JSON query in Golang


JSON query in Golang.


go get -u github.com/elgs/gojq

This library serves three purposes:

  • makes parsing JSON configuration file much easier
  • enables JSON expression evaluation
  • reduces the pain of type assertion parsing JSON

Query from JSON Object

package main

import (


var jsonObj = `
  "name": "sam",
  "gender": "m",
  "pet": null,
  "skills": [

func main() {
	parser, err := gojq.NewStringQuery(jsonObj)
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Println(parser.Query("name"))          // sam <nil>
	fmt.Println(parser.Query("gender"))        // m <nil>
	fmt.Println(parser.Query("skills.[1]"))    // Sleeping <nil>
	fmt.Println(parser.Query("hello"))         // <nil> hello does not exist.
	fmt.Println(parser.Query("pet"))           // <nil> <nil>
	fmt.Println(parser.Query("."))             // map[name:sam gender:m pet:<nil> skills:[Eating Sleeping Crawling] hello.world:true] <nil>
	fmt.Println(parser.Query("'hello.world'")) // true <nil>

Query from JSON Array

package main

import (

var jsonArray = `
    "name": "elgs",
    "gender": "m",
    "skills": [
    "name": "enny",
    "gender": "f",
    "skills": [
      "Electric design",
    "name": "sam",
    "gender": "m",
	"pet": null,
    "skills": [

func main() {
	parser, err := gojq.NewStringQuery(jsonArray)
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Println(parser.Query("[0].name"))       // elgs <nil>
	fmt.Println(parser.Query("[1].gender"))     // f <nil>
	fmt.Println(parser.Query("[2].skills.[1]")) // Sleeping <nil>
	fmt.Println(parser.Query("[2].hello"))      // <nil> hello does not exist.
	fmt.Println(parser.Query("[2].pet"))        // <nil> <nil>

Nested Query

package main

import (

var jsonArray = `
    "name": "elgs",
    "gender": "m",
    "skills": [
    "name": "enny",
    "gender": "f",
    "skills": [
      "Electric design",
    "name": "sam",
    "gender": "m",
	"pet": null,
    "skills": [

func main() {
	parser, err := gojq.NewStringQuery(jsonArray)
	if err != nil {
	samSkills, err := parser.Query("[2].skills")
	fmt.Println(samSkills, err) //[Eating Sleeping Crawling] <nil>
	samSkillParser := gojq.NewQuery(samSkills)
	fmt.Println(samSkillParser.Query("[1]")) //Sleeping <nil>
Qian Chen
Full time dad, part time developer.
Qian Chen
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    It works strange:

    _func (jq *JQ) QueryToInt64(exp string) (int64, error)_

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    json := `{"response":[{"uid":123456789}]}`
    parser, _ := gojq.NewStringQuery(json)
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      "test": [
          "name": "elgs"
          "name": "enny"
          "name": "sam"


    input.Query(test.name) // ["elgs", "enny", "sam"]
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