Rapid Web Development w/ Go

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A Go web development eco-system, designed to make your project easier.

Buffalo helps you to generate a web project that already has everything from front-end (JavaScript, SCSS, etc.) to the back-end (database, routing, etc.) already hooked up and ready to run. From there it provides easy APIs to build your web application quickly in Go.

Buffalo isn't just a framework; it's a holistic web development environment and project structure that lets developers get straight to the business of, well, building their business.

I ❤️ web dev in go again - Brian Ketelsen

⚠️ Important

Buffalo works only with Go modules. GOPATH mode is likely to break most of the functionality of the Buffalo eco-system. Please see this blog post for more information.

Also, the Buffalo team actively gives support to the last 2 versions of Go, which at the moment are:

  • 1.15.x
  • 1.16.x

While Buffalo may work on older versions, we encourage you to upgrade to latest 2 versions of Go for a better development experience.


Please visit http://gobuffalo.io for the latest documentation, examples, and more.

Quick Start

Shoulders of Giants

Buffalo would not be possible if not for all of the great projects it depends on. Please see SHOULDERS.md to see a list of them.


github.com/gobuffalo/plush - This templating package was chosen over the standard Go html/template package for a variety of reasons. The biggest of which is that it is significantly more flexible and easy to work with.


github.com/gorilla/mux - This router was chosen because of its stability and flexibility. There might be faster routers out there, but this one is definitely the most powerful!

Task Runner (Optional)

github.com/markbates/grift - If you're familiar with Rake tasks from Ruby, you'll be right at home using Grift. This package was chosen to allow for the easy running of simple, and common, tasks that most web applications need. Think things like seeding a database or taking in a CSV file and generating database records. Buffalo ships with an example routes task that prints of the defined routes and the function that handles those requests.

Models/ORM (Optional)

github.com/gobuffalo/pop - Accessing databases is nothing new in web applications. Pop, and its command line tool, Soda, were chosen because they strike a nice balance between simplifying common tasks, being idiomatic, and giving you the flexibility you need to build your app. Pop and Soda share the same core philosophies as Buffalo, so they were a natural choice.

Sessions, Cookies, WebSockets, and more...

github.com/gorilla - The Gorilla toolkit is a great set of packages designed to improve upon the standard library for a variety of web-related packages. With these high-quality packages Buffalo can keep its "core" code to a minimum and focus on its goal of gluing them all together to make your life better.


Oh, yeah, everyone wants benchmarks! What would a web framework be without its benchmarks? Well, guess what? I'm not giving you any! That's right. This is Go! I assure you that it is plenty fast enough for you. If you want benchmarks you can either a) check out any benchmarks that the GIANTS Buffalo is built upon having published, or b) run your own. I have no interest in playing the benchmark game, and neither should you.


First, thank you so much for wanting to contribute! It means so much that you care enough to want to contribute. We appreciate every PR from the smallest of typos to the be biggest of features.

Here are the core rules to respect:

  • If you have any question, please consider using the Slack channel (#buffalo, #buffalo_fr or #buffalo-dev for contribution related questions) or Stack Overflow. We use GitHub issues for bug reports and feature requests only.
  • All contributors of this project are working on their free time: be patient and kind. :)
  • Consider opening an issue BEFORE creating a Pull request (PR): you won't lose your time on fixing non-existing bugs, or fixing the wrong bug. Also we can help you to produce the best PR!
  • All PRs MUST be opened against the development branch. If you want to write an hot-fix, we'll first fix the development branch before moving the patch to master branch.


For the full contribution guidelines, please read CONTRIBUTING.

  • Implementing the `flash` helper

    Implementing the `flash` helper

    @markbates @bketelsen @bscott this is where i am on the flash helper, i'll continue tomorrow with the iterator implementation, look forward for your feedback.

  • Named Routes implementation.

    Named Routes implementation.

    This is my first attempt at supporting named routes as well as route helper functions available on the view, for more context please look into #210.

    cc @markbates

  • Truncate for

    Truncate for "buffalo test" is not working on cockroach v2.0.6


    When executing "buffalo test" with a configured cockroachDB v2.0.6 the data will not get truncated after each test. The Buffalo Auth Plugin generates multiple tests to be sure the user object is not already saved in the database before testing some logic. If I execute one test it will pass, with executing the test suite most will fail. If I run the same tests on a cockroachDB v1.1.9 everything works all fine.

    Steps to Reproduce the Problem

    Please describe in painful detail what you did (so others can play along with you) to get to this point. This includes things like the exact command(s) you used, or the curl command you used, that sort of thing.

    1. Create a new project with "buffalo new coke --db-type cockroach"
    2. Make sure the Cockroach DB is running.
    3. Generate authentication with the buffalo auth plugin
    4. Create databases with "buffalo db create -a"
    5. Run tests("buffalo test"), some of them will fail because they expect the database to be empty.
    6. Configure a postgre database with "buffalo db g config"
    7. Create databases with "buffalo db create -a"
    8. Run tests("buffalo test"), the tests pass all

    Expected Behavior

    After each test the cockroach database should truncate the created rows.

    Actual Behavior

    After each test the cockroach database keeps the data.


    ### Buffalo Version
    ### App Information
    ### Go Version
    go version go1.11.1 darwin/amd64
    ### Go Env
    CGO_CFLAGS="-g -O2"
    CGO_CXXFLAGS="-g -O2"
    CGO_FFLAGS="-g -O2"
    CGO_LDFLAGS="-g -O2"
    GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fno-caret-diagnostics -Qunused-arguments -fmessage-length=0 -fdebug-prefix-map=/var/folders/_5/7c3lr50s2wzgmw_y31t1r6400000gn/T/go-build684181983=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches -fno-common"
    ### Node Version
    ### NPM Version
    ### Yarn Version
    Yarn Not Found
    ### PostgreSQL Version
    pg_ctl (PostgreSQL) 10.5
    ### MySQL Version
    mysql  Ver 8.0.12 for osx10.14 on x86_64 (Homebrew)
    ### SQLite Version
    3.24.0 2018-06-04 14:10:15 95fbac39baaab1c3a84fdfc82ccb7f42398b2e92f18a2a57bce1d4a713cbaapl
    ### Dep Version
    could not find a Gopkg.toml file
    ### Dep Status
    could not find a Gopkg.toml file
    ### go.mod
    module github.com/edudorus/asom
  • Problem starting

    Problem starting "buffalo dev" server


    When executing command to start local buffalo dev server, get an error when expecting normal start.


    $ buffalo dev
    Buffalo version 0.7.1
    There was a problem starting the dev server: Unknown

    Details: Go Version: 1.7.4 Buffalo Version: 0.7.1 MacOS: Sierra ( 10.12.1 )

  • Error: you need to be inside your buffalo project path to run this command

    Error: you need to be inside your buffalo project path to run this command

    I am getting error below while running buffalo dev and buffalo generate on a fresh buffalo new project.

    Error: you need to be inside your buffalo project path to run this command

    Buffalo Version


    Go Version

    go version go1.9 linux/amd64

  • actions-packr.go: path error in windows

    actions-packr.go: path error in windows

    package actions import "github.com/gobuffalo/packr" // GENERATE FILE // Do NOT hand edit this file // It is recommended that you do not check into this file into SCM. // We STRONGLY recommend you delete this file after you have built your // Go binary. You can use the "packr clean" command to clean up this, // and any other packr generated files. func init() { packr.PackJSONBytes("../templates", "D:\Go\GOPATH\src\oschina.net\lanybass\erciyibiao\templates_flash.html", ""..."") packr.PackJSONBytes("../templates", "D:\Go\GOPATH\src\oschina.net\lanybass\erciyibiao\templates\application.html", ""..."") packr.PackJSONBytes("../templates", "D:\Go\GOPATH\src\oschina.net\lanybass\erciyibiao\templates\index.html", ""..."") }

    the slashes in D:\ should be replaced with \ or /

  • module updating (mainly for security bugfix) for gobuffalo families

    module updating (mainly for security bugfix) for gobuffalo families

    I am writing this issue to track/manage a set of PRs of module updating (mainly for security bugfix) for gobuffalo families.

    Related PRs

    • https://github.com/gobuffalo/github_flavored_markdown/pull/5
    • https://github.com/gobuffalo/tags/pull/138
    • https://github.com/gobuffalo/helpers/pull/19
    • https://github.com/gobuffalo/plush/pull/147


    • buffalo and pop
    • genny, fizz, buffalo-pop, cli will be checked if they need to be updated.
  • Autogenerated Test for Resources

    Autogenerated Test for Resources

    Hi. I made this PR as a proposal for the auto generated resources test.

    This work was based on Toodo, and I try to validate the common types when generating a resources, because the Type from Prop Struct doesn't return if is nulls or not, I added a new one called "OriginalType" for validation on the template.

  • Panic in Simpleworker

    Panic in Simpleworker


    I'm getting panic in Debug logger when a simple worker completes the job

    level=debug time="2022-04-17T22:20:12Z" msg="completed job %!s(PANIC=String method: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference)

    That's the culprit and this code panics too

  • build fails with golang 1.16.0

    build fails with golang 1.16.0

    Hello, I am trying to build by project with golang ~1.16beta1~ 1.16.0 (using the alpine based docker image) and I get the following error:

    buffalo build -v
    DEBU[2021-01-05T07:39:43Z] Step: e1807c46
    DEBU[2021-01-05T07:39:43Z] Chdir: /test/xxx
    DEBU[2021-01-05T07:39:43Z] File: /test/xxx/main.go
    DEBU[2021-01-05T07:39:43Z] File: /test/xxx/a/aa.go
    DEBU[2021-01-05T07:39:43Z] File: /test/xxx/buffalo_build_main.go
    DEBU[2021-01-05T07:39:43Z] File: /test/xxx/migrations/.pop-tmp.md
    DEBU[2021-01-05T07:39:43Z] Exec: go build -v -tags development -o bin/xxx
    go: updates to go.mod needed; try 'go mod tidy' first
    DEBU[2021-01-05T07:39:43Z] Rollback: main.go
    DEBU[2021-01-05T07:39:43Z] File: /test/xxx/main.go
    DEBU[2021-01-05T07:39:43Z] Delete: a/aa.go
    DEBU[2021-01-05T07:39:43Z] Delete: buffalo_build_main.go
    DEBU[2021-01-05T07:39:43Z] Delete: migrations/.pop-tmp.md
    DEBU[2021-01-05T07:39:43Z] Exec: go mod tidy
      buffalo build [flags]
      build, b, bill, install
          --clean-assets               will delete public/assets before calling webpack
          --dry-run                    runs the build 'dry'
          --environment string         set the environment for the binary (default "development")
      -e, --extract-assets             extract the assets and put them in a distinct archive
      -h, --help                       help for build
          --ldflags string             set any ldflags to be passed to the go build
          --mod string                 -mod flag for go build
      -o, --output string              set the name of the binary
      -k, --skip-assets                skip running webpack and building assets
          --skip-build-deps            skip building dependencies
          --skip-template-validation   skip validating templates
      -s, --static                     build a static binary using  --ldflags '-linkmode external -extldflags "-static"'
      -t, --tags string                compile with specific build tags
      -v, --verbose                    print debugging information
    ERRO[0000] Error: exit status 1

    A strange thing is that echoing $? returns 255, not 1

    Running go mod tidy does not solve the issue. Running buffalo dev works fine The project builds fine with golang 1.15.5 and the same buffalo versio (0.16.18)

    What can I check to provide more useful infos/solve this ?

    test repo: https://github.com/giulianozor/buffalotest


    Update: running go get -u, buffalo fix buffalo update does not fix the issue Update 2: if I run buffalo build --dry-run it seems to complete without error, but obviously no binary is produced

  • Create / drop database not working

    Create / drop database not working

    Hi there,

    Thanks for your work, at first :) I ran into problems just executing the following command: $ buffalo create db -a OR

    $ buffalo db drop -a

    I have the following database.yml:

      dialect: postgres
      database: myAppdb
      user: user
      password: password
      pool: 5
      url: {{envOr "TEST_DATABASE_URL" "postgres://user:[email protected]:5432/myApp_test?sslmode=disable"}}
      url: {{envOr "DATABASE_URL" "postgres://user:[email protected]:5432/myApp_production?sslmode=disable"}}

    I get:

    $ buffalo db drop -a
    couldn't drop database myApp_test: error dropping PostgreSQL database myApp_test: pq: authentification par mot de passe échouée pour l'utilisateur  « user »
    couldn't drop database myApp_production: error dropping PostgreSQL database myApp_production: pq: authentification par mot de passe échouée pour l'utilisateur  « user »
    couldn't drop database myAppdb: error dropping PostgreSQL database myAppdb: pq: la base de données « user » n'existe pas

    Meaning: buffalo seems to understand postgres://user:password as postgres://DATABASEr:password !

    Any help, please ?

  • For nulls.Time, decode empty value as NULL

    For nulls.Time, decode empty value as NULL

    What is being done in this PR?

    This PR adds a check during decoding which will return nulls.Time as a NULL value (i.e. its value for Valid will be false). Without this check, the value of nulls.Time{} will be:

      Time: 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC,
      Valid: true,

    This ends up storing the value 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC in the database, as opposed to a NULL value.

    What are the main choices made to get to this solution?

    One option was to make the model Bindable and write a custom Bind() method which could handle empty values, but the default Bind handler does so much that bypassing it seemed extreme.

    What was discovered while working on it? (Optional)

    Type in here a description of the discoveries made while working on this PR.

    List the manual test cases you've covered before sending this PR:

    Fizz (using Postgres):

    create_table("people") {
    	t.Column("id", "uuid", {primary: true})
    	t.Column("name", "string", {"size": 128})
    	t.Column("birthday", "date", {"null": true})


    type Person struct {
    	ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"`
    	Name  string `json:"name" db:"name"`
    	Birthday nulls.Time `json:"birthday" db:"birthday"`
    	CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"`
    	UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"`

    Plush form:

    <%= f.InputTag("Birthday", {"type":"date"}) %>
  • Piti/feat/trace on dev test

    Piti/feat/trace on dev test

    What is being done in this PR?

    This PR fixes issue #1904. And fix the bug caused by one of the previous pr that trace will only appear on development but not test environment.

    What are the main choices made to get to this solution?

    Without traces it's much harder to debug. The doc is also misleading that we will get a trace but in fact we didn't. This PR fix that issue.


    List the manual test cases you've covered before sending this PR:

    The tests are covered in unit tests.

    On dev, test: when handler return error being (pkg/errors or context.Error()) if it contains stack trace then it should return that stack trace. On other env, trace is hidden.

  • feature: Move MIME support out of internal

    feature: Move MIME support out of internal


    Currently MIME support is through mail/internal/mail/message.go, an internal package. So if I wanted to create my own Sender/BatchSender implementation with MIME support, I would need to duplicate code. Options I see:

    • Add a function to mail.Message to convert it to []byte with MIME data
    • Add a function to mail package that takes in a mail.Message and converts it to []byte with MIME data


    Additional Information

    No response

  • bug: buffalo.Options.Prefix does not work

    bug: buffalo.Options.Prefix does not work



    Buffalo version is: v0.18.12

    I want the buffalo server as a backend of nginx, and follow the instruction from #2022 , adding a Options.Prefix: '/prefix', then all request returns 404 no matter a '/prefix' is prepended in the request or not.

    I found this useful guideline to configure with the nginx https://gobuffalo.io/documentation/deploy/proxy/ , but the rule inside my organization requires a prefix route config.

    Expected Behavior

    Expected to configure a reverse proxy route with prefix .

    Actual Behavior

    web requests are broken after the prefix is configured. API requests should append a '/' char at the end of the path.

    To Reproduce

    1. Add a prefix in actions/App.go
    func App() *buffalo.App {
    	appOnce.Do(func() {
    		app = buffalo.New(buffalo.Options{
    			Env:         ENV,
    			SessionName: "_tmon_session",
    			Prefix:      "/prefix/",
    1. run buffalo routes to verify:

    before adding prefix:

      % buffalo routes
    METHOD | HOST                  | PATH                    | ALIASES | NAME                   | HANDLER
    ------ | ----                  | ----                    | ------- | ----                   | -------
    GET    | | /                       |         | rootPath               | proj/actions.HomeHandler
    POST   | | /api/v1/user/users/     |         | apiV1UserUsersPath     | proj/actions/user.CreateUserHandler

    after adding the prefix:

    % buffalo routes
    METHOD | HOST                  | PATH                           | ALIASES | NAME                         | HANDLER
    ------ | ----                  | ----                           | ------- | ----                         | -------
    GET    | | /prefix/                       |         | prefixPath                   | proj/actions.HomeHandler
    POST   | | /prefix/api/v1/user/users/     |         | prefixAPIV1UserUsersPath     | proj/actions/user.CreateUserHandler
    1. check the welcome page, the returned links do not contain the '/prefix':
    % curl -L
    <a href="assets/">assets/</a>
    <a href="robots.txt">robots.txt</a>
    # but , with an ending '/' , returns 404.
    1. redirected with 301 code to then 404 code.

    2. works.

    3. The API works only postpended with '/'.

    This causes a 404 code :

    curl -XPOST -L

    this works :

    curl -XPOST -L

    Additional Context


    Paste the output of `buffalo info` here!
  • feature: How to set a popup window after executing remote:true

    feature: How to set a popup window after executing remote:true


    How to set a popup window after executing remote:true

    <a href="/xx" data-remote="true" onsuccess??>

    Additional Information

    No response

  • feature: Add cron-style periodic worker support

    feature: Add cron-style periodic worker support


    Cron-style periodic workers are required by many applications. Less robust solutions can be concocted with PerformIn, which leaves room for a more explicit way to express job run periods.

    Additional Information

    I opened this Issue to reference https://github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo/pull/2308

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