Fluent SQL generation for golang

sqrl - fat-free version of squirrel - fluent SQL generator for Go

Non thread safe fork of squirrel. The same handy fluffy helper, but with extra letters removed :)

import "github.com/elgris/sqrl"

GoDoc Build Status

Requires Go 1.8 and higher

Inspired by

Why to make good squirrel lighter?

Ask benchmarks about that ;). Squirrel is good, reliable and thread-safe with it's immutable query builder. Although immutability is nice, it's resource consuming and sometimes redundant. As authors of dbr say: "100% of our application code was written without the need for this".

Why not to use dbr then?

Although, dbr's query builder is proven to be much faster than squirrel and even faster than sqrl, it doesn't have all syntax sugar. Especially I miss support of JOINs, subqueries and aliases.


sqrl is not an ORM., it helps you build SQL queries from composable parts. sqrl is non thread safe. SQL builders change their state, so using the same builder in parallel is dangerous.

It's very easy to switch between original squirrel and sqrl, because there is no change in interface:

import sq "github.com/elgris/sqrl" // you can easily use github.com/lann/squirrel here

users := sq.Select("*").From("users").Join("emails USING (email_id)")

active := users.Where(sq.Eq{"deleted_at": nil})

sql, args, err := active.ToSql()

sql == "SELECT * FROM users JOIN emails USING (email_id) WHERE deleted_at IS NULL"
sql, args, err := sq.
    Insert("users").Columns("name", "age").
    Values("moe", 13).Values("larry", sq.Expr("? + 5", 12)).

sql == "INSERT INTO users (name,age) VALUES (?,?),(?,? + 5)"

Like squirrel, sqrl can execute queries directly:

stooges := users.Where(sq.Eq{"username": []string{"moe", "larry", "curly", "shemp"}})
three_stooges := stooges.Limit(3)
rows, err := three_stooges.RunWith(db).Query()

// Behaves like:
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username IN (?,?,?,?) LIMIT 3", "moe", "larry", "curly", "shemp")

Build conditional queries with ease:

if len(q) > 0 {
    users = users.Where("name LIKE ?", q)

MySQL-specific functions

Multi-table delete

sql, args, err := sq.Delete("a1", "a2").
    From("z1 AS a1").
    JoinClause("INNER JOIN a2 ON a1.id = a2.ref_id").
    Where("b = ?", 1).
sql, args, err := sq.Delete("a1").
    Where("a1.id = a2.ref_id AND a2.num = ?", 42).

PostgreSQL-specific functions

Package pg contains PostgreSQL specific operators.

Update from

sql, args, err := sq.Update("a1").
    Set("foo", 1).
    Where("id = a2.ref_id AND a2.num = ?", 42).

Delete using

sql, args, err := sq.Delete("a1").
    Where("id = a2.ref_id AND a2.num = ?", 42).

Returning clause

sql, args, err := Update("a").
    Set("foo", 1).
    Where("id = ?", 42).

JSON values

JSON and JSONB use json.Marshal to serialize values and cast them to appropriate column type.

sql, args, err := sq.Insert("posts").
    Columns("content", "tags").
    Values("Lorem Ipsum", pg.JSONB([]string{"foo", "bar"})).

Array values

Array serializes single and multidimensional slices of string, int, float32 and float64 values.

sql, args, err := sqrl.Insert("posts").
    Columns("content", "tags").
    Values("Lorem Ipsum", pg.Array([]string{"foo", "bar"})).


Sqrl is released under the MIT License.

  • Support UPDATE ... FROM and DELETE ... USING queries

    Support UPDATE ... FROM and DELETE ... USING queries

    As described in Postgres docs:

    • https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/sql-update.html
    • https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/sql-delete.html
  • Add gomodule support

    Add gomodule support


    I was wondering whether you'd be interested in upgrading sqrl to support Go 1.11 modules?

    I think it's fairly straight-forward to do from the instructions here: https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules#quick-start-example

    Because it involves tagging and committing the package name I've not submitted a PR but give me a shout if you want help setting this up :-)

  • Add support for Query and QueryRow in UPDATE and DELETE statements

    Add support for Query and QueryRow in UPDATE and DELETE statements

    PostgreSQL allows to build the following queries:

    UPDATE tbl SET col1 = 'val' WHERE id = 1 RETURNING col2;
    DELETE FROM tbl WHERE id = 1 RETURNING col1;

    This patch will allow to call Query, QueryRow and Scan directly from UpdateBuilder and DeleteBuilder.

  • Implement support for multiple-table syntax on delete statements

    Implement support for multiple-table syntax on delete statements

    Currently you are not able to create a delete statement, to delete from multiple tables, like in mysql documentation described: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/delete.html#idm140368126356160 Is it possible to implement it?

  • Allow Sqlizer as Expr arguments

    Allow Sqlizer as Expr arguments

    Allow Sqlizer values to be used in expr. To avoid overhead of creating buffer everytime old behaviour is used when no arguments match interface Sqlizer.

    Example of usage:

    sq.Select('foo', 'bar').From('baz').Where(Expr("EXISTS(?)",
      sq.Select('foo').From('bad').Where(Eq{"foo": 42})
  • Add a license file

    Add a license file

    I was unable to view the docs for sqrl on pkg.dev.go. According to the error message it can't determine the license, so this adds a LICENSE.txt file. The text was taken from the MIT license link in the README.

  • "Clone" on assignment?

    Hello to everyone:

    I know that sqrl is not thread safe, but: In a webservice context, What if on every request a cached pointer to an SelectBuilder is dereferenced and assigned to a variable?

    Something like this:

    var sqlSelect sqrl.Select("*").From("users") // *sqr.SelectBuilder . . . func calledOnEveryRequest() (error) { query := *sqlSelect // Is "query" a completely new copy (deep copy) of sqlSelect value? . . . }

    Many thanks in advance.

  • Commit 2178fbc00 does not build

    Commit 2178fbc00 does not build

    When trying to build since commit 2178fbc00 I get this error:

    ../../../github.com/elgris/sqrl/stmtcacher.go:61: stmt.ExecContext undefined (type *sql.Stmt has no field or method ExecContext)
    ../../../github.com/elgris/sqrl/stmtcacher.go:61: not enough arguments to return
    ../../../github.com/elgris/sqrl/stmtcacher.go:69: stmt.QueryContext undefined (type *sql.Stmt has no field or method QueryContext)
    ../../../github.com/elgris/sqrl/stmtcacher.go:69: not enough arguments to return
    ../../../github.com/elgris/sqrl/stmtcacher.go:77: stmt.QueryRowContext undefined (type *sql.Stmt has no field or method QueryRowContext)
    ../../../github.com/elgris/sqrl/stmtcacher.go:109: cannot use db (type *sql.DB) as type Preparer in argument to NewStmtCacher:
    	*sql.DB does not implement Preparer (missing PrepareContext method)
  • Invalid DELETE query with alias

    Invalid DELETE query with alias

    For example: DELETE a FROM A a JOIN B b ON a.c = b.c .... sqrl.Delete("s").From("A a").Join("B b ON a.c = b.c). ...

    Due to delete statement builder handling in sqrl.Delete(...), if only a single element (remains after filtering) it is pushed to the From-part instead. Causing an invalid query to be generated at least for MySQL: DELETE FROM A a JOIN B b ON a.c = b.c ....

  • Add Lt, Gt, LtOrEq, GtOrEq

    Add Lt, Gt, LtOrEq, GtOrEq

    These methods were a recent addition and I found about it when i was migrating to sqrl these were missing. It's not a big deal, but since this has the same interface, I thought it'd be nice to have them. I will make a PR with those added.

  • SelectFrom args with wrong placeholder values

    SelectFrom args with wrong placeholder values

    The query params inside a FromSelect are numbered independently from the whole query, so:

    		Set("name", "newname").
                    FromSelect(psql.Select("column").From("anothertable").Where(sq.Eq{"column": 3})).
                    Where(sq.Eq{"name": "oldname"})

    Args will be ["newname", "oldname", 3], but query string will be:

    update mytable set name = $1
    select column from anothertable where column = $1
    where name = $2

    Correct should be:

    update mytable set name = $1
    select column from anothertable where column = $3
    where name = $2

    FromSelect should change the placeholder count to start from where the parent Update ends

  • WIP: Support use of subquery as a select

    WIP: Support use of subquery as a select

    Allows the use of subquery as select, specially useful if working with Postgres' functions. It uses the Column method and reserves the first argument to be used as an alias.

  • Add RowsScanner interface

    Add RowsScanner interface

    Currently it is impossible to fully unit test code that is using sqrl since Query method requires *sql.Rows as return value. I am proposing to add RowsScanner interface that would allow *sql.Rows to be replaced by another struct that implements required methods.

    type Queryer interface {
        Query(query string, args ...interface{}) (RowsScanner, error)

    As far as I can tell, RowsScanner could look something like this:

    type RowsScanner interface {
        Columns() ([]string, error)
        Next() bool
        Close() error
        Err() error
  • escape reserved symbols

    escape reserved symbols

    It would be nice to tell sqrl to escape column names for example "status" is a reserved symbol in mysql.

    users := sq.Select("status").From("users").Join("emails USING (email_id)")

    output is:

    SELECT status FROM users JOIN emails USING (email_id) [] <nil>

    should be:

    SELECT `status` FROM users JOIN emails USING (email_id) [] <nil>
  • How to create dynamic WHERE clause

    How to create dynamic WHERE clause


    Is there support for dynamic where clauses? I could not find any documentation about how to do that. In my case I need to add AND'd conditions with nested OR conditions conditionally, to get something like: WHERE x=? AND (foo>=? OR bar> ?) AND (bar> ?)

    I've tried to create an []sq.Sqlizer and add the OR-expressions in there, then feed that to SelectBuilder.Where() but it fails with the message

    converting Exec argument # 1's type: unsupported type []sqrl.Sqlizer, a slice

    Ideally there is some kind of ConditionBuilder for this I guess.

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