Filecoin sector recover





矿商为了降低封装成本,不得不使用裸盘做存储,来降低成本,提高自己的竞争力,往往会直接使用裸盘做扇区的存储。 16T的盘,可以存储130多个32GiB扇区,如果损坏一个硬盘,数据无法恢复要终止扇区,最大损失扇区90天的全网平均收益。

2. NVMe缓存盘坏盘


  • 扇区已经提交了PreCommit消息,但是30内未提交ProveCommit消息,会被销毁PreCommit预质押的FIL;
  • 设置 FinalizeEarly=false,使用先提交ProveCommit再落到存储,等同丢失扇区需要终止扇区。



p1o, err := ffi.SealPreCommitPhase1(




  "RegisteredProof": 9,
  "SectorNumber": 1322006,
  "SealedCid": "bagboea4b5abcasqanjadumno7blvgx4k5pk765cki6vurnpgs2q3trt2trkznhj3",
  "SealRandEpoch": 925221,
  "DealIds": [],
  "Expiration": 2480426,
  "ReplaceCapacity": false,
  "ReplaceSectorDeadline": 0,
  "ReplaceSectorPartition": 0,
  "ReplaceSector": 0



ticket, err := fullNodeApi.ChainGetRandomnessFromTickets(ctx, ts.Key(), crypto.DomainSeparationTag_SealRandomness, ticketEpoch, buf.Bytes())
if err != nil {
    return nil, nil, err



构建filecoin-sealer-recover,你需要安装Go 1.16.4 or higher:

wget -c -O - | sudo tar -xz -C /usr/local



export GOPROXY=,direct  

Build and install

make clean all

sudo make install



sealer-recover -h


export FULLNODE_API_INFO=链节点的token
sealer-recover --miner=f01000 \
    --sectorNum=0 \ 
    --sector-size=32GiB \ 
    --sealing-result=/sector \ 


参数 含义 备注
miner 需要修复扇区的矿工号 必填
sectorNum 需要修复的扇区号 必填
sector-size 需要修复的扇区大小 默认值: 32GiB
sealing-result 修复后的扇区产物路径 默认值: ~/sector
sealing-temp 修复过程的中间产物路径,需要大空间,建议使用NVMe盘 默认值: ~/temp
32GiB # > 512GiB!
64GiB # > 1024GiB!




  • 支持有订单的扇区,通过链的订单id,检索到订单,重新生成pieces。
  • 批量并行执行修复程序





Licensed under Apache 2.0

The most professional filecoin solution provider.
  • 无法导出信息


    出现以下错误的原因是什么?谢谢 2022-01-18T18:28:54.794+0800 ERROR export export/export.go:76 Getting sector (4996) precommit info error: Getting sector PreCommit info err:%!(EXTRA *jsonrpc.respError=(get sset) failed to load miner actor: load state tree: failed to load state tree bafy2bzaceals5hf2qsm5luniq73dg3hl3psvrytzzflscrzl3ftjjdqelh5lo: failed to load hamt node: blockstore: block not found)

  • PreCommitInfo报错



    EXTRA *jsonrpc.respError=(get sset) failed to load miner actor: load state tree: failed to load state tree bafy2bzacec3cvflydfyy64uifinqyrtt6rjovnlxuhp7c7r6ifddojgc7ujdi: failed to load hamt node: blockstore: block not found


  • Which kind of lotus daemon can be used with filecoin-sealer-recover?

    Which kind of lotus daemon can be used with filecoin-sealer-recover?

    I wonder if sealer-recover should be connected to just any lotus daemon (empty isolated node without wallets), or exactly to that daemon that served the miner affected by sectors' corruption?

  • sealer-recover进程总是被系统Kill掉


    time="2021-11-16T09:44:56+08:00" level=info msg="Start sealer recovery!" time="2021-11-16T09:44:56+08:00" level=info msg="Start recover sector(1132569,165), registeredSealProof: 8, ticket: 968633efae73dfed06237073ec1d19ff538380a449323ac1ce49ae4602ad10ce" time="2021-11-16T09:44:56+08:00" level=info msg="Start running AP, sector (165)" 2021-11-16T09:45:53.664 INFO filcrypto::proofs::api > generate_data_commitment: start 2021-11-16T09:45:53.664 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > compute_comm_d:start 2021-11-16T09:45:53.664 INFO filecoin_proofs::pieces > verifying 8192 pieces 2021-11-16T09:45:53.666 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > compute_comm_d:finish 2021-11-16T09:45:53.666 INFO filcrypto::proofs::api > generate_data_commitment: finish time="2021-11-16T09:45:53+08:00" level=info msg="Complete AP, sector (165)" time="2021-11-16T09:45:53+08:00" level=info msg="Start running PreCommit1, sector (165)" 2021-11-16T09:45:53.667 INFO filcrypto::proofs::api > seal_pre_commit_phase1: start 2021-11-16T09:45:53.667 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > seal_pre_commit_phase1:start: SectorId(165) 2021-11-16T09:46:20.258 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > building merkle tree for the original data 2021-11-16T09:47:16.556 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > verifying pieces 2021-11-16T09:47:16.556 INFO filecoin_proofs::pieces > verifying 1 pieces 2021-11-16T09:47:16.556 INFO storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::proof > replicate_phase1 2021-11-16T09:47:16.556 INFO storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::graph > using parent_cache[2048 / 1073741824] 2021-11-16T09:47:16.556 INFO storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::cache > parent cache: opening /nvme0n1/filecoin-proof-parent/v28-sdr-parent-21981246c370f9d76c7a77ab273d94bde0ceb4e938292334960bce05585dc117.cache, verify enabled: false 2021-11-16T09:47:16.556 INFO storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::proof > single core replication 2021-11-16T09:47:16.556 INFO storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::create_label::single > generate labels 2021-11-16T09:47:16.556 INFO storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::create_label::single > generating layer: 1 日记到这里,sealer-recover进程就被系统Kill掉 nohup sealer-recover --miner=f01133568 --sectors=165 --sectors=174 --sealing-result=/nvme1n1/recover --sealing-temp=/nvme1n1/recover/tmp > log.txt &

    echo $! >

  • Can recover support two Nvidia Card?

    Can recover support two Nvidia Card?

    According to code below, It seems P2Lock is single, So only one P2 work to do at once?

    can two card run two P2 work at same time?

  • Where did the old command format go?

    Where did the old command format go?

    It was easy and convenient to work in the old command format. Why was it necessary to split the sector recovery into two operations (data export and recovery itself)?

  • Getting sector (8684) precommit info error

    Getting sector (8684) precommit info error

    I encounter this issue: $ sealer-recover export --miner=f01178141 8684 2022-03-04T11:32:14.749+0800 ERROR export export/export.go:76 Getting sector (8684) precommit info error: Getting sector PreCommit info err:%!(EXTRA *jsonrpc.respError=(get sset) failed to load miner actor: load state tree: failed to load state tree bafy2bzacea2hh3exmmcxj2vppvo2t4t7suagjhrdpt6mv3aimbqpd6viw57dc: failed to load hamt node: blockstore: block not found) export 0 sectors, failt sectors: [] , elapsed: 32.386442ms

    how to solve?

  • Sector (No.) , running PreCommit2  error: sealed cid mismatching!!!

    Sector (No.) , running PreCommit2 error: sealed cid mismatching!!!

    The following error occurs on some recovered sectors:

    2021-12-25T12:02:35.621 INFO storage_proofs_core::data > dropping data /media/sn750/recover-57853956948449/sealed/s-t01222595-5785 2021-12-25T12:02:38.745 INFO filecoin_proofs::api::seal > seal_pre_commit_phase2:finish 2021-12-25T12:02:38.745 INFO filcrypto::proofs::api > seal_pre_commit_phase2: finish INFO[2021-12-25T12:02:38+03:00] Complete PreCommit2, sector ({1222595 5785}) ERRO[2021-12-25T12:02:38+03:00] Sector (5785) , running PreCommit2 error: sealed cid mismatching!!! (sealedCID: bagboea4b5abcb42beroeboobypwj2xvsg2ryc5xttathfol3tre3cioidvpjyhb5, newSealedCID: bagboea4b5abcbtgdq542zczhlmvif7ca5brg374gg5oo5hxfbc6xyjgiuazrpuao) INFO[2021-12-25T12:05:20+03:00] Complete sector (5785)

    What causes it and how to fix it?

  • Successfully restored and moved to storage, notifying miner to declare the sector.

    Successfully restored and moved to storage, notifying miner to declare the sector.

    If the sector is restored successfully, the miner will be notified to declare the sector as soon as possible, then the failure time of this sector can be used. Need to use MINER_API_INFO to quickly declare the new location of the sector by calling the interface StorageDeclareSector.

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扇区修复 Filecoin在封装或挖矿过程中,可能面临扇区数据丢失,那么就要被销毁PreCommit预质押的FIL,或者终止扇区最大损失扇区的90天的收益。扇区修复能修复丢失的文件,来减少或者避免损失。 扇区丢失的原因 1.存储盘坏盘 矿商为了降低封装成本,不得不使用裸盘做存储,来降低成本,提高自己

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