Worker - A Golang library that provides worker pools


Godoc Release Build

A Golang library that provides worker pools.


See *_test.go files.


# Test everything:
make test

# For BDD development:
# It will open a new browser window. Make sure:
#   1. There is no errors on the terminal window.
#   2. There is no other open GoConvey page.
make test-ui

# Benchmarks
make test-benchmarks


# Update and commit first (i.e. git add && git commit -m "v1.0.0").
# Set GIT_TAG using semver (i.e. GIT_TAG=v1.0.0)
make release GIT_TAG=




Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE.txt file.

Fatih Cetinkaya
Software Developer
Fatih Cetinkaya
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