Kubernetes Operator to sync secrets between different secret backends and Kubernetes


Here at Digitalis we love vals, it's a tool we use daily to keep secrets stored securely. We also use secrets-manager on the Kubernetes deployment we manage. Inspired by these two wonderful tools we have created this operator.

vals-operator syncs secrets from any secrets store supported by vals into Kubernetes. It works very similarly to secrets-manager and the code is actually based on it. Where they differ is that it not just supports HashiCorp Vault but many other secrets stores.


You can use the helm chart to install vals-operator. You will need to provide the configuration to access the secrets store you decided on via either environment variables pre existing secrets.

# Example for Vault
helm upgrade --install vals-operator --create-namespace -n vals-operator \
  --set "env[0].name=VAULT_ROLE_ID,env[0].value="vals-operator"" \
  --set "env[1].name=VAULT_SECRET_ID,env[1].value="my-secret-id"" \
  --set "env[2].name=VAULT_ADDR,env[2].value=https://vault:8200"

# Example for AWS using a secret
kubectl create secret generic -n vals-operator aws-creds \
  --from-literal=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=foo \
  --from-literal=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=bar \

helm upgrade --install vals-operator --create-namespace -n vals-operator \
  --set "secretEnv[0].secretRef.name=aws-creds"  \


apiVersion: digitalis.io/v1
kind: ValsSecret
  name: vals-secret-sample
    owner: digitalis.io
  name: my-secret # Optional, default is the resource name
  ttl: 3600       # Optional, default is 0. The secret will be checked at every "reconcile period". See below.
  type: Opaque    # Default type, others supported
      ref: ref+vault://secret/database/username
      encoding: text
      ref: ref+vault://secret/database/password
      encoding: text
      ref: ref+vault://secret/database/ssh-private-key
      encoding: base64
      ref: ref+awssecrets://kube/test#username
      ref: ref+awssecrets://kube/test#password

The example above will create a secret named my-secret and get the values from the different sources. The secret will be kept in sync against the backed secrets store.

The TTL is optional and used to decrease the number of times the operator calls the backend secrets store as some of them such as AWS Secrets Manager will incur a cost.

The default encoding is text but you can change it to base64 per secret reference. This way you can, for example, base64 encode large configuration files.


The following options are available. See the helm chart documentation for more information on adding them to your deployment configuration.

  -exclude-namespaces string
    	Comma separated list of namespaces to ignore.
  -health-probe-bind-address string
    	The address the probe endpoint binds to. (default ":8081")
  -kubeconfig string
    	Paths to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
    	Enable leader election for controller manager. Enabling this will ensure there is only one active controller manager.
  -metrics-bind-address string
    	The address the metric endpoint binds to. (default ":8080")
  -reconcile-period duration
    	How often the controller will re-queue secretdefinition events (default 5s)
    	Records every time a secret has been updated. You can view them with kubectl describe (default true)
  -watch-namespaces string
    	Comma separated list of namespaces that vals-operator will watch.
    	Development Mode defaults(encoder=consoleEncoder,logLevel=Debug,stackTraceLevel=Warn). Production Mode defaults(encoder=jsonEncoder,logLevel=Info,stackTraceLevel=Error) (default true)
  -zap-encoder value
    	Zap log encoding (one of 'json' or 'console')
  -zap-log-level value
    	Zap Level to configure the verbosity of logging. Can be one of 'debug', 'info', 'error', or any integer value > 0 which corresponds to custom debug levels of increasing verbosity
  -zap-stacktrace-level value
    	Zap Level at and above which stacktraces are captured (one of 'info', 'error', 'panic').
  • Fix Helm chart kubeVersion comparison error

    Fix Helm chart kubeVersion comparison error

    Fixes this error when trying to install the chart:

    $ helm upgrade --install vals-operator ./vals-operator-0.5.0.tgz Release "vals-operator" does not exist. Installing it now. Error: chart requires kubeVersion: >= 1.19 which is incompatible with Kubernetes v1.21.5-eks-bc4871b

    The issue and solution is described here: https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/3810

    In addition, the duplicate kubeVersion field was removed.

  • Permit combing secrets with raw data

    Permit combing secrets with raw data

    For example,

    apiVersion: digitalis.io/v1
    kind: ValsSecret
      name: my-secret
      ttl: 3600       # Optional, default is 0. The secret will be checked at every "reconcile period". See below.
      type: Opaque    # Default type, others supported
          ref: ref+vault://secret/username
          encoding: text
          ref: ref+vault://secret/password
          encoding: text
          plain: my-server.com
  • Don't log

    Don't log "updated" messages or create Events if the secret has not changed

    Currently whenever we check a secret we log the message "Secret created or updated" and we write an Event to K8s even if the secret did not change. We should stop logging that message (possibly replaced with a "secret has not changed" message) and only create the Event if the secret was changed.

  • get parameter: ResourceNotFoundException: Secrets Manager can't find the specified secret

    get parameter: ResourceNotFoundException: Secrets Manager can't find the specified secret


    I am testing vals-operator to see it can fit in our current setup. I was able to install the helm charts using the instructions. Created a secret to be used by helm charts.

    When I was trying to create using object kind: ValsSecret, get the above error, even though the secret exit. I have created a secret kube.test#username and kube.test#password in our region. FYI, my secret name in AWS secret manager is kube.test having two fields username and password.

    Default AWS region is same for helm secrets and the following secret.

    apiVersion: digitalis.io/v1
    kind: ValsSecret
      name: vals-secret-sample
        owner: digitalis.io
      name: my-secret # Optional, default is the resource name
      #ttl: 3600       # Optional, default is 0. The secret will be checked at every "reconcile period". See below.
      type: Opaque    # Default type, others supported
          ref: ref+awssecrets://kube.test#username
          ref: ref+awssecrets://kube.test#password

    Logs from the vals-operator pod,

    1.6590061832090268e+09	ERROR	controllers.vals-operator	Failed to get secrets from secrets store	{"name": "vals-secret-sample", "error": "expand awssecrets://kube.test#username: get parameter: ResourceNotFoundException: Secrets Manager can't find the specified secret."}
    	/go/pkg/mod/sigs.k8s.io/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:121
    	/go/pkg/mod/sigs.k8s.io/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:320
    	/go/pkg/mod/sigs.k8s.io/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:273
    	/go/pkg/mod/sigs.k8s.io/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:234
    1.6590061832092552e+09	INFO	controllers.vals-operator	errorBackoff: 5.47083928s  (jitter=470.83928ms)
    1.6590061832097049e+09	DEBUG	events	Normal	{"object": {"kind":"ValsSecret","namespace":"default","name":"vals-secret-sample","uid":"74c0c393-67c5-4736-bd98-3dd0d031ab28","apiVersion":"digitalis.io/v1","resourceVersion":"100782694"}, "reason": "Failed", "message": "Failed to get secrets from secrets store expand awssecrets://kube.test#username: get parameter: ResourceNotFoundException: Secrets Manager can't find the specified secret."}

    Can someone please shed some light, I might be missing something here? Thanks

    Regards, Abdul

  • Template field missing in helmchart CRDs

    Template field missing in helmchart CRDs

    I tried using the templating for ValsSecret when I noticed that my CRDs which was installed with helm hasn't been updated. And after looking at the chart in this repo it seems that the CRD might not have been regenerated after templating was added. Would it be possible to regenerate the CRD for the helmchart, as I would very much like to try out the new templating feature.

  • Issue with digitalisdocker/vals-operator:v0.6.0

    Issue with digitalisdocker/vals-operator:v0.6.0

    Hi, trying install latest version with helm get an issue bellow:

    Failed to pull image "digitalisdocker/vals-operator:v0.6.0": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: manifest for digitalisdocker/vals-operator:v0.6.0 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

  • feat: links vals-secret to created secret

    feat: links vals-secret to created secret

    This feature ensures the secrets created and managed by Vals-Operator have the ownerReferences attribute to ensure they can be tracked. Example:

      - apiVersion: digitalis.io/v1
        blockOwnerDeletion: true
        controller: true
        kind: ValsSecret
        name: my-secret
  • feat: Support for templated secrets

    feat: Support for templated secrets

    Templates are not supported to allow users to craft for example complex configuration files:

        config.yaml: |
          # Config generated by Vals-Operator on {{ now | date "2006-01-02" }}
          username: {{.username}}
          password: {{.password}}
          {{- if .url }}
          url: {{ .url | lower }}
          {{ end }} 
  • feat: update core libraries to latest versions

    feat: update core libraries to latest versions

    Updates core libraries to latest versions fixing two High security alerts:

    Total: 2 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 0, HIGH: 2, CRITICAL: 0)
    │         Library          │ Vulnerability  │ Severity │ Installed Version │ Fixed Version │                           Title                            │
    │ github.com/gogo/protobuf │ CVE-2021-3121  │ HIGH     │ v1.3.1            │ 1.3.2         │ gogo/protobuf: plugin/unmarshal/unmarshal.go lacks certain │
    │                          │                │          │                   │               │ index validation                                           │
    │                          │                │          │                   │               │ https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2021-3121                  │
    ├──────────────────────────┼────────────────┤          ├───────────────────┼───────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
    │ golang.org/x/text        │ CVE-2021-38561 │          │ v0.3.6            │ 0.3.7         │ golang: out-of-bounds read in golang.org/x/text/language   │
    │                          │                │          │                   │               │ leads to DoS                                               │
    │                          │                │          │                   │               │ https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2021-38561                 │
  • Bugfix: kubernetes login creates too many tokens

    Bugfix: kubernetes login creates too many tokens

    The environment variables VAULT_AUTH_METHOD conflicts with the underlying vals library and we were doing login all the time instead of login once and renewing the token when its about to expire.

  • Implement a better Vault token management

    Implement a better Vault token management

    Following this example, there is a better way of managing tokens:


    Edit: reclassified as bug as it appears it creates new vault tokens all the time when using Kubernetes login.

  • TLS connection to vault server doesn't work

    TLS connection to vault server doesn't work

    Hi everyone,

    I've tried to configure vals-operator to use TLS authentication for connecting to Vault server but it doesn't seem to be working.

    Here is the piece of my values.yaml that I use to configure TLS:

      - name: VAULT_ROLE_ID
        value: vals-operator
      - name: VAULT_ADDR
        value: https://vault.vault:8200
      - name: VAULT_CACERT
        value: /vault/userconfig/vault-server-tls/vault.ca
      - name: VAULT_CLIENT_CERT
        value: /vault/userconfig/vault-server-tls/vault.crt
      - name: VAULT_CLIENT_KEY
        value: /vault/userconfig/vault-server-tls/vault.key
        value: vault
      - name: vault-server-tls
          secretName: vault-server-tls
          defaultMode: 420
      - name: vault-server-tls
        mountPath: /vault/userconfig/vault-server-tls
        readOnly: true

    Connection without TLS works fine if I set VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY to true. I've also tested TLS connection manually using the same certificates stored in vault-server-tls secret and it works properly.

    Unfortunately I didn't find a way to properly troubleshoot it because vals-operator is using distroless Docker image with no capabilities for using shell.

    Error that I get in vals-operator logs is the following:

    ERROR   vault   unable to authenticate to Vault {"error": "unable to login to kubernetes auth method: unable to log in to auth method: unable to log in with Kubernetes auth: Put \"https://vault.vault:8200/v1/auth/kubernetes/login\": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"}

    I would very appreciate your assistance with resolving this issue.


    Best regards, Roman Timoshevskii.

  • Allow a secret to exist on multiple namespaces

    Allow a secret to exist on multiple namespaces

    The change would allow the same secret to being synced to multiple namespaces. This can be very useful for secrets such as private docker registries. The new schema could look like the example below:

    apiVersion: digitalis.io/v1
    kind: ValsSecret
      name: private-registry
      type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
        - one
        - two
        - three
          ref: "ref+vault://secret/registry/dockerconfigjson"
          encoding: text
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