Go Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)


The GoTEE framework implements concurrent instantiation of TamaGo based unikernels in privileged and unprivileged modes, interacting with each other through monitor mode and custom system calls

With these capabilities GoTEE implements a TamaGo based Trusted Execution Environments (TEE), bringing Go memory safety, convenience and capabilities to bare metal execution within TrustZone Secure World or equivalent isolation technology.

A compatibility layer for libutee is planned, allowing execution of/as OP-TEE compatible applets.


The main documentation, which includes a tutorial, can be found on the project wiki.

The package API documentation can be found on pkg.go.dev.

Supported hardware

The following table summarizes currently supported SoCs and boards.

SoC Board SoC package Board package
NXP i.MX6ULZ USB armory Mk II imx6 usbarmory/mark-two
NXP i.MX6ULL MCIMX6ULL-EVK imx6 mx6ullevk

Implementation status

  • PL0/PL1 separation
  • PL0 virtual address space
  • PL0/PL1 base syscall API
  • PL0/PL1 user net/rpc API
  • PL0/PL1 GoTEE crypto API
  • Secure World execution
  • Normal World execution
  • Normal World isolation
  • Secure/Normal World API
  • TEE Client API

Example application

In TEE nomenclature, the privileged unikernel is commonly referred to as Trusted OS, while the unprivileged one represents a Trusted Applet.

The GoTEE example demonstrate concurrent operation of Go unikernels acting as Trusted OS, Trusted Applet and Main OS.

⚠️ the Main OS can be any "rich" OS (e.g. Linux), TamaGo is simply used for a self-contained example. The same applies to the Trusted Applet which can be any bare metal application capable of running in user mode and implementing GoTEE API, such as freestanding C or Rust programs.

The example trusted OS/applet combination performs basic testing of concurrent execution of three TamaGo unikernels at different privilege levels:

  • Trusted OS, running in Secure World at privileged level (PL1, system mode)
  • Trusted Applet, running in Secure World at unprivileged level (PL0, user mode)
  • Main OS, running in Normal World at privileged level (PL1, system mode)

The Main OS yields back with a monitor call.

The Trusted Applet sleeps for 5 seconds before attempting to read privileged OS memory, which triggers an exception handled by the supervisor which terminates the Trusted Applet.

The GoTEE syscall interface is implemented for communication between the Trusted OS and Trusted Applet.

When launched on the USB armory Mk II, the example application is reachable via SSH through Ethernet over USB (ECM protocol, only supported on Linux hosts):

$ ssh [email protected]
PL1 tamago/arm (go1.16.5) • TEE system/monitor (Secure World)

  help                                   # this help
  reboot                                 # reset the SoC/board
  stack                                  # stack trace of current goroutine
  stackall                               # stack trace of all goroutines
  md  <hex offset> <size>                # memory display (use with caution)
  mw  <hex offset> <hex value>           # memory write   (use with caution)

  gotee                                  # TrustZone test w/ TamaGo unikernels
  csl                                    # show config security levels (CSL)
  csl <periph> <slave> <hex csl>         #  set config security level  (CSL)
  sa                                     # show security access (SA)
  sa  <id> <secure|nonsecure>            #  set security access (SA)


The example can be launched with the gotee command, it will spawn the Main OS twice, to demonstrate behaviour before and after TrustZone restrictions are in effect in using real hardware peripherals.


Build the TamaGo compiler (or use the latest binary release):

wget https://github.com/f-secure-foundry/tamago-go/archive/refs/tags/latest.zip
unzip latest.zip
cd tamago-go-latest/src && ./all.bash
cd ../bin && export TAMAGO=`pwd`/go

Build the example trusted applet and kernel executables:

git clone https://github.com/f-secure-foundry/GoTEE-example
cd GoTEE-example && make nonsecure_os_go && make trusted_applet_go && make trusted_os

Executing and debugging

Native hardware

The PoC can be executed on the USB armory Mk II by loading the compilation output trusted_os.imx in SDP mode.


Emulated hardware

An emulated run under QEMU can be executed as follows:

make nonsecure_os_go && make trusted_applet_go && make trusted_os && make qemu
00:00:00 PL1 tamago/arm (go1.16.5) • TEE system/monitor (Secure World)
00:00:00 PL1 loaded applet addr:0x82000000 size:3897006 entry:0x8206dab8
00:00:00 PL1 loaded kernel addr:0x84000000 size:3785829 entry:0x8406c6c4
00:00:00 PL1 will sleep until applet and kernel are done
00:00:00 PL1 starting mode:USR ns:false sp:0x00000000 pc:0x8206dab8
00:00:00 PL1 starting mode:SYS ns:true  sp:0x00000000 pc:0x8406c6c4
00:00:00 PL1 tamago/arm (go1.16.5) • system/supervisor (Normal World)
00:00:00 PL1 in Normal World is about to yield back
00:00:00        r0:00000000   r1:848220c0   r2:00000001   r3:00000000
00:00:00        r1:848220c0   r2:00000001   r3:00000000   r4:00000000
00:00:00        r5:00000000   r6:00000000   r7:00000000   r8:00000007
00:00:00        r9:0000004b  r10:848000e0  r11:802bd9f0  r12:00000000
00:00:00        sp:8484ff84   lr:8414b10c   pc:841471b4 spsr:600000df
00:00:00 PL1 stopped mode:SYS ns:true sp:0x8484ff84 lr:0x8414b10c pc:0x841471b4 err:exception mode MON
00:00:00 PL0 tamago/arm (go1.16.5) • TEE user applet (Secure World)
00:00:00 PL0 obtained 16 random bytes from PL1: 0ccee42855937b096ad13f395ba6f633
00:00:00 PL0 requests echo via RPC: hello
00:00:00 PL0 received echo via RPC: hello
00:00:00 PL0 will sleep for 5 seconds
00:00:01 PL1 says 1 missisipi
00:00:01 PL0 says 1 missisipi
00:00:05 PL1 says 5 missisipi
00:00:05 PL0 says 5 missisipi
00:00:05 PL0 is about to read PL1 Secure World memory at 0x80010000
00:00:05        r0:80010000   r1:828220c0   r2:00000001   r3:00000000
00:00:05        r1:828220c0   r2:00000001   r3:00000000   r4:00000000
00:00:05        r5:00000000   r6:00000000   r7:00000000   r8:00000007
00:00:05        r9:00000037  r10:828000e0  r11:802bd9f0  r12:00000000
00:00:05        sp:8284df2c   lr:821593d8   pc:82011374 spsr:600000d0
00:00:05 PL1 stopped mode:USR ns:false sp:0x8284df2c lr:0x821593d8 pc:0x82011374 err:exception mode ABT
00:00:05 PL1 says goodbye

⚠️ the emulated run performs partial tests due to lack of full TrustZone support by QEMU.


make nonsecure_os_go && make trusted_applet_go && make trusted_os && make qemu-gdb
arm-none-eabi-gdb -ex "target remote" os_secure
>>> add-symbol-file examples/ta
>>> b ta.go:main.main


Andrea Barisani
[email protected] | [email protected]

Andrej Rosano
[email protected] | [email protected]


Copyright (c) F-Secure Corporation

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation under version 3 of the License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

See accompanying LICENSE file for full details.

F-Secure Foundry
F-Secure Hardware Security Team
F-Secure Foundry
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