A super easy file encryption utility written in go and under 800kb


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A super easy to use file encryption utility written in golang

Help Wanted on porting filecrypt to other programing languages
NOTE: if you are planning to use filecrypt for your go-lang project please clone this repo and build your software from there

What's the difference

  • Speed
  • Simple
  • Works on all operating systems

How to use


  1. Download the latest release from here
  2. Create a folder named "filecrypt" in any drive
  3. Move the downloaded executable(.exe) to the folder created in step 2
  4. Add the path of the created folder created in step 2 into windows path variable
  5. Open the command prompt and enter filecrypt --help for detailed info about using flags


  • --force - Force write even if a file exists with that name (overwrite) DESTRUCTIVE
  • --location - The location of the file to encrypt/decrypt(determined by the mode flag)
  • --mode - FileCrypt mode (encrypt/decrypt These can be replaced with their first letters) Example: filecrypt --mode=e --location="super secret file.txt" --password="test"
  • --password - (removed in release v2 & later) Password to be used while encrypting/decrypting
    Note: due to security issues with commandline flags the password will be prompted at runtime.


How can I help?

  • Staring this project on github
  • Creating issues
  • Contributing with code or documentation
  • Sharing this project with your friends

What is a .fcef file

fcef (File. Crypt. Encrypted. File) is an encrypted file that is generated by FileCrypt, If you know the password that it was encrypted with it can be decrypted with FileCrypt using the --mode=dor --mode=decrypt flag.

How is FileCrypt so small

Because Filecrypt

  • Only uses the standard library
  • Has no unwanted code
  • Is built with -ldflags "-s -w" flag
  • Executable is compressed with upx (Only extra small binaries)


Flew Software
Team of developers creating software for the world
Flew Software
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