Simple filter query language parser so that you can build SQL, Elasticsearch, etc. queries safely from user input.

fexpr Go Report Card GoDoc

fexpr is a filter query language parser that generates extremely easy to work with AST structure so that you can create safely SQL, Elasticsearch, etc. queries from user input.

Or in other words, transform the string "id > 1" into the struct [{&& {{identifier id} > {number 1}}}].

Supports parenthesis and various conditional expression operators (see Grammar).

Example usage

go get
package main


func main() {
    result, err := fexpr.Parse("id=123 && status='active'")
    // result: [{&& {{identifier id} = {number 123}}} {&& {{identifier status} = {text active}}}]

Note that each parsed expression statement contains a join/union operator (&& or ||) so that the result can be consumed on small chunks without having to rely on the group/nesting context.

See the package documentation for more details and examples.


fexpr grammar resembles the SQL WHERE expression syntax. It recognizes several token types (identifiers, numbers, quoted text, expression operators, whitespaces, etc.).

You could find all supported tokens in scanner.go.


  • = Equal operator (eg. a=b)
  • != NOT Equal operator (eg. a!=b)
  • > Greater than operator (eg. a>b)
  • >= Greater than or equal operator (eg. a>=b)
  • < Less than or equal operator (eg. a)
  • <= Less than or equal operator (eg. a<=b)
  • ~ Like/Contains operator (eg. a~b)
  • !~ NOT Like/Contains operator (eg. a!~b)
  • && AND join operator (eg. a=b && c=d)
  • || OR join operator (eg. a=b || c=d)
  • () Parenthesis (eg. (a=1 && b=2) || (a=3 && b=4))


Number tokens are any integer or decimal numbers. Example: 123, 10.50.


Identifier tokens are literals that start with a letter, _, @ or # and could contain further any number of digits or . (usually used as a separator). Example: id, a.b.c, @request.method, field2.

Quoted text

Text tokens are any literals that are wrapped by ' or " quotes. Example: 'Lorem ipsum dolor 123!', "escaped \"word\"", "mixed 'quotes' are fine".

Using only the scanner

The tokenizer (aka. fexpr.Scanner) could be used without the parser's state machine so that you can write your own custom tokens processing:

123")) // scan single token at a time until EOF or error is reached for { t, err := s.Scan() if t.Type == fexpr.TokenEOF || err != nil { break } fmt.Println(t) } // Output: // {identifier id} // {whitespace } // {sign >} // {whitespace } // {number 123}">
s := fexpr.NewScanner(strings.NewReader("id > 123"))

// scan single token at a time until EOF or error is reached
for {
    t, err := s.Scan()
    if t.Type == fexpr.TokenEOF || err != nil {


// Output:
// {identifier id}
// {whitespace  }
// {sign >}
// {whitespace  }
// {number 123}
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