A CLI / TUI for Microsoft Teams


A Command Line Interface (or TUI) to interact with Microsoft Teams


The CLI only let you log-in and fetches your user and conversations, only the Teams and Channels so far are displayed, but on the background the conversations (Groups + DMs) are fetched too.

This project is still WIP and will be updated soon with new features. The goal is to have a CLI / TUI replacement for the Microsoft Teams desktop client.



Follow the instructions on how to obtain a token with teams-token, then simply run the following to start the app. Binary releases will appear on this repository as soon as we have a product with more features.

go run ./

If everything goes well, you should see something like this: Teams CLI example

What works

  • Logging in into Teams using the token generated via teams-token
  • Getting the list of Teams + Channels
  • Reading channels

What doesn't work

  • Names are not shown, instead a URL is displayed
  • Everything else
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