🛠 A full-featured dependency injection container for go programming language.


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Dependency injection for Go programming language.

Tutorial | Examples | Advanced features

Dependency injection is one form of the broader technique of inversion of control. It is used to increase modularity of the program and make it extensible.

This library helps you to organize responsibilities in your codebase and make it easy to combine low-level implementation into high-level behavior without boilerplate.


  • Intuitive auto wiring
  • Interface implementations
  • Constructor injection
  • Optional injection
  • Field injection
  • Lazy-loading
  • Tagging
  • Grouping
  • Cleanup


You can use standard pkg.go.dev and inline code comments. If you do not have experience with auto-wiring libraries as google/wire, uber-go/dig or another - start with tutorial.


go get github.com/goava/di

What it looks like

package main

import (


func main() {
	// create container
	c, err := di.New(
		di.Provide(NewContext),  // provide application context
		di.Provide(NewServer),   // provide http server
		di.Provide(NewServeMux), // provide http serve mux
		// controllers as []Controller group
		di.Provide(NewOrderController, di.As(new(Controller))),
		di.Provide(NewUserController, di.As(new(Controller))),
	// handle container errors
	if err != nil {
	// invoke function
	if err := c.Invoke(StartServer); err != nil {

Full code available here.


If you have any questions, feel free to create an issue.

  • How to build a service conditionally?

    How to build a service conditionally?


    I'm considering introducing DI into my project. Your DI implementation container looks good enough :) But I have a question: how to create services that are created through user's configuration? Here's an example:

    package main
    import (
    type ServiceInterface interface {
    type DependencyA interface {}
    type ServiceImplementationA struct {DependencyA}
    func (s *ServiceImplementationA) Do() {}
    type DependencyB interface {}
    type ServiceImplementationB struct {DependencyB}
    func (s *ServiceImplementationB) Do() {}
    func NewService(config *viper.Viper) ServiceInterface {
    	if viper.GetString("preferred_service") == "B" {
    		// Resolve as ServiceImplementationB
    	// Otherwise resolve as ServiceImplementationA
    func main() {
    	container, _ := di.New(
    	var service ServiceInterface

    Depending on the configuration, I want to create a service interface implementation. But each implementation has its own dependencies list (I have not provided them manually in the example). I need a way to somehow call container.Resolve(&concreteImplementation) from the NewService function.

    Is there any way to do this? Or maybe I just misunderstand how it should be done at all?

  • Unable to make interfaces group by using the same funtion interface implenentations

    Unable to make interfaces group by using the same funtion interface implenentations

    The title :) https://play.golang.org/p/ZvWhZaxyzM6

    package main
    import (
    type Interface interface {
    	Do(ctx context.Context) error
    type FuncInterface func(ctx context.Context) error
    func (c FuncInterface) Do(ctx context.Context) error {
    	return c(ctx)
    func createFirst() FuncInterface {
    	return func(ctx context.Context) error {
    		return nil
    func createSecond() FuncInterface {
    	return func(ctx context.Context) error {
    		return nil
    func main() {
    	container, err := di.New(
    		di.Provide(createFirst, di.As(new(Interface))),
    		di.Provide(createSecond, di.As(new(Interface))),
    	if err != nil {
    	var interfaces []Interface
    	err = container.Resolve(&interfaces)
    	if err != nil {

    The error:

    main.FuncInterface already exists in dependency graph
  • Add support for di. Inject in  Invoke()

    Add support for di. Inject in Invoke()

    Actually, the title. I've prepared an example that shows the problem: https://play.golang.org/p/vZ2JvfmvJBB

    package main
    import (
    type Dependency struct {}
    func NewDependency() *Dependency {
    	return &Dependency{}
    type Params struct {
    	Dependency *Dependency `di:""`
    func InvokeWithDependencyAsParam(params Params) {
    	// Some code
    func main() {
    	_, err := di.New(
    	if err != nil {
  • Allow decorating of services in the container

    Allow decorating of services in the container

    I started to try to implement this but I dont really understand how the internals are working right now. My Idea was to add another Option to di which is called Decorate.

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	container, err := di.New(
    	if err != nil {
    	container.Invoke(func(e Example) {
    		fmt.Println(e) // Will print "Example"
           err = container.Decorate(DecorateExample)
           if err != nil {
    	container.Invoke(func(e Example) {
    		fmt.Println(e) // Will print "Example is now Decorated"
    type Example string
    func NewExample() Example {
    	return "Example"
    func DecorateExample(e Example) Example {
    	return e + " is now Decorated"

    This can also be expaned to have options like priority to allow ordered decorations. Of course this only works when the decorated type isnt used before decoration. So you would have to call Decorate before Invoking anything.

  • Using `di.WithName()` breaks when having one entry without a `di.Name()`

    Using `di.WithName()` breaks when having one entry without a `di.Name()`

    When I provide the Container with multiple implementations of an Object and have one that doesnt have a Name the container doesnt know how to resolve it properly and returns an error when resolving a named entry

  • Add a Application Start and Stop System

    Add a Application Start and Stop System

    I am currently using uber-go/fx and I want to switch to DI, but sadly DI is missing a core feature to not run the invokes in compile state, instead having a Start() and Stop() function to kick off the Invokes and run until a control signal got sent, like CTRL+C.

    	container := di.New(
    // options
    	startCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 15*time.Second)
    	defer cancel()
    	if err := container.Start(startCtx); err != nil {
           <- container.Done()
    	stopCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 15*time.Second)
    	defer cancel()
    	if err := container.Stop(stopCtx); err != nil {

    or less verbose if someone doesnt need full controll over the start and stop system

    	container := di.New(
    // options
  • concurrent map read and map write

    concurrent map read and map write

    When calling "Invoke" function in multiple goroutine, it can lead to concurrent read and map write in this part of the code :

    // check cycle verified
    if !c.verified[param.Key()] {
    	err := checkCycles(c, param)
    	if err != nil {
    		return err
    	c.verified[param.Key()] = true
  • Implement injectable struct.

    Implement injectable struct.

    Closes #2. Implements #5. @zeromake try this branch. I rework a struct field injection mechanism. Tags support with embedded di.Injectable or di.Parameter(for backward compatibility).

    package main
    import (
    type Application struct {
    	Server *http.Server   `di:""`
    	Mux    *http.ServeMux `di:""`
    func New() *Application {
    	return &Application{}
    func main() {
    	var app *Application
    	_, err := di.New(
    		di.Provide(func() *http.Server { return &http.Server{} }),
    	if err != nil {
    	if app.Server == nil {
    		panic("server not found")
    	if app.Mux == nil {
    		panic("mux not found")
  • Add Late Provides

    Add Late Provides

    I am currently using a patched version of uber-go/fx and uber-go/dig where I already added these Features. It allows to execute code and add more options based on things that are in the Container.

    type Configuration struct {
     	 Enabled bool
    di.Provide(func () *Configuration {
    		return &Configuration{ true }
    di.Provide(func(configuration *Configuration) di.Option {
    	if configuration.Enabled {
    		return di.Invoke(func () { fmt.Println("Hello World") })
    		return nil
  • Change how Injected structs are tagged

    Change how Injected structs are tagged

    Currently injected structs resolve using tag constraint like so:

    type Parameters struct {
    	// use tag for the container to know that field need to be injected.
    	Leader   *DatabaseConfig `type:"leader"`
    	Follower *DatabaseConfig `type:"follower"`

    But things start to break down if that same struct is used in other ways, for example marshalling:

    type Parameters struct {
    	// use tag for the container to know that field need to be injected.
    	Leader   *DatabaseConfig `type:"leader"   json:"leader"`
    	Follower *DatabaseConfig `type:"follower" json:"follower"`

    To avoid conflicting with other libs that also use tags to provide features on structs, I propose that we change how goava/di looks for struct tags that look like this instead:

    type Parameters struct {
    	// use tag for the container to know that field need to be injected.
    	Leader   *DatabaseConfig `di:"type=leader"`
    	Follower *DatabaseConfig `di:"type=follower"`
  • Tags


    Implement tag system

    Tags are embedded expanders for injecting type. Embed it in your injecting type:

    type Command interface {
      // ...
    type ListConsoleCommand struct {
      di.Tags `console.command:"list"`
    func NewListConsoleCommand() {
      return &ListConsoleCommand{}

    Provide your type as interface:

    c, err := di.New(
       di.Provide(NewListConsoleCommand, di.As(new(Command)))
       // or
       di.Provide(NewListConsoleCommandWithoutTags, di.As(new(Command)), di.WithTag("console.command", "list"))

    And use Resolve() with WithTag() option for fetch instance with concrete tag-value combination:

     var command Command
     container.Resolve(&command, WithTag("console.command", "list"))
  • Possibility to disable singleton behavior.

    Possibility to disable singleton behavior.

    Does it possible to disable singleton behavior for some dependencies? Probably some ResolveOption or ProvideOption for that.

    For example I want use goava/di container for testing with mocks. I have two different setups:

    • di.New(...) with production implementation of interfaces which is used for release builds.
    • di.New(...) with mocks which replace external APIs implementations.

    Majority of mock libs assumes that each test recreate mock object but di container always returns same instance of mock object. I can call di.New for each test case but it is not looks good.

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?? gocontainer gocontainer - Dependency Injection Container ?? ABOUT Contributors: Rafał Lorenz Want to contribute ? Feel free to send pull requests!

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