A lightweight, universal OneDrive upload tool for all platforms



MoeClub wrote a very good version, but unfortunately it's not open source and hasn't been updated in a while. This project is a simple upload tool separate from DownloadBot, making it easier to upload.


  • Supports Business, Personal (Home) versions.
  • Support for uploading files and folders to specified directories, keeping the directory structure as it was before the upload.
  • Supports the use of command parameters for external applications.
  • Support for customising the upload chunk size.
  • Supports multi-threaded uploads (multiple files at the same time).
  • Support for dynamically adjusting the number of retries according to the file size.
  • Supports skipping the existing files with the same name in the OneDrive.
  • Support for real-time monitoring of upload progress via Telegram Bot, for easy monitoring of uploads when using fully automated download scripts.


Login via the following URL (right click to open a new tab)

Business, Personal (Home) versions


Initialization profile

# Business
OneDriveUploader -a "url"

# Business, and use Chinese language pack
OneDriveUploader -a "url" -l zh-CN

# Personal (Home)
OneDriveUploader -a "url" -v 1

# The China Version (Century Internet) is currently in design and is not available
OneDriveUploader -a "url" -v 2

# Get the entire url in the browser address bar starting with http://loaclhost
# Replace the full url with the three letters of the "url" in the command
# Each url generated can only be used once, try again to retrieve the url
# This action will automatically initialise the configuration file


Usage of OneDriveUploader:
  -a string
        //Setup and Init auth.json.
  -b string
        //Set block size. [Unit: M; 5<=b<=60;] (default "10")
  -c string
        //Config file.

  -r string
        //Upload to reomte path.
  -l string
        // Software language
  -f string
        // *Necessary parameters, file or folder to upload
  -t string
        // Number of threads, number of files uploaded at the same time. Default: 3
  -to int
        // The timeout time of a single packet is 60s by default
  -tgbot string
        //Use the Telegram bot to monitor uploads in real time, here you need to fill in the access token of the bot, e.g. 123456789:xxxxxxxxxx, use double quotes to wrap it
  -uid string
        // Use the Telegram bot to monitor uploads in real time, here you need to fill in the recipient's userID, shaped like 123456789
  -m int
        // Select the mode, 0 is to replace the file with the same name in onedrive, 1 is to skip, the default is 0
  -v int
        // Select the version, where 0 is the Business version and 1 is the personal (home) version, the default is 0


    // Authorisation tokens
    "RefreshToken": "1234564567890ABCDEF",
    // Maximum number of threads. (Number of simultaneous file uploads)
    "ThreadNum": 2,
    // Maximum upload chunk size. (The maximum chunk size for each file upload, it is recommended to reduce it if the network is not good. Unit: MB)
    "BlockSize": 10,
    // Maximum single file size. (Currently: 100GB single file limit for Personal Edition (Home Edition); 15GB single file limit for other editions, Microsoft will update to 100GB over time. Unit: GB)
    "SigleFile": 100,
    // If this is the Chinese version (CenturyLink), this should be true.
    "MainLand": false,
    //Software language
    "Language": "zh-CN",
    "TimeOut": 60,
    //Telegram Bot key
    "BotKey": "",
    //Telegram User ID
    "UserID": ""

Note that when a configuration file is used at the same time and the parameters in the configuration file are not the default values, the parameters in the configuration file will be used by default, and when parameters are entered on the command line, the parameters currently entered on the command line will be used and the parameters in the configuration file will be changed. That is, the parameters in the command line take precedence over the parameters in the configuration file and will change the parameters in the configuration file.


# Some examples:

# Upload the mm00.jpg file from the same directory to the root of the OneDrive
OneDriveUploader -c xxx.json -f "mm00.jpg"

# Upload the Download folder from the same directory to the root of the OneDrive
OneDriveUploader -c xxx.json -f "Download" 

# Upload the Download folder from the same directory to the Test directory of the OneDrive
OneDriveUploader -c xxx.json -f "Download" -r "Test"

# Upload the Download folder from the same directory to the root of the OneDrive, using 10 threads
OneDriveUploader -c xxx.json -t 10 -f "Download" 

# Upload the download folder in the same directory to the root directory of onedrive, use 10 threads, and skip the file with the same name
OneDriveUploader -c xxx.json -t 10 -f "Download" -m 1

# Upload the download folder in the same directory to the root directory of onedrive, use 10 threads, and set the timeout to 30 seconds
OneDriveUploader -c xxx.json -t 10 -f "Download" -to 30

# Upload the Download folder from the same directory to the root of the OneDrive, using 10 threads, while using Telegram Bot to monitor the progress of the upload in real time
OneDriveUploader -c xxx.json -t 10 -f "Download" -tgbot "123456:xxxxxxxx" -uid 123456789

# Upload the download folder in the same directory to the root directory of onedrive network disk, use 10 threads, and use the telegram BOT parameter loader in the configuration file to monitor the upload progress in real time (provided that the configuration file contains the parameters of telegram BOT)
OneDriveUploader -c xxx.json -t 10 -f "Download" -tgbot "1"

# Upload the Download folder from the same directory to the root of the OneDrive, using 15 threads, and setting the chunk size to 20M
OneDriveUploader -c xxx.json -t 15 -b 20 -f "Download" 


Returns 0 when there is no problem with the upload, which can be used as evidence of whether the upload has failed or not

  • OD报错


    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x18 pc=0x95641b]

    goroutine 1 [running]: main.DirSize.func1(0x7ffd5e48483f, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0xb93ac0, 0xc00030a210, 0xc000233a80, 0x43d0ce) D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/main.go:241 +0x2b path/filepath.Walk(0x7ffd5e48483f, 0x8, 0xc000233a98, 0xc000233aa8, 0x768afa) D:/program_app/go/src/path/filepath/path.go:404 +0x6a main.DirSize(0x7ffd5e48483f, 0x8, 0xfcb820, 0x0, 0x0) D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/main.go:240 +0x66 main.main() D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/main.go:329 +0x107d

  • 尝试授权时提示报错


    panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 0

    goroutine 1 [running]: main/graph/net/http.getAccessToken(0x7ffdee3a283d, 0x3e, 0x0, 0xaba01c, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0) D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/graph/net/http/OAuth2.go:115 +0xc41 main/graph/net/http.NewPassCheck(0x7ffdee3a283d, 0x3e, 0x0, 0xaba01c, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0) D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/graph/net/http/OAuth2.go:42 +0x92 main.ApplyForNewPass(0x7ffdee3a283d, 0x3e, 0x0, 0x5f, 0x0) D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/main.go:32 +0x101 main.main() D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/main.go:403 +0xc0d


  • 关于Google Driver上传的两个问题

    关于Google Driver上传的两个问题

    我根据您博客上的文章进行设置,成功设置了Google Driver的配置文件并且使用命令成功进行了手动上传,非常感谢您,但是在上传过程中出现了一些令人不悦的小问题,在这里想请问一下。 1.在上传时,无法使用-r参数设置上传的目录,只能上传至根目录,我不太清楚这个是不是目前的限制。 2.在上传时,除了上传我所需要的文件,另外它(Download bot)还在我Google Driver的根目录建立了一个同名文件夹。 3.我注意到您博客上的文章中使用“”将上传的文件和目标目录包覆了起来,我不太明白这样做的必要性,因为我尝试过不使用“”,发现也是同样可以使用的。

    最后附上为数不多的日志:/root/LightUploader -c xxxx.json -f "/path/bakfile" -r "/backup" /path/bakfile 开始上传,大小: xx KB2021/09/27 22:28:42 /bakfile /root /path `bakfile开始上传至Google Drive

  • 同样上传出错


    cpu卡死后重启再上传显示: 2021/05/14 16:59:13 EOF panic: EOF

    goroutine 1 [running]: log.Panicln(0xc00003fdc8, 0x1, 0x1) D:/program_app/go/src/log/log.go:365 +0xac main.main() D:/program_data/go/onedrive/main.go:290 +0x1695

  • 大佬,这是什么问题


    LightUploader -c XXXX.json -f “/root/down/.rtorrent/犬夜叉/” panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x18 pc=0x95781b]

  • GD初始化报错


    root@ecs-FalW8:~# LightUploader -v 3
    panic: message "googleDriveGetAccess" not found in language "en"
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    github.com/nicksnyder/go-i18n/v2/i18n.(*Localizer).MustLocalize(0xc0004673a0, 0xc0003afd78, 0x2, 0x2)
            D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/vendor/github.com/nicksnyder/go-i18n/v2/i18n/localizer.go:211 +0x79
            D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/main.go:392 +0x766


  • 上传GD一段时间后报错



    /root/LightUploader -c /root/[email protected] -t 1 -f "XXXX" -tgbot "XXXXXX" -uid XXXXX

    2022/03/09 14:43:47 Telegram Send Error:Too Many Requests: retry after 122
    panic: Telegram Send Error:Too Many Requests: retry after 122
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    log.Panicf({0xc0000de620, 0x22}, {0xc0017211d8, 0xc0017211c8, 0x3})
            D:/program_app/go/src/log/log.go:361 +0x67
    main.botSend({0x7ffc536bb31f, 0x95bbf8}, {0x7ffc536bb353, 0xc00013407e}, {0xc00049a7c0, 0x36})
            D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/main.go:218 +0x565
    main/googledrive.UploadAllFile({0xc000134050, 0x43}, {0xc001105d50, 0x1, 0x1}, 0xc0003a2400, 0xc0000001a0, {0xc000028180, 0x11}, 0xc000060280, ...)
            D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/googledrive/gdUpload.go:205 +0x183
    main/googledrive.UploadAllFile({0x7ffc536bb2ea, 0x2d}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, 0xc0003a2400, 0xa, {0xc000028180, 0x11}, 0xc000060280, ...)
            D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/googledrive/gdUpload.go:253 +0xb6c
    main/googledrive.Upload({0x7ffc536bb2c5, 0x1c}, {0x7ffc536bb2ea, 0x2d}, 0x100000000000000, 0x98a888, 0x10, 0x10, {0x95bd94, 0x2}, ...)
            D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/googledrive/gdUpload.go:435 +0x414
            D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/main.go:375 +0x101d
  • 无法上传整个文件夹


    panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [6:5]

    goroutine 43 [running]: main.main.func1({0x95ced6, 0x5}) D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/main.go:355 +0x188 main.restore.func1.2({0x95ced6, 0x5}) D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/main.go:133 +0x45 main.restore.func1({0xc000330e40, 0xb1}, {0xc00000e5c0, {0x95cce7, 0xd9e52226927933fa}}) D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/main.go:152 +0x645 created by main.restore D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/main.go:121 +0x80f

  • 上传报错


    文件小于4MB,进入小文件通道,上传中 2021/12/19 10:33:50 无法还原 :EOF panic: 无法还原 :EOF

    goroutine 16 [running]: log.Panicf(0xc00027fa40, 0x10, 0xc000075a20, 0x1, 0x1) D:/program_app/go/src/log/log.go:358 +0xc7 main/api/restore/upload.(*RestoreService).SimpleUploadToOriginalLoc(0xc000006580, 0xc00001db00, 0x24, 0xc0000c2000, 0x760, 0xab4969, 0x7, 0xc000018140, 0xd, 0xc000283a10, ...) D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/api/restore/upload/onedriveRestore.go:112 +0xafe main.restore.func1(0xc000296770, 0xc00004d680, 0xc0002cbd30, 0xc0002ea840, 0xc000283bc0, 0xe, 0xc000283bce, 0x24, 0xc00027fe00, 0x18, ...) D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/main.go:131 +0x559 created by main.restore D:/program_data/go/LightUploader/main.go:110 +0x245

    文件以时间命名只有中文和数字 大小为7.67 MB (8,049,325 字节) 只有这一个出错了 而且文件大于4m

  • linux 下无法上传

    linux 下无法上传

    Centos7 64 个人版 小文件提示:

    2021/08/22 15:05:16 无法还原 :EOF   
    panic: 无法还原 :EOF      


    文件: `xxx` 开始上传至OneDrive     



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