Rich testing for the Go language


Install the package with:

go get

Import it with:

import ""

and use check as the package name inside the code.

For more details, visit the project page:

and the API documentation:

  • Data race if c.Fail is called in a goroutine

    Data race if c.Fail is called in a goroutine

    Consider this test case

    package suite
    import (
        gc ""
    type TestSuite struct{}
    var _ = gc.Suite(&TestSuite{})
    func TestTesting(t *testing.T) {
    func (t *TestSuite) TestRace(c *gc.C) {
        var wg sync.WaitGroup
        start := make(chan bool)
        const n = 2
        for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
            go func() {
                defer wg.Done()
                c.Error("an error occured")

    When running the test with -race, the following data race results

    Write by goroutine 9:*C).Error()
          /home/dfc/src/ +0x246
          /home/dfc/src/suite/suite_test.go:31 +0x152
    Previous write by goroutine 10:*C).Error()
          /home/dfc/src/ +0x246
          /home/dfc/src/suite/suite_test.go:31 +0x152
    Goroutine 9 (running) created at:
          /home/dfc/src/suite/suite_test.go:32 +0xd0
          /home/dfc/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:437 +0x44
          /home/dfc/go/src/reflect/value.go:300 +0xd0*suiteRunner).forkTest.func1()
          /home/dfc/src/ +0x5e3*suiteRunner).forkCall.func1()
          /home/dfc/src/ +0x83
    Goroutine 10 (finished) created at:
          /home/dfc/src/suite/suite_test.go:32 +0xd0
          /home/dfc/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:437 +0x44
          /home/dfc/go/src/reflect/value.go:300 +0xd0*suiteRunner).forkTest.func1()
          /home/dfc/src/ +0x5e3*suiteRunner).forkCall.func1()
          /home/dfc/src/ +0x83
    FAIL: suite_test.go:18: TestSuite.TestRace
    OOPS: 0 passed, 1 FAILED
        c.Error("an error occured")
    ... Error: an error occured
        c.Error("an error occured")
    ... Error: an error occured
    --- FAIL: TestTesting (0.00s)
    exit status 1
    FAIL    suite   0.018s
  • Multiple test files in same package run some tests twice

    Multiple test files in same package run some tests twice

    Okay, so I've managed to reproduce this in a simple test case. Basically it seems like when I have two different test files in the same directory, same package and run go test -v ./... the second test file which is run executes the tests from the first test file's suite alongside its own suite's tests.

    Below is a small example, just create both files in the same directory and run go test ./.... The output should show SuiteOne outputting TESTONE and then SuiteTwo outputting TESTONE and TESTTWO.

    FILE - onetest.go

    package session
    import (
      . ""
    type SuiteOne struct { }
    func TestOne(t *testing.T) {
    func (t *SuiteOne) TestOne(c *C) {

    FILE - twotest.go

    package session
    import (
      . ""
    type SuiteTwo struct { }
    func TestTwo(t *testing.T) {
    func (t *SuiteTwo) TestTwo(c *C) {

    The output looks like this:

    $ go test -v ./...
    === RUN TestOne
    OK: 1 passed
    --- PASS: TestOne (0.00 seconds)
    === RUN TestTwo
    OK: 2 passed
    --- PASS: TestTwo (0.00 seconds)
    ok      _/Users/llovelock/test/check    0.014s

    Any idea of what's going on here?

  • Join the Stream and Verbose flags into the verbosity value

    Join the Stream and Verbose flags into the verbosity value

    The word Stream is confusing. It has many meanings, and it's not clear that it means more verbose than verbose. In addition to that, using a numerical value allows future runners and reporters to have a mode that's even more verbose than Stream.

    Requires #71.

  • check: fix data race on C.status

    check: fix data race on C.status

    Fixes #43 Updates #35

    This PR removes a data race on C.status if c.Error or c.Assert fails in a goroutine spawned inside a test suite.

    Renaming the variable to C._status is regretable, but made the change to the code accessing the variable via helpers smaller.

    Tests were not run as they do not pass on recent versions of Go. This fix was verified by asserting that LP 1463643 was resolved.

  • Better test logging for -v

    Better test logging for -v

    When the -v flag is used, the test reporting is very difficult to read. It is basically the stdout/err of every test combined without any information about which tests are running.

    I think check should probably print some more details if the -v flag is given. Definitely the name of the test suite and function. Probably also the filename of the test.

    The state of the flag can be retrieved through the testing.Verbose function.

  • Add checkers isTrue and isFalse.

    Add checkers isTrue and isFalse.

    Add checkers IsTrue & IsFalse.

    Use :

    c.Assert(0 < 1, IsTrue)
    c.Assert(0 > 1, IsFalse)

    instead of:

    c.Assert(0 < 1, Equals, true)
    c.Assert(0 > 1, Equals, false)
  • Replaced path.Join with filepath.Join in newPath()

    Replaced path.Join with filepath.Join in newPath()

    This normalizes the path separator OS-specifically assuring that directories with paths featuring both \ and / are avoided under Windows; making MkDir() behave better cross-OS overall.

  • adding memory benchmark tracking and output, and the -check.bmem option

    adding memory benchmark tracking and output, and the -check.bmem option

    this only adds new functionality. sample output:

    PASS: driver_bench_test.go:66: BenchmarkSuite.BenchmarkSimpleCreateLabel          50      20729140 ns/op        7791 B/op        110 allocs/op

    this is heavily borrowed from the testing code that has this functionality.

  • go module instead of

    go module instead of is down for a few days already. This PR introduces v2 sub-module that can be imported like

    Additionally, it brings some linting/static analysis fixes for problems reported by staticcheck, unused, gosimple and go vet.

  • Idea: provide a `context.Context` object to tests in the C object

    Idea: provide a `context.Context` object to tests in the C object

    The idea is that you can write something like this:

    func (s* suite) TestSomething(c *C) {
        suiteCtx := c.SuiteContext()
        testCtx := c.TestContext()

    The SuiteContext is guaranteed to be cancelled at the end of the suite, and the TestContext is guaranteed to be cancelled at the end of the individual test. This is something that could be provided in a fixture, but it seems a shame to duplicate that in all my suites, and (as far as I know) there's no way to do "Suite mixins" or anything like that. In any case, I also wasn't sure what (if any) concurrency capabilities that GoCheck provides, and placing the TestContext object inside the suite would preclude its safe use in multiple parallel tests.

  • Running multiple test suites reports failure and logs multiple times

    Running multiple test suites reports failure and logs multiple times

    I have setup a test suite for each file of my package. I also redirect logs (from go-logging) into testing.T. The failures and logs are duplicated in the output of each suite. This is quite confusing.

  • `check.f` not working

    `check.f` not working

    Folder structure:

    ├── abc
    │   └── abc_test.go
    └── run_test.go


    package test
    import (
    	. ""
    func Test(t *testing.T) {


    package abc
    import (
    	. ""
    type TestSuite struct{}
    var _ = Suite(&TestSuite{})
    func Test(t *testing.T) {
    func (s *TestSuite) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
    func (s *TestSuite) TestOne(c *C) {
    	fmt.Println("start one")
    func (s *TestSuite) TestTwo(c *C) {
    	fmt.Println("start two")

    Running go test -v ./test/... works.


    OK: 0 passed
    --- PASS: Test (0.00s)
    ok      go-playground/test      0.003s
    === RUN   Test
    start one
    start two
    OK: 2 passed
    --- PASS: Test (0.00s)

    Running go test -v -check.f TestSuite ./test/... does not work: I get a [no test files] output

  • Test status does not flow from TestSetup to its running Test

    Test status does not flow from TestSetup to its running Test

    Given a test suite with a TestSetup method, if c.Fail() is called on the *C instance captured from the TestSetup method or one of its descendants after TestSetup completes but before the Test method completes, the test is not marked failed.

    Consider the following test:

    package main
    import (
    	chk ""
    type scratchTest struct {
    	c *chk.C
    // Hookup to the testing framework
    func Test(t *testing.T) { chk.TestingT(t) }
    var _ = chk.Suite(&scratchTest{})
    func (s *scratchTest) TestCheckDoesNotFlow(c *chk.C) {
    	c.Log("This test should be failing")
    func (s *scratchTest) SetUpTest(c *chk.C) {
    	// capture the check test context
    	s.c = c
    func (s *scratchTest) doFail() {

    Actual output:

    OK: 1 passed
    ok      _/C_/src/goscratch      0.126s

    Expected output:

    FAIL: checkrepro_test.go:20: scratchTest.TestCheckDoesNotFlow
    This test should be failing
    OOPS: 0 passed, 1 FAILED
    --- FAIL: Test (0.00s)
    exit status 1
    FAIL       0.105s
  • Flow C funcStatus from setup C to Test C

    Flow C funcStatus from setup C to Test C

    fixes #128

    This PR makes the following changes:

    • funcStatus is now a pointer
    • The pointer value of _status is now copied between the setupTest method and the newly created C for the running Test.

    Now, when the C from the TestSetup it is cloned to the Test method in forkTest, any changes to status are reflected across both contexts.

  • run: automatically turn on verbose mode if run with

    run: automatically turn on verbose mode if run with "go test -v"

    If I'm working on a project that doesn't use go-check, I can run go test to see only failures, or go test -v to see status messages as each test is run. If the project is using go-check though, I'd need to run go test -v -check.v for the latter.

    This is a pain if I've got a set of packages with some using go-check and others not, and want to run tests on all of them. If I run go test -v ./..., I miss out on status messages for the go-check modules. If I run go test -v ./... -check.v, the packages that don't use go-check fail because they don't understand the flag.

    I can't think of many cases where you'd want to enable stdlib verbose mode but not go-check verbose mode, so this PR automatically turns on go-check verbose mode by checking testing.Verbose(). Looking at the docs on, this was added in Go 1.1, so shouldn't introduce a compatibility problem.

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