Dapr is a portable, event-driven, runtime for building distributed applications across cloud and edge.

Any language, any framework, anywhere

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Dapr is a portable, serverless, event-driven runtime that makes it easy for developers to build resilient, stateless and stateful microservices that run on the cloud and edge and embraces the diversity of languages and developer frameworks.

Dapr codifies the best practices for building microservice applications into open, independent, building blocks that enable you to build portable applications with the language and framework of your choice. Each building block is independent and you can use one, some, or all of them in your application.

Dapr overview


  • Enable developers using any language or framework to write distributed applications
  • Solve the hard problems developers face building microservice applications by providing best practice building blocks
  • Be community driven, open and vendor neutral
  • Gain new contributors
  • Provide consistency and portability through open APIs
  • Be platform agnostic across cloud and edge
  • Embrace extensibility and provide pluggable components without vendor lock-in
  • Enable IoT and edge scenarios by being highly performant and lightweight
  • Be incrementally adoptable from existing code, with no runtime dependency

How it works

Dapr injects a side-car (container or process) to each compute unit. The side-car interacts with event triggers and communicates with the compute unit via standard HTTP or gRPC protocols. This enables Dapr to support all existing and future programming languages without requiring you to import frameworks or libraries.

Dapr offers built-in state management, reliable messaging (at least once delivery), triggers and bindings through standard HTTP verbs or gRPC interfaces. This allows you to write stateless, stateful and actor-like services following the same programming paradigm. You can freely choose consistency model, threading model and message delivery patterns.

Dapr runs natively on Kubernetes, as a self hosted binary on your machine, on an IoT device, or as a container that can be injected into any system, in the cloud or on-premises.

Dapr uses pluggable component state stores and message buses such as Redis as well as gRPC to offer a wide range of communication methods, including direct dapr-to-dapr using gRPC and async Pub-Sub with guaranteed delivery and at-least-once semantics.

Why Dapr?

Writing high performance, scalable and reliable distributed application is hard. Dapr brings proven patterns and practices to you. It unifies event-driven and actors semantics into a simple, consistent programming model. It supports all programming languages without framework lock-in. You are not exposed to low-level primitives such as threading, concurrency control, partitioning and scaling. Instead, you can write your code by implementing a simple web server using familiar web frameworks of your choice.

Dapr is flexible in threading and state consistency models. You can leverage multi-threading if you choose to, and you can choose among different consistency models. This flexibility enables to implement advanced scenarios without artificial constraints. Dapr is unique because you can transition seamlessly between platforms and underlying implementations without rewriting your code.


  • Event-driven Pub-Sub system with pluggable providers and at-least-once semantics
  • Input and output bindings with pluggable providers
  • State management with pluggable data stores
  • Consistent service-to-service discovery and invocation
  • Opt-in stateful models: Strong/Eventual consistency, First-write/Last-write wins
  • Cross platform virtual actors
  • Secrets management to retrieve secrets from secure key vaults
  • Rate limiting
  • Built-in Observability support
  • Runs natively on Kubernetes using a dedicated Operator and CRDs
  • Supports all programming languages via HTTP and gRPC
  • Multi-Cloud, open components (bindings, pub-sub, state) from Azure, AWS, GCP
  • Runs anywhere, as a process or containerized
  • Lightweight (58MB binary, 4MB physical memory)
  • Runs as a sidecar - removes the need for special SDKs or libraries
  • Dedicated CLI - developer friendly experience with easy debugging
  • Clients for Java, .NET Core, Go, Javascript, Python, Rust and C++

Get Started using Dapr

See our Getting Started guide over in our docs.

Quickstarts and Samples


We want your contributions and suggestions! One of the easiest ways to contribute is to participate in discussions on the mailing list, chat on IM or the bi-weekly community calls. For more information on the community engagement, developer and contributing guidelines and more, head over to the Dapr community repo

Contact Us

Reach out with any questions you may have and we'll make sure to answer then as soon as possible!

Platform Link
💬 Instant Message Chat (preferred) Discord Banner
📧 Mailing List https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/dapr-dev
🐤 Twitter @daprdev

Community Call

Every two weeks we host a community call to showcase new features, review upcoming milestones, and engage in a Q&A. All are welcome!

📞 Visit https://aka.ms/dapr-community-call for upcoming dates and the meeting link.

Videos and Podcasts

Engagement Link
📺 Channel 9 Azure Friday - Learn All About Distributed Application Runtime Dapr: Part 1 and Part 2
🌎 Conferences - Dapr, Rudr, OAM: Mark Russinovich presents next gen app development & deployment
- Mark Russinovich presents "The Future of Cloud Native Applications with OAM and Dapr"
- Build 2020: Mark Fussell presents Dapr
🎤 Hanselminutes Dapr Distributed Application Runtime with Mark Russinovich
💻 Azure Community Live Build microservice applications using DAPR with Mark Fussell

Contributing to Dapr

See the Development Guide to get started with building and developing.


Repo Description
Dapr The main repository that you are currently in. Contains the Dapr runtime code and overview documentation.
CLI The Dapr CLI allows you to setup Dapr on your local dev machine or on a Kubernetes cluster, provides debugging support, launches and manages Dapr instances.
Docs The documentation for Dapr.
Quickstarts This repository contains a series of simple code samples that highlight the main Dapr capabilities
Samples This repository holds community maintained samples for various Dapr use cases.
Components-contrib The purpose of components contrib is to provide open, community driven reusable components for building distributed applications.
Dashboard General purpose dashboard for Dapr
Go-sdk Dapr SDK for Go
Java-sdk Dapr SDK for Java
JS-sdk Dapr SDK for JavaScript
Python-sdk Dapr SDK for Python
Dotnet-sdk Dapr SDK for .NET Core
Rust-sdk Dapr SDK for Rust
Cpp-sdk Dapr SDK for C++
PHP-sdk Dapr SDK for PHP

Code of Conduct

Please refer to our Dapr Community Code of Conduct

Distributed Application Runtime. An event-driven, portable runtime for building microservices on cloud and edge.
  • Fix actor reminder e2e tests + fixes to reminder partition

    Fix actor reminder e2e tests + fixes to reminder partition


    Fixes the reminder E2E tests. Fixes to the reminder storage solution with partitioning.

    Issue reference

    Please reference the issue this PR will close: #3984


    Please make sure you've completed the relevant tasks for this PR, out of the following list:

    • [ ] Code compiles correctly
    • [ ] Created/updated tests
    • [ ] Unit tests passing
    • [ ] End-to-end tests passing
    • [ ] Extended the documentation / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
    • [ ] Specification has been updated / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
    • [ ] Provided sample for the feature / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]

    RELEASE NOTE: Fix logging of conflict when loading actor state store and fixes to actor reminders partitioning.

  • Fixes sidecar injection instability. Removes job_test E2E on AKS win and linux. Other E2E stability fixes for linux.

    Fixes sidecar injection instability. Removes job_test E2E on AKS win and linux. Other E2E stability fixes for linux.


    Fixes sidecar injection instability. Removes job_test E2E on AKS win and linux. Other E2E stability fixes for linux.

    Windows E2E is still unstable. See this run, for example: https://github.com/dapr/dapr/actions/runs/696284536

    DO NOT RERUN the run above since we want to keep that for post mortem.

    Issue reference

    We strive to have all PR being opened based on an issue, where the problem or feature have been discussed prior to implementation.

    Please reference the issue this PR will close: N/A


    Please make sure you've completed the relevant tasks for this PR, out of the following list:

    • [ ] Code compiles correctly
    • [ ] Created/updated tests
    • [ ] Unit tests passing
    • [ ] End-to-end tests passing
    • [ ] Extended the documentation / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
    • [ ] Specification has been updated / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
    • [ ] Provided sample for the feature / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
  • Reuse ASB namespace for E2E tests.

    Reuse ASB namespace for E2E tests.


    Reuse ASB namespace for E2E tests.

    Issue reference

    Please reference the issue this PR will close: #3647


    Please make sure you've completed the relevant tasks for this PR, out of the following list:

    • [ ] Code compiles correctly
    • [ ] Created/updated tests
    • [ ] Unit tests passing
    • [ ] End-to-end tests passing
    • [ ] Extended the documentation / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
    • [ ] Specification has been updated / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
    • [ ] Provided sample for the feature / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
  • Enable SDK E2E test on Windows.

    Enable SDK E2E test on Windows.


    Enable SDK E2E test on Windows.

    Issue reference

    We strive to have all PR being opened based on an issue, where the problem or feature have been discussed prior to implementation.

    Please reference the issue this PR will close: #2695


    Please make sure you've completed the relevant tasks for this PR, out of the following list:

    • [ ] Code compiles correctly
    • [ ] Created/updated tests
    • [ ] Unit tests passing
    • [ ] End-to-end tests passing
    • [ ] Extended the documentation / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
    • [ ] Specification has been updated / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
    • [ ] Provided sample for the feature / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
  • Increase leader election retry interval

    Increase leader election retry interval


    Please explain the changes you've made

    Issue reference

    We strive to have all PR being opened based on an issue, where the problem or feature have been discussed prior to implementation.

    Please reference the issue this PR will close: #[issue number]


    Please make sure you've completed the relevant tasks for this PR, out of the following list:

    • [ ] Code compiles correctly
    • [ ] Created/updated tests
    • [ ] Unit tests passing
    • [ ] End-to-end tests passing
    • [ ] Extended the documentation / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
    • [ ] Specification has been updated / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
    • [ ] Provided sample for the feature / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
  • Hack to read Tcpip\Parameters

    Hack to read Tcpip\Parameters


    Please explain the changes you've made

    Issue reference

    We strive to have all PR being opened based on an issue, where the problem or feature have been discussed prior to implementation.

    Please reference the issue this PR will close: #[issue number]


    Please make sure you've completed the relevant tasks for this PR, out of the following list:

    • [ ] Code compiles correctly
    • [ ] Created/updated tests
    • [ ] Unit tests passing
    • [ ] End-to-end tests passing
    • [ ] Extended the documentation / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
    • [ ] Specification has been updated / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
    • [ ] Provided sample for the feature / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
  • Test PR for arm e2e tests, Do not merge

    Test PR for arm e2e tests, Do not merge

    Signed-off-by: Addison Juarez [email protected]


    Issue reference

    Please reference the issue this PR will close: #[issue number]


    Please make sure you've completed the relevant tasks for this PR, out of the following list:

    • [ ] Code compiles correctly
    • [ ] Created/updated tests
    • [ ] Unit tests passing
    • [ ] End-to-end tests passing
    • [ ] Extended the documentation / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
    • [ ] Specification has been updated / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
    • [ ] Provided sample for the feature / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
  • enable dapr connecting to non local app

    enable dapr connecting to non local app


    enable dapr to connect to a non-local application read APPLICATION_HOST from environment var.

    tested standalone mode. added e2e tests for kubernetes.

    Issue reference

    We strive to have all PR being opened based on an issue, where the problem or feature have been discussed prior to implementation.

    Please reference the issue this PR will close: #1972


    Please make sure you've completed the relevant tasks for this PR, out of the following list:

    • [x] Code compiles correctly
    • [x] Created/updated tests
    • [x] Unit tests passing
    • [x] End-to-end tests passing
    • [x] Extended the documentation / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/issues/893
    • [ ] Specification has been updated / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
    • [ ] Provided sample for the feature / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
  • Initial commit of state store transactional API

    Initial commit of state store transactional API


    I noticed a good first issue with a closed incomplete PR Thus I created a new PR and referenced the previous PR.

    Things to Note

    1. https://github.com/dapr/components-contrib/issues/375 If you upsert and delete and upsert the key, a GetRequest will return nothing because Get Request executes a HGETALL first before using GET. HGETALL returns empty value or or none which is set by the other test via HSET.
    2. I also converted the values from bytes to string in the gRPC implementation since Redis inserts an string representation of integers and string.

    Issue reference

    We strive to have all PR being opened based on an issue, where the problem or feature have been discussed prior to implementation.

    Please reference the issue this PR will close: #924


    Please make sure you've completed the relevant tasks for this PR, out of the following list:

    • [x] Code compiles correctly
    • [x] Created/updated tests
    • [x] Unit tests passing
    • [x] End-to-end tests passing
    • [x] Extended the documentation / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs/issues/661
    • [ ] Specification has been updated / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
    • [ ] Provided sample for the feature / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
  • create dapr-operator-admin cluster role and change sa binding

    create dapr-operator-admin cluster role and change sa binding


    Created a new ClusterRole, dapr-operator-admin, and bound the dapr-operator ServiceAccount to that role in favor of cluster-admin.

    Issue reference

    We strive to have all PR being opened based on an issue, where the problem or feature have been discussed prior to implementation.

    Please reference the issue this PR will close: #1997


    Please make sure you've completed the relevant tasks for this PR, out of the following list:

    • [ ] Code compiles correctly
    • [ ] Created/updated tests
    • [ ] Unit tests passing
    • [ ] End-to-end tests passing
    • [ ] Extended the documentation / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
    • [ ] Specification has been updated / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
    • [ ] Provided sample for the feature / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
  • External gRPC components

    External gRPC components

    /area runtime

    Describe the proposal

    NOTE: I haven't had much time to give this problem a lot of thought or to put together this proposal so please excuse any mistakes or oversights but I wanted to get something out there so we can start to move this area forward.

    Prototype: https://github.com/jjcollinge/dapr-external-state


    This proposal outlines an approach to enable Dapr to integrate with "external" (not compiled into daprd) state store providers using a gRPC API. There is a bigger objective to allow all components to be external/remote and/or written in other lanugages but this proposal only focuses on the state store building block. This proposal should also not be seen as the ONLY way to use external state stores (components) as we will likely want to support WASM/WASI and possibly other interfaces too at a later date.


    Allowing Dapr to use state stores that have not been contributed back to the upstream project (out of tree) or have been written in a language other than Go is really important for adoption as some people may have private state stores they wish to use or might not be comfortable writing in Go. This is a frequently requested feature and is related to the following issues:

    • #3513
    • #3496
    • #1311
    • #739
    • #3168



    As mentioned above, this proposal suggests we use gRPC to integrate with external state store providers initially. For details on why gRPC please refer to this thread (TLDR; Go doesn't have dynamic libraries and WASM/WASI is too restricted currently for full plugins). gRPC can be run over tcp or unix domain sockets so we should look to support both for performance sensitive workloads.

    In order to provide an external gRPC state store, Dapr needs to define an interface using protobuf that the external store can implement.

    In this case, I've simply mapped the existing Store interface that is used to implement state stores over to protobuf (likely needs refinement).


    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation and Dapr Contributors.
    // Licensed under the MIT License.
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    syntax = "proto3";
    package components.proto.state.v1;
    import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
    import "common.proto";
    // TODO: other language packages...
    option go_package = "github.com/dapr/components-contrib/state/proto/v1;state";
    // Store service provides a gRPC interface for state store components.
    service Store {
      rpc Init(MetadataRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
      rpc Features(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (FeaturesResponse) {}
      rpc Delete(DeleteRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
      rpc Get(GetRequest) returns (GetResponse) {}
      rpc Set(SetRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
      rpc Ping(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
      rpc BulkDelete(BulkDeleteRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
      rpc BulkGet(BulkGetRequest) returns (BulkGetResponse) {}
      rpc BulkSet(BulkSetRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
    message MetadataRequest {
      map<string, string> properties = 1;
    message FeaturesResponse {
      repeated string feature = 1;
    message GetRequest {
      string key = 1;
      map<string, string> metadata = 2;
      dapr.proto.common.v1.StateOptions.StateConsistency consistency = 3;
    message GetResponse {
      bytes data = 1;
      dapr.proto.common.v1.Etag etag = 2;
      map<string, string> metadata = 3;
    message DeleteRequest {
      string key = 1;
      dapr.proto.common.v1.Etag etag = 2;
      map<string, string> metadata = 3;
      dapr.proto.common.v1.StateOptions options = 4;
    message SetRequest {
      string key = 1;
      bytes value = 2;
      dapr.proto.common.v1.Etag etag = 3;
      map<string, string> metadata = 4;
      dapr.proto.common.v1.StateOptions options = 5;
    message BulkDeleteRequest {
      repeated DeleteRequest items = 1;
    message BulkGetRequest {
      repeated GetRequest items = 1;
    message BulkStateItem {
      string key = 1;
      bytes data = 2;
      dapr.proto.common.v1.Etag etag = 3;
      string error = 4;
      map<string, string> metadata = 5;
    message BulkGetResponse {
      repeated BulkStateItem items = 1;
      bool got = 2;
    message BulkSetRequest {
      repeated SetRequest items = 1;

    This proto definition should be hosted in the dapr/dapr repo along with the generated client/server stubs and be strongly versioned as per the other Dapr protos.


    Dapr needs a way to use the client stubs to invoke a remote service that satisfies the gRPC API. In order to do this, we can define a new state store components called external (or something gRPC specific like grpc) in dapr/components-contrib. This state store component implements the Dapr Store interface but is simply an adaptor to invoke a remote gRPC API using the generate Go client. This adaptor will need to map the incoming Dapr state store types to the protobuf types and then invoke the remote method and map back the response.

    So how do we use this external state store provider and how does Dapr know how to talk to the external gRPC API? Well the store interface has a Init(metadata state.Metadata) error which is typically used to parse metadata and initialize the state store connection. The metadata struct is just a property bag so for our external state store we can just grab the connection details from here. How will the remote state store be configured? the gRPC API could be pre-configured independently - but I think given that we want to mirror the approach of existing state stores as much as possible - we can simply invoke the Init method remotely and pass the native metadata from the Dapr component across (excluding any additional external properties).

    This would allow us to have a component definition like:

    apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
    kind: Component
      name: statestore
      namespace: statestore
      type: state.external # Use the external state store type.
      version: v1 # Defines the version of the proto the external state store implements.
      - name: externalAddress # This field is required and will be stripped before sending to the external state store.
        value: localhost:9191
      - name: redisHost # These properties stay the same as the concrete state store.
        value: localhost:6379

    Where the state store type is external and we provide this additional property externalAddress to inform Dapr where the remote instance is. The rest of the metadata needs to conform to the concrete state store's schema - in this case Redis - as the remote state store will handle this. We will likely be sending "secrets" across to the external service so we'll need to ensure it is trusted and the transport encrypted (see: #security).

    With this, the external state store can open a connection to the remote gRPC server and "proxy" the operations. The Store interface currently doesn't have a Close method so there is currently no way to gracefully close the gRPC connection with the external state store.


    External State Store

    We can implement the gRPC server API in whatever language we want to (as long as it is supports gRPC). The gRPC server can then handle requests however it needs to - including invoking a custom or proprietary state store.

    Given that Dapr defines the gRPC interface, I believe Dapr can provide standard server implementations for the most common languages which uses a similar factory pattern to daprd and components contrib. These implementations will map the gRPC data back into a Dapr model and then invoke a Store interface defined in the native language. This way, to add a new state store component in a different language, a contributor can just implement the Store interface (as you would in Go) and plug it into the appropriate server implementation. We could then also support "built-in" state store components contributed in other languages in these servers whilst also supporting people who have private or separate state stores.


    As with all Dapr comms - we'll want to ensure that we are leveraging mTLS between Dapr and the external state store where possible. This is where Dapr providing standardized servers might mean we can hook into Sentry to issue the gRPC server trusted certificates.


    Obviously there's going to be a performance impact by having to invoke an external state store service rather than an in memory implementation. Therefore, users must be informed about the trade off they are making when using an external state store. We can try to minimize the performance impact as much as possible by allowing users to use unix domain sockets as well as tcp. Longer term, I expect the maturity of WASI to become a more performant alternative but that'll take time.


    I have built a prototype based on this proposal which is available here that implemented the external state store in Go and ruses the existing state stores remotely. Beware this was hacked together very quickly so has sharp corners - but hopefully it's useful to demonstrate the proposal.

    This is just an initial draft of an approach to see whether this seems viable - I'm sure there are alternatives that are worth discussing so please feel free to give candid feedback before I progress this any further.


    Although I have scoped this issue to just the state store build block - I believe this pattern could be used to support other build block APIs. Depending on the progress of WASM (interface types, WASI, etc.) which might provide a better solution, we may get to a point where we have language proxies for the entire Dapr API.

  • Add support for custom metadata for CloudEvent

    Add support for custom metadata for CloudEvent

    Describe the feature

    Add property named metadata into CloudEvent to support transfer custom vairable. Then add all metadata of publish into it and receive it on consume.


    maybe like this :

        "topic": "orders",
        "pubsubname": "order_pub_sub",
        "traceid": "00-113ad9c4e42b27583ae98ba698d54255-e3743e35ff56f219-01",
        "tracestate": "",
        "data": {
        "orderId": 1
        "id": "5929aaac-a5e2-4ca1-859c-edfe73f11565",
        "specversion": "1.0",
        "datacontenttype": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        "source": "checkout",
        "type": "com.dapr.event.sent",
        "time": "2020-09-23T06:23:21Z",
        "traceparent": "00-113ad9c4e42b27583ae98ba698d54255-e3743e35ff56f219-01"
        "metadata": {
            "custom-key": "custom-value"
  • Unstable perf tests

    Unstable perf tests

    Performance tests are failing most of the time - https://github.com/dapr/dapr/actions/workflows/dapr-perf.yml.

    Likely this started after the k6 addition.

  • Can't connect DAPR sidecar after service restart

    Can't connect DAPR sidecar after service restart

    In what area(s)?

    /area runtime

    What version of Dapr?


    Expected Behavior

        image: ...
        restart: always
        image: "daprio/daprd:edge"
        network_mode: "service:myservice"

    If myservice crashes and restarted by docker it should has an ability to restore connection to DAPR

    Actual Behavior

    myservice failed to connect to DAPR sidecar

    Steps to Reproduce the Problem

    kill myservice by timer

    The problem described in this issue

    Suggested solution: do not use network_mode: "service:[service-name]" for sidecar container and pass app-endpoint to daprd. DAPR must restore app connection in case of application crash and restart.

    Release Note


  • Migrate perf tests from github workflow to makefile

    Migrate perf tests from github workflow to makefile

    Signed-off-by: Marcos Candeia [email protected]


    As the title says.

    Issue reference

    Please reference the issue this PR will close: #5714


    Please make sure you've completed the relevant tasks for this PR, out of the following list:

    • [x] Code compiles correctly
    • [ ] Created/updated tests
    • [ ] Unit tests passing
    • [ ] End-to-end tests passing
    • [ ] Extended the documentation / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
    • [ ] Specification has been updated / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
    • [ ] Provided sample for the feature / Created issue in the https://github.com/dapr/docs/ repo: dapr/docs#[issue number]
  • [Proposal] (/ok-to-perf) Support running performance tests on PRs using the source branch code

    [Proposal] (/ok-to-perf) Support running performance tests on PRs using the source branch code

    In what area(s)?

    /area runtime

    /area operator

    /area placement

    /area docs

    /area test-and-release

    Describe the proposal

    Currently, our perf tests executes when a slash command is issue in a given PR. The perf-tests uses the dapr-perf workflow which deploys and runs the declared tests from master branch.

    Therefore the workflow file is fetched from master, meaning that the local branch changes are not considered when running perf tests, so the newly added local tests are skipped and will run only when the PR gets merged, which makes difficult to properly set the right thresholds for the tests.

    This proposal suggests to migrate the test list from dapr-perf to a make-like command (that already exists) and also migrate from environment variables to hardcoded values specified in the test file.

    The only difference is that by default the perf test will run with production parameters that could be overwritten by the environment variables - when specified.

This library contains utilities that are useful for building distributed services.

Grafana Dskit This library contains utilities that are useful for building distributed services. Current state This library is still in development. D

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Build share and run your distributed applications.
Build share and run your distributed applications.

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A distributed systems library for Kubernetes deployments built on top of spindle and Cloud Spanner.

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A distributed locking library built on top of Cloud Spanner and TrueTime.

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Distributed lock manager. Warning: very hard to use it properly. Not because it's broken, but because distributed systems are hard. If in doubt, do not use this.

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Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system

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An experimental library for building clustered services in Go

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Scalable, fault-tolerant application-layer sharding for Go applications

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High performance, distributed and low latency publish-subscribe platform.
High performance, distributed and low latency publish-subscribe platform.

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Fast, efficient, and scalable distributed map/reduce system, DAG execution, in memory or on disk, written in pure Go, runs standalone or distributedly.

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Go Open Source, Distributed, Simple and efficient Search Engine

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Asynq: simple, reliable, and efficient distributed task queue in Go
Asynq: simple, reliable, and efficient distributed task queue in Go

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💡 A Distributed and High-Performance Monitoring System. The next generation of Open-Falcon
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夜莺简介 夜莺是一套分布式高可用的运维监控系统,最大的特点是混合云支持,既可以支持传统物理机虚拟机的场景,也可以支持K8S容器的场景。同时,夜莺也不只是监控,还有一部分CMDB的能力、自动化运维的能力,很多公司都基于夜莺开发自己公司的运维平台。开源的这部分功能模块也是商业版本的一部分,所以可靠性有保

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short-url distributed and high-performance

durl 是一个分布式的高性能短链服务,逻辑简单,并提供了相关api接口,开发人员可以快速接入,也可以作为go初学者练手项目.

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A distributed and coördination-free log management system
A distributed and coördination-free log management system

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JuiceFS is a distributed POSIX file system built on top of Redis and S3.
JuiceFS is a distributed POSIX file system built on top of Redis and S3.

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