Provides some convenient API, includes Goid(), AllGoid(), and LocalStorage, which is a goroutine's local storage, just like ThreadLocal in other languages.


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routine encapsulates and provides some easy-to-use, high-performance goroutine context access interfaces, which can help you access coroutine context information more elegantly, but you may also open Pandora's Box.


The Golang language has been sparing no effort to shield developers from the concept of coroutine context from the beginning of its design, including the acquisition of coroutine goid, the state of the coroutine within the process, and the storage of coroutine context.

If you have used other languages such as C++/Java/..., then you must be familiar with ThreadLocal, and after starting to use Golang, you will definitely feel confused and distressed by the lack of convenient functions similar to ThreadLocal . Of course, you can choose to use Context, let it carry all the context information, appear in the first input parameter of all functions, and then shuttle around in your system.

The core goal of routine is to open up another path: to introduce goroutine local storage into the world of Golang , and at the same time expose the coroutine information to meet the needs of some people.

Usage & Demo

This chapter briefly introduces how to install and use the routine library.


go get

Use goid

The following code simply demonstrates the use of routine.Goid() and routine.AllGoids():

package main

import (

func main() {
	go func() {
	goid := routine.Goid()
	goids := routine.AllGoids()
	fmt.Printf("curr goid: %d\n", goid)
	fmt.Printf("all goids: %v\n", goids)

In this example, the main function starts a new coroutine, so Goid() returns the main coroutine 1, and AllGoids() returns the main coroutine and coroutine 18:

curr goid: 1
all goids: [1 18]

Use LocalStorage

The following code simply demonstrates NewLocalStorage(), Set(), Get(), and cross-coroutine propagation of LocalStorage:

package main

import (

var nameVar = routine.NewLocalStorage()

func main() {
	nameVar.Set("hello world")
	fmt.Println("name: ", nameVar.Get())

	// other goroutine cannot read nameVar
	go func() {
		fmt.Println("name1: ", nameVar.Get())

	// but, the new goroutine could inherit/copy all local data from the current goroutine like this:
	routine.Go(func() {
		fmt.Println("name2: ", nameVar.Get())

	// or, you could copy all local data manually
	ic := routine.BackupContext()
	go func() {
		fmt.Println("name3: ", nameVar.Get())


The results of the upper example are:

name:  hello world
name1:  <nil>
name3:  hello world
name2:  hello world


This chapter introduces in detail all the interfaces encapsulated by the routine library, as well as their core functions and implementation methods.

Goid() (id int64)

Get the goid of the current goroutine.

Under normal circumstances, Goid() first tries to obtain it directly through go_tls. This operation has extremely high performance and the time-consuming is usually only one-fifth of rand.Int().

If an error such as version incompatibility occurs, Goid() will try to downgrade, that is, parse it from the runtime.Stack information. At this time, the performance will drop sharply by about a thousand times, but it can ensure that the function is normally available.

AllGoids() (ids []int64)

Get the goid of all active goroutine of the current process.

In go 1.15 and older versions, AllGoids() will try to parse and get all the coroutine information from the runtime.Stack information, but this operation is very inefficient and it is not recommended to use it in high-frequency logic. .

In versions after go 1.16, AllGoids() will directly read the global coroutine pool information of runtime through native, which has greatly improved performance, but considering the production environment There may be tens of thousands or millions of coroutines, so it is still not recommended to use it at high frequencies.


Create a new instance of LocalStorage, its design idea is very similar to the usage of ThreadLocal in other languages.

BackupContext() *ImmutableContext

Back up the local storage data of the current coroutine context. It is just an immutable structure that facilitates the transfer of context data.

InheritContext(ic *ImmutableContext)

Actively inherit the backed-up context local storage data, it will copy the data of other coroutines BackupContext() into the current coroutine context, thus supporting the contextual data propagation across coroutines.

Go(f func())

Start a new coroutine and automatically copy all the context local storage data of the current coroutine to the new coroutine. Its internal implementation consists of BackupContext() and InheritContext().


Represents the context variable of the coroutine, and the supported functions include:

  • Get() (value interface{}): Get the variable value that has been set by the current coroutine.
  • Set(v interface{}) interface{}: Set the value of the context variable of the current coroutine, and return the old value that has been set before.
  • Del() (v interface{}): Delete the context variable value of the current coroutine and return the deleted old value.
  • Clear(): Thoroughly clean up the old value of this context variable saved in all coroutines.

Tip: The internal implementation of Get/Set/Del adopts a lock-free design. In most cases, its performance should be very stable and efficient.

Garbage Collection

The routine library internally maintains the global storages variable, which stores all the context variable information of the coroutine, and performs variable addressing mapping based on the goid of the coroutine and the ptr of the coroutine variable when reading and writing.

In the entire life cycle of a process, it may be created by destroying countless coroutines, so how to clean up the context variables of these dead coroutines?

To solve this problem, a global GCTimer is allocated internally by routine. This timer will be started when storages needs to be cleaned up. It scans and cleans up the context variables cached by dead coroutine in storages at regular intervals, so as to avoid possible hidden dangers of memory leaks.



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