Chai - type safe http handlers with automatic swagger generation



chai is an extension for a few popular http routers that adds support for type safe http handlers via Go 1.18's generics. This allows it to also generate a swagger spec by automatically detecting the request/response types, http methods, route paths and path params.

chai uses swaggo/swag annotations for the parts of the swagger spec that cannot be automatically inferred.

Supported http routers

Project status

chai is still a work in progress


  • YAML marshalling

    Currently only is supported as a yaml marshaller for the generated swagger spec, which is also provided via openapi2.MarshalYAML() as an alias



This swagger.yaml is generated by the program below. Notice that the spec for the PostHandler handler was generated without any annotations. The request/response types and the route were detected automatically from the router itself.


package main

import (

	chai ""
	_ "" // This is required to be able to serve the stored swagger spec in prod
	httpSwagger ""

func main() {
	r := chi.NewRouter()

	r.Route("/api/v1", func(r chi.Router) {
		r.Route("/examples", func(r chi.Router) {
			chai.Post(r, "/post", PostHandler)
			chai.Get(r, "/calc", CalcHandler)
			chai.Get(r, "/ping", PingHandler)
			chai.Get(r, "/groups/{group_id}/accounts/{account_id}", PathParamsHandler)
			chai.Get(r, "/header", HeaderHandler)
			chai.Get(r, "/securities", SecuritiesHandler)
			chai.Get(r, "/attribute", AttributeHandler)

	// This must be used only during development to generate the swagger spec
	docs, err := chai.OpenAPI2(r)
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to generate the swagger spec: %+v", err))

	// This should be used in prod to serve the swagger spec
	r.Get("/swagger/*", httpSwagger.Handler(
		httpSwagger.URL("http://localhost:8080/swagger/doc.json"), //The url pointing to API definition



	// This must be used only during development to store the swagger spec
	err = openapi2.WriteDocs(docs, &openapi2.GenConfig{
		OutputDir: "examples/docs/basic",
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to write the swagger spec: %+v", err))

	fmt.Println("The swagger spec is available at http://localhost:8080/swagger/")

	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", r)

type Error struct {
	Message          string `json:"error"`
	ErrorDebug       string `json:"error_debug,omitempty"`
	ErrorDescription string `json:"error_description,omitempty"`
	StatusCode       int    `json:"status_code,omitempty"`

func (e *Error) Error() string {
	return e.Message

func PostHandler(account *model.Account, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*model.Account, int, *Error) {
	return account, http.StatusOK, nil

// @Param        val1  query      int     true  "used for calc"
// @Param        val2  query      int     true  "used for calc"
// @Success      203
// @Failure      400,404
func CalcHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (string, int, error) {
	val1, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("val1"))
	if err != nil {
		return "", http.StatusBadRequest, err
	val2, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("val2"))
	if err != nil {
		return "", http.StatusBadRequest, err
	return fmt.Sprintf("%d", val1*val2), http.StatusOK, nil

// PingExample godoc
// @Summary      ping example
// @Description  do ping
// @Tags         example
func PingHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (string, int, error) {
	return "pong", http.StatusOK, nil

// PathParamsHandler godoc
// @Summary      path params example
// @Description  path params
// @Tags         example
// @Param        group_id    path      int     true  "Group ID"
// @Param        account_id  path      int     true  "Account ID"
// @Failure      400,404
func PathParamsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (string, int, error) {
	groupID, err := strconv.Atoi(chi.URLParam(r, "group_id"))
	if err != nil {
		return "", http.StatusBadRequest, err
	accountID, err := strconv.Atoi(chi.URLParam(r, "account_id"))
	if err != nil {
		return "", http.StatusBadRequest, err

	return fmt.Sprintf("group_id=%d account_id=%d", groupID, accountID), http.StatusOK, nil

// HeaderHandler godoc
// @Summary      custome header example
// @Description  custome header
// @Tags         example
// @Param        Authorization  header    string  true  "Authentication header"
// @Failure      400,404
func HeaderHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (string, int, error) {
	return r.Header.Get("Authorization"), http.StatusOK, nil

// SecuritiesHandler godoc
// @Summary      custome header example
// @Description  custome header
// @Tags         example
// @Param        Authorization  header    string  true  "Authentication header"
// @Failure      400,404
// @Security     ApiKeyAuth
func SecuritiesHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (string, int, error) {
	return "ok", http.StatusOK, nil

// AttributeHandler godoc
// @Summary      attribute example
// @Description  attribute
// @Tags         example
// @Param        enumstring  query     string  false  "string enums"    Enums(A, B, C)
// @Param        enumint     query     int     false  "int enums"       Enums(1, 2, 3)
// @Param        enumnumber  query     number  false  "int enums"       Enums(1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
// @Param        string      query     string  false  "string valid"    minlength(5)  maxlength(10)
// @Param        int         query     int     false  "int valid"       minimum(1)    maximum(10)
// @Param        default     query     string  false  "string default"  default(A)
// @Success      200 "answer"
// @Failure      400,404 "ok"
func AttributeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (string, int, error) {
	return fmt.Sprintf("enumstring=%s enumint=%s enumnumber=%s string=%s int=%s default=%s",
	), http.StatusOK, nil

func addCustomDocs(docs *spec.Swagger) {
	docs.Swagger = "2.0"
	docs.Host = "localhost:8080"
	docs.Info = &spec.Info{
		InfoProps: spec.InfoProps{
			Description:    "This is a sample celler server.",
			Title:          "Swagger Example API",
			TermsOfService: "",
			Contact: &spec.ContactInfo{
				ContactInfoProps: spec.ContactInfoProps{
					Name:  "API Support",
					URL:   "",
					Email: "[email protected]",
			License: &spec.License{
				LicenseProps: spec.LicenseProps{
					Name: "Apache 2.0",
					URL:  "",
			Version: "1.0",
	docs.SecurityDefinitions = map[string]*spec.SecurityScheme{
		"ApiKeyAuth": {
			SecuritySchemeProps: spec.SecuritySchemeProps{
				Type: "apiKey",
				In:   "header",
				Name: "Authorization",
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  • Weird error issue makes handlers return null even if error is nil

    Weird error issue makes handlers return null even if error is nil

    Hey, awesome project!!!

    I was just playing with it a bit and I could not make my get handler return data, I always got null. after digging a little around I found that errors.Is(err, nil) seems to always return false, and therefore always handles the response as if it would have been an error.... did you see this before ? I have tried with beta 1 and 2... the code I use matches the chi example very closely...

    After playing with it for a bit more time I found that I could make it work by creating a new variable using the errortype first like so:

    func (h *ResHandler[Res, Err]) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    	res, code, err := h.f(w, r)
    	var nilErr Err
    	if !errors.Is(err, nilErr) {

    It is generally still a little strange to me, as I do not understand why nil suddenly gets somehow linked to the type ?! Anyways, maybe you have some thoughts to this...

    Greetings, Lukas

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