This is a CLI to help changing and doing stuff in Terraform Cloud.

Terraform Cloud Tool

This is a CLI to help changing and doing stuff in Terraform Cloud.

Terraform CLI Functions

$ terraform-cloud-tool
Terraform Cloud Tool is a tool to manage Terraform Cloud.

  terraform-cloud-tool [flags]
  terraform-cloud-tool [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  variable    Variable function to Terraform Cloud
  workspace   Workspace function to Terraform Cloud

  -h, --help       help for terraform-cloud-tool
      --o string   The organization to use to authenticate in TFCloud
      --t string   The token to use to authenticate in TFCloud

Use "terraform-cloud-tool [command] --help" for more information about a command.

This tool was made using Cobra, so it's based with differnet commands, we'll list below:


$ terraform-cloud-tool workspace 
Create/Delete/Edit Workspaces in Terraform Cloud

  terraform-cloud-tool workspace [flags]
  terraform-cloud-tool workspace [command]

Available Commands:
  apply       apply to workspaces
  delete      delete to workspaces

  -h, --help        help for workspace
      --ts string   The tags to set in the workspace

Global Flags:
      --o string   The organization to use to authenticate in TFCloud
      --t string   The token to use to authenticate in TFCloud

Use "terraform-cloud-tool workspace [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Currently we have just the apply and delete Tags in Workspaces.


$ terraform-cloud-tool variable
Create/Delete/Edit Variables from Terraform Cloud

  terraform-cloud-tool variable [flags]
  terraform-cloud-tool variable [command]

Available Commands:
  apply       Apply Variable function to Terraform Cloud
  delete      Delete Variable function to Terraform Cloud
  list        List variables in a Workspace
  read        Read variable in a Workspace

  -h, --help         help for variable
      --vn string    Variable Name
      --vs           Variable Value is Sensitive
      --vv string    Variable Value
      --wt string    Filter the Workspace Name (REGEX)
      --wtg string   The tags to filter the workspaces

Global Flags:
      --o string   The organization to use to authenticate in TFCloud
      --t string   The token to use to authenticate in TFCloud

Use "terraform-cloud-tool variable [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Flag Description Scope
--o Organization Name Global
--t The token responsible to authe in TFCloud Global
--vn Variable Name Variable
--vs if value is Sensitive Variable
--vv Variable Value Variable
--wt Filter the workspace using Regex Variable
--wtg Tags to filter workspaces Variable

All this flags will be used to variable command.

Variable - List

$ terraform-cloud-tool variable list --o "organization-stamps" --wt "testing-.*-test"
Listing all Variables in testing-1-2-3-test
Name: var1, Value: number1
Name: var2, Value: number2
Name: varSensitive1 

Variable Read

$ terraform-cloud-tool variable read --o "organization-stamps" --wt "testing-.*-test" --vn "var1"
Read Variable var1 for testing-1-2-3-test
Name: var1, Value: number1, Sensitive: false

Variable Delete

$ terraform-cloud-tool variable delete --o "organization-stamps" --wt "testing-.*-test" --vn "var1"

Variable Apply

$ terraform-cloud-tool variable apply --o "organization-stamps" --wt "testing-.*-test" --vn "var1" --vv "number1"
Edson Ribeiro Junior
Devops Engineer, dad and game lover. CKS|CKA|CKAD.
Edson Ribeiro Junior
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