auto-generate capnproto schema from your golang source files. Depends on go-capnproto-1.0 at

bambam: auto-generate capnproto schema from your golang source files.

Adding capnproto serialization to an existing Go project used to mean writing a lot of boilerplate.

Not anymore.

Given a set of golang (Go) source files, bambam will generate a capnproto schema. Even better: bambam will also generate translation functions to readily convert between your golang structs and the new capnproto structs.


You'll need a recent (up-to-date) version of go-capnproto. If you installed go-capnproto before, you'll want to update it [>= f9f239fc7f5ad9611cf4e88b10080a4b47c3951d / 16 Nov 2014].

Capnproto and go-capnproto should both be installed and on your PATH.

to install: run make. This lets us record the git commit in LASTGITCOMMITHASH to provide accurate version info. Otherwise you'll get an 'undefined: LASTGITCOMMITHASH' failure.

# be sure go-capnproto and capnpc are installed first.

$ go get -t  # the -t pulls in the test dependencies.

# ignore the initial compile error about 'undefined: LASTGITCOMMITHASH'. `make` will fix that.
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make  # runs tests, build if all successful
$ go install


use: bambam -o outdir -p package myGoSourceFile.go myGoSourceFile2.go ...
     # Bambam makes it easy to use Capnproto serialization[1] from Go.
     # Bambam reads .go files and writes a .capnp schema and Go bindings.
     # options:
     #   -o="odir" specifies the directory to write to (created if need be).
     #   -p="main" specifies the package header to write (e.g. main, mypkg).
     #   -X exports private fields of Go structs. Default only maps public fields.
     #   -version   shows build version with git commit hash
     #   -OVERWRITE modify .go files in-place, adding capid tags (write to -o dir by default).
     # required: at least one .go source file for struct definitions. Must be last, after options.
     # [1] 


See rw.go.txt. To see all the files compiled together in one project: (a) comment out the defer in the rw_test.go file; (b) run go test; (c) then cd testdir_* and look at the sample project files there. (d). run go build in the testdir_ to rebuild the binary. Notice that you will need all three .go files to successfully build. The two .capnp files should be kept so you can read your data from any capnp-supported language. Here's what is what in that example directory:

rw.go             # your original go source file (in this test)
translateCapn.go  # generated by bambam after reading rw.go
schema.capnp      # generated by bambam after reading rw.go
schema.capnp.go   # generated by `capnpc -ogo schema.capnp` <- you have to do this yourself or in your Makefile.
go.capnp          # always necessary boilerplate to let capnpc work, just copy it from bambam/go.capnp to your build dir.


jaten@c03:~/go/src/$ cd testdir_884497362/
jaten@c03:~/go/src/$ go build
jaten@c03:~/go/src/$ ls
go.capnp  rw.go  rw.go.txt  schema.capnp  schema.capnp.go  testdir_884497362  translateCapn.go
jaten@c03:~/go/src/$ ./testdir_884497362
Load() data matched Saved() data.
jaten@c03:~/go/src/$ # run was successful

Here is what it looks like to use the Save()/Load() methods. You end up with a Save() and Load() function for each of your structs. Simple.

package main

import (

// By default bambam will add the `capid` tags
// to a copy of your source in the output directory.
// Use bambam -OVERWRITE to modify files directly in-place.
// The capid tags control the @0, @1, field numbering 
// in the generated capnproto schema. If you change
// your go structs, the capid tags let your schema
// stay backwards compatible with prior serializations.
type MyStruct struct {
	Hello    []string  `capid:"0"`
	World    []int     `capid:"1"`

func main() {

	rw := MyStruct{
		Hello:    []string{"one", "two", "three"},
		World:    []int{1, 2, 3},

    // any io.ReadWriter will work here (os.File, etc)
	var o bytes.Buffer

    // now we have saved!

    rw2 := &MyStruct{}
    // now we have restored!


what Go types does bambam recognize?

Supported: structs, slices, and primitive/scalar types are supported. Structs that contain structs are supported. You have both slices of scalars (e.g. []int) and slices of structs (e.g. []MyStruct) available.

We handle [][]T, but not [][][]T, where T is a struct or primitive type. The need for triply nested slices is expected to be rare. Interpose a struct after two slices if you need to go deeper.

Currently unsupported (pull requests welcome): Go maps.

Also: pointers to structs to be serialized work, but pointers in the inner-most struct do not. This is not a big limitation, as it is rarely meaningful to pass a pointer value to a different process.

capid tags on go structs

When you run bambam, it will generate a modified copy of your go source files in the output directory.

These new versions include capid tags on all public fields of structs. You should inspect the copy of the source file in the output directory, and then replace your original source with the tagged version. You can also manually add capid tags to fields, if you need to manually specify a field number (e.g. you are matching an pre-existing capnproto definition).

If you are feeling especially bold, bambam -OVERWRITE my.go will replace my.go with the capid tagged version. For safety, only do this on backed-up and version controlled source files.

By default only public fields (with a Capital first letter in their name) are tagged. The -X flag ignores the public/private distinction, and tags all fields.

The capid tags allow the capnproto schema evolution to function properly as you add new fields to structs. If you don't include the capid tags, your serialization code won't be backwards compatible as you change your structs.

Deleting fields from your go structs isn't (currently) particularly well-supported. We could potentially allow fields to be // commented out in the go source and yet still parse the comments and use that parse to keep the schema correct, but that's not a trivial bit of work.

example of capid annotion use

type Job struct { 
   C int `capid:"2"`  // we added C later, thus it is numbered higher.
   A int `capid:"0"`
   B int `capid:"1"` 

other tags

Also available tags: capid:"skip" or capid:"-1" (any negative number): this field will be skipped and not serialized or written to the schema.

// capname:"Counter"
type number struct {
   A int

The above struct will be mapped into capnproto as:

struct Counter {
  a @0: Int64;

Without the // capname:"Counter" comment, you would get:

struct NumberCapn {
  a @0: Int64;

Explanation: Using a // capname:"newName" comment on the line right before a struct definition will cause bambam to use 'newName' as the name for the corresponding struct in the capnproto schema. Otherwise the corresponding struct will simply uppercase the first letter of the orignal Go struct, and append "Capn". For example: a Go struct called number would induce a parallel generated capnp struct called NumberCapn.

windows build script

see build.cmd. Thanks to Klaus Post ( for contributing this.

Copyright (c) 2015, Jason E. Aten, Ph.D.

  • embedded structs don't get serialized

    embedded structs don't get serialized


    the readme states that Structs that contain structs are supported. but it does not seem to work for me. i just started using go-capnproto/bambam so i think i am just doing something wrong...

    i have a main that just Save()s and Load()s a struct instance. the struct is define in a separate package like this:

    type Dude struct {
        Name    string   `capid:"0"`
        Age     int      `capid:"1"`
        Address *Address `capid:"2"`
    type Address struct {
        Street string `capid:"0"`
        Zip    string `capid:"1"`

    the translateCapn.go Load and Save methods dont handle the Address - (Pointer or not, also tried annonymous embedded struct).

    i invoced bambam liked this

    bambam -o capout/ -p dude dude.go

    in the subdrectory. the Load() method will actually have

    z := dude.ReadRootAddressCapn(capMsg)

    which does not work - because i am in the Package... removing the package name it works, compiles, but i have the above described problem. this part here makes me think i am just doing something else wrong...

    i can make an example repo if that helps.


  • Getting demo from README to run

    Getting demo from README to run

    Hi I'm trying to get the example from the README to run. Please let me know if you can help me get further along with this.

    I followed the instructions and commented out defer before running the tests:

    glycerine/bambam/testdir_259570601(master!) $ ls
    total 56
    drwx------   7 harlow  staff   238 Dec 13 22:06 .
    drwxr-xr-x  46 harlow  staff  1564 Dec 13 22:06 ..
    -rw-r--r--   1 harlow  staff   252 Dec 13 21:09 go.capnp
    -rw-r--r--   1 harlow  staff  1510 Dec 13 22:06 rw.go
    -rw-r--r--   1 harlow  staff  1654 Dec 13 22:06 rw.go.txt
    -rw-r--r--   1 harlow  staff   726 Dec 13 22:06 schema.capnp
    -rw-r--r--   1 harlow  staff  9320 Dec 13 22:06 translateCapn.go

    But when I try to run the go program it doesn't fine the Save and Load functions

    glycerine/bambam/testdir_259570601(master!) $ go run rw.go
    # command-line-arguments
    ./rw.go:59: rw.Save undefined (type RWTest has no field or method Save)
    ./rw.go:62: rw2.Load undefined (type *RWTest has no field or method Load)
    glycerine/bambam/testdir_259570601(master!) $

    Any help would be appreciated. I'll get the README updated with some more detailed instructions once I get this working locally.

  • go get giving errors about unknown gists

    go get giving errors about unknown gists

    I am getting errors trying to go get this package. These come from glycerine/go-goon but I can't open issues against that...

    go get
    package cannot find package "" in any of:
        /usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
        /Users/justin/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
    package cannot find package "" in any of:
        /usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
        /Users/justin/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
  • Support for uint8, uint16, and uint32 fields in structs

    Support for uint8, uint16, and uint32 fields in structs

    Hello, great project! I've just started experimenting and have found that the uint types mentioned in the subject don't seem to be supported fully. If I have a struct like so that I generate capnp from:

    type Envelope struct {
        Ver   uint8  `capid:"0"`
        SvcId string `capid:"1"`

    then the test below fails on the last 2 "if" statements. It appears as if the bytes are serializing / deserializing correctly but the "Ver" field is being set to its go default value rather than the value from the deserialized bytes:

    func TestSerializationBytes(t *testing.T) {
        source := Envelope{
            Ver:   1,
            SvcId: "Svc1",
        var o bytes.Buffer
        oBytes := o.Bytes()
        sink := &Envelope{}
        var o2 bytes.Buffer
        o2Bytes := o2.Bytes()
        if bytes.Compare(oBytes, o2Bytes) != 0 {
            t.Errorf("Source and Sink Envelope bytes do not match: %v -- %v", source, sink)
        if source.SvcId != sink.SvcId {
            t.Errorf("source.SvcId: %v != sink.SvcId", source.SvcId, sink.SvcId)
        if source.Ver != sink.Ver {
            t.Errorf("source.Ver: %v != sink.Ver: %v", source.Ver, sink.Ver)
        if !reflect.DeepEqual(&source, sink) {
            t.Errorf("Structures do not match: %+v vs %+v", source, sink)

    Do you plan to support these uint types?

  • Save/Load methods are not returning error

    Save/Load methods are not returning error

    bambam is generating two methods for structures - Save(io.Writer) and Load(io.Reader). Code generated is hiding errors instead of returning them:

    • Save is writing to buffer, but it ignores error returned by Segment.WriteTo
    • Load is reading from reader, but istead of returning an error it's panicking.

    My proposal is to change both methods to return error interface. I'm happy to implement the change and provide pull request, I just want to know if my suggestion is good.

    Here's example generated code:

    func (s *Foo) Save(w io.Writer) {
        seg := capn.NewBuffer(nil)
        FooGoToCapn(seg, s)
    func (s *Foo) Load(r io.Reader) {
        capMsg, err := capn.ReadFromStream(r, nil)
        if err != nil {
            panic(fmt.Errorf("capn.ReadFromStream error: %s", err))
        z := ReadRootFooCapn(capMsg)
          FooCapnToGo(z, s)
  • SettersToCapn, SettersToGo: Add uint64 support to template

    SettersToCapn, SettersToGo: Add uint64 support to template

    Ran into a situation where uint64s were not being written or retrieved. Generated setters were missing/not-implemented-yet.

    Sane changes?

    "bambam is so awesome! It has saved me hours!" – :turtle:

  • Overwrite assumes '/bin/cp' is available

    Overwrite assumes '/bin/cp' is available

    Here it is assumed that /bin/cp is available.

    On Windows that is not the case, and I assume it is also a bit unsafe on other platforms.

    Here is what seems like a good file copy function in golang:

  • go generate question

    go generate question

    Would it be possible to add the ability to use go 1.4's new generate tool: //go:generate bambam $GOFILE

    So that you can create files using go generate?

  • Error installing

    Error installing

    Attempting to install on Mac 10.9.5, Installed pre-requisites: brew install capnp go get

    Tried to install bambam:

    $ go version
    go version go1.4.1 darwin/amd64
    $ go get -t
    ../../../../ undefined: LASTGITCOMMITHASH```
  • bambam -OVERWRITE does not work

    bambam -OVERWRITE does not work

    Hi, calling

    bambam -OVERWRITE file.go

    does not work (anymore)

    output ==>

    panic: open /: is a directory

    goroutine 1 [running]: main.(*Extractor).CopySourceFilesAddCapidTag(0x208362000, 0x0, 0x0) /go/src/ +0x7ef main.MainArgs(0x208310000, 0x3, 0x3) /go/src/ +0x12e4 main.main() /go/src/ +0x42

    I assume that this is related to this change here:

    Btw.: I'm working on a mac

  • Bambam is not generating all of the files

    Bambam is not generating all of the files

    I assume I am doing something incorrectly, but I cant figure out what it is....

    In the current directory I have one file in a separate package that describes a struct. I run:

    $ bambam -o=../eventcapnp -p=eventcapnp event.go
    [bambam -o=../eventcapnp -p=eventcapnp event.go]
    generated files in '../eventcapnp'
    $ ls ../eventcapnp
    event.go          schema.capnp      translateCapn.go

    From looking at the documentation, I am missing schema.capnp.go and go.capnp. When I build the project, it fails:

    $ go build
    eventcapnp/translateCapn.go:26: undefined: eventcapnp
    eventcapnp/translateCapn.go:33: undefined: ContextCapn
    eventcapnp/translateCapn.go:44: undefined: ContextCapn
    eventcapnp/translateCapn.go:45: undefined: AutoNewContextCapn
    eventcapnp/translateCapn.go:68: undefined: eventcapnp
    eventcapnp/translateCapn.go:75: undefined: EventCapn
    eventcapnp/translateCapn.go:106: undefined: EventCapn
    eventcapnp/translateCapn.go:107: undefined: AutoNewEventCapn
    eventcapnp/translateCapn.go:137: undefined: ContextCapn_List
    eventcapnp/translateCapn.go:147: undefined: ContextCapn_List
    eventcapnp/translateCapn.go:107: too many errors
  • managing capn ids

    managing capn ids

    Every time I regenerate the schema, it gets a new capn id. Is there some way to control this, other than modifying the file after generation? I am also providing non Go interfaces.

  • wrong numbering with already numbered fields

    wrong numbering with already numbered fields

    bambam translates this struct…:

    type Member struct {
        id             int64
        Username       string    `capid:"0"`
        UpdatedAt      time.Time `capid:"3" json:"LastUpdated"`
        Name           *string   `capid:"1" json:"DisplayName,omitempty"`
        IsAdmin        bool      `capid:"2"`
        PasswordHash   *string   `capid:"4" json:",omitempty"`
        PasswordSalt   *string   `capid:"5" json:",omitempty"`
        PrimaryGroupId *int      `capid:"6" json:",omitempty"`
        UrlToAvatar    *string   `json:",omitempty"`

    To the following, assigning capid=3 twice:

    type Member struct {
        id             int64
        Username       string    `capid:"0"`
        UpdatedAt      time.Time `capid:"3" json:"LastUpdated"`
        Name           *string   `capid:"1" json:"DisplayName,omitempty"`
        IsAdmin        bool      `capid:"2"`
        PasswordHash   *string   `capid:"4" json:",omitempty"`
        PasswordSalt   *string   `capid:"5" json:",omitempty"`
        PrimaryGroupId *int      `capid:"6" json:",omitempty"`
        UrlToAvatar    *string   `json:",omitempty" capid:"3"`

    I have expected that it continued numbering, and assigned capid=7 to the last field.

    Annotating the field with capid=7 will result in this error and no usable file output:

    $ bambam -o capn.model -p model member.go
    panic: problem in capid tag '' on field 'UrlToAvatar' in struct 'Member': number '7' is beyond the count of fields we have, largest available is 6
    # …
        UrlToAvatar    *string   `capid:"7" json:",omitempty"`

    Although not required in this example, the order of fields in a struct is important: If every member of a struct is comparable, then the struct becomes comparable. In that case you don't want to reorder fields to suit bambam.

  • enum support

    enum support

    Hi Björn (@HyperDrummer),

    I'm surfacing your email question to a ticket so it is public; other people may have the same question.

    I haven't implemented enum support. If you would like to assist with this, the first step would be to write down several examples of the starting and ending text that involve transformation of enums, and then to put those into a test file. The bambam project is entirely test driven (BDD to the extent possible), and this is an especially valuable approach for compilers (like bambam). Once you have a failing test in place, we can look at how to implement it. I would suggest starting a new branch so that the master doesn't have the failing test on it.

    Best regards,


    You asked:

    Imagine these structs:

    type MyStruct struct {
        Hello []string `capid:"0"`
        World []int    `capid:"1"`
    type People struct {
        Name     string `capid:"0"`
        LastName string `capid:"1"`
    type MType int
    const (
        PeopleType MType = iota
    type MsgType struct {
        Msg     MType `capid:"0"`
        MsgSize int   `capid:"1"`

    For these go structures I want to create a schema with bambam including the code generation. Ok, now I call bambam and what I end up with ist the following schema:

    using Go = import "go.capnp";
    struct MsgTypeCapn { 
       msg      @0:   Int64; 
       msgSize  @1:   Int64; 
    struct MyStructCapn { 
       hello  @0:   List(Text); 
       world  @1:   List(Int64); 
    struct PeopleCapn { 
       name      @0:   Text; 
       lastName  @1:   Text; 

    In the generated code:

    func MsgTypeCapnToGo(src MsgTypeCapn, dest *MsgType) *MsgType {
      if dest == nil {
        dest = &MsgType{}
      dest.Msg = *MTypeCapnToGo(src.Msg(), nil)
      dest.MsgSize = int(src.MsgSize())
      return dest

    which leads to build errors:

    ./translateCapn.go:37: undefined: MTypeCapnToGo ./translateCapn.go:47: undefined: MTypeGoToCapn

    The undefined data types never got generated.

    Do you have an idea how to use enums with code generation? Thanks in advance


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