A Godot Engine addon to integrate a native GitHub client inside Godot's Editor. Manage your project without even opening your browser!


This plugin is now supported in Godot Extended Library Discord, check out the Godot Extended Library Project!

GitHub Integration

A complete GitHub integration for your Godot Editor! Manage your project without even opening your browser.

Author: "Nicolo (fenix) Santilio"
Version: 1.4.4
Godot Version: 3.2.4-rc3
Wiki: supported

What is this?

GitHub Integration is a addon for Godot Engine that I've created mainly for a personal purpose.
Pushing and Pulling repositories while I'm working on Godot (especially if I'm under a GameJam) could take some time and force me to save the project, open the brwoser/git bash/git gui, and do all the stuff.
With this little addon which works directly in the editor, managing all your repositories will be very easy.

What can it do?

Github Integration offers the main functionalities provided by GitHub (and git itself), in a more accessible way.
Currenlty, you can:

  • Manage all of your public and private repositories, including the ones you share with organizations and the ones in which you are a collaborator (with proper permissions): create, delete, push and clone repositories within your Godot project
  • Manage all of your public and private gists: delete, edit and create gists with a functional text editor
  • Manage collaboration invitations, inviting user to your repositories or accept/decline invitations you have received

How does it work?

I'm currently working on a Wiki for this plugin. It is a process that will take some time to complete since I want to provide a well-organized wiki with some basic explanations about GitHub itself. Anyway, I'm working on a user-friendly plugin, so everything should be the very ease to use for GitHub experienced users, and a little intuitive for people who never used GitHub or are not so experienced. If you want to see some screenshots you can find them here addons/github-integration/screenshots

Supporters page


⚠️ Disclaimer

As a "work in progress" project, there is no warranty for any eventual issue and bug that may broke your project.
I don't assume any responsibility for possible corruptions of your project. It is always advisable to keep a copy of your project and check any changes you make in your Github repository.

This text file was created via TextEditor Integration inside Godot Engine's Editor.

Nicolò Santilio
First cycle degree in Computer Science and Automation Engineering ▪ Interested in robotics, cyberpunk, music ▪ Godot and Arduino enthusiast
Nicolò Santilio
  • Can't commit a large obj file

    Can't commit a large obj file

    I've created a 100 by 100 by 4 model in blender and export it as obj into Godot, but now when I want to commit it to GitHub, it keeps loading forever...

    Screenshot (137)

    Committing my other obj files works though, only this particular obj doesn't work... Godot version:3.2stable Plugin version: I've just downloaded/cloned it from GitHub

  • Everything's busted :/

    Everything's busted :/

    Godot: 3.2 stable Plugin: 0.8.0

    Nothing happens when I press that exclamation mark in the sign in area. In fact, none of the buttons seem to do anything either.

    Also the console printed following errors.

    res://addons/github-integration/scripts/SignIn.gd:36 - Parse Error: The identifier "UserData" isn't declared in the current scope. modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp:576 - Method failed. Returning: ERR_PARSE_ERROR res://addons/github-integration/scripts/UserPanel.gd:41 - Parse Error: The identifier "UserData" isn't declared in the current scope. modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp:576 - Method failed. Returning: ERR_PARSE_ERROR res://addons/github-integration/scripts/Repo.gd:107 - Parse Error: The identifier "IconLoaderGithub" isn't declared in the current scope. modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp:576 - Method failed. Returning: ERR_PARSE_ERROR res://addons/github-integration/scripts/Commit.gd:209 - Parse Error: The identifier "UserData" isn't declared in the current scope. modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp:576 - Method failed. Returning: ERR_PARSE_ERROR res://addons/github-integration/scripts/WindowDialog.gd:99 - Parse Error: The identifier "UserData" isn't declared in the current scope. modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp:576 - Method failed. Returning: ERR_PARSE_ERROR res://addons/github-integration/scripts/Gist.gd:66 - Parse Error: The identifier "IconLoaderGithub" isn't declared in the current scope. modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp:576 - Method failed. Returning: ERR_PARSE_ERROR Failed to get modified time for: C:/Users/Student/Documents/Godot Projects/Code Cube/addons/file-editor/fonts/Roboto-Black.ttf. Cannot open font file 'res://addons/file-editor/fonts/Roboto-Black.ttf'.

  • infinite loading screen

    infinite loading screen

    Godot Version & Plugin Version Godot: 3.2.1 Plugin: 0.9.2

    Describe the bug every time i try to maka a new repo or try to commit changes to an already existing repo i wind up with a never ending loading screen

    Screenshots Screen Shot 2020-07-23 at 8 07 03 PM

  • GitHub Integration loading never completes

    GitHub Integration loading never completes

    Godot: 3.2.1 Plugin: 0.8.7

    After installation, when I try to log in the plugin loads forever and it displays <logfile.mail> for some reason, but the main problem is that it never finishes


  • Unable to leave godot main screen

    Unable to leave godot main screen

    Screenshot (18) Screenshot (19) Screenshot (20)

    I have already tried deleting and redownloading,deleting my projects,downloading the software from steam deleting the userdata,turning off my antivirus and it still happens

  • [Bug]


    Godot Version & Plugin Version Godot: 3.2.3 Plugin: x1.4.1

    Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. I was making a push (it was the first push to the repo) and it finished, then got stuck on loading notifications then eventually outputted error code 504 then error code 0, then kept loading that. then like 5 minutes later it starts loading notifications again and it hasn't stopped

    Screenshots A screenshot of Godot Editor while you are encountering this bug, or a clear screenshot of Editor/External console. image

  • Impossible to commit a whole directory

    Impossible to commit a whole directory

    When pressing "Select Directory" to commit a whole folder (around 6M in size), the output window says "blobbed each file with success, start committing..." and nothing else happens but a spinning wheel for more than 15 minutes.

  • Getting error while activating plugin

    Getting error while activating plugin

    Here is the error message I get when I activate the GitHub integration plugin:

    res://addons/github-integration/scripts/SignIn.gd:49 - Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'load_user' in base 'Node (user_data.gd)'.

  • [Bug]


    Godot Version & Plugin Version Godot: 3.2.3.stable.official Plugin: 1.3.4 and not wanting to update even through files

    Describe the bug I'm trying to log in I'm writing all of the details of my account and it doesn't work. It may be because I'm already logged in but then why doesn't it get me to the repository. And also I can look at my notifications and change my settings but I can't access the repositories.

    Screenshots Issue_01 Issue_02

    OS Linux Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS

  • [Bug] Opening repository causes infinite loading

    [Bug] Opening repository causes infinite loading

    Godot Version & Plugin Version Godot: 3.2.3 Plugin: 1.2.2

    Describe the bug After logging in, I tried to open a GitHub repository, it starts loading, but never finishes. The plugin worked fine for me yesterday, and it works fine on my other repository.

    Screenshots v6re43eew2twerv

  • [Bug] Stuck on

    [Bug] Stuck on "pointing large file, please wait..." for hours and never finished

    Godot Version & Plugin Version Godot: 3.4.2 Plugin: 1.4.3

    Describe the bug When I try to commit my project and all its files to my GitHub repository I get stuck on this "pointing large file, please wait..." screen for hours and it never finishes and I end up giving up. I have attached a screenshot below

    Screenshots image

  • [Bug] Disappearing items in repo browser

    [Bug] Disappearing items in repo browser

    Godot Version & Plugin Version Godot: 3.4.4.stable.official (from Steam) Plugin: 1.4.3

    Describe the bug After opening the repo browser, clicking on any file entries makes all of them disappear (or appear invisible).


    1. List of all repos. Opening "ships-godot" with a double-click. Screenshot from 2022-07-11 09-15-07
    2. Repo browser opened, before clicking anything else. Screenshot from 2022-07-11 09-15-32
    3. After clicking on any item, they disappear. Screenshot from 2022-07-11 09-15-38
    4. Tooltips show up when hovering mouse over where item should be. Screenshot from 2022-07-11 09-16-21
    5. When clicking on branch selection, entries appear again, only to disappear after clicking on them. Screenshot from 2022-07-11 09-16-05
  • [Bug] Request exited with code 422

    [Bug] Request exited with code 422

    Godot Version & Plugin Version Godot: 3.4.4 Plugin: 0.9.0

    Describe the bug Trying to Commit and Push my entire Res folder. Spinner just continues spinning and have to close and reopen godot to try again. Have tried twice. However when I just try and commit one folder it works.

    gitignore: .import/ export.cfg export_presets.cfg addons/ export/

    blobbed each file with success, start committing... REQUEST TO API : Request exited with code 422 [GitHub integration] >> could not process the new tree, the file may be corrupted or already present in the repository without any changes. REQUEST TO API : Request exited with code 422 [GitHub integration] >> could not process the new commit, tree may be invalid. REQUEST TO API : Request exited with code 422

    Screenshots image

  • [Bug] 404 error when trying to commit to repo

    [Bug] 404 error when trying to commit to repo

    Godot Version & Plugin Version Godot: v3.3.4.stable.official Plugin: v1.4.3

    Describe the bug When attempting to Commit to repo, error message remains on screen indefinitely

    Screenshots A screenshot of Godot Editor while you are encountering this bug, or a clear screenshot of Editor/External console.


    Cannot commit '.git' folders. [GitHub integration] >> made directory in user folder for this .gitignore file, at C:/Users/ipodd/AppData/Roaming/Godot/github_integration/BHJ2022/main/ [GitHub integration] >> fetching all files in project... [GitHub integration] >> REQUEST TO API : Request exited with code 200 [GitHub integration] >> got last commit [GitHub integration] >> REQUEST TO API : Request exited with code 200 [GitHub integration] >> got base tree [GitHub integration] >> blobbing ~> .gitignore [GitHub integration] >> REQUEST TO API : Request exited with code 404

  • [Bug] Issue with org-projects and too many packages

    [Bug] Issue with org-projects and too many packages

    Godot Version & Plugin Version Godot: 3.2.1 Plugin: 1.4.1

    Describe the bug I have a lot of github projects, under my name, and also under several orgs. The first time I ran your plugin, it crashed godot. I restarted and it was missing many of my projects in list (only 107, I have 430 under my name, and many more under other orgs.) I could not find the project I want (notnullgames/lol) in search or scrolling. It seems to have grabbed a few random org projects, but none in @notnullgames. Even if there was just an option to enter it manually and skip the godot-crashing bug while trying to load, I'd be all set (I know the names of my projects.)


    Screenshot from 2021-03-11 21-09-36

  • [Feature] Commit Graphs

    [Feature] Commit Graphs

    Describe the feature you'd like Implement a commit graph for selected repositories as an additional panel

    Describe a possible solution of implementation

    • Create a graph with the GraphNode Container with the commit tree for a selected repository
    • Display the graph in an additional tab, next to the Debug tab
    • The graph is a read only data visualization, no operations or data management should be implemented whatsoever
    • https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/repos#commits

    Additional context Use the Insight/Network panel in the repository settings as a reference

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