Golang beautify data display for Humans

Golang beautify data display for Humans

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package main

import (
	ffmt "gopkg.in/ffmt.v1"

func main() {

type mt struct {
	String string
	Int    int
	Slice  []int
	Map    map[string]interface{}

func example() {
	m := mt{
		"hello world",
		[]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
			"A":  123,
			"BB": 456,

	fmt.Println(m) // fmt the default formatting.
		{hello world 100 [1 2 3 4 5 6] map[BB:456 A:123]}

	ffmt.Puts(m) // More friendly formatting.
		 String: "hello world"
		 Int:    100
		 Slice:  [
		  1 2 3
		  4 5 6
		 Map: {
		  "A":  123
		  "BB": 456

	ffmt.Print(m) // Same "Puts" but String unadded '"'.
		 String: hello world
		 Int:    100
		 Slice:  [
		  1 2 3
		  4 5 6
		 Map: {
		  A:  123
		  BB: 456

	ffmt.P(m) // Format data and types.
		 String: string("hello world")
		 Int:    int(100)
		 Slice:  []int[
		  int(1) int(2) int(3)
		  int(4) int(5) int(6)
		 Map: map[string]interface {}{
		  string("A"):  int(123)
		  string("BB"): int(456)

	ffmt.Pjson(m) // Format it in json style.
		 "Int": 100
		,"Map": {
		  "A":  123
		 ,"BB": 456
		,"Slice": [
		,"String": "hello world"

	m0 := ffmt.ToTable(m, m) // Break the fields into tables.
		  "String" "Int"
		  "Slice"  "Map"
		  "hello world"   "100"
		  "[1 2 3 4 5 6]" "map[A:123 BB:456]"

	m1 := ffmt.FmtTable(m0) // [][]string Table format.
		 "String      Int Slice         Map               "
		 "hello world 100 [1 2 3 4 5 6] map[A:123 BB:456] "

	ffmt.Mark("hello") // Mark position.
		main.go:124  hello

	ffmt.Print(ffmt.BytesViewer("Hello world! Hello All!"))
  |  Address | Hex                                             | Text             |
  | -------: | :---------------------------------------------- | :--------------- |
  | 00000000 | 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64 21 20 48 65 6c | Hello world! Hel |
  | 00000010 | 6c 6f 20 41 6c 6c 21                            | lo All!          |


Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for the full license text.

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