Fetch web pages using headless Chrome, storing all fetched resources including JavaScript files


page-fetch is a tool for researchers that lets you:

  • Fetch web pages using headless Chrome, storing all fetched resources including JavaScript files
  • Run arbitrary JavaScript on many web pages and see the returned values


page-fetch is written with Go and can be installed with go get:

▶ go get github.com/detectify/page-fetch

Or you can clone the respository and build it manually:

▶ git clone https://github.com/detectify/page-fetch.git
▶ cd page-fetch
▶ go install


page-fetch uses chromedp, which requires that a Chrome or Chromium browser be installed. It uses the following list of executable names in attempting to execute a browser:

  • headless_shell
  • headless-shell
  • chromium
  • chromium-browser
  • google-chrome
  • google-chrome-stable
  • google-chrome-beta
  • google-chrome-unstable
  • /usr/bin/google-chrome

Basic Usage

page-fetch takes a list of URLs as its input on stdin. You can provide the input list using IO redirection:

▶ page-fetch < urls.txt

Or using the output of another command:

▶ grep admin urls.txt | page-fetch

By default, responses are stored in a directory called 'out', which is created if it does not exist:

▶ echo https://detectify.com | page-fetch
GET https://detectify.com/ 200 text/html; charset=utf-8
GET https://detectify.com/site/themes/detectify/css/detectify.css?v=1621498751 200 text/css
GET https://detectify.com/site/themes/detectify/img/detectify_logo_black.svg 200 image/svg+xml
GET https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Merriweather:300i 200 text/css; charset=utf-8
▶ tree out
├── detectify.com
│   ├── index
│   ├── index.meta
│   └── site
│       └── themes
│           └── detectify
│               ├── css
│               │   ├── detectify.css
│               │   └── detectify.css.meta

The directory structure used in the output directory mirrors the directory structure used on the target websites. A ".meta" file is stored for each request that contains the originally requested URL, including the query string), the request and response headers etc.


You can get the page-fetch help output by running page-fetch -h:

▶ page-fetch -h
Request URLs using headless Chrome, storing the results

  page-fetch [options] < urls.txt

  -c, --concurrency    Concurrency Level (default 2)
  -e, --exclude     Do not save responses matching the provided string (can be specified multiple times)
  -i, --include     Only save requests matching the provided string (can be specified multiple times)
  -j, --javascript  JavaScript to run on each page
  -o, --output      Output directory name (default 'out')
  -w, --overwrite           Overwrite output files when they already exist
      --no-third-party      Do not save responses to requests on third-party domains
      --third-party         Only save responses to requests on third-party domains


You can change how many headless Chrome processes are used with the -c / --concurrency option. The default value is 2.

Excluding responses based on content-type

You can choose to not save responses that match particular content types with the -e / --exclude option. Any response with a content-type that partially matches the provided value will not be stored; so you can, for example, avoid storing image files by specifying:

▶ page-fetch --exclude image/

The option can be specified multiple times to exclude multiple different content-types.

Including responses based on content-type

Rather than excluding specific content-types, you can opt to only save certain content-types with the -i / --include option:

▶ page-fetch --include text/html

The option can be specified multiple times to include multiple different content-types.

Running JavaScript on each page

You can run arbitrary JavaScript on each page with the -j / --javascript option. The return value of the JavaScript is converted to a string and printed on a line prefixed with "JS":

▶ echo https://example.com | page-fetch --javascript document.domain
GET https://example.com/ 200 text/html; charset=utf-8
JS (https://example.com): example.com

This option can be used for a very wide variety of purposes. As an example, you could extract the href attribute from all links on a webpage:

n.href)' | grep ^JS JS (https://example.com): [https://www.iana.org/domains/example] ">
▶ echo https://example.com | page-fetch --javascript '[...document.querySelectorAll("a")].map(n => n.href)' | grep ^JS
JS (https://example.com): [https://www.iana.org/domains/example]

Setting the output directory name

By default, files are stored in a directory called out. This can be changed with the -o / --output option:

▶ echo https://example.com | page-fetch --output example
GET https://example.com/ 200 text/html; charset=utf-8
▶ find example/ -type f

The directory is created if it does not already exist.

Overwriting files

By default, when a file already exists, a new file is created with a numeric suffix, e.g. if index already exists, index.1 will be created. This behaviour can be overridden with the -w / --overwrite option. When the option is used matching files will be overwritten instead.

Excluding third-party responses

You may sometimes wish to exclude responses from third-party domains. This can be done with the --no-third-party option. Any responses to requests for domains that do not match the input URL, or one of its subdomains, will not be saved.

Including only third-party responses

On rare occasions you may wish to only store responses to third party domains. This can be done with the --third-party option.

Detectify analyzes the level of security of your website. Get secure on detectify.com or catch up with us on our via blog.detectify.com.
  • error starting browser: exec:

    error starting browser: exec: "google-chrome": executable file not found in $PATH

    Hi, It's throwing me this error "error starting browser: exec: "google-chrome": executable file not found in $PATH" how to fix it?


    Sorry the issue is now resolved I installed Google chrome in machine & everything got fixed.

    Just paste this

    wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
    sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

    Thank you :)

  • Adding `ignore-certificate-errors` Chrome option

    Adding `ignore-certificate-errors` Chrome option

    page-fetch currently validates TLS certificates, which is generally an undesired feature for security tools. This PR adds the ignore-certificate-errors option to Chrome to disable certificate validation.

    I have not extensively tested this, but it seems to work in line with Chrome against badssl.com

  • run error: context deadline exceeded

    run error: context deadline exceeded

    Hi , when i run this command :

    • echo https://detectify.com | page-fetch

    i get this error :

    • run error: context deadline exceeded

    i was tried it with diffrent OS and the same error

  • added flag to skip storing responses

    added flag to skip storing responses

    In some occasions I just want to have URLs logged but not saved.

    I added a flag to skip saving requests. The flag for that is either -s or -skip-save-response.

  • added delay between requests

    added delay between requests

    If working with a lot of URLs, concurrency and WAFs, a delay between requests is a good idea.

    I added an option to have a delay between requests. The delay is specified with either the -d or --delay flag and is given in milliseconds.

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