A go implementation of Verkle trees


A very experimental implementation of Verkle trees. When production-ready, the code is to be split between go-kzg and go-ethereum.


  • Nodes have 1024 children. More size should be supported, but it hasn't been tested. #7946dbeb
  • Generated proofs are currently incorrect. #794f78fb
  • Proofs are given in pi and rho form, not sigma form #79570617

Running the tests

$ go test .

The test called TestProofVerifyTwoLeaves is currently broken, all other tests should pass.

  • Figure out why Kilic is so slow

    Figure out why Kilic is so slow

    A mainnet tree conversion with kilic is ~2x as slow as with herumi. I doubt it's entirely due to the library being slower. This is a tracking issue to figure out if the problem is indeed on the kilic side or if it's based on our usage of it.

  • bench: group to field

    bench: group to field

    BenchmarkGroupToField/single-16                   793231              1506 ns/op
    BenchmarkGroupToField/multiple/1-16               539619              1862 ns/op              1862 ns/value          144 B/op          6 allocs/op
    BenchmarkGroupToField/multiple/2-16               520746              2251 ns/op              1125 ns/value          336 B/op          8 allocs/op
    BenchmarkGroupToField/multiple/4-16               343665              3501 ns/op               875.2 ns/value        736 B/op         12 allocs/op
    BenchmarkGroupToField/multiple/8-16               178898              6015 ns/op               751.8 ns/value       1530 B/op         17 allocs/op
    BenchmarkGroupToField/multiple/16-16              116660             10384 ns/op               649.0 ns/value       3124 B/op         25 allocs/op
    BenchmarkGroupToField/multiple/32-16               67484             17460 ns/op               545.6 ns/value       6312 B/op         39 allocs/op
    BenchmarkGroupToField/multiple/64-16               35632             35094 ns/op               548.4 ns/value      12713 B/op         68 allocs/op
    BenchmarkGroupToField/multiple/128-16              18733             65418 ns/op               511.1 ns/value      25435 B/op        114 allocs/op
    BenchmarkGroupToField/multiple/256-16               8793            137116 ns/op               535.6 ns/value      50922 B/op        210 allocs/op
  • kililc give different commitments depending on the value of multiExpThreshold

    kililc give different commitments depending on the value of multiExpThreshold

    multiExpThreshold == 45:

    INFO [05-18|19:42:21.287] Iterating state snapshot                 accounts=114215117 slots=400207177 elapsed=12h21m26.912s eta=2.205s
    INFO [05-18|19:42:21.537] Iterated snapshot                        accounts=114215117 slots=400223042 elapsed=12h21m27.162s
    INFO [05-18|19:42:21.537] Computed verkle tree                     root hash="542518…3afdb6"
    INFO [05-18|19:42:21.539] Number of nodes written to DB

    multiExpThreshold == 20:

    INFO [05-19|04:00:27.202] Iterating state snapshot                 accounts=114215117 slots=400208359 elapsed=15h45m18.981s eta=3.19s
    INFO [05-19|04:00:27.785] Iterated snapshot                        accounts=114215117 slots=400223042 elapsed=15h45m19.564s
    INFO [05-19|04:00:27.785] Computed verkle tree                     root hash="2c9607…dcf64f"
    INFO [05-19|04:00:27.787] Number of nodes written to DB

    Looks the same number of nodes didn't get written to othe db, which certainly explains the time difference. Is it also the reason for obtaining different roots?

  • Unrelated tests failing in geth CI

    Unrelated tests failing in geth CI

    See [this build failure]https://ci.appveyor.com/project/ethereum/go-ethereum/builds/41512143/job/ef4490waxtngwnpy)

    For instance, we have the following issues:

    --- FAIL: TestCheckpointRegister (0.01s)
    panic: undefined value in witness [recovered]
    	panic: undefined value in witness
    goroutine 11 [running]:

    Other tests point to an uninitialized AccessWitness

  • BlockCancun commit had to be reverted after switch to IPA

    BlockCancun commit had to be reverted after switch to IPA

    After the switch to IPA, the changes introduced in 688952b18b56dcdcf1bb90ab7646b1a8f330214f seem to no longer work.

    In particular, the following command

    rm -rf .verkle && go build -tags bignum_kilic ./cmd/geth/... && ./geth init genesis_verkle.json && ./geth --datadir=.verkle --nodiscover --mine --miner.threads=1 --http --http.corsdomain="*" --networkid 86 --http.rpcprefix="/verkle" --miner.etherbase=0x617661d148A52bef51a268C728b3A21B58f94306

    fails during the init stage, because it tries to (de)serialize a verkle node as a regular MPT node. Not sure why this failed, but I had to revert it in d95451bdba7a4ebc825e7423e01ad0f0af4ffe6d in order to be able to run it.

  • Contract creation fails

    Contract creation fails

    Sending a transaction to create a contract causes a panic:

    panic: trying to produce a commitment for an empty subtree
    goroutine 62 [running]:
    	/home/gballet/go/pkg/mod/github.com/gballet/[email protected]/tree.go:857
    github.com/gballet/go-verkle.(*InternalNode).GetCommitmentsAlongPath(0xc0006ac410, {0xc0128788c0, 0x20, 0x20})
    	/home/gballet/go/pkg/mod/github.com/gballet/[email protected]/tree.go:580 +0xcc
    github.com/gballet/go-verkle.GetCommitmentsForMultiproof({0x75ad18, 0xc0006ac410}, {0xc00030b040, 0xd, 0xd})
    	/home/gballet/go/pkg/mod/github.com/gballet/[email protected]/proof.go:189 +0x20a
    github.com/gballet/go-verkle.MakeVerkleMultiProof({0x75ad18, 0xc0006ac410}, {0xc00030b040, 0xd, 0xd})
    	/home/gballet/go/pkg/mod/github.com/gballet/[email protected]/proof.go:207 +0xc5
    github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/trie.(*VerkleTrie).ProveAndSerialize(0xc0000c0768, {0xc00030b040, 0xd, 0xd}, 0xc012d8cba0)
    	/usr/home/gballet/src/go-ethereum/trie/verkle.go:187 +0x76
    github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/miner.(*worker).commit(0xc0000b1b00, {0xc0000709a0, 0x0, 0x2}, 0x0, 0x1, {0xc056bd6b867e7087, 0xbac6fadd9d5, 0x20f5c40})
    	/usr/home/gballet/src/go-ethereum/miner/worker.go:1038 +0x22d
    github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/miner.(*worker).commitNewWork(0xc0000b1b00, 0xc012631f98, 0x1, 0x617a7e16)
    	/usr/home/gballet/src/go-ethereum/miner/worker.go:1022 +0x13c5
    	/usr/home/gballet/src/go-ethereum/miner/worker.go:460 +0x505
    created by github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/miner.newWorker
    	/usr/home/gballet/src/go-ethereum/miner/worker.go:232 +0x817
  • Proof verification fails at higher powers of z

    Proof verification fails at higher powers of z

    VerifyVerkleProof seems unable to accept proofs made by MakeVerkleProofOneLeaf when the polynomial is at a higher degree.

    In practice, the values generated for y_is in the verifier are different from the ones generated in the prover. Injecting the y_is from the prover into the verifier solve the problem.

  • Use CoW in node insert + code simplification

    Use CoW in node insert + code simplification

    This PR is a major refactor that is needed to introduce various optimizations for the block replay:


    • Use a "copy-on-write" approach in InternalNode : the commitment of a node is updated from only the commitments of its children that were written to with Insert or Delete. That computation is intended to be performed once, at the end of a block creation/verification.
    • Use MapToScalarField to speed up some stuff, although this is already covered by #291 so it won't be integrated here.


    • StatelessNode and InternalNode no longer use diff-insert, as multiple children will typically be updated during block execution
    • LeafNode uses diff-insert, as insertion into this type of nodes typically happen only once per block
    • LeafNodeCommit therefore no longer perform any calculation
    • InternalNode.Commit on the other hand, will only recompute the commitment contribution from the nodes that were written to.
    • Simplify the code by merging Insert and InsertStem, as well as InsertOrdered and InsertStemOrdered.

    This PR shaves roughly 20% of the execution time, compared to master.

  • Implement CoW for stateless internal nodes

    Implement CoW for stateless internal nodes

    Implement copy-on-write of commitments for StatelessNode as well.

    This effectively breaks stateless leaf nodes, which isn't a problem because it is not used in geth at the moment, and a rewrite of the child node management is necessary before geth can execute statelessly again.

  • remove the delete method from VerkleNode

    remove the delete method from VerkleNode

    Verkle trees do not support deletion. The value should be overwritten with 0s instead. As new code paths get added with e.g. differential insertion, reducing the maintenance scope by removing methods that are not necessary make sense.

  • Measure impact of Bandersnatch optimizations in go-verkle

    Measure impact of Bandersnatch optimizations in go-verkle

    This PR is only to show and test further the impact of the optimization I proposed in https://github.com/crate-crypto/go-ipa/pull/18 for this repo, since most of the heavy lifting comes from using that dependency for the Bandersnatch elliptic curve implementation.

    Here's a bench comparison between master (i.e: current Bandersnatch implementation):

    name                                        old time/op    new time/op    delta
    ProofCalculation-16                            18.2s ± 1%      6.6s ± 1%  -63.85%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    ProofVerification-16                          34.9ms ± 1%    30.3ms ± 1%  -13.23%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    CommitLeaves/insert/leaves/1000-16             212ms ± 3%      81ms ± 2%  -62.04%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    CommitLeaves/insertOrdered/leaves/1000-16      214ms ± 0%      81ms ± 1%  -62.31%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    CommitLeaves/insert/leaves/10000-16            2.10s ± 0%     0.77s ± 1%  -63.37%  (p=0.006 n=4+7)
    CommitLeaves/insertOrdered/leaves/10000-16     2.13s ± 1%     0.78s ± 1%  -63.52%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    CommitFullNode-16                             40.6ms ± 2%    14.9ms ± 2%  -63.36%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    ModifyLeaves-16                                2.72s ± 1%     1.64s ± 0%  -39.74%  (p=0.003 n=5+7)
    name                                        old alloc/op   new alloc/op   delta
    ProofCalculation-16                           5.05GB ± 0%    2.75GB ± 0%  -45.56%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    ProofVerification-16                          7.48MB ± 0%    0.17MB ± 0%  -97.72%  (p=0.004 n=5+6)
    CommitLeaves/insert/leaves/1000-16            58.8MB ± 0%    34.2MB ± 0%  -41.81%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    CommitLeaves/insertOrdered/leaves/1000-16     58.9MB ± 0%    34.3MB ± 0%  -41.77%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    CommitLeaves/insert/leaves/10000-16            562MB ± 0%     324MB ± 0%  -42.32%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    CommitLeaves/insertOrdered/leaves/10000-16     563MB ± 0%     325MB ± 0%  -42.28%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    CommitFullNode-16                             13.4MB ± 0%     8.0MB ± 0%  -40.38%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    ModifyLeaves-16                                740MB ± 0%     319MB ± 0%  -56.83%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    name                                        old allocs/op  new allocs/op  delta
    ProofCalculation-16                            30.0M ± 0%      1.3M ± 0%  -95.68%  (p=0.003 n=5+7)
    ProofVerification-16                            115k ± 0%        1k ± 0%  -99.28%  (p=0.003 n=5+7)
    CommitLeaves/insert/leaves/1000-16              328k ± 0%       15k ± 0%  -95.39%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    CommitLeaves/insertOrdered/leaves/1000-16       331k ± 0%       18k ± 0%  -94.56%  (p=0.000 n=5+8)
    CommitLeaves/insert/leaves/10000-16            3.18M ± 0%     0.14M ± 0%  -95.50%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    CommitLeaves/insertOrdered/leaves/10000-16     3.21M ± 0%     0.17M ± 0%  -94.64%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    CommitFullNode-16                              71.2k ± 0%      3.3k ± 0%  -95.36%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    ModifyLeaves-16                                5.95M ± 0%     0.22M ± 0%  -96.32%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)

    TL;DR for proof calculation:

    • A reduction of 63.85% in computation time, most coming from avoiding 95.68% allocations.
    • Indirectly, we reduced 45.56% memory usage.

    TL;DR for proof verification:

    • A reduction of 13.23% in computation time, most coming from avoiding 99.28% allocations.
    • Indirectly, we reduced 97.72% memory usage.

    I wonder if there's any other way the performance of this repo is being measured. This branch is totally open to exploring that if feels that the work on the elliptic curve implementation can be considered to be merged.

  • condrieu: method handler crashed

    condrieu: method handler crashed

    Deploying AAVE v2 on Condrieu fails with the following problem:

    ERROR[12-16|12:05:47.482] RPC method eth_estimateGas crashed: gas pool pushed above uint64
    WARN [12-16|12:05:47.482] Served eth_estimateGas                   conn=[::1]:42714           reqid=825                                  duration=170.401096ms err="method handler crashed"
  • Multiple performance improvements

    Multiple performance improvements

    This PR contains multiple performance improvements that will be explained in PR comments.

    These changes were motivated by optimizing the benchmarks in this go-ethereum draft PR. It's recommended to see that PR first so you have a top-down approach to understanding the changes.

    Of course, this had a noticeable impact on the benchmarks of this repo too:

    name                                        old time/op    new time/op    delta
    ProofCalculation-16                            1.87s ± 2%     0.08s ± 3%  -95.75%  (p=0.003 n=5+7)
    ProofVerification-16                          26.9ms ± 2%    26.5ms ± 1%     ~     (p=0.171 n=5+8)
    GroupToField/single-16                        1.53µs ± 2%    1.45µs ± 2%   -5.08%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    GroupToField/multiple/1-16                    1.61µs ± 4%    1.57µs ± 3%   -2.94%  (p=0.048 n=5+7)
    GroupToField/multiple/2-16                    1.83µs ± 4%    1.73µs ± 1%   -5.24%  (p=0.003 n=5+7)
    GroupToField/multiple/4-16                    2.53µs ± 2%    2.38µs ± 3%   -5.88%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    GroupToField/multiple/8-16                    3.96µs ± 4%    3.75µs ± 2%   -5.36%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    GroupToField/multiple/16-16                   6.26µs ± 3%    6.01µs ± 1%   -4.10%  (p=0.003 n=5+8)
    GroupToField/multiple/32-16                   11.2µs ± 4%    10.9µs ± 2%   -2.55%  (p=0.006 n=5+8)
    GroupToField/multiple/64-16                   21.5µs ± 3%    20.9µs ± 2%   -2.99%  (p=0.006 n=5+8)
    GroupToField/multiple/128-16                  40.2µs ± 2%    39.3µs ± 0%   -2.29%  (p=0.003 n=5+7)
    GroupToField/multiple/256-16                  79.8µs ± 4%    77.8µs ± 1%   -2.54%  (p=0.010 n=5+7)
    CommitLeaves/insert/leaves/1000-16            47.2ms ± 2%    11.9ms ± 3%  -74.71%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    CommitLeaves/insertOrdered/leaves/1000-16     66.2ms ± 3%    66.5ms ± 4%     ~     (p=0.833 n=5+8)
    CommitLeaves/insert/leaves/10000-16            471ms ± 2%      65ms ± 5%  -86.19%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    CommitLeaves/insertOrdered/leaves/10000-16     626ms ± 1%     830ms ± 2%  +32.68%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)
    CommitFullNode-16                             6.30ms ± 5%    5.12ms ± 2%  -18.66%  (p=0.003 n=5+7)
    ModifyLeaves-16                                380ms ± 4%     169ms ± 3%  -55.40%  (p=0.002 n=5+8)

    Note: this PR is optimistically sitting on top of another branch of go-ipa that has other optimizations. I'll update the go.mod to the official commit when that gets merged. Only after we do that, the replay block GH action will run correctly for go.mod editing reasons.

  • conversion: use Copy on Write with `InsertOrdered`

    conversion: use Copy on Write with `InsertOrdered`

    The current behavior of InsertOrdered is to compute the commitment of any subtree as soon as it is determined that values will no longer be inserted. This is to save memory.

    Because of this, toFr is called multiple times on a given node, and that is wasteful since toMultipleFr could be called if these subtrees were kept in RAM a bit longer. One idea would be to:

    1. implement copy on write in InsertOrdered too
    2. keep the current behavior of InsertOrdered at depth < 2
    3. not flush nodes at greater depth unless their parent are flushed
    4. use toMultipleFr to save on the division when serializing deeper nodes, hoping to benefit from the performance of serializing several points at the same time
  • Sateless delete is wrong

    Sateless delete is wrong

    In stateless, Delete simply inserts value 0. This is incorrect, as the stateful version will first check if the leaf to delete is present, and will return an error if it's not.

  • Use a versionned hash for the tree root

    Use a versionned hash for the tree root

    In order for rollups to use verkle trees, we are considering adding turning the root of the verkle tree into a versionned hash, so that it can be verified by the same (athough modified) precompile that is used in eip-4844.

    The version number remains to be picked.

    The first byte of the (pedersen hash of) the root commitment is replaced with the version number, and the dropped byte is added to the proof payload, for the precompile to be able to reconstruct the full tree from the proof.

  • faster algorithm for lagrange precomputes

    faster algorithm for lagrange precomputes

    Maybe you already know about this faster algorithm. I was not able to find the part of the go-verkle code that generates the precompute.

    The faster algorithm seems to be around 128x faster.

    I implemented this faster precompute algorithm in the version of the verkle tree I am working on https://github.com/zack-bitcoin/verkle/blob/master/src/crypto/poly.erl#L255 poly:calc_DA

    The naive algorithm is like this. There are 256 base polynomials. You multiply up every possible combination of 255 of them, to make another set of 256 polynomials. This second set of polynomials is all added together to calculate the precompute.

    In the faster algorithm, we are taking advantage of the fact that many polynomials in the second set, they share factors. So we don't need to multiply those shared factors together more than once.

    A simple example. the base polynomials are [a, b, c, d, e, f]. So the second set of polynomials is [abcde, abcdf, abcef, abdef, acdef, bcdef].

    the order of multiplications is like ab abc abcd abcde

    then from the other direction. fe fed fedc fedcb

    Then we can multiply pairs of these things together. f * abcd = abcdf fe * abc = abcef fed * ab = abdef fedc * a = acdef

    and now we have the 6 polynomials we need to add together.

    I think this is the go code that is doing the precompute https://github.com/crate-crypto/go-ipa/blob/master/banderwagon/precomp_multiexp.go#L156 but I can't understand it very well.

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