Redis client library for Go


go-redis is a Redis client library for the Go programming language. It's built on the skeleton of gomemcache.

It is safe to use by multiple goroutines, and scales well by automatically making new connections to redis on demand. Idle connections stay in the connection pool until time out.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


The library is stable and has been extensively tested on as the underlying quota mechanism on Redis. It has served dozens of billions of queries that used this library to manage usage.

It is incomplete, though. Me, @gleicon, @lxfontes and others have only implemented the commands we needed for our applications so far, and continue doing so with no rush or schedule. See commands.go for a list of supported commands - they're in alphabetical order. Contributors are welcome.

We've written other Redis client libraries before, also very stable and used in large deployments by major companies.

Build Status


Make sure Go is installed, and both $GOROOT and $GOPATH are set, then run:

$ go get


Hello world:

import ""

func main() {
	rc := redis.New("", "", "")
	rc.Set("foo", "bar")

	v, err := rc.Get("foo")

When connected to multiple servers, commands such as PING, INFO and similar are only executed on the first server. GET, SET and others are distributed by their key.

New connections are created on demand, and stay available in the connection pool until they time out. The library scales very well under high load.

Unix socket, dbid and password support

The client supports ip:port or unix socket for connecting to redis.

rc := redis.New("/tmp/redis.sock db=5 passwd=foobared")

Database ID and password can only be set by New() and can't be changed later. If that is required, make a new connection.


Thanks to (in no particular order):

  • gomemcache: for the skeleton of this client library.
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