Database agnostic ORM for Go

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Hood is a database agnostic ORM for Go developed by @eaignr. It was written with following points in mind:

  • Chainable API
  • Transaction support
  • Migration and schema generation
  • Model validations
  • Model event hooks
  • Database dialect interface
  • No implicit fields
  • Clean and testable codebase

Dialects currently implemented

Adding a dialect is simple. Just create a new file named <dialect_name>.go and the corresponding struct type, and mixin the Base dialect. Then implement the methods that are specific to the new dialect (for an example see postgres.go).


You can find the documentation over at GoDoc. To get a sense of the API, it's best to take a quick look at the unit tests, as they are always up to date!

Opening a Database

If the dialect is registered, you can open the database directly using

hd, err := hood.Open("postgres", "user=<username> dbname=<database>")

or you can pass an existing database and dialect to hood.New(*sql.DB, hood.Dialect)

hd := hood.New(db, NewPostgres())


Schemas can be declared using the following syntax (only for demonstration purposes, would not produce valid SQL since it has 2 primary keys)

type Person struct {
  // Auto-incrementing int field 'id'
  Id hood.Id

  // Custom primary key field 'first_name', with presence validation
  FirstName string `sql:"pk" validate:"presence"`

  // string field 'last_name' with size 128, NOT NULL
  LastName string `sql:"size(128),notnull"`

  // string field 'tag' with size 255, default value 'customer'
  Tag string `sql:"size(255),default('customer')"`

  // You can also combine tags, default value 'orange'
  CombinedTags string `sql:"size(128),default('orange')"`
  Birthday     time.Time    // timestamp field 'birthday'
  Data         []byte       // data field 'data'
  IsAdmin      bool         // boolean field 'is_admin'
  Notes        string       // text field 'notes'

  // You can alternatively define a var char as a string field by setting a size
  Nick  string  `sql:"size(128)"`

  // Validates number range
  Balance int `validate:"range(10:20)"`

  // These fields are auto updated on save
  Created hood.Created
  Updated hood.Updated

  // ... and other built in types (int, uint, float...)

// Indexes are defined via the Indexed interface to avoid
// polluting the table fields.

func (table *Person) Indexes(indexes *hood.Indexes) {
  indexes.Add("tag_index", "tag") // params: indexName, unique, columns...
  indexes.AddUnique("name_index", "first_name", "last_name")

Schema creation is completely optional, you can use any other tool you like.

The following built in field properties are defined (via sql: tag):

  • pk the field is a primary key
  • notnull the field must be NOT NULL
  • size(x) the field must have the specified size, e.g. for varchar size(128)
  • default(x) the field has the specified default value, e.g. default(5) or default('orange')
  • - ignores the field


To use migrations, you first have to install the hood tool. To do that run the following:

go get
cd $GOPATH/src/

Assuming you have your $GOPATH/bin directory in your PATH, you can now invoke the hood tool with hood. Before we can use migrations we have to create a database configuration file first. To do this type

hood create:config

This command will create a db/config.json file relative to your current directory. It will look something like this:

  "development": {
    "driver": "",
    "source": ""
  "production": {
    "driver": "",
    "source": ""
  "test": {
    "driver": "",
    "source": ""

Populate it with your database credentials. The driver and source fields are the strings you would pass to the sql.Open(2) function. Now hood knows about our database, so let's create our first migration with

hood create:migration CreateUserTable

and another one

hood create:migration AddUserNameIndex

This command creates new migrations in db/migrations. Next we have to populate the generated migrations Up (and Down) methods like so:

func (m *M) CreateUserTable_1357605106_Up(hd *hood.Hood) {
  type Users struct {
    Id		hood.Id
    First	string
    Last	string
func (m *M) AddUserNameIndex_1357605116_Up(hd *hood.Hood) {
  hd.CreateIndex("users", "name_index", true, "first", "last")

The passed in hood instance is a transaction that will be committed after the method.

Now we can run migrations with

hood db:migrate

and roll back with

hood db:rollback

For a complete list of commands invoke hood -help

A schema.go file is automatically generated in the db directory. This file reflects the current state of the database! In our example, it will look like this:

package db

import (

type Users struct {
  Id    hood.Id
  First string
  Last  string

func (table *Users) Indexes(indexes *hood.Indexes) {
  indexes.AddUnique("name_index", "first", "last")


Besides the sql: struct tag, you can specify a validate: tag for model validation:

  • presence validates that a field is set
  • len(min:max) validates that a string field’s length lies within the specified range
    • len(min:) validates that it has the specified min length,
    • len(:max) or max length
  • range(min:max) validates that an int value lies in the specific range
    • range(min:) validates that it has the specified min value,
    • range(:max) or max value
  • <regexp>, e.g. ^[a-z]+$, validates that a string matches the regular expression
    • the expression must start with ^
    • backslash and double quote should be escaped
    • does not work with other validation methods on the same field

You can also define multiple validations on one field, e.g. validate:"len(:12),presence"

For more complex validations you can use custom validation methods. The methods are added to the schema and must start with Validate and return an error.

For example:

func (u *User) ValidateUsername() error {
	rx := regexp.MustCompile(`[a-z0-9]+`)
	if !rx.MatchString(u.Name) {
		return NewValidationError(1, "username contains invalid characters")
	return nil


You can add hooks to a model to run on a specific action like so:

func (u *User) BeforeUpdate() error {
	u.Updated = time.Now()
	return nil

If the hook returns an error on a Before- action it is not performed!

The following hooks are defined:

  • Before/AfterSave
  • Before/AfterInsert
  • Before/AfterUpdate
  • Before/AfterDelete

Basic Example

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Open a DB connection, use New() alternatively for unregistered dialects
	hd, err := hood.Open("postgres", "user=hood dbname=hood_test sslmode=disable")
	if err != nil {

	// Create a table
	type Fruit struct {
		Id    hood.Id
		Name  string `validate:"presence"`
		Color string

	err = hd.CreateTable(&Fruit{})
	if err != nil {

	fruits := []Fruit{
		Fruit{Name: "banana", Color: "yellow"},
		Fruit{Name: "apple", Color: "red"},
		Fruit{Name: "grapefruit", Color: "yellow"},
		Fruit{Name: "grape", Color: "green"},
		Fruit{Name: "pear", Color: "yellow"},

	// Start a transaction
	tx := hd.Begin()

	ids, err := tx.SaveAll(&fruits)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println("inserted ids:", ids) // [1 2 3 4 5]

	// Commit changes
	err = tx.Commit()
	if err != nil {

	// Ids are automatically updated
	if fruits[0].Id != 1 || fruits[1].Id != 2 || fruits[2].Id != 3 {
		panic("id not set")

	// If an id is already set, a call to save will result in an update
	fruits[0].Color = "green"

	ids, err = hd.SaveAll(&fruits)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println("updated ids:", ids) // [1 2 3 4 5]

	if fruits[0].Id != 1 || fruits[1].Id != 2 || fruits[2].Id != 3 {
		panic("id not set")

	// Let's try to save a row that does not satisfy the required validations
	_, err = hd.Save(&Fruit{})
	if err == nil || err.Error() != "value not set" {
		panic("does not satisfy validations, should not save")

	// Find
	// The markers are db agnostic, so you can always use '?'
	// e.g. in Postgres they are replaced with $1, $2, ...
	var results []Fruit
	err = hd.Where("color", "=", "green").OrderBy("name").Limit(1).Find(&results)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println("results:", results) // [{1 banana green}]

	// Delete
	ids, err = hd.DeleteAll(&results)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println("deleted ids:", ids) // [1]

	results = nil
	err = hd.Find(&results)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println("results:", results) // [{2 apple red} {3 grapefruit yellow} {4 grape green} {5 pear yellow}]

	// Drop
  • Removed Index Type, and move the functionality to tag.

    Removed Index Type, and move the functionality to tag.

    The tag's syntax is like sql:"index(.;*/other_column1/other_column2)" sql:"index(*)" where "." or "" is the alias of current field's snake name, "." means normal index, "" means unique index. "/" is used to separate column names. ";" is used to separate indexes.

  • Another propose about index definition.

    Another propose about index definition.

    How about we define a interface for a table then define the table property in method?


    type Table interface{
        Properties() map[string]interface{}
  • Title case field naming

    Title case field naming

    I want to use this with a database that has a TitleCase naming convention -- is there any way to do it? I didn't see any way to override the snake cased naming convention.


  • can't call functions on where close

    can't call functions on where close

    I was hoping to use the following code:

    hood.Where("lower(username)", "=", "eaigner").Limit(1).Find(&user)

    But it looks like hood is quoting the first argument resulting in a bad query (MySQL).

  • Queried results end up camelcased instead of underscored

    Queried results end up camelcased instead of underscored

    All the results with underscore names become camelcased and are not added to the returned struct if it has underscored names. When creating the table, no warning is given about this and the table columns are not converted to camelcase either. No mention about this in the documentation.

  • Support for ignoring fields in a struct

    Support for ignoring fields in a struct

    Hi again,

    I hit a snag when I was trying to override the default name of a struct's xml element.

    type Person struct {
        XMLName xml.Name `sql:"-" xml:"person" json:"-"`
        Id hood.Id `xml:"id,attr" json:"id"`
        FirstName string `validate:"presence" xml:"name>first" json:"first_name"`
        LastName hood.VarChar `sql:"size(128),notnull" xml:"name>last" json:"last_name"`
        Updated time.Time `xml:"dateUpdated" json:"date_updated"`

    Previously the existence of the XMLName field would cause a panic: invalid sql type.

    Seeing as the only purpose of the XMLName field is to override behaviour specific to xml un/marshalling, I added a flag to the sql tag (based on the convention used in the json tag) allowing hood to ignore the field.

    feedback is appreciated, this is my first go at go.

  • Null values cause a crash

    Null values cause a crash

    Trying to select from a table with a null value will cause a crash. Do something like this in SQL:

    create table test (a integer not null, b varchar); insert into test values (1, null);

    Then with Hood, if you do this, you'll get a panic:

    type Test struct { Id hood.Id Test string }

    vals := []Test{} hd.FindSQL(&vals, "select * from test")

    That crashes consistently.

  • Follow standard convention for struct tags

    Follow standard convention for struct tags


    I haven't glanced at the code yet, but based on the examples I'd like to highlight the established convention for struct tags. hood shouldn't claim the entire struct tag, and should coexist peacefully with other things that might be interested (such as encoding/json).

    There's an API in reflect, StructTag.Get, which will parse the standard format and give you only the requested section back. So, in all the places that you extract the entire StructTag from the struct using reflect, you can instead use StructTag.Get to parse out a "hood" section with the same behavior, which would allow coexistence like so:

    type User struct {
        Name string `json:"user_name,omitempty" hood:"pk"`

    Very ideal for declaring options for both encoding/json and hood, which I would foresee as a common occurrence.

  • hood create:config fails db/config.json doesn't already exist

    hood create:config fails db/config.json doesn't already exist

    $ /bin/hood create:config
    panic: open /Users/justin/repos/goHood/db/config.json: no such file or directory
    goroutine 1 [running]:
        /usr/local/go/src/pkg/ +0x54c
        /usr/local/go/src/pkg/ +0xf9
    goroutine 2 [syscall]:
    created by runtime.main
  • Run migration in application.

    Run migration in application.

    The current migration implementation seems not easy to use.

    I want migration to be executed in the application.

    We can provide some APIs to execute a sequence of migration and associate each migration command with a version number.

    the schema after each version of migration can be stored in local file, and will be used to check if new migration is added.

    And I also want database level migration, like create database, rename database.

  • A suggestion to simplify Indexes Add method.

    A suggestion to simplify Indexes Add method.

    Can we provide two methods for unique and non-unique index, like "Add" and "AddUnique", and remove the bool parameter. because pass bool parameter is harder to read.

    And if no columns parameter is passed in, the index name will be considered as the single column name. this way we only need to pass in one parameter most of the time.

  • feature request : dialect registered for driver sqlite3

    feature request : dialect registered for driver sqlite3

    package main
    import (
    	_ ""
    func main() {
    	// Open a DB connection, use New() alternatively for unregistered dialects
    	hd, err := hood.Open("sqlite3", "test.db")
    	if err != nil {

    panic: no dialect registered for driver name

  • How use join?

    How use join?

    If there is example?. I didn't understand this =(

    // Join performs a JOIN on tables, for example
    // Join(hood.InnerJoin, &User{}, "", "")
    func (hood *Hood) Join(op Join, table interface{}, a Path, b Path) *Hood {
         hood.joins = append(hood.joins, &join{
              join: op,
              table: tableName(table),
              a: a,
              b: b,
    return hood
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