Run the same Docker images in AWS Lambda and AWS ECS


tl;dr Run the exact same image for websites in Lambda as you do in ECS, Kubernetes, etc. Just add this to your Dockerfile, listen on port 8080 and have a health check returning 200 at /ping. This image will now work in Lambda and everywhere else and adds less than 2 MB.

Dockerfile example

Those lines for copy-paste friendliness:

# FROM ...
COPY --from=lh /opt/extensions/serverlessish /opt/extensions/serverlessish

# optionally add these lines
ENV PORT=9090                        # maybe you want a different port
ENV LH_HEALTHCHECK_PATH=/healthcheck # or a different healthcheck path


More documentation.

Story time: Christmas came early in 2020 with the release of container image support for AWS Lambda. It meant that serverless applications could now be packaged in standard Docker images rather than Lambda-specific ZIP files. Additionally, the 50 MB limit for ZIP files doesn't apply to containers: they can be as enormous as 10 GB.

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    < date: Mon, 21 Dec 2020 19:14:38 GMT
    < content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
    < content-length: 0
    < access-control-allow-origin: https://***
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    		StatusCode:        resp.StatusCode,
    		StatusDescription: resp.Status,
    		HeadersMV:         resp.Header,
    		Headers:           headers,
    		Body:              encoded,
    		IsBase64Encoded:   true,

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