Generate Typescript types from Golang source code

🎑 tygo

Tygo is a tool for generating Typescript typings from Golang source files that just works.

Other than reflection-based methods it preserves comments, understands constants and also supports non-struct type expressions. It's perfect for generating equivalent types for a Golang REST API to be used in your front-end codebase.

🚀 Now supports Golang 1.18 generic types


# Go >= 1.17
go install
# Go < 1.17:
go install


Golang input file

// Comments are kept :)
type ComplexType map[string]map[uint16]*uint32

type UserRole = string
const (
	UserRoleDefault UserRole = "viewer"
	UserRoleEditor  UserRole = "editor" // Line comments are also kept

type UserEntry struct {
	// Instead of specifying `tstype` we could also declare the typing
	// for uuid.NullUUID in the config file.
	ID uuid.NullUUID `json:"id" tstype:"string | null"`

	Preferences map[string]struct {
		Foo uint32 `json:"foo"`
		// An unknown type without a `tstype` tag or mapping in the config file
		// becomes `any`
		Bar uuid.UUID `json:"bar"`
	} `json:"prefs"`

	MaybeFieldWithStar *string  `json:"address"`
	Nickname           string   `json:"nickname,omitempty"`
	Role               UserRole `json:"role"`

	Complex    ComplexType `json:"complex"`
	unexported bool        // Unexported fields are omitted
	Ignored    bool        `tstype:"-"` // Fields with - are omitted too

type ListUsersResponse struct {
	Users []UserEntry `json:"users"`

Typescript output

 * Comments are kept :)
export type ComplexType = {
  [key: string]: { [key: number /* uint16 */]: number /* uint32 */ | undefined };
export type UserRole = string;
export const UserRoleDefault: UserRole = "viewer";
export const UserRoleEditor: UserRole = "editor"; // Line comments are also kept
export interface UserEntry {
   * Instead of specifying `tstype` we could also declare the typing
   * for uuid.NullUUID in the config file.
  id: string | null;
  prefs: {
    [key: string]: {
      foo: number /* uint32 */;
       * An unknown type without a `tstype` tag or mapping in the config file
       * becomes `any`
      bar: any /* uuid.UUID */;
  address?: string;
  nickname?: string;
  role: UserRole;
  complex: ComplexType;
export interface ListUsersResponse {
  users: UserEntry[];

For a real baptism by fire example, here is a Gist with output for the Go built-in net/http and time package.


Option A: CLI (recommended)

Create a file tygo.yaml in which you specify which packages are to be converted and any special type mappings you want to add.

  - path: ""
      time.Time: "string /* RFC3339 */"
      null.String: "null | string"
      null.Bool: "null | boolean"
      uuid.UUID: "string /* uuid */"
      uuid.NullUUID: "null | string /* uuid */"

Then run

tygo generate

The output Typescript file will be next to the Go source files.

Option B: Library-mode

config := &tygo.Config{
  Packages: []*tygo.PackageConfig{
          Path: "",
gen := tygo.New(config)
err := gen.Generate()


# You can specify more than one package
  # The package path just like you would import it in Go
  - path: ""

    # Where this output should be written to.
    # If you specify a folder it will be written to a file `index.ts` within that folder. By default it is written into the Golang package folder.
    output_path: "webapp/api/types.ts"

    # Customize the indentation (use \t if you want tabs)
    indent: "    "

    # Specify your own custom type translations, useful for custom types, `time.Time` and `null.String`.
    # Be default unrecognized types will be `any`.
      time.Time: "string"
      my.Type: "SomeType"

    # This content will be put at the top of the output Typescript file, useful for importing custom types.
    frontmatter: |
      "import {SomeType} from "../lib/sometype.ts"

    # Filenames of Go source files that should not be included
    # in the output.
      - "private_stuff.go"

See also the source file tygo/config.go.

Type hints through tagging

You can tag struct fields with tstype to specify their output Typescript type.

Custom type mapping

// Golang input

type Book struct {
	Title    string    `json:"title"`
	Genre    string    `json:"genre" tstype:"'novel' | 'crime' | 'fantasy'"`
// Typescript output

export interface Book {
  title: string;
  genre: "novel" | "crime" | "fantasy";


You could use the frontmatter field in the config to inject export type Genre = "novel" | "crime" | "fantasy" at the top of the file, and use tstype:"Genre". I personally prefer that as we may use the Genre type more than once.

Required fields

Pointer type fields usually become optional in the Typescript output, but sometimes you may want to require it regardless.

You can add ,required to the tstype tag to mark a pointer type as required.

// Golang input
type Nicknames struct {
	Alice   *string `json:"alice"`
	Bob     *string `json:"bob" tstype:"BobCustomType,required"`
	Charlie *string `json:"charlie" tstype:",required"`
// Typescript output
export interface Nicknames {
  alice?: string;
  bob: BobCustomType;
  charlie: string;


Tygo supports generic types (Go version >= 1.18) out of the box.

// Golang input
type UnionType interface {
	uint64 | string

type ABCD[A, B string, C UnionType, D int64 | bool] struct {
	A A `json:"a"`
	B B `json:"b"`
	C C `json:"c"`
	D D `json:"d"`
// Typescript output
export type UnionType = 
    number /* uint64 */ | string

export interface ABCD<A extends string, B extends string, C extends UnionType, D extends number /* int64 */ | boolean> {
  a: A;
  b: B;
  c: C;
  d: D;

Related projects

  • typescriptify-golang-structs: Probably the most popular choice. The issue with this package is that it relies on reflection rather than parsing, which means that certain things can't be kept such as comments. The CLI generates Go file which is then executed and reflected on, and its library requires you to manually specify all types that should be converted.
  • go2ts: A transpiler with a web interface, this project was based off this project. It's perfect for quick one-off transpilations. There is no CLI, no support for const and there are no ways to customize the output.



Guido Zuidhof
I like making stuff that just works.
Guido Zuidhof
  • Pointer types always translated as optional variables

    Pointer types always translated as optional variables

    I noticed that pointers are always translated to TS using ?.

    For example:

    type FollowerEvent struct {
    	Follower            *twitter.User `json:"follower"`


    export interface FollowerEvent {
      follower?: any /* twitter.User */;

    While it's true that pointers are often used to express optional values, they're also used for e.g. efficiency reasons and the value might be "guaranteed" to be set.

    Is there any way to remove the ? for pointer types from the generated TS?

  • TypeScript enum support

    TypeScript enum support

    Hello. Awesome package :) Quick question. Are you planning to support TypeScript enums? These can be transformed to TS enums.

    type UserRole = string
    const (
    	UserRoleDefault UserRole = "viewer"
    	UserRoleEditor  UserRole = "editor" // Line comments are also kept

    Thanks Peter

  • Allow to ignore struct fields with tstype:

    Allow to ignore struct fields with tstype:"-"

    Similar to json:"-".

    In one of my projects, there's a field with a json tag that I don't want to expose via TypeScript. This PR makes that possible.

  • add support for immutable TypeScript fields

    add support for immutable TypeScript fields

    Just a small thing that came up when I was generating some REST response types that I wanted to be immutable.

    Add ,readonly to tstype tags and the field will be prefaced with the readonly keyword.

  • Add Go 1.18 generics support

    Add Go 1.18 generics support

    This PR adds support for Typescript code generation for Go code containing generics.

    Example one

    // Golang input
    type UnionType interface {
    	uint64 | string
    type ABCD[A, B string, C UnionType, D int64 | bool] struct {
    	A A `json:"a"`
    	B B `json:"b"`
    	C C `json:"c"`
    	D D `json:"d"`
    // Typescript output
    export type UnionType = 
        number /* uint64 */ | string
    export interface ABCD<A extends string, B extends string, C extends UnionType, D extends number /* int64 */ | boolean> {
      a: A;
      b: B;
      c: C;
      d: D;

    Example two

    With a narrowed down type argument in a struct 🚀

    type Foo[A string | uint64, B *A] struct {
    	Bar A
    	Boo B
    type WithFooGenericTypeArg[A Foo[string, *string]] struct {
    	SomeField A `json:"some_field"`
    export interface Foo<A extends string | number /* uint64 */, B extends (A | undefined)> {
      Bar: A;
      Boo: B;
    export interface WithFooGenericTypeArg<A extends Foo<string, string | undefined>> {
      some_field: A;
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