Consul Load-Balancing made simple

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  1. From release 1.5.15 onward, fabio changes the default GOGC from 800 back to the golang default of 100. Apparently this made some sense back in the golang 1.5 days, but with changes introduced with golang 1.12 and others, this is probably no longer a very good default. This is still configurable, as always, but the new default should make the most sense for most users.

  2. From release 1.5.14, release hashes are signed with a new PGP key. See details here.

  3. From release 1.5.14 onward, fabio binary releases are compiled with golang 1.15+.
    This means that the fabio will no longer validate upstream https certificates that do not have SAN extensions matching the server name. This may be a concern if fabio is communicating with https backends with misconfigured certificates. If this is a problem, you can specify tlsskipverify=true on the route.

fabio is a fast, modern, zero-conf load balancing HTTP(S) and TCP router for deploying applications managed by consul.

Register your services in consul, provide a health check and fabio will start routing traffic to them. No configuration required. Deployment, upgrading and refactoring has never been easier.

fabio is developed and maintained by The Fabio Authors.

It powers some of the largest websites in Australia ( and Italy ( It delivers 23.000 req/sec every day since Sep 2015 without problems.

It integrates with Consul, Vault, Amazon ELB, Amazon API Gateway and more.

It supports (Full feature list)

Watch Kelsey Hightower demo Consul, Nomad, Vault and fabio at HashiConf EU 2016.

The full documentation is on

Getting started

  1. Install from source, binary, Docker or Homebrew.

    # go 1.15 or higher is required
    go get                     (>= go1.15)
    brew install fabio                                  (OSX/macOS stable)
    brew install --devel fabio                          (OSX/macOS devel)
    docker pull fabiolb/fabio                           (Docker)           (pre-built binaries)
  2. Register your service in consul.

    Make sure that each instance registers with a unique ServiceID and a service name without spaces.

  3. Register a health check in consul as described here.

    By default fabio only watches services which have a passing health check, unless overridden with registry.consul.service.status.

  4. Register one urlprefix- tag per host/path prefix it serves, e.g.:

# HTTP/S examples
urlprefix-/css                                     # path route                             # host specific path route                              # host specific catch all route
urlprefix-/foo/bar strip=/foo                      # path stripping (forward '/bar' to upstream)
urlprefix-/foo/bar proto=https                     # HTTPS upstream
urlprefix-/foo/bar proto=https tlsskipverify=true  # HTTPS upstream and self-signed cert

# TCP examples
urlprefix-:3306 proto=tcp                          # route external port 3306

Make sure the prefix for HTTP routes contains at least one slash (/).

See the full list of options in the Documentation.

  1. Start fabio without a config file (assuming a running consul agent on localhost:8500) Watch the log output how fabio picks up the route to your service. Try starting/stopping your service to see how the routing table changes instantly.

  2. Send all your HTTP traffic to fabio on port 9999. For TCP proxying see TCP proxy.

  3. Done

Author and Founder



This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute].


  • Contributions up to 14 Apr 2017 before 38f73da

    MIT Licensed Copyright (c) 2017 eBay Software Foundation. All rights reserved.

  • Contributions after 14 Apr 2017 starting with 38f73da

    MIT Licensed Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Frank Schroeder. All rights reserved.

  • Contributions after 22 Jan 2020 starting with 9da7b1b

    MIT Licensed Copyright (c) 2020 Education Networks of America. All rights reserved.

See LICENSE for details.

Stargazers over Time

Stargazers over time

The Consul Load-Balancer
  • Draft: WAF

    Draft: WAF

    Closes !911

    • i have not updated the vendor to keep the PR light (go mod tidy && go mod vendor)
    • there is a script in waf folder to download the CRS (one rule is disabled) (cd waf && bash
    • to enable the WAF edit coraza.conf line 7 from SecRuleEngine DetectionOnly to SecRuleEngine On

    at the moment v2 version of coraza is being used as v3 is still in alpha

    curl http://localhost:9999/?a=<script>alert(1)</script> will trigger the waf

  • Handle case where grpc backend may be deregistered from registry but is still handling traffic

    Handle case where grpc backend may be deregistered from registry but is still handling traffic

    This is an attempt to gracefully shut down a connection to a grpc backend that gets deregistered from a registry, such as consul. This is described as point 1 in #807 . I'm not sure how common this will be, mostly a deregister event is caused by a failing health check, but this is easy enough to implement and shouldn't break anything so worth trying

  • WAF integration

    WAF integration

    it could be interesting to integrate coraza ( directly in fabio?

    before starting the implementation I would like some feedback

  • feat: Compatibility with vault-acme (fixes #900)

    feat: Compatibility with vault-acme (fixes #900)

    First approach to making issuing of certificates compatible with the way vault-acme works. Essentially, just allow to also load certificates from cert instead of certificate.

    Since i am a Go novice, please let me know if there is a cleaner approach to this.

    Also, am I supposed to direct PRs to master?

  • Compatibility with acme-vault

    Compatibility with acme-vault

    As per, I would like to use fabio and acme-vault together to deal with letsencrypt certificates for loadbalancing and have vault deal with the certs through pki (e.g. acme-vault plugin).

    However, the keys are different for when issuing certs. While this one is probably easy to get compatibility with, I wonder what is required to get these two wonderful projects talk more nicely with each other.

    After all, I wonder how many people's needs this would satisfy.

    Cheers, -- Fabian

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