Jennifer is a code generator for Go

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Jennifer is a code generator for Go.

package main

import (

    . ""

func main() {
	f := NewFile("main")
		Qual("fmt", "Println").Call(Lit("Hello, world")),
	fmt.Printf("%#v", f)


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello, world")


go get -u

Need help?

If you get stuck, have a question, would like a code review, or just want a chat: I'm happy to help! Feel free to open an issue, email me or mention @dave in your PR.


Jennifer has a comprehensive suite of examples - see godoc for an index. Here's some examples of jennifer being used in the real-world:


For testing, a File or Statement can be rendered with the fmt package using the %#v verb.

c := Id("a").Call(Lit("b"))
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// a("b")

This is not recommended for use in production because any error will cause a panic. For production use, File.Render or File.Save are preferred.


Identifiers Keywords Operators Braces Parentheses Control flow Collections Literals Comments Helpers Misc File


Id renders an identifier.

c := If(Id("i").Op("==").Id("j")).Block(
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// if i == j {
// 	return i
// }


Dot renders a period followed by an identifier. Use for fields and selectors.

c := Qual("a.b/c", "Foo").Call().Dot("Bar").Index(Lit(0)).Dot("Baz")
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// c.Foo().Bar[0].Baz


Qual renders a qualified identifier.

c := Qual("encoding/gob", "NewEncoder").Call()
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// gob.NewEncoder()

Imports are automatically added when used with a File. If the path matches the local path, the package name is omitted. If package names conflict they are automatically renamed.

f := NewFilePath("a.b/c")
	Qual("a.b/c", "Foo").Call().Comment("Local package - name is omitted."),
	Qual("d.e/f", "Bar").Call().Comment("Import is automatically added."),
	Qual("g.h/f", "Baz").Call().Comment("Colliding package name is renamed."),
fmt.Printf("%#v", f)
// Output:
// package c
// import (
// 	f "d.e/f"
// 	f1 "g.h/f"
// )
// func init() {
// 	Foo()    // Local package - name is omitted.
// 	f.Bar()  // Import is automatically added.
// 	f1.Baz() // Colliding package name is renamed.
// }

Note that it is not possible to reliably determine the package name given an arbitrary package path, so a sensible name is guessed from the path and added as an alias. The names of all standard library packages are known so these do not need to be aliased. If more control is needed of the aliases, see File.ImportName or File.ImportAlias.


List renders a comma separated list. Use for multiple return functions.

c := List(Id("a"), Err()).Op(":=").Id("b").Call()
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// a, err := b()


Identifiers Keywords Operators Braces Parentheses Control flow Collections Literals Comments Helpers Misc File

Simple keywords, predeclared identifiers and built-in functions are self explanatory:

Construct Name
Keywords Break, Chan, Const, Continue, Default, Defer, Else, Fallthrough, Func, Go, Goto, Range, Select, Type, Var
Functions Append, Cap, Close, Complex, Copy, Delete, Imag, Len, Make, New, Panic, Print, Println, Real, Recover
Types Bool, Byte, Complex64, Complex128, Error, Float32, Float64, Int, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Rune, String, Uint, Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64, Uintptr
Constants True, False, Iota, Nil
Helpers Err

Built-in functions take a list of parameters and render them appropriately:

c := Id("a").Op("=").Append(Id("a"), Id("b").Op("..."))
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// a = append(a, b...)

Special cases for If, For, Interface, Struct, Switch, Case, Return and Map are explained below.


Identifiers Keywords Operators Braces Parentheses Control flow Collections Literals Comments Helpers Misc File

Op renders the provided operator / token.

c := Id("a").Op(":=").Id("b").Call()
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// a := b()
c := Id("a").Op("=").Op("*").Id("b")
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// a = *b
c := Id("a").Call(Id("b").Op("..."))
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// a(b...)
c := If(Parens(Id("a").Op("||").Id("b")).Op("&&").Id("c")).Block()
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// if (a || b) && c {
// }


Identifiers Keywords Operators Braces Parentheses Control flow Collections Literals Comments Helpers Misc File

Several methods render curly braces, summarized below:

Name Prefix Separator Example
Block \n func a() { ... } or if a { ... }
Interface interface \n interface { ... }
Struct struct \n struct { ... }
Values , []int{1, 2} or A{B: "c"}


Block renders a statement list enclosed by curly braces. Use for code blocks.

c := Func().Id("foo").Params().String().Block(
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// func foo() string {
// 	a = b
// 	b++
// 	return b
// }
c := If(Id("a").Op(">").Lit(10)).Block(
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// if a > 10 {
// 	a = a / 2
// }

A special case applies when used directly after Case or Default, where the braces are omitted. This allows use in switch and select statements. See example.

Interface, Struct

Interface and Struct render the keyword followed by a statement list enclosed by curly braces.

c := Var().Id("a").Interface()
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// var a interface{}
c := Type().Id("a").Interface(
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// type a interface {
// 	b() string
// }
c := Id("c").Op(":=").Make(Chan().Struct())
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// c := make(chan struct{})
c := Type().Id("foo").Struct(
	List(Id("x"), Id("y")).Int(),
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// type foo struct {
// 	x, y int
// 	u    float32
// }


Identifiers Keywords Operators Braces Parentheses Control flow Collections Literals Comments Helpers Misc File

Several methods output parenthesis, summarized below:

Name Prefix Separator Example
Call , fmt.Println(b, c)
Params , func (a *A) Foo(i int) { ... }
Defs \n const ( ... )
Parens []byte(s) or a / (b + c)
Assert . s, ok := i.(string)


Call renders a comma separated list enclosed by parenthesis. Use for function calls.

c := Qual("fmt", "Printf").Call(
	Lit("%#v: %T\n"),
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// fmt.Printf("%#v: %T\n", a, b)


Params renders a comma separated list enclosed by parenthesis. Use for function parameters and method receivers.

c := Func().Params(
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// func (a A) foo(b, c string) string {
// 	return b + c
// }


Defs renders a statement list enclosed in parenthesis. Use for definition lists.

c := Const().Defs(
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// const (
// 	a = "a"
// 	b = "b"
// )


Parens renders a single item in parenthesis. Use for type conversion or to specify evaluation order.

c := Id("b").Op(":=").Index().Byte().Parens(Id("s"))
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// b := []byte(s)
c := Id("a").Op("/").Parens(Id("b").Op("+").Id("c"))
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// a / (b + c)


Assert renders a period followed by a single item enclosed by parenthesis. Use for type assertions.

c := List(Id("b"), Id("ok")).Op(":=").Id("a").Assert(Bool())
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// b, ok := a.(bool)

Control flow

Identifiers Keywords Operators Braces Parentheses Control flow Collections Literals Comments Helpers Misc File

If, For

If and For render the keyword followed by a semicolon separated list.

c := If(
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// if err := a(); err != nil {
// 	return err
// }
c := For(
	Qual("fmt", "Println").Call(Id("i")),
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
// 	fmt.Println(i)
// }

Switch, Select

Switch, Select, Case and Block are used to build switch or select statements:

c := Switch(Id("value").Dot("Kind").Call()).Block(
	Case(Qual("reflect", "Float32"), Qual("reflect", "Float64")).Block(
	Case(Qual("reflect", "Bool")).Block(
	Case(Qual("reflect", "Uintptr")).Block(
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// switch value.Kind() {
// case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
// 	return "float"
// case reflect.Bool:
// 	return "bool"
// case reflect.Uintptr:
// 	fallthrough
// default:
// 	return "none"
// }


Return renders the keyword followed by a comma separated list.

c := Return(Id("a"), Id("b"))
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// return a, b


Identifiers Keywords Operators Braces Parentheses Control flow Collections Literals Comments Helpers Misc File


Map renders the keyword followed by a single item enclosed by square brackets. Use for map definitions.

c := Id("a").Op(":=").Map(String()).String().Values()
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// a := map[string]string{}


Index renders a colon separated list enclosed by square brackets. Use for array / slice indexes and definitions.

c := Var().Id("a").Index().String()
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// var a []string
c := Id("a").Op(":=").Id("b").Index(Lit(0), Lit(1))
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// a := b[0:1]
c := Id("a").Op(":=").Id("b").Index(Lit(1), Empty())
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// a := b[1:]


Values renders a comma separated list enclosed by curly braces. Use for slice or composite literals.

c := Index().String().Values(Lit("a"), Lit("b"))
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// []string{"a", "b"}

Dict renders as key/value pairs. Use with Values for map or composite literals.

c := Map(String()).String().Values(Dict{
	Lit("a"):	Lit("b"),
	Lit("c"):	Lit("d"),
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// map[string]string{
// 	"a": "b",
// 	"c": "d",
// }
c := Op("&").Id("Person").Values(Dict{
	Id("Age"):	Lit(1),
	Id("Name"):	Lit("a"),
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// &Person{
// 	Age:  1,
// 	Name: "a",
// }

DictFunc executes a func(Dict) to generate the value.

c := Id("a").Op(":=").Map(String()).String().Values(DictFunc(func(d Dict) {
	d[Lit("a")] = Lit("b")
	d[Lit("c")] = Lit("d")
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// a := map[string]string{
// 	"a": "b",
// 	"c": "d",
// }

Note: the items are ordered by key when rendered to ensure repeatable code.


Identifiers Keywords Operators Braces Parentheses Control flow Collections Literals Comments Helpers Misc File


Lit renders a literal. Lit supports only built-in types (bool, string, int, complex128, float64, float32, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uintptr and complex64). Passing any other type will panic.

c := Id("a").Op(":=").Lit("a")
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// a := "a"
c := Id("a").Op(":=").Lit(1.5)
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// a := 1.5

LitFunc generates the value to render by executing the provided function.

c := Id("a").Op(":=").LitFunc(func() interface{} { return 1 + 1 })
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// a := 2

For the default constant types (bool, int, float64, string, complex128), Lit will render the untyped constant.

Code Output
Lit(true) true
Lit(1) 1
Lit(1.0) 1.0
Lit("foo") "foo"
Lit(0 + 1i) (0 + 1i)

For all other built-in types (float32, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uintptr, complex64), Lit will also render the type.

Code Output
Lit(float32(1)) float32(1)
Lit(int16(1)) int16(1)
Lit(uint8(0x1)) uint8(0x1)
Lit(complex64(0 + 1i)) complex64(0 + 1i)

The built-in alias types byte and rune need a special case. LitRune and LitByte render rune and byte literals.

Code Output
LitRune('x') 'x'
LitByte(byte(0x1)) byte(0x1)


Identifiers Keywords Operators Braces Parentheses Control flow Collections Literals Comments Helpers Misc File


Comment adds a comment. If the provided string contains a newline, the comment is formatted in multiline style.

f := NewFile("a")
f.Comment("Foo returns the string \"foo\"")
	Return(Lit("foo")).Comment("return the string foo"),
fmt.Printf("%#v", f)
// Output:
// package a
// // Foo returns the string "foo"
// func Foo() string {
// 	return "foo" // return the string foo
// }
c := Comment("a\nb")
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// /*
// a
// b
// */

If the comment string starts with "//" or "/*", the automatic formatting is disabled and the string is rendered directly.

c := Id("foo").Call(Comment("/* inline */")).Comment("//no-space")
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// foo( /* inline */ ) //no-space


Commentf adds a comment, using a format string and a list of parameters.

name := "foo"
val := "bar"
c := Id(name).Op(":=").Lit(val).Commentf("%s is the string \"%s\"", name, val)
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// foo := "bar" // foo is the string "bar"


Identifiers Keywords Operators Braces Parentheses Control flow Collections Literals Comments Helpers Misc File

Func methods

All constructs that accept a variadic list of items are paired with GroupFunc functions that accept a func(*Group). Use for embedding logic.

c := Id("numbers").Op(":=").Index().Int().ValuesFunc(func(g *Group) {
	for i := 0; i <= 5; i++ {
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// numbers := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
increment := true
name := "a"
c := Func().Id("a").Params().BlockFunc(func(g *Group) {
	if increment {
	} else {
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// func a() {
// 	a = 1
// 	a++
// }


Add appends the provided items to the statement.

ptr := Op("*")
c := Id("a").Op("=").Add(ptr).Id("b")
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// a = *b
a := Id("a")
i := Int()
c := Var().Add(a, i)
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// var a int


Do calls the provided function with the statement as a parameter. Use for embedding logic.

f := func(name string, isMap bool) *Statement {
	return Id(name).Op(":=").Do(func(s *Statement) {
		if isMap {
		} else {
fmt.Printf("%#v\n%#v", f("a", true), f("b", false))
// Output:
// a := map[string]string{}
// b := []string{}


Identifiers Keywords Operators Braces Parentheses Control flow Collections Literals Comments Helpers Misc File


Tag renders a struct tag

c := Type().Id("foo").Struct(
	Id("A").String().Tag(map[string]string{"json": "a"}),
	Id("B").Int().Tag(map[string]string{"json": "b", "bar": "baz"}),
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// type foo struct {
// 	A string `json:"a"`
// 	B int    `bar:"baz" json:"b"`
// }

Note: the items are ordered by key when rendered to ensure repeatable code.


Null adds a null item. Null items render nothing and are not followed by a separator in lists.

In lists, nil will produce the same effect.

c := Func().Id("foo").Params(
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// func foo(s string, i int) {}


Empty adds an empty item. Empty items render nothing but are followed by a separator in lists.

c := Id("a").Op(":=").Id("b").Index(Lit(1), Empty())
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// a := b[1:]


Line inserts a blank line.


Be careful when passing *Statement. Consider the following...

a := Id("a")
c := Block(
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// {
// 	a()()
// 	a()()
// }

Id("a") returns a *Statement, which the Call() method appends to twice. To avoid this, use Clone. Clone makes a copy of the Statement, so further tokens can be appended without affecting the original.

a := Id("a")
c := Block(
fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
// Output:
// {
// 	a()
// 	a()
// }


The cgo "C" pseudo-package is a special case, and always renders without a package alias. The import can be added with Qual, Anon or by supplying a preamble. The preamble is added with File.CgoPreamble which has the same semantics as Comment. If a preamble is provided, the import is separated, and preceded by the preamble.

f := NewFile("a")
f.CgoPreamble(`#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void myprint(char* s) {
printf("%s\n", s);
	Id("cs").Op(":=").Qual("C", "CString").Call(Lit("Hello from stdio\n")),
	Qual("C", "myprint").Call(Id("cs")),
	Qual("C", "free").Call(Qual("unsafe", "Pointer").Parens(Id("cs"))),
fmt.Printf("%#v", f)
// Output:
// package a
// import "unsafe"
// /*
// #include <stdio.h>
// #include <stdlib.h>
// void myprint(char* s) {
// 	printf("%s\n", s);
// }
// */
// import "C"
// func init() {
// 	cs := C.CString("Hello from stdio\n")
// 	C.myprint(cs)
// }


Identifiers Keywords Operators Braces Parentheses Control flow Collections Literals Comments Helpers Misc File

File represents a single source file. Package imports are managed automaticaly by File.


NewFile Creates a new file, with the specified package name.


NewFilePath creates a new file while specifying the package path - the package name is inferred from the path.


NewFilePathName creates a new file with the specified package path and name.

f := NewFilePathName("a.b/c", "main")
	Qual("a.b/c", "Foo").Call(),
fmt.Printf("%#v", f)
// Output:
// package main
// func main() {
// 	Foo()
// }


Save renders the file and saves to the filename provided.


Render renders the file to the provided writer.

f := NewFile("a")
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
err := f.Render(buf)
if err != nil {
} else {
// Output:
// package a
// func main() {}


Anon adds an anonymous import.

f := NewFile("c")
fmt.Printf("%#v", f)
// Output:
// package c
// import _ "a"
// func init() {}


ImportName provides the package name for a path. If specified, the alias will be omitted from the import block. This is optional. If not specified, a sensible package name is used based on the path and this is added as an alias in the import block.

f := NewFile("main")

// package a should use name "a"
f.ImportName("", "a")

// package b is not used in the code so will not be included
f.ImportName("", "b")

	Qual("", "A").Call(),
fmt.Printf("%#v", f)

// Output:
// package main
// import ""
// func main() {
// 	a.A()
// }


ImportNames allows multiple names to be imported as a map. Use the gennames command to automatically generate a go file containing a map of a selection of package names.


ImportAlias provides the alias for a package path that should be used in the import block. A period can be used to force a dot-import.

f := NewFile("main")

// package a should be aliased to "b"
f.ImportAlias("", "b")

// package c is not used in the code so will not be included
f.ImportAlias("", "c")

	Qual("", "A").Call(),
fmt.Printf("%#v", f)

// Output:
// package main
// import b ""
// func main() {
// 	b.A()
// }


PackageComment adds a comment to the top of the file, above the package keyword.

HeaderComment adds a comment to the top of the file, above any package comments. A blank line is rendered below the header comments, ensuring header comments are not included in the package doc.

CanonicalPath adds a canonical import path annotation to the package clause.

f := NewFile("c")
f.CanonicalPath = "d.e/f"
f.HeaderComment("Code generated by...")
f.PackageComment("Package c implements...")
fmt.Printf("%#v", f)
// Output:
// // Code generated by...
// // Package c implements...
// package c // import "d.e/f"
// func init() {}

CgoPreamble adds a cgo preamble comment that is rendered directly before the "C" pseudo-package import.


If you're worried about generated package aliases conflicting with local variable names, you can set a prefix here. Package foo becomes {prefix}_foo.

f := NewFile("a")
f.PackagePrefix = "pkg"
	Qual("b.c/d", "E").Call(),
fmt.Printf("%#v", f)
// Output:
// package a
// import pkg_d "b.c/d"
// func main() {
// 	pkg_d.E()
// }
  • Improper float formatting

    Improper float formatting

    This not is no longer true - maybe it was in a past version of Go? Seems that this should either be removed or the int version should be formatted in place of the %#v.0 so that we don't get .0.0 at the end for newer versions. This results in invalid generated code.

  • Adding imports manually

    Adding imports manually

    Is there a way to add imports manually just like jen.Anon without using jen.Qual. I have a case where I can not use jen.Qual but I need to specify some imports.

    Great project btw.

  • Import aliases for Qual

    Import aliases for Qual

    Hi, thanks for the great package. I had two questions regarding the generated import aliases.

    I noticed that doing something like Qual("context", "Context") would explicitly set the import alias, e.g. import context "context" even when it doesn't conflict with other imports. Is this by design to explicitly set the alias for all imports?

    The second question is being able to set the default import alias explicitly (in lieu of naming conflict resolution). For example, I have a package each having a sub-package that is named after the version:, The package names for both are set to bar since they are the bar package but just for different versions of the API. However when using Qual the import alias is set to v1 and v2 rather than the actual package name.

    Since this is generated code, I realize this should not matter, however some of the generated code I am producing are stubs that will be further edited by humans, so this is why I am concerned with aesthetics. Thanks!

  • Handle case of nil literals in spec file

    Handle case of nil literals in spec file

    When handling null enums in spec files such as:

          nullable: true
              - asc
              - desc
              - null
          readOnly: true
          type: string

    Jennifer would translate the null variable into a literal 'literal: ' and consequently throw a panic when the value type wouldn't match, instead of ignoring the null.

    Null enums are perfectly valid according to swagger:

    Also fixed a test that was failing (due to mismatch in input/output, not related to this issue)

  • Generate

    Generate "import C" for cgo

    I'm generating a source file that uses cgo. This means that following some comment lines, I need a import "C" line.

    // #include <stdio.h>
    // #include <errno.h>
    import "C"

    The import must immediately follow the preamble comments. That's a cgo requirement. And I cannot find a way to do that with the current api.

    As this is a somewhat special case, I think that it possibly merits a new api function.

    So perhaps something like this?

      f.Comment("#include <stdio.h>")
      f.Comment("#include <errno.h>")
      f.ImportC()    // <--- this would be an addition to the api.

    Or is there already support for this, and I'm overlooking it?

  • fix: alias can't have a first digit

    fix: alias can't have a first digit

    What this PR do fix an issue in guessAlias: alias can't have a first digit


    package test
    import (
        11a "" // this is invalid


    package test
    import (
        a "" // this is valid
  • Is `import .

    Is `import . "importpath"` supported ?

    I can see how to do regular imports and anonymous import ( import _ "importpath" ) but I am not sure of how to correctly code the case where package name is "."

    If package name is "." the specs say:

    If an explicit period (.) appears instead of a name, all the package's exported identifiers declared in that package's package block will be declared in the importing source file's file block and must be accessed without a qualifier.

    The behavior should be that if I, for example, import "fmt" with ".", then when I use Qual("fmt", "Println") the "fmt" package should be imported and the Qual() should expand to "Println").

    Is this possible ? I have tried using ImportAlias("fmt", ".") but this ends up generating "..Println".

  • Example for multiline method invocation?

    Example for multiline method invocation?

    Hey Dave!

    I'm trying to render a method invocation like this small example:

    func foo(values ...interface{}) {
    func bar() {
    		123, // test
    		456, // test
    		789, // test

    I've found that I can get a straightforward invocation using something like:

    	c := Id("foo").CallFunc(func(g *Group) {
    	fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
    	// Output:
    	// foo(a, b, c)

    I can even put everything on its own line using:

    	c := Id("foo").CallFunc(func(g *Group) {
    	fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
    	// Output:
    	// foo(
    	//     a,
    	//     b,
    	//     c)

    However, I can't seem to figure out how to get my desired formatting behavior. If I use Comment() or Line() at the end of a list item, things get rendered incorrectly, as the comment/line ending appears before the list item is terminated with ,

    	c := Id("foo").CallFunc(func(g *Group) {
    	fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
    	// Output:
    	// %!v(PANIC=Error 1:29: missing ',' before newline in argument list while formatting source:
    	// foo (a // test,
    	//  // test,
    	//  b,
    	//  c,))

    I can use an empty list item to sort-of get what I want:

    	c := Id("foo").CallFunc(func(g *Group) {
    		g.List(Id("a"), Empty()).Comment("test").Line()
    	fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
    	// Output:
    	// %!v(PANIC=Error 2:1: expected operand, found ',' (and 1 more errors) while formatting source:
    	// foo (a, // test
    	// ,b // test))

    Is this sort of formatting possible with jennifer? Of course this only affects aesthetics of the generated code, and I understand it may not be a design goal to allow this sort of thing, but for my use case I think it would be handy. Ideally I want the generated code to be readable/debuggable by a human.



  • Multi-line formatting for long parameter lists

    Multi-line formatting for long parameter lists

    Is there currently a way to trigger multi-line formatting for long parameter lists? If not, is this something that would be useful to contribute to the library? I find multi-line parameter lists easier to read and create more useful diffs.

    Here's a contrived example to demonstrate.


    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	f := jen.NewFile("test")
    		jen.Qual("fmt", "Println").ParamsFunc(func(g *jen.Group) {
    			for idx := 0; idx < 10; idx += 1 {
    	if err := f.Render(os.Stdout); err != nil {


    package test
    import fmt "fmt"
    func PrintNumbers() {
    	fmt.Println(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)


    package test
    import fmt "fmt"
    func PrintNumbers() {
  • Insert arbitrary string as type

    Insert arbitrary string as type

    If I've read my types in as strings, for example I have a string which is "[2]uint16", how can I insert that into a statement? Id() isn't working, causing formatting errors to panic

  • Add Header function for adding header comments

    Add Header function for adding header comments

    There are times when you want to add content like // Code generated by...DO NOT EDIT. or MIT License - Copyright... to the top of a generated file for semantic purposes.

    You could use File.PackageComment, but then those comments show up in the Godoc, which isn't always desirable.

    The following code:

    f := NewFile("example")
    f.Header("Code generated by...")
    f.PackageComment("Package example implements...")
    fmt.Printf("%#v", f)

    Would generate the output:

    // Code generated by...
    // Package example implements...
    // package example
    func init() {}


  • Get *jen.Statement from reflect.Type

    Get *jen.Statement from reflect.Type

    Similar to #58.

    Here is a potentially helpful utility function for jen (not thoroughly tested):

    func QualFromType(tp reflect.Type) *jen.Statement {
    	// Defined type with a package path
    	if tp.PkgPath() != "" && tp.Name() != "" {
    		return jen.Qual(tp.PkgPath(), tp.Name())
    	// Built-in defined type (e.g., int, string, error, etc)
    	if tp.Name() != "" {
    		return jen.Id(tp.Name())
    	// Non-defined types (e.g., arrays, pointers, etc)
    	switch tp.Kind() {
    	case reflect.Array:
    		return jen.Index(jen.Lit(tp.Len())).Add(QualFromType(tp.Elem()))
    	case reflect.Pointer:
    		return jen.Op("*").Add(QualFromType(tp.Elem()))
    	case reflect.Slice:
    		return jen.Index().Add(QualFromType(tp.Elem()))
    	case reflect.Map:
    		return jen.Map(QualFromType(tp.Key())).Add(QualFromType(tp.Elem()))
    	case reflect.Interface:
    		return jen.InterfaceFunc(func(g *jen.Group) {
    			for methodIdx := 0; methodIdx < tp.NumMethod(); methodIdx++ {
    				m := tp.Method(methodIdx)
    				g.Id(m.Name).ParamsFunc(func(g *jen.Group) {
    					for inIdx := 0; inIdx < m.Type.NumIn(); inIdx++ {
    				}).ParamsFunc(func(group *jen.Group) {
    					for outIdx := 0; outIdx < m.Type.NumOut(); outIdx++ {
    	case reflect.Struct:
    		return jen.StructFunc(func(g *jen.Group) {
    			for fieldIdx := 0; fieldIdx < tp.NumField(); fieldIdx++ {
    				f := tp.Field(fieldIdx)
    				if f.Anonymous {
    				} else {
    	case reflect.Func:
    		return jen.Func().ParamsFunc(func(g *jen.Group) {
    			for inIdx := 0; inIdx < tp.NumIn(); inIdx++ {
    		}).ParamsFunc(func(g *jen.Group) {
    			for outIdx := 0; outIdx < tp.NumOut(); outIdx++ {
    	case reflect.Chan:
    		switch tp.ChanDir() {
    		case reflect.RecvDir:
    			return jen.Op("<-").Chan().Add(QualFromType(tp.Elem()))
    		case reflect.SendDir:
    			return jen.Chan().Op("<-").Add(QualFromType(tp.Elem()))
    		case reflect.BothDir:
    			return jen.Chan().Add(QualFromType(tp.Elem()))
    			panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected ChanDir: %v", tp.ChanDir()))
    	case reflect.Bool, reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint,
    		reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr, reflect.Float32,
    		reflect.Float64, reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128, reflect.String, reflect.UnsafePointer:
    		panic(fmt.Errorf("type of kind %v cannot be non-defined", tp.Kind()))
    		panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown go type kind: %v", tp.Kind()))
  • Better ways to manage import names and aliases

    Better ways to manage import names and aliases

    The way I understand it, with the current API, if you want to specify custom aliases or names, you need to know all packages that can potentially be imported in advance and use file.ImportAlias and file.ImportName.

    This, in a sense, defeats the whole purpose of having something like Qual, which is supposed to take care of package imports and spare the user from having to know them beforehand.

    A simple fix could be adding something like QualName(path, pkgName, name) and QualAlias(path, alias, name).

  • How to Gennerate var()?

    How to Gennerate var()?

    Hello, thanks for your library. Could it generate go code like following ?

    var (
        request  = organization.NewCreateXXXRequest()
        response *organization.CreateXXXXXResponse
        uin      int64
  • Non-int untyped numeric literal

    Non-int untyped numeric literal

    Go constants are larger than int ("Represent integer constants with at least 256 bits." If you try to use .Lit with even int64, jennifer makes it a typed constant.

    Maybe .Lit should support math/big, and just insert the stringification as literal value -- those non-builtin types can never be typed constants, so there's no other possible interpretation.

  • Feature: ability to provide custom imports sorter function

    Feature: ability to provide custom imports sorter function

    Give user ability to provide custom imports sorter function.

    Also it would be nice to have ability to put empty lines to achieve imports like this:

    import (
  • Callback with errors?

    Callback with errors?

    Functions like StructFunc take a Group but don't return an error. I have conditions where iterating and creating the fields must error out. Right now i'm jumping through hoop to get that error. Since these callback functions are generated and I'm sure changing the function signature would cause havoc could another version be generated?

    Something like

    StructFuncErr(f func(*Group) error) (*Statement,error)
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