Go concurrent-safe, goroutine-safe, thread-safe queue

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goconcurrentqueue - Concurrent safe queues

The package goconcurrentqueue offers a public interface Queue with methods for a queue. It comes with multiple Queue's concurrent-safe implementations, meaning they could be used concurrently by multiple goroutines without adding race conditions.




go get github.com/enriquebris/goconcurrentqueue

This package is compatible with the following golang versions:

  • 1.7.x
  • 1.8.x
  • 1.9.x
  • 1.10.x
  • 1.11.x
  • 1.12.x
  • 1.13.x
  • 1.14.x


Visit goconcurrentqueue at go.dev

Classes diagram

goconcurrentqueue class diagram



FIFO: concurrent-safe auto expandable queue.


  • It is possible to enqueue as many items as needed.
  • Extra methods to get and remove enqueued items:
    • Get: returns an element's value and keeps the element at the queue
    • Remove: removes an element (using a given position) from the queue


  • It is slightly slower than FixedFIFO.


FixedFIFO: concurrent-safe fixed capacity queue.


  • FixedFIFO is, at least, 2x faster than FIFO in concurrent scenarios (multiple GR accessing the queue simultaneously).


  • It has a fixed capacity meaning that no more items than this capacity could coexist at the same time.

Benchmarks FixedFIFO vs FIFO

The numbers for the following charts were obtained by running the benchmarks in a 2012 MacBook Pro (2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 - 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3) with golang v1.12


concurrent-safe FixedFIFO vs FIFO . operation: enqueue


concurrent-safe FixedFIFO vs FIFO . operation: dequeue

Get started

FIFO queue simple usage

Live code - playground

package main

import (


type AnyStruct struct {
	Field1 string
	Field2 int

func main() {
	queue := goconcurrentqueue.NewFIFO()

	queue.Enqueue("any string value")
	queue.Enqueue(AnyStruct{Field1: "hello world", Field2: 15})

	// will output: 3
	fmt.Printf("queue's length: %v\n", queue.GetLen())

	item, err := queue.Dequeue()
	if err != nil {

	// will output "any string value"
	fmt.Printf("dequeued item: %v\n", item)

	// will output: 2
	fmt.Printf("queue's length: %v\n", queue.GetLen())


Wait until an element gets enqueued

Live code - playground

package main

import (


func main() {
	var (
		fifo = goconcurrentqueue.NewFIFO()
		done = make(chan struct{})

	go func() {
		fmt.Println("1 - Waiting for next enqueued element")
		value, _ := fifo.DequeueOrWaitForNextElement()
		fmt.Printf("2 - Dequeued element: %v\n", value)

		done <- struct{}{}

	fmt.Println("3 - Go to sleep for 3 seconds")
	time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

	fmt.Println("4 - Enqueue element")


Wait until an element gets enqueued with timeout

Live code - playground

package main

import (


func main() {
	var (
		fifo = goconcurrentqueue.NewFIFO()
		ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 3*time.Second)
	defer cancel()

	fmt.Println("1 - Waiting for next enqueued element")
	_, err := fifo.DequeueOrWaitForNextElementContext(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("2 - Failed waiting for new element: %v\n", err)

Dependency Inversion Principle using concurrent-safe queues

High level modules should not depend on low level modules. Both should depend on abstractions. Robert C. Martin

Live code - playground

package main

import (


func main() {
	var (
		queue          goconcurrentqueue.Queue
		dummyCondition = true

	// decides which Queue's implementation is the best option for this scenario
	if dummyCondition {
		queue = goconcurrentqueue.NewFIFO()
	} else {
		queue = goconcurrentqueue.NewFixedFIFO(10)

	fmt.Printf("queue's length: %v\n", queue.GetLen())
	fmt.Printf("queue's length: %v\n", queue.GetLen())

// workWithQueue uses a goconcurrentqueue.Queue to perform the work
func workWithQueue(queue goconcurrentqueue.Queue) error {
	// do some work

	// enqueue an item
	if err := queue.Enqueue("test value"); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil



  • FixedFifo.Enqueue prevents to gets blocked trying to send the item over an invalid waitForNextElementChan channel


  • Added DequeueOrWaitForNextElementContext()


  • FIFO.DequeueOrWaitForNextElement() was modified to avoid deadlock when DequeueOrWaitForNextElement && Enqueue are invoked around the same time.
  • Added multiple goroutine unit testings for FIFO.DequeueOrWaitForNextElement()


  • Added DequeueOrWaitForNextElement()


  • Added QueueError (custom error)


  • Added FixedFIFO queue's implementation (at least 2x faster than FIFO for multiple GRs)
  • Added benchmarks for both FIFO / FixedFIFO
  • Added GetCap() to Queue interface
  • Removed Get() and Remove() methods from Queue interface


  • Added Lock/Unlock/IsLocked methods to control operations locking


  • First In First Out (FIFO) queue added
  • fifo_queue consumers can stuck forever.

    fifo_queue consumers can stuck forever.

    Hi! It looks like fifo_queue is not really safe to use and can lock the app forever.

    Lets say we have length=0 and consumer calls for DequeueOrWaitForNextElementContext and reaches line 117

    Meanwhile producer tries to Enqueue a new object: It takes listener in line 46. but can't send object yet in line 49 because no one listen yet so it adds to the slice and forgets about listener

    Consumer start to consume waitChan in 126 but that will never happen . i guess the whole idea of the for loop is to resolve that. But there is no number of iterations and timeout values that can guarantee that it will be able to Dequeue anything in 129. Other consumers can always get there faster. So loop ends with no results and we end up trying to consume waitChan forever in 137

    It is hard to catch but very painful. Number of consumers > 1 required to catch that.

  • Support passing context into DequeueOrWaitForNextElement

    Support passing context into DequeueOrWaitForNextElement

    This change adds the ability to pass a context into DequeueOrWaitForNextElement by introducing DequeueOrWaitForNextElementContext. Whenever the context is canceled, the method returns immediately.

    Some background; when working in concurrent applications it is common to pass around a context that is canceled whenever the long-running process should exit. You can see libraries like http natively support context. I think it would make sense that these concurrent queues also support context passing.

    For now I implemented this function only in the FIFO struct because I would like to get some feedback first. If we agree that this is something we want I can also implement the same in FixedFIFO.

    I added a single test TestContextCanceled. It feels little, but i'm also not sure which other scenarios need to be tested. Let me know if you have ideas for other test cases.

  • Sometimes blocked at Enqueue?

    Sometimes blocked at Enqueue?

    FixedFIFO sometimes blocked at the Enqueue function when the queue is empty, and i use context.WithTimeout and DequeueOrWaitForNextElementContext to deque item in another routine:

    // Enqueue enqueues an element. Returns error if queue is locked or it is at full capacity.
    func (st *FixedFIFO) Enqueue(value interface{}) error {
    	if st.IsLocked() {
    		return NewQueueError(QueueErrorCodeLockedQueue, "The queue is locked")
    	// check if there is a listener waiting for the next element (this element)
    	select {
    	case listener := <-st.waitForNextElementChan:
    ---->          //  *** blocked here!!!
    		// send the element through the listener's channel instead of enqueue it
    		listener <- value
    		// enqueue the element following the "normal way"
    		select {
    		case st.queue <- value:
    			return NewQueueError(QueueErrorCodeFullCapacity, "FixedFIFO queue is at full capacity")

    deque (not blocking):

    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 3*time.Second)
    	defer cancel()
    	qItem, err := tp.ReqCacheQueue.DequeueOrWaitForNextElementContext(ctx)
    	if err != nil {
    		if err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
    		qErr, ok := err.(*goconcurrentqueue.QueueError)
    		if ok && qErr != nil {
    			if qErr.Code() == goconcurrentqueue.QueueErrorCodeEmptyQueue {
    				time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
    		log.Error("process task err: ", err)
  •  FixedFIFO use DequeueOrWaitForNextElement will can stuck forever

    FixedFIFO use DequeueOrWaitForNextElement will can stuck forever

    If I use 5 producers and one consumer, when I use DequeueOrWaitForNextElement to dequeue, the consumer will be stuck in ctx.Done() (cannot consume data). Then the producer will fill up the queue and keep reporting FixedFIFO queue is at full capacity. At this time waitForNextElementChan is empty code: `package main

    import ( "fmt" "math/rand" "os" "os/signal" "syscall" "time"



    type AnyStruct struct { Field1 string Field2 int }

    var ( queue *goconcurrentqueue.FixedFIFO )

    func main() {

    queue = goconcurrentqueue.NewFixedFIFO(4096)
    sigs := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
    signal.Notify(sigs, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
    done := make(chan bool, 1)
    // will output: 3
    fmt.Printf("queue's length: %v\n", queue.GetCap())
    for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
    	go product()
    go consume()
    go func() {
    	sig := <-sigs
    	done <- true
    fmt.Println("awaiting signal")


    func product() { rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())

    for {
    	i := rand.Intn(1000000000)
    	val := &AnyStruct{Field1: fmt.Sprintf("hello world %d", i), Field2: i}
    	err := queue.Enqueue(val)
    	if err != nil {
    		//	fmt.Println(err)
    	time.Sleep(time.Microsecond * 100)


    func consume() { for { //ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(time.Millisecond*80)) //defer cancel() //val, err :=queue.DequeueOrWaitForNextElementContext(ctx) val, err := queue.DequeueOrWaitForNextElement() if err == nil { ele := val.(*AnyStruct) fmt.Println(ele.Field1, ", ", ele.Field2) } else { fmt.Println(err) time.Sleep(time.Second) } }

    } `

  • TestDequeueOrWaitForNextElementMultiGR stuck when executed on single proccess

    TestDequeueOrWaitForNextElementMultiGR stuck when executed on single proccess

    While testing #19 I noticed Travis testing is timing out. This problem also occurs on master, therefore this issues. I was able to replicate this problem on my computer by limiting the maximum processes: GOMAXPROCS=1 go test -test.v

    The test that gets stuck is TestFixedFIFOTestSuite/TestDequeueOrWaitForNextElementMultiGR

    I have tried debugging by adding print statements through the test but I can't figure out what's wrong. I did find that lowering WaitForNextElementChanCapacity from 1000 to 500 makes the test succeed, but I don't think this solves the root problem.

    Does anyone have an idea what could cause this?

    Thanks for this amazing package, I am having a lot of fun working in this nice codebase.

  • Add methods to FIFO Queue

    Add methods to FIFO Queue

    Hey there, I've been using this library (great work btw! it's super simple to use) for a project and I wanted to share some features that I've created for the FIFO Queue.

    1. GetAll(limit, offset *int) is a method that returns the underlying array, but has two arguments (limit and offset) to create a filtered slice from the original one.
    2. Swap(a int, b int) is a method that swaps A with B and vice versa.
    3. MoveFrontWithId(index int) & MoveBackWithId(index int) are two methods that let you change the position of a certain element to the front or the back.

    I think they are very useful methods, although they could be very specifics to certain situations. Hope you like it!

    Best, Marcos.

  • The resources consumed seems very high despite of dequeuing

    The resources consumed seems very high despite of dequeuing

    Hi, I enqueue job in main thread and dequeue it in other thread, however, the resource does not reduce after that. I don't know what did I do wrong. Here is my implementations:

    Main code:

    func main() {
    	route := gin.Default()
    	proxyAPI := proxy_reserver.NewProxyAPI()
    	proxyAPI.InitRoute(route, "/")
    	go proxyAPI.DequeueUploadJobs() // I started the dequeue process here
    	route.Run("" + viper.GetString("service.port"))

    In the API handler I did:

    func (app *ProxyAPI) UploadInstance(c *gin.Context) {
    	cCp := c.Copy()
    	bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(cCp.Request.Body)
    	if err == nil {
                    if queueInstance == nil {
                            queueInstance = goconcurrentqueue.NewFIFO()
    			Data:   bytes,
    			DatLen: c.Request.ContentLength,

    And the DequeueUploadJobs():

    func (app *ProxyAPI) DequeueUploadJobs() {
    	fmt.Println("Start dequeuing instance jobs")
    	for true {
    		if app.queueInstance != nil && app.queueInstance.GetLen() > 0 {
    			app.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Upload queue size is %d", app.queueInstance.GetLen()))
    			job, err := app.queueInstance.Dequeue()
    			if err != nil {
    			c := job.(UploadJob)
                           //My job
    			// utils.LogInfo("Done execute meta " + key)
    		} else {
    			time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

    Can you tell my what's wrong with my code? Thank you so much!

  • Configure Renovate

    Configure Renovate

    WhiteSource Renovate

    Welcome to Renovate! This is an onboarding PR to help you understand and configure settings before regular Pull Requests begin.

    🚦 To activate Renovate, merge this Pull Request. To disable Renovate, simply close this Pull Request unmerged.

    Detected Package Files

    • go.mod (gomod)

    Configuration Summary

    Based on the default config's presets, Renovate will:

    • Start dependency updates only once this onboarding PR is merged
    • Enable Renovate Dependency Dashboard creation
    • If semantic commits detected, use semantic commit type fix for dependencies and chore for all others
    • Ignore node_modules, bower_components, vendor and various test/tests directories
    • Autodetect whether to pin dependencies or maintain ranges
    • Rate limit PR creation to a maximum of two per hour
    • Limit to maximum 10 open PRs at any time
    • Group known monorepo packages together
    • Use curated list of recommended non-monorepo package groupings
    • Fix some problems with very old Maven commons versions
    • Ignore spring cloud 1.x releases
    • Ignore web3j 5.0.0 release
    • Ignore http4s digest-based 1.x milestones
    • Use node versioning for @types/node
    • Limit concurrent requests to reduce load on Repology servers until we can fix this properly, see issue 10133
    • Do not upgrade from Alpine stable to edge

    🔡 Would you like to change the way Renovate is upgrading your dependencies? Simply edit the renovate.json in this branch with your custom config and the list of Pull Requests in the "What to Expect" section below will be updated the next time Renovate runs.

    What to Expect

    It looks like your repository dependencies are already up-to-date and no Pull Requests will be necessary right away.

    ❓ Got questions? Check out Renovate's Docs, particularly the Getting Started section. If you need any further assistance then you can also request help here.

    This PR has been generated by WhiteSource Renovate. View repository job log here.

  • Update FixedFIFO tests

    Update FixedFIFO tests

    The following tests were updated:

    • FixedFIFO.TestDequeueOrWaitForNextElementMultiGR
    • FixedFIFO.TestDequeueOrWaitForNextElementWithEmptyQueue

    Both tests have listener goroutines to dequeue items. This update guarantees the goroutines will be ready before the queue gets filled.

  • Add license scan report and status

    Add license scan report and status

    Your FOSSA integration was successful! Attached in this PR is a badge and license report to track scan status in your README.

    Below are docs for integrating FOSSA license checks into your CI:

  • Dequeue or wait for next element - load

    Dequeue or wait for next element - load

    • FIFO.DequeueOrWaitForNextElement() was modified to avoid deadlock when DequeueOrWaitForNextElement && Enqueue are invoked around the same time.

    • Added multiple goroutine unit testings for FIFO.DequeueOrWaitForNextElement()

    • Added links to playground live code (Get started section)

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