An early PostgreSQL implementation in Go


An early PostgreSQL implementation in Go.



$ git clone [email protected]:eatonphil/gosql
$ cd gosql
$ go run cmd/main.go
Welcome to gosql.
# CREATE TABLE users (id INT PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age INT);
# \d users
Table "users"
  Column |  Type   | Nullable
  id     | integer | not null
  name   | text    |
  age    | integer |
        "users_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, rbtree ("id")

# INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'Corey', 34);
# INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'Max', 29);
Error inserting values: Duplicate key value violates unique constraint
# INSERT INTO users VALUES (2, 'Max', 29);
# SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 2;
  id | name | age
   2 | Max  |  29
(1 result)
# SELECT id, name, age + 3 FROM users WHERE id = 2 OR id = 1;
  id | name  | ?column?
   1 | Corey |       37
   2 | Max   |       32
(2 results)

Using the database/sql driver

See cmd/sqlexample/main.go:

package main

import (

	_ ""

func main() {
	db, err := sql.Open("postgres", "")
	if err != nil {
	defer db.Close()

	_, err = db.Query("CREATE TABLE users (name TEXT, age INT);")
	if err != nil {

	_, err = db.Query("INSERT INTO users VALUES ('Terry', 45);")
	if err != nil {

	_, err = db.Query("INSERT INTO users VALUES ('Anette', 57);")
	if err != nil {

	rows, err := db.Query("SELECT name, age FROM users;")
	if err != nil {

	var name string
	var age uint64
	defer rows.Close()
	for rows.Next() {
		err := rows.Scan(&name, &age)
		if err != nil {

		fmt.Printf("Name: %s, Age: %d\n", name, age)

	if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {

Parameterization is not currently supported.


  • cmd/main.go
    • Contains the REPL and high-level interface to the project
    • Dataflow is: user input -> lexer -> parser -> in-memory backend
  • lexer.go
    • Handles breaking user input into tokens for the parser
  • parser.go
    • Matches a list of tokens into an AST or fails if the user input is not a valid program
  • memory.go
    • An example, in-memory backend supporting the Backend interface (defined in backend.go)


  • Add a new operator (such as -, *, etc.)
  • Add a new data type (such as `VARCHAR(n)``)

In each case, you'll probably have to add support in the lexer, parser, and in-memory backend. I recommend going in that order.

In all cases, make sure the code is formatted (make fmt), linted (make lint) and passes tests (make test). New code should have tests.

Blog series

Further reading

Here are some similar projects written in Go.

  • go-mysql-server
    • This is a MySQL frontend (with an in-memory backend for testing only).
  • ramsql
    • This is a WIP PostgreSQL-compatible in-memory database.
  • CockroachDB
    • This is a production-ready PostgreSQL-compatible database.
Phil Eaton
Software Development Manager @oracle; previously @capsule8, @linode | @phil_eaton on Twitter
Phil Eaton
  • String style question :)

    String style question :)

    Looking through the code, there's a few uses of strings like "\\d", "\\p" and similar.

    Is there a reason for choosing the double quoted string style over backticks (eg `\d`), or is it just a personal preference thing? :smile:

  • Report a `cursor` bug

    Report a `cursor` bug

    Hi, It's an awesome project! But panic throw out when I run the code, it seems to be a problem caused by cursor++ @L413. Maybe you have fixed it already.

    Looking forward to view more commits.

  • about  bindingPower

    about bindingPower

    The function mean is ?

    func (t Token) bindingPower() uint {
    	switch t.Kind {
    	case KeywordKind:
    		switch Keyword(t.Value) {
    		case AndKeyword:
    		case OrKeyword:
    			return 1
    	case SymbolKind:
    		switch Symbol(t.Value) {
    		case EqSymbol:
    		case NeqSymbol:
    			return 2
    		case LtSymbol:
    		case GtSymbol:
    			return 3
    		// For some reason these are grouped separately
    		case LteSymbol:
    		case GteSymbol:
    			return 4
    		case ConcatSymbol:
    		case PlusSymbol:
    			return 5
    	return 0
  • Blog update

    Blog update

    I was planning on following this, however, it seems its pretty far behind and has some issues with the code in the blog. Is it possible to get it updated to master? If not, could we create a branch where the simplicity of the blog is captured?

    Thanks for the article, I always love a lexing walkthrough I would love to follow it through code!

  • 3 questions

    3 questions

    1. production ready? use case?
    2. secondary unique key index possible? is text search possible?
    3. benchmark compared with postgres / mysql?

    great work by the way! keep it up. will use it. a lot of potential.

  • Add the code comments, documetation and golint

    Add the code comments, documetation and golint


    This is an exciting project. I wanted to go through the entire codebase and while doing so I found that it requires some code comments and documentation.

  • Add basic support for indexing

    Add basic support for indexing

    This PR:

    • Adds basic support for indexing
      • The index will be used for every applicable column that is joined to the top by ANDs
        • See the test cases here to more easily understand this
        • No other optimizations are made (e.g. constant eliding) and no transformations are made
      • The index uses a (third-party) rbtree
      • TODO: add support for EXPLAIN and/or EXPLAIN ANALYSE to see the query plan
    • Adds support for \dt and \d commands within the REPL
    • Adds support for \p SELECT * FROM users to pretty-print AST without evaluating
    • Adds support for null and handles it reasonable in operations
    • Adds support for PRIMARY KEY

    image image

  • Add \q to exit, fix exit/quit not working sometimes, small optimization

    Add \q to exit, fix exit/quit not working sometimes, small optimization

    Fixes an oversight in the previous PR: 'quit' and 'exit' ignore trailing whitespace on postgres, so now they do so here as well. Since \q is also a valid way to exit in postgres I've added it (\q ignores all whitespace)

  • add boolean type

    add boolean type


    Added support for type BOOLEAN. All changes have been formatted and all tests pass.


    The implementation seemed to be partially complete before I started, as BoolType is already defined and used throughout memory.go.

    After adding boolKeyword to lexer.go and case "boolean" to func (mb *MemoryBackend) CreateTable in memory.go, I am able to run statements in the REPL like this:

    Welcome to gosql.
    # CREATE TABLE facts (fact TEXT, is_true BOOLEAN);
    # INSERT INTO facts VALUES ('the sun is purple', false);
    # SELECT fact, is_true FROM facts;
            fact        | is_true  
      the sun is purple | false    
    (1 result)

    Am I missing any implementation details? As far as I can tell the type is now supported.

    -- Parker

  • Add support for binary expressions, filtering via WHERE

    Add support for binary expressions, filtering via WHERE

    This upgrades the parser to support binary expressions which was a prerequisite for filtering with WHERE. INSERTS and SELECTS now pass all values through an evaluation stage so expressions should work everywhere as expected.

    Here are a few examples:

    CREATE TABLE users (name TEXT, age INT);
    INSERT INTO users ('Phil' || 'Eaton', 2 + 4);
    SELECT age + 1, name FROM users;

    WHERE support is added by filtering on top of a full in-memory table. This branch does NOT ADD indexes. So the design of fetching data will likely change when indexes are added.

    Furthermore, this branch does not try to handle operator precedence correctly. The only way to get correct operator precedence is via parenthesis.

    Here is an example of WHERE filtering:

    # create table users (name text, age int);
    # insert into users values ('Kevin', 45);
    # insert into users values ('Rachelle', 34);
    # insert into users values ('Sal', 45);
    # insert into users values ('Courtney', 40);
    # select name, age from users where age = 40;
        name   | age
      Courtney |  40
    (1 result)
    # select name, age from users where (age = 40) or (age = 45);
        name   | age
      Kevin    |  45
      Sal      |  45
      Courtney |  40
    (3 results)

    This branch also upgrades the REPL and in-memory backend to not panic, simply display errors, and proceed along to the next awaited line. Additionally, it uses two new third-party packages for providing readline support and prettier tables.

  • Upgrade lexer

    Upgrade lexer

    The original lexer was written extremely lazily, trying to treat every lexical token the same. Among other issues, it prevented "special characters" like whitespace in strings.

    This rewrites the lexer to use a similar pattern as the parser: giving control to helper functions to lex different kinds of tokens, returning a pointer to the next not lex-ed character on success.

    The two major features this adds support for is:

    • Support for all allowed characters in strings (including single quotes escaped by a single quote)
    • Support for double quoted identifiers for case preservation, lower-casing un-quoted identifiers

    This also improves the accuracy of token location tracking.

    Blog post to follow.

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