniswap-sdk-core/entities".Token has no field or method Currency)

  • abi can not pack (Standard)PermitArguments

    abi can not pack (Standard)PermitArguments

    abi: cannot use uint as type uint8 as argument when calling abi.Pack("selfPermit", token.Address, options.Amount, options.Deadline, options.V, options.R, options.S) in selfpermit.go

  • "invalid tick index" incorrect check


    func GetTick(ticks []Tick, index int) Tick {
    	tick := ticks[binarySearch(ticks, index)]
    	if tick.Index <= 0 {
    		panic("invalid tick index")
    	return tick

    Hi @daoleno ,

    I think this function should be something like

    func GetTick(ticks []Tick, index int) Tick {
            tickIndex := binarySearch(ticks, index)
            if tickIndex < 0 {
    		panic("invalid tick index")
    	tick := ticks[tickIndex]
    	return tick

    Because tick.Index can be negative. Am I right?

  • How does swap provide a pool with the correct output state?

    How does swap provide a pool with the correct output state?


    I don't understand how this is returning the correct new pool state because it just changes the tick and the price, but it doesn't actually update the tick liquidity from the tick data provider.

    Am I missing something here? If the tick liquidity isn't added or subtracted, then the liquidityNet for the consumed ticks isn't correct for pricing the next swap.

  • ConstructV3Pool failing for a live pool

    ConstructV3Pool failing for a live pool

    Hey, I was trying to use your package to interact with a pool on maiinet but I get an error when using ConstructV3Pool

            unipool = "0x82c427AdFDf2d245Ec51D8046b41c4ee87F0d29C"
            weth    = "0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2"
            osqth   = "0xf1B99e3E573A1a9C5E6B2Ce818b617F0E664E86B"
            chainID, _ := client.ChainID(context.Background())
    	c := uint(chainID.Uint64())
    	token0 := coreEntities.NewToken(c, common.HexToAddress(weth), 18, "WETH", "weth")
    	token1 := coreEntities.NewToken(c, common.HexToAddress(osqth), 18, "oSQTH", "opyn squeeth")
    	//amountIn := helper.FloatStringToBigInt("1.00", 18)
    	pool, err := ConstructV3Pool(client, token0, token1, uint64(constants.FeeMedium))
    	if err != nil {

    I get the following error tick net delta must be zero , which as I understand is something about validating the ticks in ValidateList. But I don't know enough of the details of uniswap to understand how to fix this or why this pool fails.

    Do you have an idea? etherscan link of the pool: https://etherscan.io/address/0x82c427adfdf2d245ec51d8046b41c4ee87f0d29c#readContract

  • How to use auto permit(allowance) when operating the position?

    How to use auto permit(allowance) when operating the position?

    Hi, guys. Thanks for sharing this SDK.

    I have a question about auto perimting allowance when calling mutilcall. I saw two parameters (Token0Permit, Token1Permit) in CommonAddLiquidityOptions:

    //  Options for producing the calldata to add liquidity
    type CommonAddLiquidityOptions struct {
    	SlippageTolerance *core.Percent  // How much the pool price is allowed to move
    	Deadline          *big.Int       // When the transaction expires, in epoch seconds
    	UseNative         *core.Ether    // Whether to spend ether. If true, one of the pool tokens must be WETH, by default false
    	Token0Permit      *PermitOptions // The optional permit parameters for spending token0
    	Token1Permit      *PermitOptions // The optional permit parameters for spending token1

    These two permit parameters defined in https://github.com/daoleno/uniswapv3-sdk/blob/master/periphery/selfpermit.go

    I know it would be wrapped in AddCallParameters automatically. But I don't know how to wrap the VRS(signature data). Can you give me a simple example for calling AddCallParameters with perimited parameters?

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