Go Twitter REST and Streaming API v1.1

go-twitter Build Status GoDoc

go-twitter is a Go client library for the Twitter API. Check the usage section or try the examples to see how to access the Twitter API.


  • Twitter REST API:
    • Accounts
    • DirectMessageEvents
    • Favorites
    • Friends
    • Friendships
    • Followers
    • Lists
    • PremiumSearch
    • RateLimits
    • Search
    • Statuses
    • Timelines
    • Users
  • Twitter Streaming API
    • Public Streams
    • User Streams
    • Site Streams
    • Firehose Streams


go get github.com/dghubble/go-twitter/twitter


Read GoDoc



The twitter package provides a Client for accessing the Twitter API. Here are some example requests.

config := oauth1.NewConfig("consumerKey", "consumerSecret")
token := oauth1.NewToken("accessToken", "accessSecret")
httpClient := config.Client(oauth1.NoContext, token)

// Twitter client
client := twitter.NewClient(httpClient)

// Home Timeline
tweets, resp, err := client.Timelines.HomeTimeline(&twitter.HomeTimelineParams{
    Count: 20,

// Send a Tweet
tweet, resp, err := client.Statuses.Update("just setting up my twttr", nil)

// Status Show
tweet, resp, err := client.Statuses.Show(585613041028431872, nil)

// Search Tweets
search, resp, err := client.Search.Tweets(&twitter.SearchTweetParams{
    Query: "gopher",

// User Show
user, resp, err := client.Users.Show(&twitter.UserShowParams{
    ScreenName: "dghubble",

// Followers
followers, resp, err := client.Followers.List(&twitter.FollowerListParams{})

Authentication is handled by the http.Client passed to NewClient to handle user auth (OAuth1) or application auth (OAuth2). See the Authentication section.

Required parameters are passed as positional arguments. Optional parameters are passed typed params structs (or nil).

Streaming API

The Twitter Public, User, Site, and Firehose Streaming APIs can be accessed through the Client StreamService which provides methods Filter, Sample, User, Site, and Firehose.

Create a Client with an authenticated http.Client. All stream endpoints require a user auth context so choose an OAuth1 http.Client.

client := twitter.NewClient(httpClient)

Next, request a managed Stream be started.


Filter Streams return Tweets that match one or more filtering predicates such as Track, Follow, and Locations.

params := &twitter.StreamFilterParams{
    Track: []string{"kitten"},
    StallWarnings: twitter.Bool(true),
stream, err := client.Streams.Filter(params)


User Streams provide messages specific to the authenticate User and possibly those they follow.

params := &twitter.StreamUserParams{
    With:          "followings",
    StallWarnings: twitter.Bool(true),
stream, err := client.Streams.User(params)

Note To see Direct Message events, your consumer application must ask Users for read/write/DM access to their account.


Sample Streams return a small sample of public Tweets.

params := &twitter.StreamSampleParams{
    StallWarnings: twitter.Bool(true),
stream, err := client.Streams.Sample(params)

Site, Firehose

Site and Firehose Streams require your application to have special permissions, but their API works the same way.

Receiving Messages

Each Stream maintains the connection to the Twitter Streaming API endpoint, receives messages, and sends them on the Stream.Messages channel.

Go channels support range iterations which allow you to read the messages which are of type interface{}.

for message := range stream.Messages {

If you run this in your main goroutine, it will receive messages forever unless the stream stops. To continue execution, receive messages using a separate goroutine.


Receiving messages of type interface{} isn't very nice, it means you'll have to type switch and probably filter out message types you don't care about.

For this, try a Demux, like SwitchDemux, which receives messages and type switches them to call functions with typed messages.

For example, say you're only interested in Tweets and Direct Messages.

demux := twitter.NewSwitchDemux()
demux.Tweet = func(tweet *twitter.Tweet) {
demux.DM = func(dm *twitter.DirectMessage) {

Pass the Demux each message or give it the entire Stream.Message channel.

for message := range stream.Messages {
// or pass the channel


The Stream will stop itself if the stream disconnects and retrying produces unrecoverable errors. When this occurs, Stream will close the stream.Messages channel, so execution will break out of any message for range loops.

When you are finished receiving from a Stream, call Stop() which closes the connection, channels, and stops the goroutine before returning. This ensures resources are properly cleaned up.


Bad: In this example, Stop() is unlikely to be reached. Control stays in the message loop unless the Stream becomes disconnected and cannot retry.

// program does not terminate :(
stream, _ := client.Streams.Sample(params)
for message := range stream.Messages {

Bad: Here, messages are received on a non-main goroutine, but then Stop() is called immediately. The Stream is stopped and the program exits.

// got no messages :(
stream, _ := client.Streams.Sample(params)
go demux.HandleChan(stream.Messages)

Good: For main package scripts, one option is to receive messages in a goroutine and wait for CTRL-C to be pressed, then explicitly stop the Stream.

stream, err := client.Streams.Sample(params)
go demux.HandleChan(stream.Messages)

ch := make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(ch, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)



The API client accepts an any http.Client capable of making user auth (OAuth1) or application auth (OAuth2) authorized requests. See the dghubble/oauth1 and golang/oauth2 packages which can provide such agnostic clients.

Passing an http.Client directly grants you control over the underlying transport, avoids dependencies on particular OAuth1 or OAuth2 packages, and keeps client APIs separate from authentication protocols.

See the google/go-github client which takes the same approach.

For example, make requests as a consumer application on behalf of a user who has granted access, with OAuth1.

// OAuth1
import (

config := oauth1.NewConfig("consumerKey", "consumerSecret")
token := oauth1.NewToken("accessToken", "accessSecret")
// http.Client will automatically authorize Requests
httpClient := config.Client(oauth1.NoContext, token)

// Twitter client
client := twitter.NewClient(httpClient)

If no user auth context is needed, make requests as your application with application auth.

// OAuth2
import (

// oauth2 configures a client that uses app credentials to keep a fresh token
config := &clientcredentials.Config{
    ClientID:     "consumerKey",
    ClientSecret: "consumerSecret",
    TokenURL:     "https://api.twitter.com/oauth2/token",
// http.Client will automatically authorize Requests
httpClient := config.Client(oauth2.NoContext)

// Twitter client
client := twitter.NewClient(httpClient)

To implement Login with Twitter for web or mobile, see the gologin package and examples.


  • Support gzipped streams
  • Auto-stop streams in the event of long stalls


See the Contributing Guide.


MIT License

Dalton Hubble
Friends with the machines | Kubernetes | @poseidon Typhoon and Matchbox | Previously @lyft, @coreos, @twitter, MIT
Dalton Hubble
  • Add `Retweeters` support for retweeters ids

    Add `Retweeters` support for retweeters ids

    Hi Dalton,

    I have added a Retweeters to support Statuses.Retweeters. It contains Retweeters function in statuses.go to get user_ids which retweet specific tweet. I have also added unit tests in the style of exist tests to test the functions.

    It's my pleasure for your pulling.


  • Support new Direct Message Events API

    Support new Direct Message Events API

    The existing API's for Direct Messages is being shut down on Aug 16st, 2018: https://twitter.com/TwitterDev/status/996783000741384192

    This pull request is based on @listonb work in https://github.com/dghubble/go-twitter/pull/87

    No tests have been written for this single, new API call. However, before I spend anymore time on this I would like to see this discussed/approved/merged so I can continue to use the this great library.

  • Fix StreamService.User(): parse very long friend ID lists properly

    Fix StreamService.User(): parse very long friend ID lists properly

    Fixes #73 by replacing bufio.Scanner with bufio.Reader for parsing streaming data.

    bufio.Scanner has a line length limit (65,536 bytes by default), which will cause a problem when a user has a large number of friends (say 7,000) and Twitter sends the list of all friend IDs right after establishing User Stream connection. bufio.Reader doesn't have the limit and the same problem won't happen.

  • Add AccountService UpdateProfileImage

    Add AccountService UpdateProfileImage

    • POST to account/update_profile_image.json to set specified user profile image
    • https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/v1/accounts-and-users/manage-account-settings/api-reference/post-account-update_profile_image
  • Adding Place support

    Adding Place support

    Hey There,

    I saw you've got a lot of existing tests but no marshalling tests, so I've put some test json files from actual tweets into a test directory (I don't know whether you think this is clutter or not? I like to abstract out the parsing from the other components). I've added in place support with a test case that validates parsing. I've been using this library a lot and really like it so when I saw the TODO I thought "Bugger it, I'll do that!" Please let me know if you think this is just awful garbage but I'm happy to help build out this library and support it as I use it quite a lot



  • Support media upload

    Support media upload

    Hello, I added the required functions to upload media to twitter. I'll work on testing & simple refactoring during the next 2 days. feel free to merge it now since refactoring and updates can be in a sperate PRs

  • Feature/media upload

    Feature/media upload

    Add functionality to upload images to twitter to embed in tweet.

    Example code:

    	Ids := []int64{MediaId.MediaId}
    	UpdateParams := &twitter.StatusUpdateParams{MediaIds: Ids};
    	client.Statuses.Update("test", UpdateParams);

    Added unit tests.

  • Add a bunch of missing video fields.

    Add a bunch of missing video fields.

    I didn't see any tests that verify the structure of the mapping, but I'll gladly add one if desired.

    Here's a tweet you can test this with: https://twitter.com/h__mutsu/status/748848827096895488

  • Fix small memory leak while retrying streams

    Fix small memory leak while retrying streams

    The time.After docs call out that if you don't receive on the given timer it will never be GCd (similar to time.Tick which is more explicit in its warning).

  • Remove comment to avoid IDE to identify Tweet type struct as deprecated

    Remove comment to avoid IDE to identify Tweet type struct as deprecated

    The comment on line 12 includes the word "Deprecated". This is causing some IDEs to mark the entire type struct as deprecated, causing warnings to be issued every time code using the type struct is committed.

  • Add support for fetching extended tweets in lists

    Add support for fetching extended tweets in lists

    While fetching tweets from Twitter lists, I realized that the current version of the parameters struct does not allow for requesting extended tweet text support. The result is that all tweets longer than 140 chars end up being cut at that mark.

    I wasn't really sure, whether the lists API supports that option, so I forked the repo, added it in and tested it out. I started receiving the full text right away.

    We are currently pointing our app's build at my fork, but it would be great to accept this change in the official repo.


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