Terraform-equinix-migration-tool - Tool to migrate code from Equinix Metal terraform provider to Equinix terraform provider

Equinix Terraform Provider Migration Tool

This tool targets a terraform working directory and transform all* metal or packet names found in .tf and .tfstate files to the equinix provider name. It creates a backup of the target directory <working-directory>.backup as a sibling folder.

*The migration process does not transform variable names or comments even if they contain metal or packet prefixes.

Provider Setup and Config Verification

The migration process transforms the metal or packet provider blocks as well as required_providers in the terraform block and, if included, it comments the attribute version to take the latest available of the equinix provider:


terraform {
  required_providers {
    packet = {
      source   = "packethost/packet"
      version = "3.2.1"

provider "packet" {
  auth_token = var.auth_token


terraform {
  required_providers {
    equinix = {
      source   = "equinix/equinix"
      #version = "3.2.1"

provider "equinix" {
  auth_token = var.auth_token


If your code already includes both equinix provider and metal | packet, the resulting code will have two equinix provider blocks and they will also be duplicated in the required_providers definition. If this is your case, after migrate, you must manually combine them in a single one that includes all the required parameters:


provider "equinix" {
  auth_token = var.auth_token
provider "equinix" {
  client_id = var.client_id
  client_secret = var.client_secret


provider "equinix" {
  auth_token = var.auth_token
  client_id = var.client_id
  client_secret = var.client_secret

If you have any other requirements in the provider definition that this tool does not address, you will need to manually modify them after running a migration.

Remote State

The equinix-terraform-tool does not support remote state. If you are using remote state, then the recommended approach is to copy the state file locally, run the equinix-terraform-tool, and then push the state file back to the remote location. See the documentation here for details about how to unconfigure and reconfigure your backend.

Using the tool

To migrate your terraform project, follow these steps:

From the project directory, run terraform plan, make sure there are no pending changes in your plan.

Execute the equinix-terraform-tool binary, passing the path to your project directory, example:

equinix-terraform-tool migrate -dir=<project-path>

After migrating, run terraform plan again and verify there are no new pending modifications.

For Terraform v.10+, you will need to initialize terraform for the directory using terraform init

If the migration was not successful, manually restore the project files from the .backup directory or run:

equinix-terraform-tool backup -dir=<project-path> -restore

After you have verified the migration was successful, delete the backup directory or run:

equinix-terraform-tool backup -dir=<project-path> -purge


Based on OCI Provider migration tool - Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Equinix is the world's digital infrastructure company.
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