:jeans:Multi-Package go project coverprofile for tools like goveralls

Package overalls

Build Status GoDoc

Package overalls takes multi-package go projects, runs test coverage tests on all packages in each directory and finally concatenates into a single file for tools like goveralls and codecov.io.

Usage and documentation

overalls -project=github.com/go-playground/overalls -covermode=count -debug
then with other tools such as goveralls
goveralls -coverprofile=overalls.coverprofile -service semaphore -repotoken $COVERALLS_TOKEN
or codecov.io
mv overalls.coverprofile coverage.txt
export CODECOV_TOKEN=###
bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)
  1. goveralls and codecover currently do not calculate coverage the same way as go tool cover see here and here.

  2. overalls (and go test) by default will not calculate coverage "across" packages. E.g. if a test in package A covers code in package B overalls will not count it. You may or may not want this depending on whether you're more concerned about unit test coverage or integration test coverage. To enable add the coverpkg flag. overalls -project=github.com/go-playground/overalls -covermode=count -debug -- -coverpkg=./...

$ overalls -help

usage: overalls -project=[path] -covermode[mode] OPTIONS -- TESTOPTIONS

overalls recursively traverses your projects directory structure
running 'go test -covermode=count -coverprofile=profile.coverprofile'
in each directory with go test files, concatenates them into one
coverprofile in your root directory named 'overalls.coverprofile'

	Your project path as an absolute path or relative to the '$GOPATH/src' directory
	example: -project=github.com/go-playground/overalls

    Mode to run when testing files.


    A comma separated list of directory names to ignore, relative to project path.
    example: -ignore=[.git,.hiddentdir...]
    default: '.git'

    A flag indicating whether to print debug messages.
    example: -debug

    Limit the number of packages being processed at one time.
    The minimum value must be 2 or more when set.
    example: -concurrency=5
    default: unlimited


Any flags after -- will be passed as-is to go test. For example:

overalls -project=$PROJECT -debug -- -race -v

Will call go test -race -v under the hood in addition to the -coverprofile commands.

How to Contribute

Make a pull request.

If the changes being proposed or requested are breaking changes, please create an issue.


Distributed under MIT License, please see license file in code for more details.

Go Playgound
multiple packages, libraries and programs to further the advancement of Go!
Go Playgound
  • Proposal: allow configuring

    Proposal: allow configuring "go" command for compatibility with `richgo`

    This is a neat tool: https://github.com/kyoh86/richgo

    I'd like to add a flag to overalls that allows us to specify e.g. --go-cmd=richgo (default would be "go").


  • Use covermode atomic with -race

    Use covermode atomic with -race

    I believe the current default of -covermode=count with -race can cause race conditions. See this gist for an example.


  • Add concurrency flag to limit resource usage

    Add concurrency flag to limit resource usage

    I wrote this because we have a repository that over utilizes packages and we run tests on a resource-constrained VM. In order to not build all packages at the same time (and bring down the VM), I've added an option to use a concurrency limiter so overalls only processes a certain number of packages at a time.

    In order to not change current usage for others who don't care, I've set a very high default for the concurrency limit.

    Based on http://jmoiron.net/blog/limiting-concurrency-in-go/

    I'm not sure if others find this useful or not. If not, we can close this PR.

  • Allow overalls to work with projects based on Go modules

    Allow overalls to work with projects based on Go modules

    This is my attempt to get overalls to work with project based on Go modules. I can't say I entirely understand the consequences of passing "." as the source directory in the build.Default.Import call, but it works fine with overalls itself and one of my own projects (both prior to and after the migration to Go modules).

  • Support passing arguments to go test

    Support passing arguments to go test

    We run our tests in CI with -race -v, it'd be nice if we could keep the same output, while still using overalls to actually run the tests per package and merge the coverage output.

    Being able to pass arguments like go list takes would also be nice.

    I'm happy to try and add this myself, but that would require a bit of bikeshedding (of test output, of arguments) so I wanted to bring this up for discussion first

  • Improve statements detection

    Improve statements detection

    We had a problem with the correctness of statements detection when tests are located in a separate package and have sub-packages so I've made a little change of how go test runs - include all sub-packages of the testing one and this fixed the problem. For example here is what was happening and here is how it works now.

  • GPL dependency

    GPL dependency

    I've just noticed that this project depends on "github.com/yookoala/realpath" which is licensed under GPL-like dependency. I'm not sure, but may be it's impossible to have this project licensed under MIT because of it. Anyway, thanks for a perfect library :)

  • Add -go-binary flag for richgo integration

    Add -go-binary flag for richgo integration

    Richgo is this cool tool that you can use to colorize your go test output into a much more readable format:


    By running overalls -go-binary=richgo (assuming you've installed it), you get sweet, sweet output.

    Fixes #15

  • Support symbolic links

    Support symbolic links

    As part of my CI build process, the source is mounted at /source. I then create a symbolic link from /source to /go/src/github.com/F21/myproject.

    Unfortunately, when symbolic links are used, overalls is not able to find the tests in the project. The current solution is to copy the contents of /source to /go/src/github.com/F21/myproject, but support for symbolic links would be super awesome!

  • Allow running outside of go workspace

    Allow running outside of go workspace

    Our CI system checks out git repositories with no consideration for go workspace layouts.

    go test still works inside the checkout directory, but it's impossible to use overalls to run it without shuffling things around

  • optionally output to file as well as logger

    optionally output to file as well as logger

    I have a case where I need the test output as well as the coverage report to make my CI tooling happy.

    This PR adds an optional flag (outfile) to write stderr and stdout to a file as well as to the logger.

  • Include -coverpkg=./... by default

    Include -coverpkg=./... by default

    I tried using this tool to get a coverage report similar to goveralls but the lack of the "--coverpkg" arg caused it to give a much different result. You can see goveralls is using --coverpkg here: https://github.com/mattn/goveralls/blob/master/goveralls.go#L124

    I suggest that you make this the command because I would guess that most people seeking multi-package coverage have package that depend on each other and this is what they want. Otherwise the results are confusing because it says you have no coverage when you really do. go test -covermode=count -coverprofile=profile.coverprofile -coverpkg=./...

goveralls - Go integration for Coveralls.io continuous code coverage tracking system.

goveralls Go integration for Coveralls.io continuous code coverage tracking system. Installation goveralls requires a working Go installation (Go-1.2

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