Minimal and Beautiful Go testing framework


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A Mocha like BDD testing framework written in Go that requires no additional dependencies. Requires no extensive documentation nor complicated steps to get it running.

Why Goblin?

Inspired by the flexibility and simplicity of Node BDD and frustrated by the rigorousness of Go way of testing, we wanted to bring a new tool to write self-describing and comprehensive code.

What do I get with it?

  • Run tests as usual with go test
  • Colorful reports and beautiful syntax
  • Preserve the exact same syntax and behaviour as Node's Mocha
  • Nest as many Describe and It blocks as you want
  • Use Before, BeforeEach, After and AfterEach for setup and teardown your tests
  • No need to remember confusing parameters in Describe and It blocks
  • Use a declarative and expressive language to write your tests
  • Plug different assertion libraries
  • Gomega (supported so far)
  • Skip your tests the same way as you would do in Mocha
  • Automatic terminal support for colored outputs
  • Two line setup is all you need to get up running

How do I use it?

Since go test is not currently extensive, you will have to hook Goblin to it. You do that by adding a single test method in your test file. All your goblin tests will be implemented inside this function.

package foobar

import (
    . ""

func Test(t *testing.T) {
    g := Goblin(t)
    g.Describe("Numbers", func() {
        // Passing Test
        g.It("Should add two numbers ", func() {
        // Failing Test
        g.It("Should match equal numbers", func() {
        // Pending Test
        g.It("Should substract two numbers")
        // Excluded Test
        g.Xit("Should add two numbers ", func() {

Ouput will be something like:

Nice and easy, right?

Can I do asynchronous tests?

Yes! Goblin will help you to test asynchronous things, like goroutines, etc. You just need to add a done parameter to the handler function of your It. This handler function should be called when your test passes.

  g.Describe("Numbers", func() {
      g.It("Should add two numbers asynchronously", func(done Done) {
          go func() {

Goblin will wait for the done call, a Fail call or any false assertion.

How do I use it with Gomega?

Gomega is a nice assertion framework. But it doesn't provide a nice way to hook it to testing frameworks. It should just panic instead of requiring a fail function. There is an issue about that here. While this is being discussed and hopefully fixed, the way to use Gomega with Goblin is:

package foobar

import (
    goblin ""
    . ""

func Test(t *testing.T) {
    g := goblin.Goblin(t)

    //special hook for gomega
    RegisterFailHandler(func(m string, _ { g.Fail(m) })

    g.Describe("lala", func() {
        g.It("lslslslsls", func() {


How do I run specific tests?

If$REGES is supplied to the go test command then only tests that match the supplied regex will run


We do have a couple of issues pending. Feel free to contribute and send us PRs (with tests please 😄 ).

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Leandro Reox (Leitan) for the goblin logo.

  • fix regex flag parsing #74

    fix regex flag parsing #74

    Passed in flags like are never parsed because the default testing package calls flag.Parse() before goblin calls flag.Parse(), which means the runRegex flag never gets set.

    Resolves #74

    Test manually:

    1. Make a new test file like flag_test.go
    package goblin
    import (
    func TestFlagRegex(t *testing.T) {
    	g := Goblin(t)
    	g.Describe("Test", func() {
    		g.It("Auth 1", func() {})
    		g.It("Auth 2", func() {})
    		g.It("Mismatched test", func() {})
    1. run go test -timeout 30s -run ^TestFlagRegex -v
    2. the output will have Auth 1 and Auth 2, but not Mismatched test

    Some exploration of the bug:

    // Add this into the end of the Goblin() function 
    fmt.Println("......", os.Args[1:], timeout, *regexParam, "[", runRegex, "]", *regexParam != "")

    run go test -run ^TestHandleItRegexExec"TestsrunPass"

    ...... [-test.timeout=10m0s^TestHandleItRegexExec] 5s TestsrunPass [ <nil> ] true
      TestItRegexExec Helper
        ✓ TestsrunFail
        ✓ TestsrunPass
        ✓ TestsrunPass
     3 tests complete (0 ms)
    --- FAIL: TestHandleItRegexExec (0.00s)
        goblin_test.go:480: Failed
    exit status 1
    FAIL	_/Users/sockol/Desktop/Projects/goblin	0.293s

    So this test doesnt parse the "runRegex" since flag.Parse() has been called

    if !flag.Parsed() {
    	parseFlags() // never runs, never sets "runRegex"

    If we adjust the condition to be

    func Goblin(t *testing.T, arguments ...string) *G {
    func parseFlags() {
    	//Flag parsing
    	if !flag.Parsed() {
    	if *regexParam != "" {
    		runRegex = regexp.MustCompile(*regexParam)
    	} else {
    		runRegex = nil

    The command works as expected

     ~/De/P/goblin  on master *10 !2  go test -run ^TestHandleItRegexExec"TestsrunPass"
    ...... [-test.timeout=10m0s^TestHandleItRegexExec] 5s TestsrunPass [ TestsrunPass ] true
      TestItRegexExec Helper
        ✓ TestsrunPass
        ✓ TestsrunPass
     2 tests complete (0 ms)
    ok  	_/Users/sockol/Desktop/Projects/goblin	0.135s

    But the tests break - the new args passed into the "TestRegex" test are not parsed, [ runRegex] is not set

    ......  [-test.timeout=10m0s] 5s  [ <nil> ] false
        1) Doesn't match regex
        ✓ It matches regex
        ✓ It also matches
     2 tests complete (0 ms)
     1 tests failed:
      1) Test Doesn't match regex:
        Regex shouldn't match
        	/Users/sockol/Desktop/Projects/goblin/goblin_test.go:312 +0x42
        	/Users/sockol/Desktop/Projects/goblin/goblin.go:231 +0x27
        	/Users/sockol/Desktop/Projects/goblin/goblin.go:231 +0x3e7
    --- FAIL: TestRegex (0.00s)
    	goblin_test.go:320: Failed
  • Random panic on runtime.errorString conversion

    Random panic on runtime.errorString conversion

    From time to time go test -v command fails with

    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [recovered]
        panic: interface conversion: interface is runtime.errorString, not string [recovered]
        panic: interface conversion: interface is runtime.errorString, not string
    [signal 0xb code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x3b924]
    goroutine 4 [running]:
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.1/src/pkg/testing/testing.go:348 +0xcd·001()
        ~/src/ +0x9d

    Unfortunately, I can't find appropriate scenario to reproduce this situation, but it happens quite often.

  • Fixed a few race conditions

    Fixed a few race conditions

    List of changes

    • Structures
      • Added field It.failureMu of type sync.RWMutex
      • Added field DetailedReporter.executionTimeMu of type sync.RWMutex
      • Added field FakeReporter.executionTimeMu of type sync.RWMutex
    • Made the methods accessing the fields protected by the new mutexes Lock/RLock the mutex before accessing it


    go test -race on this package revealed multiple race conditions, which should be fixed by this PR.

    Now, the default tests of this package pass with the -race flag without issues.

  • Added interface to allow different printing styles.

    Added interface to allow different printing styles.

    This change is a no-op for existing goblin users. This is only useful if you are running in a terminal that doesn't understand the ansi color codes. This matters to users of go sublime because sublime isnt a terminal so the colors and check make the output hard to read.

  • Feature Request: Xit() to Exclude Test

    Feature Request: Xit() to Exclude Test

    I saw issue #56 has been around for a while with the comment of not having time to add it, and noticed #60 came up recently. Thought I would take a stab at adding it.

    • Adds Itable interface for variations of It
    • Adds Xit struct and methods
    • Adds Yellow fancier for excluded outputs
    • Adds excluded output to reports
    • Updates to include new functionality
  • failing test suite

    failing test suite

    I'm running go test in this repo and the test suite reports a bunch of failures but I'm not sure if they are related to actual bugs or part of the testing. I'd like to add a new simple feature but the fact that I'm not sure if the test suite is passing or failing is a bit worrying.

  • Fix assertion IsNil() failing when passing a nil slice

    Fix assertion IsNil() failing when passing a nil slice

    Previously, such code would fail:

    package main
    import (
    	. ""
    func Test(t *testing.T){
    	g := Goblin(t)
    	g.Describe("Assert(nilSlice).IsNil()", func(){
    		g.It("Should pass assertion", func(){
    			var slice []interface{} = nil
    			g.Assert(slice).IsNil() //fails

    This is because a nil slice is not a nil pointer. Therefore, to know if an interface{} is a nil slice, we can check wether it is a slice or not with reflect.TypeOf(a.src).Kind() == reflect.Slice. In case it is a slice, we can use reflect.ValueOf(a.src).IsNil() to know if a slice is nil or not.

    This PR also adds two test functions TestIsNilWithSlice and TestIsNotNilWithSlice.

  • Accept various types of messages in assertions

    Accept various types of messages in assertions

    Expand all assertions to accept various types of messages to emit as output when the expression evaluates to false. This changes permits unit tests to use any assertion call for returning a message instead of just IsTrue() and IsFalse().

    The change from accepting only strings to any value allows for simplification of unit tests that just print the error string.

    This allows replacing:

    if err != nil {


    g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue(err)

    The logic to format the messages into output relies upon fmt.Sprintf(). It simply concatenates the messages together with one exception: messages that are only whitespace. In this case, it wraps the whitespace with square brackets to make it more obvious that a message was provided albeit unseen.

    Bump CI version of Go to 1.12 which is the oldest version still supported by the Go developers. It is also includes strings.Builder which is needed by the new assertion message code.

    Correct spelling and remove trailing spaces.

  • Table driven tests will test only last item

    Table driven tests will test only last item

    Trying the below code. It should actually fail on first It as it has expected and actual values different.

    import (
    	. ""
    func Test(t *testing.T) {
    	g := Goblin(t)
    	// RegisterFailHandler(func(m string, _ { g.Fail(m) })
    	g.Describe("Holly tessst", func() {
    		loopableLoop := []struct {
    			expected string
    			actual   string
    			expected: "1",
    			actual:   "2",
    				expected: "2",
    				actual:   "2",
    		for _, te := range loopableLoop {
    			g.It(te.expected, func() {
  • Regexp test selector does not seem to work.

    Regexp test selector does not seem to work.

    I cannot see the regexp flag working unless I comment out the flag.Parsed() check in the Goblin constructor. In my tests it seems to always be true even though I do not see where else the flag.Parse() is called.

    func Goblin(t *testing.T, arguments ...string) *G {
    	// if !flag.Parsed() {
    	// }

    Removing the check seems to work well though.

    The command I run is as follows:

    $ go test ./pkg/... -v"regexp"


    $ go test ./pkg/... -v -args"regexp"

    EDIT: I am using go1.11

  • Add JustBeforeEach clause similar to ginkgo which adds more granularity

    Add JustBeforeEach clause similar to ginkgo which adds more granularity

    JustBeforeEach allows you to decouple creation from intialization. Initalization occurs in the JustBeforeEach using configuration specified and modified by a chain of BeforeEachs. This allows for a better code reuse in tests.

    JustBeforeEach fires after BeforeEach but before It for each It in the block. Similar to BeforeEach blocks JustBeforeEach from outer blocks has presedence over the local JustBeforeEach.

    For more info:

    The JustBeforeEach clause allows for doing this:

    var (
        param1, param2 int
        inst           Tested
    g.Describe("Test Suite", func() {
        g.JustBeforeEach(func() {
            inst = NewTested(param1, param2)
        g.Describe("Success", func() {
            g.BeforeEach(func() {
                param1 = 1
                param2 = 2
            g.It("should succeed", func() {
                fmt.Println("inst initialized with new param1 and param2")
        g.Describe("Failure", func() {
            g.BeforeEach(func() {
                param1 = -1
                param2 = -2
            g.It("should fail", func() {
                fmt.Println("inst initialized with new negative param1 and param2")
  • Is it expected, that Goblin doesn't output anything if all tests pass?

    Is it expected, that Goblin doesn't output anything if all tests pass?

    I couldn't find anything about this in the, but whenever I run my tests which all pass, Goblin actually won't output anything and I only see the standard go test output. Is this expected?

  • How to run each test in parallel in test suite?

    How to run each test in parallel in test suite?

    package foobar
    import (
        . ""
    func Test(t *testing.T) {
        g := Goblin(t)
        g.Describe("Numbers", func() {
            // Passing Test
            g.It("Should add two numbers ", func() {
            // Failing Test
            g.It("Should match equal numbers", func() {
            // Pending Test
            g.It("Should substract two numbers")
            // Excluded Test
            g.Xit("Should add two numbers ", func() {
  • NotEqual assertions

    NotEqual assertions

    Nice library, I'm loving the coloured output and the BDD style assertions.

    Just wondering if there is a NotEqual assertion equivalent available or planned?

  • feat: add the ability to skip test suites, hooks

    feat: add the ability to skip test suites, hooks

    • Adds Skip, SkipIf, and Resume methods
    • Skips Before, After, et. al., hooks when there are no tests to actually run
    • Adds tests for skipping
    • Updates tests with nonsense math to pass linting
    • Updates to pass linting (Go standard)
    • Updates module to Go 1.16 (may not be desired upstream?)
    • Documents skipping functionality
  • Request for describe comments to be matched with regexp

    Request for describe comments to be matched with regexp

    I'd like to run particular group of tests described via Describe(), just for developing purposes when I want to debug entire group, so i would really appreciate a separate flag, e.g -goblin.runFullName with the following behavior:

    diff --git a/goblin.go b/goblin.go
    index a4617db..078965c 100644
    --- a/goblin.go
    +++ b/goblin.go
    @@ -284,8 +284,30 @@ func (g *G) SetReporter(r Reporter) {
            g.reporter = r
    +func (g *G) GetFullName(name string) string {
    +       parent := g.parent
    +       names := []string{name}
    +       for parent != nil {
    +               names = append(names,
    +               parent = parent.parent
    +       }
    +       result := ""
    +       for _, n := range names {
    +               if len(result) == 0 {
    +                       result = n
    +                       continue
    +               }
    +               result = n + "." + result
    +       }
    +       return result
     func (g *G) It(name string, h ...interface{}) {
    -       if matchesRegex(name) {
    +       if matchesRegex(g.GetFullName(name)) {
                    it := &It{name: name, parent: g.parent, reporter: g.reporter}
                    if g.parent == nil {
                            panic(fmt.Sprintf("It(\"%s\") block should be written inside Describe() block.", name))
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