Lightning Fast HTTP Multiplexer

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What is bone ?

Bone is a lightweight and lightning fast HTTP Multiplexer for Golang. It support :

  • URL Parameters
  • REGEX Parameters
  • Wildcard routes
  • Router Prefix
  • Route params validators
  • Sub Router, mux.SubRoute(), support most standard router (bone, gorilla/mux, httpRouter etc...)
  • Http method declaration
  • Support for http.Handler and http.HandlerFunc
  • Custom NotFound handler
  • Respect the Go standard http.Handler interface

alt tag


- BenchmarkBoneMux        10000000               118 ns/op
- BenchmarkZeusMux          100000               144 ns/op
- BenchmarkHttpRouterMux  10000000               134 ns/op
- BenchmarkNetHttpMux      3000000               580 ns/op
- BenchmarkGorillaMux       300000              3333 ns/op
- BenchmarkGorillaPatMux   1000000              1889 ns/op

These tests are just for fun, all these routers are great and efficient. Bone isn't the fastest router for every job.


package main



func main () {
  mux := bone.New()

  mux.RegisterValidatorFunc("isNum", func(s string) bool {
    if _, err := strconv.Atoi(s); err == nil {
      return true
    return false

  // mux.Get, Post, etc ... takes http.Handler
  // validator for route parameter
  mux.Get("/home/:id|isNum", http.HandlerFunc(HomeHandler))
  // multiple parameter
  mux.Get("/profil/:id/:var", http.HandlerFunc(ProfilHandler))
  mux.Post("/data", http.HandlerFunc(DataHandler))

  // Support REGEX Route params
  mux.Get("/index/#id^[0-9]$", http.HandlerFunc(IndexHandler))

  // Handle take http.Handler
  mux.Handle("/", http.HandlerFunc(RootHandler))

  // GetFunc, PostFunc etc ... takes http.HandlerFunc
  mux.GetFunc("/test", Handler)

  http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux)

func Handler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
  // Get the value of the "id" parameters.
  val := bone.GetValue(req, "id")


Blog Posts


  • Errors dump for Go : Trash
  • Middleware Chaining module : Claw
  • Concurrent map read and map write under Go 1.6.0

    Concurrent map read and map write under Go 1.6.0

    Since Go 1.6.0 and the concurrent acces detector, my app crashes under heavy load:

    fatal error: concurrent map read and map write


    Does anybody else is experiencing the same issue ?

  • Panic running example 001

    Panic running example 001

    I got panic running example code:

    % go run 001/example.go -race
    2015/10/03 20:58:39 http: panic serving [::1]:45814: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    goroutine 182 [running]:
    net/http.(*conn).serve.func1(0xc8201786e0, 0x7f33df087650, 0xc820080398)
            /usr/lib/go/src/net/http/server.go:1287 +0xb5*Route).Match(0xc8200b0c80, 0xc820171880, 0xc820083a00)
            /tmp/b/src/ +0x28f*Mux).parse(0xc820076cf0, 0x7f33df0877d0, 0xc820178790, 0xc820171880, 0x0)
            /tmp/b/src/ +0x31d*Mux).ServeHTTP(0xc820076cf0, 0x7f33df0877d0, 0xc820178790, 0xc820171880)
            /tmp/b/src/ +0x43
    net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP(0xc8200700c0, 0x7f33df0877d0, 0xc820178790, 0xc820171880)
            /usr/lib/go/src/net/http/server.go:1862 +0x19e
            /usr/lib/go/src/net/http/server.go:1361 +0xbee
    created by net/http.(*Server).Serve
            /usr/lib/go/src/net/http/server.go:1910 +0x3f6

    tested with curl:

    % (repeat 100 {curl localhost:8080/home/foo & })
  • 404 Error instead of 405 Status Code

    404 Error instead of 405 Status Code

    mux := bone.New()
    mux.Get("/test/", http.HandlerFunc(myHandler))

    If I make requests to /test/ endpoint with POST method then I get 404 Not Found error instead of 405 Method Not Allowed.

    Probable reason: map[string][]*Route the key in this map is method name (e.g., GET, POST, etc..) and the requested endpoint is searched in the slice of the requested method, and if the endpoint is not found then 404 is returned.

    Proposed Solution:

    1. Search all Method's slices. (too costly operation) OR
    2. Register routes with the different way.
  • More comprehensive benchmarks.

    More comprehensive benchmarks.

    Your benchmarks are comparing the fetching of a single url - This is a misleading benchmark which is heavily biased towards bone because of its simple algorithm.

    Please add some benchmarks where the number of routes is medium and large with varying degrees of shared prefixes.

  • case insensitive urls

    case insensitive urls

    Is there any support for using case insensitive urls?

    Say I have a page at and the user types I would like it to still match.

    Sorry if there is a feature I am missing that allows for this.

  • Subrouter path issue

    Subrouter path issue

         mux := bone.New()
        sub := bone.New()
        sub.GetFunc("/test/example", func(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
            rw.Write([]byte("From Sub router !"))
        mux.Get("/api", sub)

    This is example from Readme, and it doesn't work. But example 003 in examples folder, works. Only difference is the path of the subrouter. If subrouter has more than 1 hardcoded pathsegments, it doesn't work. Example - "/test/example" Doesn't work. Whereas this - "/user/:id" works.

  • Issue with bone.GetVars()

    Issue with bone.GetVars()

    Just a quick thought.


    mux.Get("/home/:id", Handler)

    And as http.ListenAndServe() emits each client in the separate goroutine, it might happen that two clients access /home/1 and /home/2 at the same time.

    According to the variant of the GetValue() as a global var , it I'm not sure that both clients will get the correct bone.GetValue("id").

  • go 1.7 context

    go 1.7 context

    Refactor value storage to use net.Context. This allows users of bone to use http.Request.WithContext without bone breaking.

    I also expect this to have performance benefits since the map of requests has been completely eliminated (and locking is no longer required, since we don't allow mutations of the request values).

  • getRequestRoute for subroutes

    getRequestRoute for subroutes

    Using getRequestRoute for sub routes isn't working properly. Let's assume I have the following setup:

    func Main() {
        mux := bone.New()
        mux.SubRoute("/v0", apiMux)
        http.ListenAndServe("", mux)

    apiMux have the following endpoints registered:

    apiMux.Post("/users", usersHandler)
    apiMux.Post("/posts", postsHandler)

    Doing a request to /users will generate a http.Request with an URL equal to /v0/users. Calling getRequestRoute(req) returns /v0. I'd assume it returns /v0/users or /users.

    Is this a bug? If so, how do we want to fix it? I'd be happy to help in any way possible.

  • Query string not working in nested routers

    Query string not working in nested routers

    I have a sub route like:

    subRouter.GetFunc("*/users", ...)
    mainRouter.Get("/app/*", subRouter)

    This matches /app/users, but I can't figure out how to match the same path with an added query string. e.g. /app/users?active=true or /app/users?foo=1&bar=3

    I just get 404s. When I use a query string in the main router it works, but somehow a sub router fails. Any clues?

  • Are sub-routers or router-groups possible?

    Are sub-routers or router-groups possible?

    Like for instance the following:

    subRouter := bone.New()
    subRouter.GetFunc("/getNames", GetUserNamesControllerFunc)
    subRouter.GetFunc("/getEmail", GetUserEmailControllerFunc)
    router.Handle("/user", subRouter)

    I would like this code to handle the /user/getNames and /user/getEmail urls but it does not work. Is this functionality supported?

  • /api/home/  with   trail slash   should be  not found

    /api/home/ with trail slash should be not found

    package main
    import (
    var (
    	mux = bone.New(Serve, Wrap)
    func Wrap(mux *bone.Mux) *bone.Mux {
    	return mux.Prefix("/api")
    func Serve(mux *bone.Mux) *bone.Mux {
    	mux.Serve = func(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
    		tr := time.Now()
    		mux.DefaultServe(rw, req)
    		fmt.Println("Serve request from", req.RemoteAddr, "in", time.Since(tr))
    	return mux
    func main() {
    	// Custom 404
    	// Handle with any http method, Handle takes http.Handler as argument.
    	mux.Handle("/index", http.HandlerFunc(homeHandler))
    	mux.Handle("/index/:var/info/:test", http.HandlerFunc(varHandler))
    	// Get, Post etc... takes http.HandlerFunc as argument.
    	mux.Post("/home", http.HandlerFunc(homeHandler))
    	mux.Get("/home/:var", http.HandlerFunc(varHandler))
    	mux.GetFunc("/test/*", func(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
    	// Start Listening
    func homeHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
    	rw.Write([]byte("WELCOME HOME"))
    func varHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
    	varr := bone.GetValue(req, "var")
    	test := bone.GetValue(req, "test")
    	var args = struct {
    		First  string
    		Second string
    	}{varr, test}
    	if err := json.NewEncoder(rw).Encode(&args); err != nil {
    func Handler404(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
    	rw.Write([]byte("These are not the droids you're looking for ..."))

    visist http://localhost:8080/api/home/xxx
    {"First":"xxx","Second":""} visit http://localhost:8080/api/home/ {"First":"","Second":""}

  • Include Allow header with 405 response

    Include Allow header with 405 response

    When bone returns a 405 Method Not Allowed response, it would be good if it could include an Allow header detailing which methods are permitted.

    I think it could perhaps be done by amending the otherMethods helper. Something like:

    func (m *Mux) otherMethods(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) bool {
    	allowed := []string{}
    	for _, met := range method {
    		if met != req.Method {
    			for _, r := range m.Routes[met] {
    				ok := r.exists(rw, req)
    				if ok {
    					allowed = append(allowed, r.Method)
    	if len(allowed) > 0 {
    		rw.Header()["Allow"] = allowed
    		return true
    	return false

    Also, what are your thoughts on including a plain text "Method Not Allowed" message in the response body, similar to the "404 page not allowed" body for 404s?

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