A web app that displays a new random famous quote every day (UTC timezone) and allows people to like/unlike the quote


A web app that displays a new random famous quote every day (UTC timezone) and allows people to like/unlike the quote. The app display the current like/unlike count.


  • Docker
  • Go 1.17
  • MySQL 8.0.25


  • Run chmod +x start.sh if start.sh script does not have privileged to run
  • Run ./start.sh --bootstrap quick bootstrap app (include build, start docker, migrate schema and start app), it will ready to accept connection to :8080 local
  • Run make docker.local.stop to cleanup

For developing

  • Get tools for developing: make install-go-tools
  • Build app docker image: run make build.docker.image
  • Startup local docker compose: make docker.local.start
  • Stop local docker compose: make docker.local.stop
  • Migrate schema database: run ./start.sh --migrate

Automate CI CD local

Or you can use skaffold to automate that pipeline

  • Install skaffold, helm latest, minikube latest version
  • Run skaffold dev --port-forward
  • Every change to source code, will trigger build, unit-test and deploy locally

Testing & Coverage

  • Run integration test(docker, go1.17 required): ./start.sh --integration
  • Run unittest: make test.unit
  • Check coverage: make coverage
  • Clean up report files: make clean
Quang Nguyen
Developer, Tech Enthusiast
Quang Nguyen
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