Watches for changes in a directory tree and reruns a command in an acme win or just on the terminal.


Usage: Watch [-v] [-t] [-p <path>] [-x <regexp>] <command>

Watches for changes in a directory tree, and runs a command when something changed. By default, the output goes to an acme win.

-t sends the output to the terminal instead of acme

-v enables verbose debugging output

-p specifies the path to watch (if it is a directory then it watches recursively)

-x specifies a regexp used to exclude files and directories from the watcher.

  • Avoid syscalls

    Avoid syscalls

    These aren't covered by the Go compatibility promise and are questionably portable. I at least want to get rid of the Wait4 polling, because it's orthogonal to the race described in #14 (which was due to global PID flim-flammery).

  • Watch uses tons of cpu time

    Watch uses tons of cpu time

    Hiya, a few days ago I finally got around to checking out Watch and its a fantastic addition to the workflow, so thanks!

    Today I noticed my laptop was getting hot though, and sure enough top revealed my four Watch instances consuming 70-80% cpu between them, despite no action on the filesystem.

    These instances had been open for several days through several sleep/resume cycles which may or may not be related. A newly spawned Watch instance does not use excessive CPU.

    Not sure if this will actually turn out to be a bug in Watch, as kill -ABRT on one of the instances showed only these two goroutines active:

    goroutine 0 [idle]:
    runtime.futex(0x6d2e38, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x6d27c0, 0x1, 0x41198f, 0x411bae, 0x6d2e38, ...)
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/sys_linux_amd64.s:277 +0x21
    runtime.futexsleep(0x6d2e38, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffff)
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/os_linux.c:49 +0x47
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/lock_futex.go:145 +0xae
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.c:1178 +0x119
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.c:1487 +0x562
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.c:1575 +0x151
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.c:2021 +0xdd
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:186 +0x5a
    goroutine 7 [syscall]:
    syscall.Syscall6(0xe8, 0x6, 0xc2080a9cb4, 0x7, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8, 0xc20802a2e8, 0x7f84169fc8f0)
        /usr/lib/go/src/syscall/asm_linux_amd64.s:46 +0x5
    syscall.EpollWait(0x6, 0xc2080a9cb4, 0x7, 0x7, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xc20802a2e8, 0x0, 0x0)
        /usr/lib/go/src/syscall/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go:376 +0x93*fdPoller).wait(0xc20801e2c0, 0xc208052700, 0x0, 0x0)
        /d/go/src/ +0xc7*Watcher).readEvents(0xc20800a370)
        /d/go/src/ +0x16f
    created by
        /d/go/src/ +0x32b

    (the other four goroutines had been blocked for 28 minutes)

    I realise this report is probably not sufficient to solve/understand the issue. At some point I'll dig into the Watch/fsnotify code to try and gather more information, but if someone beats me to it I'm not going to complain ;)

    go version go1.4.2 linux/amd64

  • Get should cancel running commands.

    Get should cancel running commands.

    The acme win should have a Cancel that would cancel the current execution, for when you spot a bug but are already running an eggrigerously long build.

  • -x only works for directories

    -x only works for directories

    eg. with no exclusions, Watch -v -t echo build

    touch .git/newfile => causes build touch .gitignore => causes build

    Now try Watch -v -t -x '.git.*' echo build Debug output says:

    2015/08/27 14:15:36 DEBUG: excluding .git
    2015/08/27 14:15:36 DEBUG: excluding .gitignore

    but then:

    touch .gitignore => causes build

    touch .git/newfile is however correctly ignored.

  • Fix goroutine leaks.

    Fix goroutine leaks.

    The wait function was leaking a goroutine via time.Tick.

    Also—and I'm not sure this was an actual problem—Cmd.Start appers to create goroutines to be cleaned up by Cmd.Wait. Since we never called Cmd.Wait, these will be leaked too. So, we just call cmd.Wait as a dummy after Wait4.

    Fixes #20.

  • Fix clumsy race in run/kill

    Fix clumsy race in run/kill

    In retrospect, this is obviously fixed by using a channel: Run selects between the kill channel and a default case with a non-blocking wait. If it gets kill once, SIGTERM; twice, SIGKILL (there you go, Steve) and nil the kill channel to stop this case. When killed, Wait will fire. No more race. No need for global pid, no "lock vomit." But we will need the shared channel.

  • Option to pass changes to subprocess

    Option to pass changes to subprocess

    Something like -w to invoke the command with what has changed. E.g. (details omitted):

    % Watch -t -w echo &
    % touch hi
    % touch hi blop
    hi blop
  • Watching inside git repo = too many open files

    Watching inside git repo = too many open files


    When running inside a Git repo it attempts to watch all the files the .git directory, this results in too many open file errors.

    Solution would be to allow the user to create a .watch file in which you can write exclude or include regex rules.

    Here is my debug outout from OSX.

    ↳ Watch -t -d go test
    2014/01/21 09:30:34 DEBUG: Watching .git/hooks
    2014/01/21 09:30:34 DEBUG: Watching .git/info
    2014/01/21 09:30:34 DEBUG: Watching .git/logs/refs/heads
    2014/01/21 09:30:34 DEBUG: Watching .git/logs/refs/remotes/origin
    2014/01/21 09:30:34 DEBUG: Watching .git/logs/refs/remotes
    2014/01/21 09:30:34 DEBUG: Watching .git/logs/refs
    2014/01/21 09:30:34 DEBUG: Watching .git/logs
    2014/01/21 09:30:34 DEBUG: Watching .git/objects/02
    2014/01/21 09:30:34 DEBUG: Watching .git/objects/03
    lots of git files
    2014/01/21 09:30:34 DEBUG: Watching .git
    2014/01/21 09:30:34 DEBUG: Watching .
    go test
    fork/exec /usr/local/go/bin/go: too many open files
    2014-01-21 09:30:34.391614237 +0000 GMT


  • Fix -x not working for plain files

    Fix -x not working for plain files

    Since changing a file also results in a change to the containing directory, excluding files from the watch list is not sufficient. The exclusion filter must also be applied when processing events.

    Closes #25.

  • Doesn't built on Windows

    Doesn't built on Windows

    d:\>go get \# d:\src\\eaburns\Watch\main.go:158: undefined: syscall.Kill d:\src\\eaburns\Watch\main.go:161: undefined: syscall.Kill d:\src\\eaburns\Watch\main.go:168: undefined: syscall.Wait4 d:\src\\eaburns\Watch\main.go:168: undefined: syscall.WNOHANG

  • Restart running command

    Restart running command

    Any thoughts on a mode where Watch restarts the command whenever a change is detected? This goes deep into the process management hell, so I understand if you'd rather punt this to some other utility.

  • No synchronization between writing stdout and writing

    No synchronization between writing stdout and writing "exit status" and end time message

    The exit status and end time often get interleaved with the writing of stdout/stderr. Instead, we should write stdout and stderr in our own go routine, wait for it to finish, and only then write these trailing messages.

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