Drop-in replacement for the standard library errors package and github.com/pkg/errors

Emperror: Errors Mentioned in Awesome Go

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Drop-in replacement for the standard library errors package and github.com/pkg/errors.

This is a single, lightweight library merging the features of standard library errors package and github.com/pkg/errors. It also backports a few features (like Go 1.13 error handling related features).

Standard library features:

  • New creates an error with stack trace
  • Unwrap supports both Go 1.13 wrapper (interface { Unwrap() error }) and pkg/errors causer (interface { Cause() error }) interface
  • Backported Is and As functions

github.com/pkg/errors features:

  • New, Errorf, WithMessage, WithMessagef, WithStack, Wrap, Wrapf functions behave the same way as in the original library
  • Cause supports both Go 1.13 wrapper (interface { Unwrap() error }) and pkg/errors causer (interface { Cause() error }) interface

Additional features:

  • NewPlain creates a new error without any attached context, like stack trace
  • Sentinel is a shorthand type for creating constant error
  • WithStackDepth allows attaching stack trace with a custom caller depth
  • WithStackDepthIf, WithStackIf, WrapIf, WrapIff only annotate errors with a stack trace if there isn't one already in the error chain
  • Multi error aggregating multiple errors into a single value
  • NewWithDetails, WithDetails and Wrap*WithDetails functions to add key-value pairs to an error
  • Match errors using the match package


go get emperror.dev/errors


package main

import "emperror.dev/errors"

// ErrSomethingWentWrong is a sentinel error which can be useful within a single API layer.
const ErrSomethingWentWrong = errors.Sentinel("something went wrong")

// ErrMyError is an error that can be returned from a public API.
type ErrMyError struct {
	Msg string

func (e ErrMyError) Error() string {
	return e.Msg

func foo() error {
	// Attach stack trace to the sentinel error.
	return errors.WithStack(ErrSomethingWentWrong)

func bar() error {
	return errors.Wrap(ErrMyError{"something went wrong"}, "error")

func main() {
	if err := foo(); err != nil {
		if errors.Cause(err) == ErrSomethingWentWrong { // or errors.Is(ErrSomethingWentWrong)
			// handle error

	if err := bar(); err != nil {
		if errors.As(err, &ErrMyError{}) {
			// handle error

Match errors:

package main

import (

// ErrSomethingWentWrong is a sentinel error which can be useful within a single API layer.
const ErrSomethingWentWrong = errors.Sentinel("something went wrong")

type clientError interface{
    ClientError() bool

func foo() error {
	// Attach stack trace to the sentinel error.
	return errors.WithStack(ErrSomethingWentWrong)

func main() {
    var ce clientError
    matcher := match.Any{match.As(&ce), match.Is(ErrSomethingWentWrong)}

	if err := foo(); err != nil {
		if matcher.MatchError(err) {
			// you can use matchers to write complex conditions for handling (or not) an error
            // used in emperror


Contributions are welcome! :)

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Make changes on a new branch
  3. Run the test suite:
    ./pleasew build
    ./pleasew test
    ./pleasew gotest
    ./pleasew lint
  4. Commit, push and open a PR


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Certain parts of this library are inspired by (or entirely copied from) various third party libraries. Their licenses can be found in the Third Party License File.

FOSSA Status

Error handling tools and best practices for Go applications
  • error.callers holds on to more memory than needed

    error.callers holds on to more memory than needed

    We were analysing an OOM case and found that errors.callers is holding on to more memory than needed. E.g.

    Given this convoluted testcase
    package main
    import (
    	// pkgerrs "github.com/pkg/errors"
    	pkgerrs "emperror.dev/errors"
    var all = []error{}
    // go:noinline
    func foobarbaz() {
    // go:noinline
    func foobar() {
    // go:noinline
    func foo() {
    // go:noinline
    func moo() {
    // go:noinline
    func mootoo() {
    	all = append(all, pkgerrs.New("foo"))
    func main() {
    	defer profile.Start(
    	count := 10_000_000
    	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
    ❯ go run main.go && go tool pprof mem.pprof
    2022/02/23 10:20:33 profile: memory profiling enabled (rate 4096), mem.pprof
    (pprof) top 3
    Showing nodes accounting for 1172.78MB, 95.29% of 1230.71MB total; Dropped 17 nodes (cum <= 6.15MB)
    Showing top 3 nodes out of 11
          flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
     1020.92MB 82.95% 82.95%  1020.92MB 82.95%  emperror.dev/errors.callers
       87.18MB  7.08% 90.04%  1108.10MB 90.04%  emperror.dev/errors.WithStackDepth (inline)
       64.68MB  5.26% 95.29%  1230.67MB   100%  main.mootoo
    (pprof) list emperror.dev/errors.callers
    Total: 1.20GB
    ROUTINE ======================== emperror.dev/errors.callers in memleaks/vendor/emperror.dev/errors/stack.go
     1020.92MB  1020.92MB (flat, cum) 82.95% of Total
             .          .     56:func callers(depth int) *stack {
             .          .     57:   const maxDepth = 32
             .          .     58:
      933.54MB   933.54MB     59:   var pcs [maxDepth]uintptr
             .          .     60:
             .          .     61:   n := runtime.Callers(2+depth, pcs[:])
             .          .     62:
       87.39MB    87.39MB     63:   var st stack = pcs[0:n]
             .          .     64:
             .          .     65:   return &st
             .          .     66:}

    Here you can see that pcs escapes to heap which is confirmed by

    ❯ go build -gcflags='-m -m' vendor/emperror.dev/errors/stack.go 2>&1 | grep pcs
    vendor/emperror.dev/errors/stack.go:59:6: pcs escapes to heap:
    vendor/emperror.dev/errors/stack.go:59:6:   flow: st = &pcs:
    vendor/emperror.dev/errors/stack.go:59:6:     from pcs (address-of) at vendor/emperror.dev/errors/stack.go:63:20
    vendor/emperror.dev/errors/stack.go:59:6:     from pcs[0:n] (slice) at vendor/emperror.dev/errors/stack.go:63:20
    vendor/emperror.dev/errors/stack.go:59:6:     from st = pcs[0:n] (assign) at vendor/emperror.dev/errors/stack.go:63:6
    vendor/emperror.dev/errors/stack.go:59:6: moved to heap: pcs

    This leads to an error holding onto maxDepth = 32 uintptr than n. The fix is to ensure that pcs doesn't escape to heap which can be achieved by the following.

    func callers(depth int) *stack {
    	const maxDepth = 32
    	var pcs [maxDepth]uintptr
    	n := runtime.Callers(2+depth, pcs[:])
    	st := make(stack, n)
    	copy(st, pcs[:n])
    	return &st

    With this change the pprof for the testcase above shows a deduction of 75%.

    (pprof) top 3
    Showing nodes accounting for 599.08MB, 90.21% of 664.12MB total
    Dropped 16 nodes (cum <= 3.32MB)
    Showing top 3 nodes out of 11
          flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
      355.93MB 53.59% 53.59%   355.93MB 53.59%  emperror.dev/errors.callers
      145.53MB 21.91% 75.51%   664.08MB   100%  main.mootoo
       97.62MB 14.70% 90.21%   453.55MB 68.29%  emperror.dev/errors.WithStackDepth (inline)
    (pprof) list emperror.dev/errors.callers
    Total: 664.12MB
    ROUTINE ======================== emperror.dev/errors.callers in memleaks/vendor/emperror.dev/errors/stack.go
      355.93MB   355.93MB (flat, cum) 53.59% of Total
             .          .     57:   const maxDepth = 32
             .          .     58:
             .          .     59:   var pcs [maxDepth]uintptr
             .          .     60:
             .          .     61:   n := runtime.Callers(2+depth, pcs[:])
      355.93MB   355.93MB     62:   st := make(stack, n)
             .          .     63:   copy(st, pcs[:n])
             .          .     64:
             .          .     65:   return &st
             .          .     66:}
  • Reduce memory allocation in callers

    Reduce memory allocation in callers

    This fixes issue #27 by ensuring that pcs array allocated on stack does not escape to heap. See issue1 for details.

    Signed-off-by: Sunil Thaha [email protected]

  • Error details that created with `errors.NewWithDetails` are lost after it combined using `errors.Combine`

    Error details that created with `errors.NewWithDetails` are lost after it combined using `errors.Combine`

    Code to reproduce

    errWithDetail := errors.NewWithDetails(
      "key", "value",
    errOther := errors.New("Something")
    errors.GetDetails(errWithDetail) // [key, value] -> detail exists
    errors.GetDetails(errors.Combine(errWithDetail, errOther) // [] -> prints empty slice
    // also happened here
    errors.Append(errWithDetail, errOther) // []

    Is this expected?

  • match.As not equivalent errors.As

    match.As not equivalent errors.As

    package main
    import (
    type (
    	myErrorKind string
    	MyError     struct {
    		kind  myErrorKind
    		cause error
    func (e MyError) Error() string {
    	return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %+v", e.kind, e.cause)
    func main() {
    	var (
    		err1 error = MyError{
    			kind:  "my type",
    			cause: errors.Sentinel("some error"),
    		targetTrueErrors MyError
    		targetTrueMatch  MyError
    	fromErrorsTrue := errors.As(err1, &targetTrueErrors)
    	fromMatchTrue := match.As(&targetTrueMatch).MatchError(err1)
    	fmt.Println("Expecting true:")
    	fmt.Printf("  From errors: %t\n", fromErrorsTrue)
    	fmt.Printf("  From match : %t\n", fromMatchTrue)
    	var (
    		err2              error = errors.Sentinel("some error")
    		targetFalseErrors MyError
    		targetFalseMatch  MyError
    	fromErrorsFalse := errors.As(err2, &targetFalseErrors)
    	fromMatchFalse := match.As(&targetFalseMatch).MatchError(err2)
    	fmt.Println("Expecting false:")
    	fmt.Printf("  From errors: %t\n", fromErrorsFalse)
    	fmt.Printf("  From match : %t\n", fromMatchFalse)
    // Output:
    // Expecting true:
    //  From errors: true
    //  From match : true
    // Expecting false:
    //  From errors: false
    //  From match : true

    I suspect the problem is at this line, but since I'm in a hurry I haven't tried to solve the problem yet

  • Add a marker error

    Add a marker error

    Add an error that allows an error to be marked with a tag/label.

    For example:

    errors.Mark(err, "clientError")
    errors.IsMarked(err, "clientError")
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