Gh-s - Search github repositories interactively

PR Go releases

search github repositories interactively


Search GitHub repositories interactively from the command line. Start the prompt, browse the results and open in the browser! The name of that repository 🤔 ? Written in rust, a list of awesome projects...

...well say no more:

gh s -l rust -d awesome



gh extension install gennaro-tedesco/gh-s


Get started!

gh s


Without any argument (or with flags only) gh s starts a prompt to insert the search query; after the search a list of results is shown. Navigate the list to show details, stars counts, URL and more. If instead you want to do all in one line

gh s [search] [flag]

takes one of the following arguments or flags

flags description
-l, --lang narrow down the search to a specific language
-d, --desc search for keyword in the repository description
-u, --user restrict the search to a specific user
-c, --colour change colour of the prompt
-h, --help show the help page
-V, --version print the current version

The prompt accepts the following navigation commands:

key description
arrow keys browse results list
/ toggle search in results list
enter (<CR>) open selected repository in web browser


If you find this application useful consider awarding it a , it is a great way to give feedback! Otherwise, any additional suggestions or merge request is warmly welcome!

See also a companion extension to snap around your git workflow: gh-f.

Gennaro Tedesco
Theoretical physicist and data scientist
Gennaro Tedesco
  • Feature Request: Search for (multiple) topics?

    Feature Request: Search for (multiple) topics?

    I like to search for multiple topics topic:go topic:ecs in addition to narrowing searches by language. It would be nice if there was a flag that could be specified multiple times.

    Thanks for a handy tool!

  • Support

    Support "Code/Commit/Issues" Search


    I love your tool, very modern and intuitive, but it misses few things, like searching for code, commits, issues, users, etc...

    I'm currently using this one for searching code, very similar to your tool, but nodejs:

  • Limit results

    Limit results


    A QoL addition would be an extra flag to limit the number of results, as the options at the top are not always visible due to my small window size. I tried something, see the diff and GIF below for more clarity. I can open a PR, but open an issue first to get feedback on whether this is something you actually want to include in your project, and to ask if you even want to write the code yourself (I'm not a Go programmer, but it seems doable).


    --- a/cmd/root.go
    +++ b/cmd/root.go
    @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
     		user, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("user")
     		topicList, _ := cmd.Flags().GetStringSlice("topic")
     		colour, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("colour")
    +		limit, _ := cmd.Flags().GetInt("limit")
     		searchString := func() string {
     			if empty, _ := (cmd.Flags().GetBool("empty")); empty {
    @@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
     			fmt.Println("\033[31m ✘\033[0m No results found")
    -		PromptList := getSelectionPrompt(repos, colour)
    +		PromptList := getSelectionPrompt(repos, colour, limit)
     		idx, _, err := PromptList.Run()
     		if err != nil {
    @@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ func init() {
     	rootCmd.Flags().StringP("user", "u", "", "search repository by user")
     	rootCmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&topics, "topic", "t", []string{}, "search repository by topic")
     	rootCmd.Flags().StringP("colour", "c", "cyan", "colour of selection prompt")
    +	rootCmd.Flags().IntP("limit", "L", 20, "Limit results")
     	rootCmd.Flags().BoolP("empty", "E", false, "allow for empty name search")
     	rootCmd.Flags().BoolP("version", "V", false, "print current version")
    @@ -126,6 +128,7 @@ Flags:
                     multiple topics can be specified:
                     -t go -t gh-extension
       -c, --colour  change prompt colour
    +  -L, --limit   Limit results
       -V, --version print current version
       -h, --help    show this help page
    --- a/cmd/ui.go
    +++ b/cmd/ui.go
    @@ -85,14 +85,14 @@ func getTemplate(colour string) *promptui.SelectTemplates {
    -func getSelectionPrompt(repos []repoInfo, colour string) *promptui.Select {
    +func getSelectionPrompt(repos []repoInfo, colour string, limit int) *promptui.Select {
     	return &promptui.Select{
     		Stdout:    os.Stderr,
     		Stdin:     os.Stdin,
     		Label:     "repository list",
     		Items:     repos,
     		Templates: getTemplate(colour),
    -		Size:      20,
    +		Size:      limit,
     		Searcher: func(input string, idx int) bool {
     			repo := repos[idx]
     			title := strings.ToLower(repo.Name)


    First the standard command gh s awesome and then with the additional -L flag.

  • Flags lists

    Flags lists

    • added flags for lang and topic to handle lists of the type -l lang1 -l lang2 -t topic1 -t topic2
    • refactored a few functions for better readability
    • added new instructions in gh s --help and
  • Suport darwin-arm64

    Suport darwin-arm64

    Resolves #2

    Goreleaser does not automatically generate release notes, so you will need to register your release in draft form and click the "Auto generate release-notes" button manually before publishing.



  • Allow to query against empty search string

    Allow to query against empty search string

    Following this discussion it can be useful to allow the user to skip the prompt for repository name and query against topic and language only.

    The idea is to implement a new flag, say -E, such that whenever such flag is passed, the query string defaults to empty name and we search against the rest of the flags only. Whilst this may result in very wide searches and therefore longer response times, it does allow for nice use cases of statistics and repository lists.

  • Add Hotkey for Escaping/Resetting the Prompt

    Add Hotkey for Escaping/Resetting the Prompt

    Maybe good idea to bind Esc key to escape/reset the prompt? For example, the user might want to change the search term but there's no way to change it except to quit the command (e.g. using Ctrl-C).

    PS: Thanks for this nifty extension. :)

  • new flag to limit results

    new flag to limit results


    This PR aims to introduce a new flag (-L/ --limit) into this repo that allows the number of results to be limited. The name of the flag was derived from the gh tool, see image below for more clarity.

    Fix #17

    code quality

    The code was checked with .pre-commit-config.yaml and lintered with golangci-lint. See log outpul below for more clarity, the raised issue from the linter I have left in there for now, I can remove it if you like.

    ❯ git add . && git commit -m "new flag to limit results"
    go fmt...................................................................Passed
    [limit a0d20e9] new flag to limit results
     3 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
    ❯ golangci-lint run
    cmd/root.go:10:5: `cfgFile` is unused (deadcode)
    var cfgFile string


    This is only the second time I have edited code in Go. Feel free to propose changes or commit the patch with your own changes.

  • non-unicode `Active` selection

    non-unicode `Active` selection

    for now there is \U0001F449 used but it would be nice to have option to change this somehow for example through config, flag or environment variable

    it would be useful for those who don't have fonts with this unicode

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