pprofutils pprofutils is a swiss army knife for pprof files.

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pprofutils is a swiss army knife for pprof files. You can use it as a command line utility or as a free web service.


pprofutils requires Go 1.16 and can be installed like this:

go install github.com/felixge/pprofutils/v2/cmd/pprofutils@latest

Alternatively you can use it as a free web service hosted at https://pprof.to.



Takes a pprof profile and anonymizes it by replacing pkg, file and function names with human readable hashes. The whitelist can be used to prevent certain packages from being anonymized.

TODO: Ignore all stdlib packages by default and maybe also popular OSS libs.

The input and output file default to "-" which means stdin or stdout.

Use anon utility via cli

pprofutils anon [-whitelist=

  -whitelist=^runtime;^net;^encoding Semicolon separated pkg name regex list


Use anon utility via web service

curl --data-binary @ 'pprof.to/anon?whitelist=^runtime;^net;^encoding' > 

Example 1: Anonymize a CPU profile

pprofutils anon examples/anon.in.pprof examples/anon.out.pprof
# or
curl --data-binary @examples/anon.in.pprof pprof.to/anon > examples/anon.out.pprof

Converts the profile examples/anon.in.pprof that looks like this:

Into a new profile examples/anon.out.pprof that looks like this:


Takes a block or mutex profile and creates a profile that contains the average time per contention by dividing the nanoseconds or value in the profile by the sample count value.

TODO: Support memory profiles.

The input and output file default to "-" which means stdin or stdout.

Use avg utility via cli

pprofutils avg  

Use avg utility via web service

curl --data-binary @ 'pprof.to/avg' > 

Example 1: Convert block profile to avg time

pprofutils avg examples/avg.in.pprof examples/avg.out.pprof
# or
curl --data-binary @examples/avg.in.pprof pprof.to/avg > examples/avg.out.pprof

Converts the profile examples/avg.in.pprof that looks like this:

Into a new profile examples/avg.out.pprof that looks like this:


Converts pprof to Brendan Gregg's folded text format and vice versa. The input format is automatically detected and used to determine the output format.

The input and output file default to "-" which means stdin or stdout.

Use folded utility via cli

pprofutils folded [-headers]  

  -headers=false Add header column for each sample type

Use folded utility via web service

curl --data-binary @ 'pprof.to/folded?headers=false' > 

Example 1: Convert folded text to pprof

pprofutils folded examples/folded.in.txt examples/folded.out.pprof
# or
curl --data-binary @examples/folded.in.txt pprof.to/folded > examples/folded.out.pprof

Converts examples/folded.in.txt with the following content:

main;foo 5
main;foo;bar 3
main;foobar 4

Into a new profile examples/folded.out.pprof that looks like this:

Example 2: Convert pprof to folded text

pprofutils folded examples/folded.in.pprof examples/folded.out.txt
# or
curl --data-binary @examples/folded.in.pprof pprof.to/folded > examples/folded.out.txt

Converts the profile examples/folded.in.pprof that looks like this:

Into a new folded text file examples/folded.out.txt that looks like this:

main;foo 5
main;foobar 4
main;foo;bar 3


Converts from pprof to json and vice vera. The input format is automatically detected and used to determine the output format.

The input and output file default to "-" which means stdin or stdout.

Use json utility via cli

pprofutils json  

Use json utility via web service

curl --data-binary @ 'pprof.to/json' > 

Example 1: Convert pprof to json

pprofutils json examples/json.in.pprof examples/json.out.json
# or
curl --data-binary @examples/json.in.pprof pprof.to/json > examples/json.out.json

See examples/json.in.pprof and examples/json.out.json for more details.

Example 2: Convert json to pprof

pprofutils json examples/json.in.json examples/json.out.pprof
# or
curl --data-binary @examples/json.in.json pprof.to/json > examples/json.out.pprof

See examples/json.in.json and examples/json.out.pprof for more details.


Adds virtual root frames for the each value of the selected pprof label. This is useful to visualize label values in a flamegraph.

The input and output file default to "-" which means stdin or stdout.

Use labelframes utility via cli

pprofutils labelframes -label=

Use labelframes utility via web service

curl --data-binary @ 'pprof.to/labelframes?label=mylabel' > 

Example 1: Add root frames for pprof label values

pprofutils labelframes examples/labelframes.in.pprof examples/labelframes.out.pprof
# or
curl --data-binary @examples/labelframes.in.pprof pprof.to/labelframes > examples/labelframes.out.pprof

Converts the profile examples/labelframes.in.pprof that looks like this:

Into a new profile examples/labelframes.out.pprof that looks like this:


Converts pprof to the same text format as go tool pprof -raw.

The input and output file default to "-" which means stdin or stdout.

Use raw utility via cli

pprofutils raw  

Use raw utility via web service

curl --data-binary @ 'pprof.to/raw' > 

Example 1: Convert pprof to raw

pprofutils raw examples/raw.in.pprof examples/raw.out.txt
# or
curl --data-binary @examples/raw.in.pprof pprof.to/raw > examples/raw.out.txt

See examples/raw.in.pprof and examples/raw.out.txt for more details.

Use Cases

Convert linux perf profiles to pprof

Convert a Linux perf.data profile to pprof, via Brendan Gregg's stackcollapse-perf.pl script:

perf script | stackcollapse-perf.pl | pprofutils folded > perf.pprof


pprofutils is licensed under the MIT License.

  • Add an extra end-to-end example with stackcollapse

    Add an extra end-to-end example with stackcollapse

    And add some words around 'stackcollapse' to help people find this repo if they're looking for scripts to deal with the output of the stackcollapse-* scripts.

  • Support conversion of jemalloc format to pprof format

    Support conversion of jemalloc format to pprof format

    pprof does not support jemalloc plain text format, so here we add support for convert jemalloc plain text format to pprof format.

    This is similar to https://github.com/google/pprof/pull/690, however by doing it inside pprofutils, we avoid having to change pprof or jemalloc.

    Signed-off-by: Daniel Dao [email protected]

  • Support outputting line numbers in folded format.

    Support outputting line numbers in folded format.

    Hey Felix, thanks for the nice toolset here :wave:

    I've recently needed to do line-granularity deduplication work between 2 profiles and supporting line numbers on the folded output was extremely helpful. I imagine other people might want it as well and, as such, thought having a flag for it would be a good improvement 😄

    Proof that this works (apart from included unit test):

    ❯ pprofutils folded -line_numbers=true go.alloc.pb | head -n 3
    github.com/DataDog/dd-go/trace/intake/common.(*Resolver).resolveStats.func1:547;github.com/DataDog/dd-go/trace/agent/model.TagSet.Key:74;github.com/DataDog/dd-go/trace/agent/model.Tag.String:20 44631378
    github.com/DataDog/dd-go/trace/intake/common.(*Resolver).resolveStats.func1:494;github.com/DataDog/dd-go/trace/intake/common.(*Resolver).resolveTagSet:422;github.com/DataDog/dd-go/trace/agent/model.SplitTag:26;strings.SplitN:282;strings.genSplit:256 27804496
    github.com/DataDog/dd-go/trace/intake/common.(*Resolver).resolveStats.func1:507;github.com/DataDog/dd-go/trace/agent/model.SplitTag:26;strings.SplitN:282;strings.genSplit:256 27165501
    ❯ pprofutils folded -line_numbers=false go.alloc.pb | head -n 3
    github.com/DataDog/dd-go/trace/intake/common.(*Resolver).resolveStats.func1;github.com/DataDog/dd-go/trace/agent/model.TagSet.Key;github.com/DataDog/dd-go/trace/agent/model.Tag.String 60852033
    github.com/DataDog/dd-go/trace/intake/common.(*Resolver).resolveStats.func1;github.com/DataDog/dd-go/trace/intake/common.(*Resolver).resolveTagSet;github.com/DataDog/dd-go/trace/agent/model.SplitTag;strings.SplitN;strings.genSplit 41354477
    github.com/DataDog/dd-go/trace/intake/common.(*Resolver).resolveStats.func1;github.com/DataDog/dd-go/trace/agent/model.SplitTag;strings.SplitN;strings.genSplit 39797950

    And that extra granularity does not somehow lead to wrong values:

    ❯ pprofutils folded -line_numbers=false go.alloc.pb | awk '{ s += $2 } END { print s }' 
    ❯ pprofutils folded -line_numbers=true go.alloc.pb | awk '{ s += $2 } END { print s }'
  • Unknown Errror with JSON File

    Unknown Errror with JSON File

    I am attempting to convert the below JSON into a PPROF file. However, pprofutils returns the below error message:

    input format is neither pprof nor json

    Is there a way to identify what in the file is causing this error? I have used multiple json validators to confirm the format is valid.


  • Allow legacy profile to have space in stack

    Allow legacy profile to have space in stack

    First of all, thanks for the tool. It's awesome !

    Now to the PR :) In some of our apps, we generate a folded text that has space in it. For example:

    doing_something;JIT Compiler 1

    This breaks current legacy converter because it's using string.Split. The current PR changes it so that we parse the line with the number of expected whitespace from last, with number of whitespace equals to len length of SampleType.

    This solves the problem for us, and probably solves https://github.com/felixge/pprofutils/issues/3 as well.

  • "Bad line" error on an Android simpleperf trace

    Came across this trying to convert an android simpleperf trace to pprof:

    I'll note the full repo steps here in case they're useful; they probably aren't though; the error message is probably sufficient:

    $ git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/extras
    $ cd extras/simpleperf/scripts
    $ ./app_profiler.py -p com.google.android.apps.maps -r "-f 4000 -g -e cpu-clock --trace-offcpu --duration 60" --activity com.google.android.maps.MapsActivity --skip_collect_binaries
    $ ./report_sample.py ~/simpleperf/perf.data | ~/FlameGraph/stackcollapse-perf.pl | ~/go/bin/text2pprof

    Gives this error:

    bad line: 6: "Binder:23281_1;__start_thread;__pthread_start;thread_data_t::trampoline;android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell;android::Thread::_threadLoop;android::PoolThread::threadLoop;android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool;android::IPCThreadState::executeCommand;android::BBinder::transact;JavaBBinder::onTransact;_JNIEnv::CallBooleanMethod;art::JNI<false>::CallBooleanMethodV;art::JValue art::InvokeVirtualOrInterfaceWithVarArgs<art::ArtMethod*> 6"

    This happens on line 6... let's look at the first 10 lines:

    ./report_sample.py ~/simpleperf/perf.data | ~/FlameGraph/stackcollapse-perf.pl | head
    Binder:23281_1;__start_thread;__pthread_start;thread_data_t::trampoline;android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell;android::Thread::_threadLoop;android::PoolThread::threadLoop;android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool 11
    Binder:23281_1;__start_thread;__pthread_start;thread_data_t::trampoline;android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell;android::Thread::_threadLoop;android::PoolThread::threadLoop;android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool;@plt 6
    Binder:23281_1;__start_thread;__pthread_start;thread_data_t::trampoline;android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell;android::Thread::_threadLoop;android::PoolThread::threadLoop;android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool;@plt;work_pending;do_notify_resume;__schedule;__schedule 3
    Binder:23281_1;__start_thread;__pthread_start;thread_data_t::trampoline;android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell;android::Thread::_threadLoop;android::PoolThread::threadLoop;android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool;android::IPCThreadState::executeCommand 10
    Binder:23281_1;__start_thread;__pthread_start;thread_data_t::trampoline;android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell;android::Thread::_threadLoop;android::PoolThread::threadLoop;android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool;android::IPCThreadState::executeCommand;android::BBinder::transact 1
    Binder:23281_1;__start_thread;__pthread_start;thread_data_t::trampoline;android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell;android::Thread::_threadLoop;android::PoolThread::threadLoop;android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool;android::IPCThreadState::executeCommand;android::BBinder::transact;JavaBBinder::onTransact;_JNIEnv::CallBooleanMethod;art::JNI<false>::CallBooleanMethodV 2
    Binder:23281_1;__start_thread;__pthread_start;thread_data_t::trampoline;android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell;android::Thread::_threadLoop;android::PoolThread::threadLoop;android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool;android::IPCThreadState::executeCommand;android::BBinder::transact;JavaBBinder::onTransact;_JNIEnv::CallBooleanMethod;art::JNI<false>::CallBooleanMethodV;art::JValue art::InvokeVirtualOrInterfaceWithVarArgs<art::ArtMethod*> 6
    Binder:23281_1;__start_thread;__pthread_start;thread_data_t::trampoline;android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell;android::Thread::_threadLoop;android::PoolThread::threadLoop;android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool;android::IPCThreadState::executeCommand;android::BBinder::transact;JavaBBinder::onTransact;_JNIEnv::CallBooleanMethod;art::JNI<false>::CallBooleanMethodV;art::JValue art::InvokeVirtualOrInterfaceWithVarArgs<art::ArtMethod*>;art_quick_invoke_stub;android.os.Binder.execTransact 2
    Binder:23281_1;__start_thread;__pthread_start;thread_data_t::trampoline;android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell;android::Thread::_threadLoop;android::PoolThread::threadLoop;android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool;android::IPCThreadState::executeCommand;android::BBinder::transact;JavaBBinder::onTransact;_JNIEnv::CallBooleanMethod;art::JNI<false>::CallBooleanMethodV;art::JValue art::InvokeVirtualOrInterfaceWithVarArgs<art::ArtMethod*>;art_quick_invoke_stub;android.os.Binder.execTransact;android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal 2
    Binder:23281_1;__start_thread;__pthread_start;thread_data_t::trampoline;android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell;android::Thread::_threadLoop;android::PoolThread::threadLoop;android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool;android::IPCThreadState::executeCommand;android::BBinder::transact;JavaBBinder::onTransact;_JNIEnv::CallBooleanMethod;art::JNI<false>::CallBooleanMethodV;art::JValue art::InvokeVirtualOrInterfaceWithVarArgs<art::ArtMethod*>;art_quick_invoke_stub;android.os.Binder.execTransact;android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal;ExecuteNterpImpl 1

    At a guess, I'd say the problem is probably the space in between JValue art.

    It's very possible that I'm holding this wrong and there shouldn't be spaces in these lines according to the format? However perhaps there is a way to 'greedily' consume forward till we get to the numbers, perhaps?

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