Disk usage analyzer with console interface written in Go

go DiskUsage()

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Pretty fast disk usage analyzer written in Go.

Gdu is intended primarily for SSD disks where it can fully utilize parallel processing. However HDDs work as well, but the performance gain is not so huge.


Packaging status


Head for the releases and download binary for your system.

Using curl:

curl -L https://github.com/dundee/gdu/releases/latest/download/gdu_linux_amd64.tgz | tar xz
chmod +x gdu_linux_amd64
mv gdu_linux_amd64 /usr/bin/gdu

Arch Linux:

yay -S gdu


dpkg -i gdu_*_amd64.deb


add-apt-repository ppa:daniel-milde/gdu
apt-get update
apt-get install gdu


nix-env -iA nixos.gdu


brew install -f gdu
brew link --overwrite gdu  # if you have coreutils installed as well


snap install gdu-disk-usage-analyzer
snap connect gdu-disk-usage-analyzer:mount-observe :mount-observe
snap connect gdu-disk-usage-analyzer:system-backup :system-backup
snap alias gdu-disk-usage-analyzer.gdu gdu


binenv install gdu


go get -u github.com/dundee/gdu/v4/cmd/gdu


  gdu [flags] [directory_to_scan]

  -h, --help                          help for gdu
  -i, --ignore-dirs strings           Absolute paths to ignore (separated by comma) (default [/proc,/dev,/sys,/run])
  -I, --ignore-dirs-pattern strings   Absolute path patterns to ignore (separated by comma)
  -l, --log-file string               Path to a logfile (default "/dev/null")
  -m, --max-cores int                 Set max cores that GDU will use. 8 cores available (default 8)
  -c, --no-color                      Do not use colorized output
  -x, --no-cross                      Do not cross filesystem boundaries
  -H, --no-hidden                     Ignore hidden directories (beggining with dot)
  -p, --no-progress                   Do not show progress in non-interactive mode
  -n, --non-interactive               Do not run in interactive mode
  -a, --show-apparent-size            Show apparent size
  -d, --show-disks                    Show all mounted disks
  -v, --version                       Print version


gdu                                   # analyze current dir
gdu -a                                # show apparent size instead of disk usage
gdu              # analyze given dir
gdu -d                                # show all mounted disks
gdu -l ./gdu.log            # write errors to log file
gdu -i /sys,/proc /                   # ignore some paths
gdu -I '.*[abc]+'                     # ignore paths by regular pattern
gdu -c /                              # use only white/gray/black colors

gdu -n /                              # only print stats, do not start interactive mode
gdu -np /                             # do not show progress, useful when using its output in a script
gdu / > file                          # write stats to file, do not start interactive mode

Gdu has two modes: interactive (default) and non-interactive.

Non-interactive mode is started automtically when TTY is not detected (using go-isatty), for example if the output is being piped to a file, or it can be started explicitly by using a flag.

Hard links are counted only once.

File flags

Files and directories may be prefixed by a one-character flag with following meaning:

  • ! An error occurred while reading this directory.

  • . An error occurred while reading a subdirectory, size may be not correct.

  • @ File is symlink or socket.

  • H Same file was already counted (hard link).

  • e Directory is empty.

Running tests

make test


Benchmarks performed on 50G directory (100k directories, 400k files) on 500 GB SSD using hyperfine. See benchmark target in Makefile for more info.

Cold cache

Filesystem cache was cleared using sync; echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches.

Command Mean [s] Min [s] Max [s] Relative
gdu -npc ~ 3.714 ± 0.036 3.685 3.809 1.00
dua ~ 4.703 ± 0.011 4.691 4.721 1.27 ± 0.01
duc index ~ 20.776 ± 0.093 20.591 20.924 5.59 ± 0.06
ncdu -0 -o /dev/null ~ 20.933 ± 0.113 20.757 21.073 5.64 ± 0.06
diskus ~ 3.747 ± 0.027 3.707 3.779 1.01 ± 0.01
du -hs ~ 20.096 ± 0.128 19.916 20.313 5.41 ± 0.06
dust -d0 ~ 16.281 ± 0.118 16.148 16.490 4.38 ± 0.05

Warm cache

Command Mean [ms] Min [ms] Max [ms] Relative
gdu -npc ~ 643.5 ± 11.3 623.8 659.9 1.99 ± 0.12
dua ~ 389.7 ± 13.0 374.2 410.4 1.20 ± 0.08
duc index ~ 1241.1 ± 19.6 1205.4 1274.9 3.84 ± 0.23
ncdu -0 -o /dev/null ~ 1846.7 ± 11.9 1823.0 1859.9 5.71 ± 0.33
diskus ~ 323.4 ± 18.8 302.1 362.2 1.00
du -hs ~ 1027.7 ± 9.7 1009.0 1037.5 3.18 ± 0.19
dust -d0 ~ 8864.4 ± 35.9 8798.8 8906.6 27.41 ± 1.60


  • ncdu - NCurses based tool written in pure C
  • godu - Analyzer with carousel like user interface
  • dua - Tool written in Rust with interface similar to gdu (and ncdu)
  • diskus - Very simple but very fast tool written in Rust
  • duc - Collection of tools with many possibilities for inspecting and visualising disk usage
  • dust - Tool written in Rust showing tree like structures of disk usage
  • enormous memory consumption

    enormous memory consumption

    ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Scanning... ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐     
        │                                                                                                                                                                                                          │     
        │                                                                                                                                                                                                          │     
        │  Total items: 105,268,925 size: 23.9 TiB                                                                                                                                
    2665192       -   93847    264   2420K  1496K  130.6G   132K      0K 139.4G  119.1G     0K  335.0M 370.7M    9.5G root      root      47%  gdu

    119gb of ram per 105m of files

  • -x does not seem to honor filesystem boundaries - 5.10.0

    -x does not seem to honor filesystem boundaries - 5.10.0

    I have the following config

    │id│ dev │  filesystem  │disk│type│used │  use%   │ free│ size │mount point       │
    │44│259:5│/dev/nvme3n1  │SSD │xfs │118Mi│ 1%      │ 11Gi│11Gi  │/var/app-local    │
    │55│259:2│/dev/nvme5n1  │SSD │xfs │100Mi│ 1%      │9.9Gi│10.0Gi│/var/app          │
    │38│259:7│/dev/nvme0n1p1│SSD │xfs │7.5Gi│75% ███▊ │2.5Gi│10.0Gi│/                 │
    │42│259:4│/dev/nvme4n1  │SSD │xfs │3.1Gi│35% █▊   │5.9Gi│9.0Gi │/usr/local/app    │
    │54│259:1│/dev/nvme2n1  │SSD │xfs │568Mi│19% ▉    │2.4Gi│3.0Gi │/var/log          │
    │43│259:3│/dev/nvme6n1  │SSD │xfs │614Mi│30% █▌   │1.4Gi│2.0Gi │/tmp              │
    │57│259:3│/dev/nvme6n1  │SSD │xfs │614Mi│30% █▌   │1.4Gi│2.0Gi │/var/tmp          │

    when I run gdu from / I do not expect to see gdu counting totals for /var/app-local but that is what happens. Here is output from ncdu and gdu. The sizes differ as -x does not seem to work for gdu. gdu -x image

    ncdu -x image

  • arm64 architecture is missing for snap install

    arm64 architecture is missing for snap install

    On a rasp pi 4 with arm64 architecture it is not possible to install gdu because only armhf builds are provided. Please provide arm64 builds as well :-)

    Thank you very much in advance!

  • gdu version of `go get` is very simple

    gdu version of `go get` is very simple

    Just like this post https://github.com/dundee/gdu/issues/31#issuecomment-779896277

    Now I tried to update my gdu to the latest commit, so I use go get -u github.com/dundee/gdu again, but the gdu in my PATH which is ~/.go/bin/gdu is very simple as above link has listed and

    >> gdu -v
    Version:         development
    >> gdu -h
    Usage of gdu:
      -ignore string
            Absolute paths to ignore (separated by comma) (default "/proc,/dev,/sys,/run")
      -log-file string
            Path to a logfile (default "/dev/null")
      -v    Prints version

    I tried to delete all gdu file and directories in my ~/.go which is my GOPATH and go get -u xxx again, or redefine my GOPATH to another directory like ~/go and go get -u xxx again, but all the gdu are the same simple one.

    So is this go get or the code itself wrong?

  • Keep gdu open when spawning shell

    Keep gdu open when spawning shell

    I use the new 'b' shortcut to quickly open a shell on a folder that is of interest to me and it's very useful. One thing I think could be improved is if the shell would be opened without killing gdu, so that after exiting the shell I would still have all the data loaded, the same folder selected, etc. in order to investigate the next problematic folder and so on. Much like the way you can user "! ..." in vi to spawn a shell and resume where you were once the shell ends.

  • Close item info modal when `i` is pressed again

    Close item info modal when `i` is pressed again

    When file info modal is shown, another pressing of i shortcut should close this modal.


    It should be checked in https://github.com/dundee/gdu/blob/master/tui/keys.go#L81 whether the page "info" is already shown. If so, the page should be removed and focus returned to main page same way as in https://github.com/dundee/gdu/blob/master/tui/keys.go#L27

  • Export with FullNames

    Export with FullNames


    When exporting to JSON, there is no option to exprot using the full path. Rather the export only contains relevant paths. I can't see any option to export using full paths.

    Is there?

  • brew install fails when coreutils is already installed

    brew install fails when coreutils is already installed

    On my macOS system that has the coreutils formula already installed:

    $  brew install gdu
    ==> Downloading https://ghcr.io/v2/homebrew/core/gdu/manifests/4.10.0
    ######################################################################## 100.0%
    ==> Downloading https://ghcr.io/v2/homebrew/core/gdu/blobs/sha256:9af37b330b0d64a2cc96927f4bd9b005a2c492f8bd084c0a1df531e7b1f003c2
    ==> Downloading from https://pkg-containers-az.githubusercontent.com/ghcr1/blobs/sha256:9af37b330b0d64a2cc96927f4bd9b005a2c492f8bd084c0a1df531e7b1f003c2?se=2021-04-08T22%3A45%3A00Z&sig=pmNS716JpYgRzbYu9TTTG9o9f94Nx
    ######################################################################## 100.0%
    Error: Cannot install gdu because conflicting formulae are installed.
      coreutils: because both install `gdu` binaries
    Please `brew unlink coreutils` before continuing.
    Unlinking removes a formula's symlinks from /usr/local. You can
    link the formula again after the install finishes. You can --force this
    install, but the build may fail or cause obscure side effects in the
    resulting software.

    In coreutils, they link du to gdu to indicate that it's "GNU du". Personally I'm OK with unlinking coreutils, but this could be surprising to many users.

    One suggestion could be to provide a non-conflicting binary as an option (like go-gdu or something?)... Not sure what the best fix is.

    And, maybe there's no fix possible - but I just wanted to provide some new-user feedback 😉

  • Doesn't read external config file (again)

    Doesn't read external config file (again)

    gdu v5.18.0

    I enter the path to any file, even those that don't exist - it still reads the default config and shows no errors...

    [elem] ~ ❯ gdu --config-file /home/elem/.config/gdu/gdu.yaml 
    [elem] ~ ❯ gdu --config-file example
    [elem] ~ ❯ gdu --config-file example/example
    [elem] ~ ❯ gdu --config-file ~/example/example/example/example/abcdf
    [elem] ~ ❯ gdu --config-file
    Error: flag needs an argument: --config-file
    [elem] ~ ❯ 

    update If I run gdu --config-file /home/elem/.config/gdu/gdu.yaml then it simply erases my settings in this file and sets its defaults

  • [bug] cannot enter interaction mode in mintty

    [bug] cannot enter interaction mode in mintty

    In conhost (the default terminal emulator for windows), gdu can work. However, in mintty (the default terminal emulator for cygwin/msys2), gdu will behave like gdu -n.


  • The directory calculation menu freezes

    The directory calculation menu freezes

    This happens if you hold down the r key to recalculate the current directory. The calculation menu freezes and does not update, only the q key works to exit the gdu. There is no such problem in ncdu, but the interface is not beautiful and the calculation speed is much slower than that of gdu, so I would like to fix this problem.

    My Neofetch:

                       -`                    blitdev@inspiron 
                      .o+`                   ---------------- 
                     `ooo/                   OS: Arch Linux x86_64 
                    `+oooo:                  Host: Inspiron N5110 
                   `+oooooo:                 Kernel: 5.16.2-zen1-1-zen 
                   -+oooooo+:                Uptime: 16 mins 
                 `/:-:++oooo+:               Packages: 1631 (pacman) 
                `/++++/+++++++:              Shell: fish 3.3.1 
               `/++++++++++++++:             Resolution: 1366x768 
              `/+++ooooooooooooo/`           DE: Plasma 5.23.5 
             ./ooosssso++osssssso+`          WM: KWin 
            .oossssso-````/ossssss+`         Theme: Breeze Light [Plasma], Breeze [GTK2/3] 
           -osssssso.      :ssssssso.        Icons: breeze-dark [Plasma], breeze-dark [GTK2/3] 
          :osssssss/        osssso+++.       Terminal: konsole 
         /ossssssss/        +ssssooo/-       Terminal Font: Hack 10 
       `/ossssso+/:-        -:/+osssso+-     CPU: Intel i7-2670QM (8) @ 3.100GHz 
      `+sso+:-`                 `.-/+oso:    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 525M 
     `++:.                           `-/+/   GPU: Intel 2nd Generation Core Processor Family 
     .`                                 `/   Memory: 2304MiB / 7853MiB 
  • [bug] Screen flicker

    [bug] Screen flicker

    When it scans it flickers, and after that, any time I move the cursor (with arrow keys or mouse) it flickers.

    I use Windows Terminal, Windows 11 21H2/22H2, nothing else fancy, I don’t think (feel free to ask). No other CLI app does that. Flicker tested on two machines.

    Don’t flicker in WSL or VirtualBox Linux.

  • Consecutive mouse clicks may be mistaken as double clicks

    Consecutive mouse clicks may be mistaken as double clicks

    First of all, thanks for working on mouse support! It works great. One edge case though: if I click an item and then click elsewhere quickly, it would be considered a double click:


    If this is a limitation/bug in tview, I would be willing to open an issue there instead.

  • "Show apparent size" needed for WSL instance to Windows drive


    I'm not sure why this is happening but when I run gdu -dn I get the following output:

      Device      Size      Used      Free Used% Mount point
    /dev/sdc 251.0 GiB  13.7 GiB 237.3 GiB    5% /

    when I am inside a mnt to the Windows drive from my WSL the following happens: /mnt/d/Data/repo/security

    $ gdu -n
        7.8 EiB /packages
        4.8 EiB /app1
      -463550477559806976 B /app2
      -3473665266239336448 B /audit_configs
      -3801883870989672960 B /server-fixes

    to get the proper output I need to run it like this:

    $ gdu -na
      106.9 MiB /packages
        1.0 GiB /app1
      333.1 KiB /app2
      215.4 KiB /audit_configs
      442.2 MiB /server-fixes

    Is this expected behaviour? I'm not sure why the mnt is confusing the space from within WSL.

  • Allow stopping scanning while preserving results

    Allow stopping scanning while preserving results

    Currently, gdu has an initial "scan" phase where it scans the disk and then once the scanning is complete, it allows results to be viewed. Stopping the scanning at any time, quits the app.

    Instead of quitting, do you think it would make sense to stop scanning and showing whatever has been scanned till now?

    This would help in cases where scanning is taking too much time, like a 60 TeraByte NFS disk!

    I had to stop GDU which had already scanned 300,000,000 items totalling about 14 TB because it was taking 80GB of RAM & 8 cores on the server. The cores were expected, but the excessive memory usage was not.

    If GDU could've just stopped the scanning, I would have still made sense of whatever it had scanned.

    I'm back to using ncdu now which is going at a snails pace, but atleast it will finish in a day or two without completely borking the system :(

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