The forgotten go tool that executes and caches binaries included in go.mod files.


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The forgotten go tool that executes and caches binaries included in go.mod files. This makes it easy to version cli tools in your projects such as golangci-lint and ginkgo that are versioned locked to what you specify in go.mod. Binaries are cached by go version and package version.


  # Run a linter
  gomodrun golangci-lint run

  # Convert a JSON object to a Go struct, properly passing in stdin.
  echo example.json | gomodrun gojson > example.go

  # Specifiy alternative root directory containing a go.mod and tools file.
  gomodrun -r ./alternative-tools-dir golangci-lint run

  # Clean your .gomodrun folder of unused binaries.
  gomodrun --tidy


homebrew (OSX / Linux):

brew install dustinblackman/tap/gomodrun

scoop (Windows):

$ scoop bucket add dustinblackman
$ scoop install gomodrun

deb/rpm/apk (Linux):

Download the .deb, .rpm or .apk from the releases page and install with dpkg -i, rpm -i, or apk add --allow-untrusted respectively.

nix (Linux):

nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA nur.repos.dustinblackman.gomodrun


Download the pre-compiled binaries from the releases page and copy to the desired location.

go/master branch:

go get -u


gomodrun works by using a tools.go (or any other name) file that sits in the root of your project that contains all the CLI dependencies you want bundled in to your go.mod. Note the // +build tools at the top of the file is required, and allows you to name your tools file anything you like.


// +build tools

package myapp

import (
	_ ""
	_ ""

Run go build tools.go to add the dependencies to your go.mod. The build is expected to fail.


You can run your tools by prefixing gomodrun. A binary will be built and cached in .gomodrun in the root of your project, allowing all runs after the first to be nice and fast.

  gomodrun golangci-lint run


You can also use gomodrun as a library.

package main

import (


func main() {
	exitCode, err := gomodrun.Run("golangci-lint", []string{"run"}, &gomodrun.Options{
		Stdin:   os.Stdin,
		Stdout:  os.Stdout,
		Stderr:  os.Stderr,
		Env:     os.Environ(),
		PkgRoot: "",



Dustin Blackman
Senior Lead Software Engineer, Full Stack
Dustin Blackman
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