go irc client for twitch.tv

go-twitch-irc Coverage Status

This is an irc client for connecting to twitch. It handles the annoying stuff like irc tag parsing. I highly recommend reading the documentation below, but this readme gives a basic overview of the functionality.

Documentation: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gempir/go-twitch-irc/v2?tab=doc

Getting Started

package main

import (


func main() {
	// or client := twitch.NewAnonymousClient() for an anonymous user (no write capabilities)
	client := twitch.NewClient("yourtwitchusername", "oauth:123123123")

	client.OnPrivateMessage(func(message twitch.PrivateMessage) {


	err := client.Connect()
	if err != nil {

Available Data

The twitch.User and MessageType structs reflect the data Twitch provides, minus any fields that have been marked as deprecated:

type User struct {
	ID          string
	Name        string
	DisplayName string
	Color       string
	Badges      map[string]int

type WhisperMessage struct {
	User User

	Raw       string
	Type      MessageType
	RawType   string
	Tags      map[string]string
	Message   string
	Target    string
	MessageID string
	ThreadID  string
	Emotes    []*Emote
	Action    bool

type PrivateMessage struct {
	User User

	Raw     string
	Type    MessageType
	RawType string
	Tags    map[string]string
	Message string
	Channel string
	RoomID  string
	ID      string
	Time    time.Time
	Emotes  []*Emote
	Bits    int
	Action  bool

type ClearChatMessage struct {
	Raw            string
	Type           MessageType
	RawType        string
	Tags           map[string]string
	Message        string
	Channel        string
	RoomID         string
	Time           time.Time
	BanDuration    int
	TargetUserID   string
	TargetUsername string

type ClearMessage struct {
	Raw         string
	Type        MessageType
	RawType     string
	Tags        map[string]string
	Message     string
	Channel     string
	Login       string
	TargetMsgID string

type RoomStateMessage struct {
	Raw     string
	Type    MessageType
	RawType string
	Tags    map[string]string
	Message string
	Channel string
	RoomID  string
	State   map[string]int

type UserNoticeMessage struct {
	User User

	Raw       string
	Type      MessageType
	RawType   string
	Tags      map[string]string
	Message   string
	Channel   string
	RoomID    string
	ID        string
	Time      time.Time
	Emotes    []*Emote
	MsgID     string
	MsgParams map[string]string
	SystemMsg string

type UserStateMessage struct {
	User User

	Raw       string
	Type      MessageType
	RawType   string
	Tags      map[string]string
	Message   string
	Channel   string
	EmoteSets []string

type GlobalUserStateMessage struct {
	User User

	Raw       string
	Type      MessageType
	RawType   string
	Tags      map[string]string
	EmoteSets []string

type NoticeMessage struct {
	Raw     string
	Type    MessageType
	RawType string
	Tags    map[string]string
	Message string
	Channel string
	MsgID   string

type UserJoinMessage struct {
	// Channel name
	Channel string

	// User name
	User string

type UserPartMessage struct {
	// Channel name
	Channel string

	// User name
	User string

For unsupported message types, we return RawMessage:

type RawMessage struct {
	Raw     string
	Type    MessageType
	RawType string
	Tags    map[string]string
	Message string

Available Methods

ParseMessage parses a raw Twitch IRC message into a User and a message object. User can be nil.

func ParseMessage(line string) (*User, interface{})

Client Methods

These are the available methods of the client so you can get your bot going:

func (c *Client) Say(channel, text string)
func (c *Client) Whisper(username, text string)
func (c *Client) Join(channel string)
func (c *Client) Depart(channel string)
func (c *Client) Userlist(channel string) ([]string, error)
func (c *Client) Connect() error
func (c *Client) Disconnect() error


On your client you can configure multiple options:

client.IrcAddress = "" // for custom irc server
client.TLS = false // enabled by default, will connect to non TLS server of twitch when off or the given client.IrcAddress
client.SetupCmd = "LOGIN custom_command_here" // Send a custom command on successful IRC connection, before authentication.
client.Capabilities = []string{twitch.TagsCapability, twitch.CommandsCapability} // Customize which capabilities are sent

Option modifications must be done before calling Connect on the client.


By default, the client sends along all 3 Twitch capabilities (Tags, Commands, Membership).


These callbacks are available to pass to the client:

client.OnConnect(func() {})
client.OnPrivateMessage(func(message PrivateMessage) {})
client.OnWhisperMessage(func(message WhisperMessage) {})
client.OnClearChatMessage(func(message ClearChatMessage) {})
client.OnClearMessage(func(message ClearMessage) {})
client.OnRoomStateMessage(func(message RoomStateMessage) {})
client.OnUserNoticeMessage(func(message UserNoticeMessage) {})
client.OnUserStateMessage(func(message UserStateMessage) {})
client.OnGlobalUserStateMessage(func(message GlobalUserStateMessage) {})
client.OnNoticeMessage(func(message NoticeMessage) {})
client.OnUserJoinMessage(func(message UserJoinMessage) {})
client.OnUserPartMessage(func(message UserPartMessage) {})

Message Types

If you ever need more than basic PRIVMSG, this might be for you. These are the message types currently supported:

  • Refactor message parsing

    Refactor message parsing

    Resolves #5

    I have included the updated API at the bottom.

    Major Changes

    • Removed stuttering from User
    • Split Message into structs for each message type
    • Change message.Text to message.Message to match Twitch documentation
    • Remove channel from callbacks as message types that are sent in a channel contain this information
    • Remove user from callbacks where the message type doesn't send user data
    • Change OnNewUnsetMessage to send RawMessage. This provides the user with more information, including RawType and Tags, for unsupported message types.
    • Remove ParseMessage
    • Add ERRORMESSAGE MessageType for when we fail to parse a message
    • Move parseMessage functions to methods of message to reduce global functions
    • Added and updated tests


    • When you hover over a message struct, it shows the embedded structs, but not the variables they contain. These were initially added to reduce code duplication. Should we move the the variables directly into the message structs for usability?


    • This is mute if we decide to move the variables directly into the message struct. If not, I'm unsure about the name of chatMessage. The others accurately describe the common variables. Any ideas for a better name?
    • At the moment, we send UserNoticeMessage.MsgParams as a map[string]interface{} and convert certain values to ints or bools. Should we continue to do this, or send it as a map[string]string, which is what we get directly from Twitch?


    All of the information available, or relevant, to the users.


    // User data you receive from TMI
    type User struct {
    	ID          string // Not in USERSTATE
    	Name        string
    	DisplayName string
    	Color       string
    	Badges      map[string]int
    // RawMessage data you receive from TMI
    type RawMessage struct {
    // WhisperMessage data you receive from WHISPER message type
    type WhisperMessage struct {
    // PrivateMessage data you receive from PRIVMSG message type
    type PrivateMessage struct {
    	Bits int
    // ClearChatMessage data you receive from CLEARCHAT message type
    type ClearChatMessage struct {
    	MsgID          string // Clear, Ban, Timeout
    	BanDuration    int
    	TargetUserID   string
    	TargetUsername string
    // RoomStateMessage data you receive from ROOMSTATE message type
    type RoomStateMessage struct {
    	Language string
    	State    map[string]int
    // UserNoticeMessage  data you receive from USERNOTICE message type
    type UserNoticeMessage struct {
    	MsgID     string
    	MsgParams map[string]interface{}
    	SystemMsg string
    // UserStateMessage data you receive from the USERSTATE message type
    type UserStateMessage struct {
    	EmoteSets []string
    // NoticeMessage data you receive from the NOTICE message type
    type NoticeMessage struct {
    	MsgID string
    // OnNewWhisper attach callback to new whisper
    func (c *Client) OnNewWhisper(callback func(user User, message WhisperMessage)) {
    	c.onNewWhisper = callback
    // OnNewMessage attach callback to new standard chat messages
    func (c *Client) OnNewMessage(callback func(user User, message PrivateMessage)) {
    	c.onNewMessage = callback
    // OnNewClearchatMessage attach callback to new messages such as timeouts
    func (c *Client) OnNewClearChatMessage(callback func(message ClearChatMessage)) {
    	c.onNewClearchatMessage = callback
    // OnNewRoomstateMessage attach callback to new messages such as submode enabled
    func (c *Client) OnNewRoomStateMessage(callback func(message RoomStateMessage)) {
    	c.onNewRoomstateMessage = callback
    // OnNewUsernoticeMessage attach callback to new usernotice message such as sub, resub, and raids
    func (c *Client) OnNewUserNoticeMessage(callback func(user User, message UserNoticeMessage)) {
    	c.onNewUsernoticeMessage = callback
    // OnNewUserstateMessage attach callback to new userstate
    func (c *Client) OnNewUserStateMessage(callback func(user User, message UserStateMessage)) {
    	c.onNewUserstateMessage = callback
    // OnNewNoticeMessage attach callback to new notice message such as hosts
    func (c *Client) OnNewNoticeMessage(callback func(message NoticeMessage)) {
    	c.onNewNoticeMessage = callback
    // OnNewUnsetMessage attaches callback to message types we currently don't support
    func (c *Client) OnNewUnsetMessage(callback func(message RawMessage)) {
    	c.onNewUnsetMessage = callback
    // OnNewErrorMessage attaches callback to messages that didn't parse properly. Should only be used if you're debugging the message parsing.
    func (c *Client) OnNewErrorMessage(callback func(message RawMessage)) {
    	c.onNewErrorMessage = callback


    // MessageType different message types possible to receive via IRC
    type MessageType int
    const (
    	// ERROR is for messages that didn't parse properly
    	ERROR MessageType = -2
    	// UNSET is for message types we currently don't support
    	UNSET MessageType = -1
    	// WHISPER private messages
    	WHISPER MessageType = 0
    	// PRIVMSG standard chat message
    	PRIVMSG MessageType = 1
    	// CLEARCHAT timeout messages
    	CLEARCHAT MessageType = 2
    	// ROOMSTATE changes like sub mode
    	ROOMSTATE MessageType = 3
    	// USERNOTICE messages like subs, resubs, raids, etc
    	USERNOTICE MessageType = 4
    	// USERSTATE messages
    	USERSTATE MessageType = 5
    	// NOTICE messages like sub mode, host on
    	NOTICE MessageType = 6
    type rawMessage struct {
    	Type    MessageType
    	RawType string
    	Raw     string
    	Tags    map[string]string
    	Message string
    type channelMessage struct {
    	Channel string
    type roomMessage struct {
    	RoomID string
    // Unsure of a better name, but this isn't entirely descriptive of the contents
    type chatMessage struct {
    	ID   string // Not in CLEARCHAT
    	Time time.Time
    type userMessage struct {
    	Action bool
    	Emotes []*Emote
    // Emote twitch emotes
    type Emote struct {
    	Name  string
    	ID    string
    	Count int
  • Connection not becoming active

    Connection not becoming active

    The message

    :tmi.twitch.tv 001 justinfan123123 :Welcome, GLHF! is somehow not evaluated correctly because Strings.HasPrefix doesn't work on the raw message. Strings.Contains works. Something with the PR #7 must have caused this.


    Pushing a quickfix with Strings.Contains for now

    We should do some tests that actually connect to twitch, or need to improve our Mock

  • Clean up message parsing

    Clean up message parsing

    message parsing in message.go is pretty chaotic and still doesn't full represent all tags from Twitch

    • less global functions
    • more idomatic code
    • improve Message and User structs to get closer to the definition by twitch (https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/v5/guides/irc)
  • initialJoins ignores message limits when reconnecting

    initialJoins ignores message limits when reconnecting

    At the moment, we attempt to join all the channels in client.channels when we reconnect to Twitch. This means if a user has already joined 100+ channels, they will exceed their limit without knowing, unless they're a Verified Bot.

    func (c *Client) initialJoins() {
    	// join or rejoin channels on connection
    	for channel := range c.channels {
    		c.send(fmt.Sprintf("JOIN #%s", channel))

    OnReconnectMessage should send the user the list of the channels they've already joined, and let them handle it. While this does break the API, the user should be in control of any commands that count towards their message limit.

    I'm currently playing around with a solution for #82 that will reduce calls by 20 and solve a majority of use-cases.

  • JoinMany func

    JoinMany func

    would be nice to add a .JoinMany(channels ...string) func cram as many channels as possible in 512 bytes and send them each to the server

    kinda bad calling join on each channel when you have a few hundred channels

  • Test if connection is still alive or reconnect after client lost the network connectivity

    Test if connection is still alive or reconnect after client lost the network connectivity

    First of all, thank you for your great work!

    How can I test if my connection is still alive or reconnect after my client lost the network connectivity.

    If the network connection gets interrupted the client still thinks that the connection is alive. I used the readme example, connected to my channel and turned off the network interface the client was listening on.

    Before the interruption I sent some test messages and the client printed them on screen as expected but not after the reconnection.

    What's the best way to handle such a situation?

    According to the twitch docs [1] their servers send a PING every five minutes. Maybe we can check all x minutes what the difference between the last PING and the current time is, but that seems a bit sloppy.


    best regards pfd

  • Silently dropping connection

    Silently dropping connection

    I'm also currently having an issue where the connection gets silently dropped after an extended period of time running.

    I saw that https://github.com/gempir/go-twitch-irc/pull/25 was reverted. Was it not successful? What about it didn't work? I would be happy to take a crack at this, I just want to make sure I understand what's been done and why it didn't work.

    I've started by taking a look at the discussion on https://github.com/gempir/go-twitch-irc/issues/19 but was wondering if you had anymore thoughts/insights.

  • Implement twitch ratelimits

    Implement twitch ratelimits

    Messages are sent to the newly created rateLimiter instead of to client.send, put into a queue, and then based on the set timer, output to client.send.

    Current default for ratelimits is for unknown bots. (not Verified or Known, and not unlimited.)

  • Implement method to respect rateLimits

    Implement method to respect rateLimits

    Creating this to not bog #128 down discussing implementation.

    The cleanest implementation I can think of on this is to put an optional middleware channel between the Join/Say and c.send. If a rate limit rate is not set, it will skip this and simply use c.send. If one is set, the value gets sent to the middleware.

    Whenever a new message is sent to the receiver, it gets added to a stdlib list, and based on a ticker, is then output to c.send. Only downside is that I don't want to leave a ticker running all the time, so that may require some shenanigans based on connect/disconnect and if messages are ready to be sent to enable/disable/reset.

    Thoughts @gempir

  • Fixed emote parsing from action messages.

    Fixed emote parsing from action messages.

    This small PR fixes emote parsing from /me messages. At the moment if we have text /me Test Kappa, the emote will be parsed from privateMessage.Message = "\u0001ACTION Test Kappa" and after this privateMessage.Message will be overwritten with Test Kappa, so privateMessage.Emotes[0] will have a wrong shift.

  • Add client.SetupCmd

    Add client.SetupCmd

    Useful for any scenario where you are connecting to a custom IRC proxy (such as your relaybroker) to send a custom IRC command on connection and before authentication, eg, in the context of relaybroker, the "LOGIN" command.

  • Know when the join attempt is finished

    Know when the join attempt is finished

    Hey!! ๐Ÿ‘‹ ๐Ÿ‘‹

    The client.Join request is a non-blocking request, so there's no way of knowing when it is over (being either successful or not).

    I'd like to know that cause I have a list of channels I want to join, and if there's an error on any of them, like for example when the channel does not exist, or if it is suspended at the moment, I'd like to make it visible on the console. Along with that, I also would like to whenever the join attempt is over, display a message on the console (no matter if it was successful or not), to measure how many channels I'm connected, and how many channels are left, to give a sense of progress and to know when it joined all of them.

    Is there a way of doing that with the current API?

  • Message Ratelimiter

    Message Ratelimiter

    The client should provide a way to limit the amount of messages to be sent.

    The join ratelimiter already laid the groundwork for this implementation. The idea is to have another client method like

    client.SetMessageRateLimiter and use the same interface for the ratelimiter.


  • i/o timeout retries

    i/o timeout retries

    A user was having issues with tcp tials and i/o timeouts, those could maybe be handled more gracefully by go-twitch-irc and retry better.

    time="2021-04-08T06:55:29Z" level=fatal msg="dial tcp: lookup irc.chat.twitch.tv on read udp> i/o timeout"

    Reference Issue: https://github.com/gempir/justlog/issues/96

  • Connection scaling

    Connection scaling

    Currently go-twitch-irc uses 1 connection to read mesasges from TMI and write message to TMI.

    It is rarely recommended to go above 100 channels on a single connection. This brings up the question if we should support connection scaling in go-twitch-irc directly which would mean we open more connections depending on how many chats we have joined.

    I think we have discussed this once before and back then we decided this would be better to handle on application level instead of in this library. I'd like to rethink this because this could be a very cool feature and can be reused easily for a lot of projects.

    At first I would only implement a very stupid scaling that would open a new connection each 50 channels and keeps them seperate. Maybe later we could have backup connections and seperate write connections.

    From the client side nothing would change. The interface will be excatly the same and nobody has to adjust anything. Connections will automatically scale after 50 channels.

  • Add more tests related to emotes

    Add more tests related to emotes

    test cases: @badge-info=subscriber/53;badges=broadcaster/1,subscriber/48,partner/1;color=#CC44FF;display-name=pajlada;emotes=80481:6-10/93547:12-19;flags=;id=6259eb39-48c7-452e-889c-e9305f08cdb7;mod=0;room-id=11148817;subscriber=1;tmi-sent-ts=1589641611227;turbo=0;user-id=11148817;user-type= :[email protected] PRIVMSG #pajlada :-tags pajaW pajaCool 2 emotes, pajaW and pajaCool

    @badge-info=subscriber/53;badges=broadcaster/1,subscriber/48,partner/1;color=#CC44FF;display-name=pajlada;emotes=80481:16-20/496:22-23/emotesv2_56124b6ee48c47778de1a922e93d7848:6-14;flags=;id=63cac648-b4ed-42d5-925e-8baa50dcd9bf;mod=0;room-id=11148817;subscriber=1;tmi-sent-ts=1589641615436;turbo=0;user-id=11148817;user-type= :[email protected] PRIVMSG #pajlada :-tags pajaPants pajaW :D 2 emotes, pajaPants and pajaW (pajaPants is a bit emote)

    @badge-info=subscriber/53;badges=broadcaster/1,subscriber/48,partner/1;color=#CC44FF;display-name=pajlada;emotes=;flags=;id=86391c31-9efb-4ca8-86d9-79adf54c59f7;mod=0;room-id=11148817;subscriber=1;tmi-sent-ts=1589641624819;turbo=0;user-id=11148817;user-type= :[email protected] PRIVMSG #pajlada :-tags pajaW_BW no emote at all, the code is correct but it wasn't redeemed

    @badge-info=subscriber/53;badges=broadcaster/1,subscriber/48,partner/1;color=#CC44FF;display-name=pajlada;emotes=300653550_TK:6-17;flags=;id=3dd37dd4-3a2c-423c-8862-2051a05e8ac2;mod=0;room-id=11148817;subscriber=1;tmi-sent-ts=1589641641791;turbo=0;user-id=11148817;user-type= :[email protected] PRIVMSG #pajlada :-tags pajaAngry_TK correctly redeemed channel point emote

  • Non spec compliant unit test

    Non spec compliant unit test


    In this test, the expected output for the parameters is [""] (single element list, holding an empty string).

    I think the IRC spec disagrees on this: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2812#section-2.3.1 relevant part:

        params     =  *14( SPACE middle ) [ SPACE ":" trailing ]
        middle     =  nospcrlfcl *( ":" / nospcrlfcl )
        nospcrlfcl =  %x01-09 / %x0B-0C / %x0E-1F / %x21-39 / %x3B-FF
                        ; any octet except NUL, CR, LF, " " and ":"

    So in essence the space between "middle" parameters is "used up" by the SPACE in the definition of params, and then middle first expects something that is not a space. From my understanding this means that multiple spaces are not allowed between middle parameters, and the IRC test under question should be an error.

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